A/N: Yet again, the first part of this chapter is set in Hermione's point of view....I originally intended for it to be all in Harry's. But here goes chapter 25....it feels so good to be writing fairly regularly again!!!! A lot of fluff...nothing important, just a character building chapter....a fairly long chapter...took me two days to write! I actually meant for it to include the next few days but I just kept writing about the breakfast. More substance will be in the next chapter, which I will promptly write after this uploads. Please enjoy and review!

Drinking Jones soda.....yummm....

Chapter 25: The Picnic and the Tryouts

Hermione's alarm clock rang promptly at seven in the morning. However, Hermione was already awake, eager to get out of the hospital wing for a few hours. She shut it off and picked up the Compact Caller that Harry had given her, tapped it with her wand and said, "Harry". A few seconds later the fogginess in the mirror slipped away and she saw a very sleepy Harry in the picture screen.

"Why are you calling me in the middle of the night?" he grumbled.

"Well for one thing, it is seven o'clock in the morning--"

"Like I said, the middle of the night--"

"--- and for another thing, you're supposed to pick me up in two hours! Now I need you to do something for me," she said, grinning.

"With pleasure," he replied semi-sarcastically.

"Right little ray of sunshine in the morning, are you now?"

"Not everyone can be as perky as you, you know....and even you have your moments."

"You know if I was there right now, I would smack you."

"Yeah like you did Malfoy in our third year.... anyway what is it that you needed?"

"Right then...um.... oh yeah can you run up and ask Lavender to come up here?"

"Hermione, I hate to break it to you, but most normal people are asleep at seven in the morning."

"Not Lavender. She usually gets up at six and does this exercise thing or something.... just nip up and fetch her, then will you?"

"As you wish, Your Majesty...." he grumbled. "I'll say goodbye...no more calling me...I'll see you at nine."

" Okay, and tell her to bring the stuff alright? Bye,"she said, hanging up on a confused looking Harry. She settled back to wait for Lavender, chuckling to herself.

"....and she says she wants you to bring the stuff...whatever that is...." Harry finished lamely.

Lavender grinned. "It's not drugs or anything weird....you'll see when you pick her up."

"Okay, I was really confused for a bit."

"It's okay...now scoot before someone finds you here!" She pushed him towards the door.

"No problem.... I'm going to bed!"

Lavender strolled into the hospital wing (quietly, so as not to disturb Madam Pomfrey though).

"Hey," she called to Hermione. "I brought you some clothes, makeup, shampoo and blow dryer....and my wand of course."

"Wand? What for?"

"Well, it's not a good idea to not carry it, and I also found a spell to cover your rash too...at least for a while."

"Do you have anything to cover scars too?" Hermione said glumly.

"What do you mean?"

"Madam Pomfrey said that she'll do everything she can to keep my face from scarring but other areas will be to hard to get rid of. My arms and legs....."

"Oh Hermione I'm sorry."

"I haven't told the boys. I don't want anyone pitying me any more than they already do. Besides, if they're my real friends then they won't care."

"They are," Lavender replied. The two sat in silence for awhile.

Hermione spoke up first. "Well let's get started then shall we?"

Lavender smiled and stood up. "Of course."

As nine o'clock rolled around, Hermione and Lavender were seated in Hermione's curtained off area, chatting when a sharp rap came from the window. Both girls peered curiously at the offending window. Lavender hopped up, crossed the room and opened the window. She gave a surprised chuckle and turned to Hermione.

"Your guests are here."

"What? But we're not on a ground level, how could they possi--" she stopped short. Two boys, one raven-haired, one red-headed flew into the room. "Oh, I should have known..." She grinned.

"Surprise!" the two boys said.

"We brought two extra brooms for you and Lavender to fly on...we figured she would be glad to join us!" Harry said.

"Only one problem Harry," Hermione said dolefully. "I can barely walk without getting tired, let alone hang onto a broom."

"No problem," he said, Banishing the broom back to the broom shed. "You'll ride with me then. I trust that Lavender can fly on her own?" He looked towards Lavender.

"Of course," she said. "No problem."

"Well let's get going shall we? I'll tell Madam Pomfrey that we'll have you back by one at the latest." Ron said. He ran off.

Hermione was struggling valiantly to get out of bed. Lavender went over to help her.

'Maybe this wasn't a good idea after all,' Harry thought. He could see that her illness had taken a lot out of her. Lavender was having to help her walk. There was one thing different though....

"Hermione, what happened to your skin? It's..."

"Normal again? Lavender's idea. That's the 'stuff' I was talking about....but the charm took so long to cover up of the green, I didn't have time to put on make-up. Lavender helped me get ready though."

"Here let me get her Lavender," he said, as he began to see that Lavender was faltering under Hermione's arm. As he slipped an arm around Hermione's waist, he realized that there was less of it-- so much that it was alarming. Her legs underneath the skirt Lavender had helped her change into were so thin and weak-looking, it was no surprise that she couldn't walk. Her arms were very thin and her sweater was like a pillowcase on her. But otherwise she looked like his old friend Hermione-- bushy hair and all.

"You look so normal Hermione," he said. "And you are beautiful without makeup," he added in an undertone, so that only she could hear. She grinned and flushed a bit.

"I didn't want the potential Gryffindor team members to be distracted by the girl with green skin and a hospital gown on," she laughed. She finally reached the windowsill and sat on the edge. Harry saw that her brown eyes lit up when the sun hit her face.

"Hermione we'll be right back...we're going to see what's taking Ron so long," Harry said, grabbing Lavender's wrist. "Just sit there and don't move."

"Okay!" she smiled and looked out the window. The sun shining on her face made her hospital pallor stand out.

As he walked Harry glanced back at her, eyes running from her pronounced cheekbones to her baggy sweater to her thin ankles.

"Why is she so thin? She didn't look that bad while she's been sitting in here and she hasn't been sick for that long!" Harry whispered urgently to Lavender.

"Madam Pomfrey said that she hardly wants to eat and that mostly she sleeps except when you two are in here. She tires out really easily. She had to sit down every once in awhile while I was getting her dressed, to rest."

"Maybe we shouldn't do this then..." he said hesitantly, looking back at his friend who was grinning into the sunshine.

"Oh no! Don't do that! She's been so excited all morning about this...she talked about it non-stop! All she wanted to talk about was you... and Ron of course as well. Just....don't do that to her!" Lavender exclaimed.

"Alright, alright. We'll just have to take it easy then won't we?"

"Yes, well-- here comes Ron," Lavender said brightly. "Put on a good face for her then will you?" she asked imploringly of Harry.

"Yes." He turned around to Hermione. "Well then shall we get a move on?"

"Of course!" she said excitedly. He reached his friend and offered his arm. Ron and Lavender mounted their brooms and left, saying that they would meet them there.

Harry helped her to his broom and began to pick her up to place her on the broom when she said,

"I can get on myself you know.... even if I can't walk too well, I can still mount a broom!" she said laughingly. Harry flushed.

"Sorry Hermione." She mounted the broom and he got on behind her, to keep a better hold on her.

"Ready?"he said. She nodded and he kicked off from the ground and soared out the window.

After about fifteen minutes of flying, Hermione was wondering where in the world he was taking her, although she was enjoying flying over the lake and over the forest, the sunlight enhancing their colors. And although she didn't want to admit it to herself, she was enjoying the feeling of Harry's arm around her waist, and his soft breathing on the back of her neck. About five minutes later when she was about to open her mouth to ask where on earth he was taking her, he spoke. As if reading her mind, he pointed out in front of her.

"That's where we're headed."

She squinted and saw another lake glinting in the sunshine, past the Forbidden Forest.

"Are you sure we're allowed to be there?" she asked. "I've never seen that lake before."

"Yes of course, I checked. After all I can't be a prefect and break the rules now can I?"

She grinned and as they drew closer she saw two waving figures....Ron and Lavender, a picnic blanket spread beside them, right on the edge of the lake.

"Harry, did you plan all this last night?" she asked.

"Well, yes...with some help from Ron," he admitted. He began to pull up as they neared the ground. They landed softly on the grass. Ron helped Hermione down and Harry climbed off after her. Lavender helped her to sit down on the blanket and Harry and Ron began taking dishes out of a box that Ron had brought with him.

"Are we eating breakfast here?" Hermione asked Harry.

"Yeah, I got Dobby to hook us up to the same system that they use to send food up to the tables in the Great Hall. Except I asked for a favor--"

"A favor?" Hermione said, cutting him off. "Don't you think that was enough of a favor?" Harry and Ron grinned at each other. "When will I get it into your heads that I disapprove of people mistreating elves because they--"

"Don't you think we thought of that too, Hermione?" Ron asked, exasperated.

"I asked to be able to cook something on my own," Harry said.

"The boys made you pancakes Hermione! Your favorite," Lavender said, pulling off the cover on an enormous plate of steaming chocolate chip pancakes.

Hermione stared at both boys, open-mouthed. "You two did this...for me?"

"Yep...well, mostly Harry's idea. Still you've had a rough couple of days, so we thought a picnic breakfast beside an undiscovered lake was just the thing to cheer you up!" Ron said.

"Now eat up before they get cold and those two boys were cooking like mad--the hour before they got you--- for nothing!" Lavender said. She scooped pancakes onto everyone's plate and they began eating, talking and laughing.

"I haven't eaten this much in a week," Hermione groaned, clutching her stomach. She looked over at Lavender who was in a similar position as Hermione.... flat on her back, clutching her stomach.

"Whoever Harry and Ron marry will never have to cook...those were the best pancakes I've ever eaten!" Lavender said.

"Guys you only ate three pancakes. You can't be that full," Ron said, still shoveling pancakes into his mouth. Harry shook his head at Ron.

"Are you almost finished?" Harry asked Ron. "I want to go swimming!"

"Alright, alright hold your horses mate, I'm almost done!" Ron put the last bit into his mouth, set his fork and knife down and stood up. "Ready," he said.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to wait thirty minutes after you eat to go swimming? Besides what are you going to swim in?" Hermione said worriedly.

"Hermione, that's just an old Muggle saying. Nothing ever happens!" Ron said.

"Besides we wore our swim trunks underneath!" Harry said. "It'll get him loosened up for try-outs."

"Ugh don't remind me! I'm nervous enough!"

Both boys stripped off, down to their swim trunks underneath and Harry removed his glasses. Both girls watched in awe as the two boys raced to the lake and cannonballed into the gray-blue waters of the lake.

Lavender leaned over to Hermione and said, "How can they eat that much and still look like THAT?" She stared openly at Ron's fit looking stomach, while Hermione watched Harry's arm muscles flex as the two boys roughhoused in the water.

"Must be all that Quidditch Harry plays...I dunno about Ron..." Both girls stared at the boys for a few moments before turning to their empty plates.

"Let's clear this away shall we?" Lavender said, still glancing at the boys in the lake, who were seemingly rough-housing and showing off, but were secretly planning.

"All we have to do is put them in the box and the will be sent back to Dobby in the kitchens..." Lavender said. "He really doesn't mind, Hermione," she added seeing her friend's skeptical face.

Just then the two girls heard a shout. They turned to look. Harry was yelling for them to help.

"It's Ron! He went under! I can't find him! I'm not that good of a swimmer! Help me find him!"

"GO!!!" Hermione cried to Lavender. The girl took off running, peeling off her sweater, revealing a just a thin T-shirt underneath and shorts on her legs as her only protection against the cold waters of the lake. Hermione got up and jogged feebly behind her. Lavender dived in. Hermione reached the lake and watched her friend dive over and over again. Her expression changed from one of worry to one of anger when Lavender went down again and Harry began laughing and Ron came up beside Harry in the lake, laughing as well.

"Gotcha!" Ron yelled, when Lavender came up.

"Were you two playing a trick on us?" Hermione said furiously.

"Of course....you didn't think he was really drowning did you?" Harry asked.

"Yes we did!" Lavender said furiously. She swam back to the side of the lake and climbed out, T-shirt and shorts clinging wetly to her shivering body. She and Hermione began marching back to the blanket. Hermione picked up her friend's sweater and handed it to her.

"Wait! Wait!" Harry called behind them. "We're sorry! We didn't mean to make you mad! It was just a joke!"

"Yeah a really bad one," Hermione said scathingly.

"Hermione wait!" he said catching her arm. Lavender kept on while Ron ran up to her.

"I'm sorry! I didn't think you would take it so seriously!" Harry said, while Ron began apologizing to Lavender similarly.

"Well, I did," she said, beginning to walk away again. When he caught her arm again, she stumbled and he pulled her back up. He pulled her into a bear-hug.

"Will you forgive me?" he asked imploringly. "Please? I planned this all out and I didn't mean to ruin it, please still come with me to try-outs?"

Hermione made a muffled sound against him. "What?" he asked.

"I said only if you let go of me! You're soaking wet!" she said, laughing.

"You think that's wet? Let's see!" He bent down and scooped up her legs. He began walking towards the lake.

"Harry no! I don't want to get wet! No--no!" she cried, kicking her legs and struggling to be let go. He reached the edge of the lake and made like he was going to throw her in, but she tightened her hold on his neck and he stopped.

"I forgive you," she said.

"Good," he said. He turned around and began carrying her back.

"Um, Harry?" Hermione said. He felt her breath on his neck and it sent goosebumps down his already wet back.

"Yes?" Harry asked.

"I can walk on my own."

"Oh, right then." He put her down but she still leaned on his arm. When they reached Ron and Lavender, Ron looked sheepishly at Hermione. She glared at him.

"You had me really worried you know!" she said putting her arms around him.

"I'm sorry. We were just having a bit of fun," he said.

"Yeah, well-- don't do it again," she said warningly. She stood on her tiptoes, kissing him on the cheek.

"I won't," he said, grinning.

"Well let' get going to the Quidditch pitch, shall we?" Lavender said.

"Of course," Harry said. "Up!" he called with his hand stretched out over his broom. "Climb on Hermione. We have to get you a good seat to watch from."

A minute later, after cleaning up their area, the four teens on three brooms set off back towards the school grounds.

After settling Hermione down with Lavender in the stands, Harry and Ron made their way down to the Quidditch pitch



"Why are you flirting with Lavender? I thought you liked Rachel."

"Well, I do-- I mean I don't know if-- well it's not easy to decide between to beautiful girls."

"Yeah, especially when both beautiful girls seem to like you," Harry teased.

"Well it's not like you have such a difficult decision. You like one girl and she likes you back!"

"What are you going on about?"

"Hermione likes you, and you like her, whether you want to acknowledge it or not."

Harry opened his mouth to say something, but by then they had reached the pitch and Angelina had already clapped Harry on the back, leading him off to the rest of the team. A few people showed up from Gryffindor and a few from other houses too. They congregated around Hermione asking after her well-being. Rachel turned up and Harry saw Ron stand a little straighter when he saw her show up next to Hermione. When everyone had finally assembled there, Angelina pointed her wand at her throat and muttered "Sonorus" (just as Bagman had last year in the tournament, Harry thought), turned to the potential Keepers, and spoke to them and so that the people in the stands could hear as well.

"There is one spot open on the Gryffindor team for a Keeper. That is what you hopefully are all here for," she said. "We will be playing a regular game pretty much, except that George Weasley will be taking my place as Chaser, so that Harry, Fred and I can watch from above, to see how you are doing. Katie, George and Alicia will be seeing how comfortable they are with you as teammates and then after everyone has had their turn as Keeper, we will take a short break and then tell you our decision. There will be no bias for family members." Fred and George grinned at each other. "Sound fair?" she asked. When everyone nodded, she said, "Good. Now mount your brooms. Gregory will start off and the rest will line up behind me. When I blow this whistle, the playing Keeper will move and the next one will step into play. Got it? Good. Everyone up on three....one, two..three!" The players rose in the air. She pointed to her throat and muttered, "Quietus".

She tossed the ball to Alicia, who passed to George, who streaked up the pitch to the goals. Harry began to wonder why George hadn't been a chaser instead of a Beater...he was good! He continued watching the play beneath him, unaware that he himself was being watched.

"Harry's cute Hermione. Is he yours?" Rachel asked, looking up at Harry. He waved down to Hermione. She waved back.

"What-- what do you mean, 'yours'?" Hermione asked, taken aback. "He's my friend of course."

"Yes but is that it?"

'I wish it weren't,' Hermione said in her head. But out loud, she said, "Yes."

"We have to get them together though Rachel. I think they both like each other," Lavender said. "He really is a sweetheart to her."

"Yeah, he is. He is forever visiting me in the hospital wing," Hermione said, watching him dreamily.

"He planned that party for her and got her out of the hospital wing to come watch the try-outs," Lavender told Rachel quietly, as they watched Hermione stare up at Harry. "We have to figure out a way to get them together...Ginny will help, I'm sure." Just then she saw Dean, Seamus and Neville listening intently to their whispered conversation. She gave them a look that told them plainly not to repeat what they had heard. However, the boys disregarded it and planned to tell Ron later.

Hermione gasped when Harry turned to glance at her and she was caught like a deer in headlights in his piercing green eyes. The embarrassment of being caught caused her to flush, and when she did, she noticed the charm begin to slip away on her fingers, so they became tinged a bit green again.

"As soon as this is over, I have to go back to the hospital. I don't want anyone to have to look at me when I have green all over me." She showed her fingers to Lavender.

"Alright. But let's stay and find out who makes it, can we?" Lavender asked.

"Of course! Ooh look! Ron's up!" All three girls turned rapt attention to Ron.... only Hermione was watching him play as a friend...the other two had something more than friendship on the brain with him.

As Harry began watching the Keepers he realized that he wasn't really sure what he was supposed to be watching for. He always just thought that as long as thy kept the offending team's goals out that they were good. As the play progressed, and they began moving through the Keepers, he had a fairly good idea, especially after Ginny, who pulled some amazing moves to keep the goals out. He also found himself glancing at Hermione once in awhile to make sure she was alright and to just be looking at her. Once, he looked over and found himself caught in her brown eyes, and the shock and embarrassment of being caught looking at her, caused him to slip sideways on his broom. When Ron came up, he paid a little closer attention. although he was good, just like most of the people. But somehow he found himself trying to make a decision between Ginny and a tall, thin, blond fifth year named Will Corner, who was also a cut above the rest.

When the last Keeper had gone, Angelina gathered her players around on the ground to discuss.

"Well what do you think?" she said.

"I can't decide between Ginny and that fifth year, Will Corner. What do you guys think?" Harry put in first.

"Good. What about you two?" Angelina asked Fred and George.

"Seriously?" George said.

"Ron or Ginny," Fred finished, speaking for the two twins.

"Alright... Katie?"

"Ron or Ginny."

"And Alicia?"

"Ginny or Will."

"And I think Will or Ginny. Well that's three votes for Will, three votes for Ron and six for Ginny. I guess Ginny is our new team member!" Angelina said. "Agreed?" Everyone nodded and she called back the people trying out. After "Sonorus"-izing her voice to be heard in the stands, she spoke.

"Although we saw a lot of talent out there, but since we only have one spot open, we're going to have to give it to one person. Those of you who didn't make it can try out next year for different spots....after all, five of us will be gone! So we as a team have decided that the new Keeper will be...Ginny Weasley! Congratulations!"

Everyone clapped politely and turned away. Will Corner seemed particularly miffed that a girl had beaten him, so as he walked away, he kicked the dirt. Everyone in the stands began pouring down onto the field.

Ron looked at Harry who was standing alone, waiting for the girls. He walked over and said, simply and quietly, "Why can't you ever let me have something I want, just once? Prefect, Hermione and now this...everything is yours. I thought we were friends... I guess I thought wrong." He turned and walked away, towards the lake. Harry gaped after him, people clearing off the field and some escorting Ginny back to the castle. A few seconds later, Hermione tapped him on the shoulder.

"What's up with him?" she asked.

Harry turned to find that Rachel was there with her and that Lavender had left with Dean and some other people from Gryffindor.

"He says that I get everything. I think he wishes he wasn't my friend anymore...." he trailed off.

"Where'd he go?" Rachel asked.

"I think off around the lake or something....I dunno."

"I'll try to find him," Rachel offered, and off she ran.

"Harry it's not your fault. Ginny deserved to get the spot. Don't feel bad," Hermione comforted.

"I know.... I wish he didn't think I enjoyed being famous or whatever. I'll try to talk to him later, when he's making sense," he said. He looked down at Hermione and saw that the green was creeping up the side of her face...the charm was wearing off quickly. She looked tired. His little outing was wearing her out."Hermione, I think it's time to get you back to the hospital wing."

"I think it is too. I don't want anyone to see me with the rash. Malfoy'll be horrible if he sees it."

Harry thought for a moment. "I've got an idea. I can't get in the hospital wing by flying...there's no one to open the window for me." He Banished his Firebolt back to his dormitory. "We'll have to walk."

"You're getting good at that one," Hermione commented. He grinned.

"Well, I had a good teacher." He bent down and scooped her up in his arms again.

"You like doing that don't you?" she said, smirking at him.

"Yeah. It makes me feel gallant," he said. She giggled. "Turn your face in. No one will see the rash then."

She obediently turned her head in and they set off for the castle. After a few minutes, the steadiness of his walking lulled her into closing her tired eyes. she folded into the way he was holding her and soon was asleep. As he reached the school, he was getting funny looks, but all he could think about was the feeling of the welcome pressure he felt from her sitting in his arms, and he reveled in it. When he reached the hospital wing, he stood in front of her bed for a few moments, not wanting to put her down With a great sigh he laid he gently down and pulled off her shoes. The foreign movement woke her and her eyes opened. Her skin was totally green again.

"Thanks Harry. For everything....the party, for visiting me all the time, for this. I'm so glad that we've become better friends. I kind of used to feel like a third wheel with you and Ron."

"You shouldn't have," Harry said, brushing her hair back from her face.

"But I did. And now I don't. So thanks."

"No problem. Now go to sleep and I'll come visit later...hopefully with Ron in tow!" he said, tucking the blankets around her. She smiled sleepily at him and said, "See you later."

Her eyes were closed in sleep before he even pushed aside the curtains.