Welcome back!

That's both for me and you. Man, I haven't uploaded on here in, what, months? Things have been horribly busy back home, what with me changing college in the middle of the year, then our yard gets dug up, and now the Corona Crisis? Something you guys and gals might not know, but I live in Belgium, and we've been practically grounded in our homes by the government. Crazy, right?

Anyways, at least that means more time for me to work on my stories! I do hope you'll enjoy this chapter. We're getting closer to the end of the first Arc, people!

Enjoy, and I'll catch you later.

Disclaimer: I do not own Teen Titans or Danny Phantom. Both parties belong to their respective creators!

Danny managed to catch himself before he fell over the edge of the building, flipping mid-air and sending a blind blast towards the source of the one that knocked him out of his meditation and his thoughts.

It missed the dark figure in the evening light, standing on the rooftop of the tower. A sound like that of a horn followed, and a wave of sound was send into the halfa's direction. Danny yelped as he narrowly dodged before sending a series of blasts into the mysterious figure's direction.

Out of the ones he fired, a few hit and send the person flying across the rooftop before sliding to a stop near the edge. An item was flung from his hands, bounced around before stopping at the entrance of the rooftop.

Danny flew over, hand glowing, blazing with green fire. He landed with his feet planted at either side of the figure, hand aimed point-blank at the spot where their heart would be.

With the light from the blast charged in his hand, the teen finally got a clear view of the person who had attacked him.

It was a brown-skinned man, wearing a decorated blue cape and hood, a silver mask hiding his identity. His blue suit had the symbol of a horn printed on in silver, silver lines adorning the sides. The man grit his teeth, sending a fist clad in silver padded gloves in Danny's direction. Danny dodged to the side, but a kick in his stomach send the halfa off-balance, stepping away with a grimace and allowing the other guy to get back up.

With a cry the man ran up, a fist already set. Danny growled in the back of his throat, his own fists blazing with energy.

Before either side could strike, though, a black barrier appeared between the two. The man's fist impacted, but it did nothing besides causing him to flinch and shake his hand with a muttered curse. Danny managed to stop before his attack would connected, stumbling back a little because of the surprise.

Raven walked out from the open door of the rooftop access, a silver trumpet in her hand. She sighed, shaking her head, before offering the item to the brown-skinned man.

"It's alright, Herald. He's with me."

"Raven?" The man – Herald – asked with a shocked look, accepting his trumpet nonetheless. He turned to the halfa looking between the two, both now breathing heavily and with a frown on their faces.

"You know this guy, Raven?" Danny asked, motioning to Herald. The barrier between the two went down once Raven made sure that neither are going to attack each other.

"I do, Danny. This is Herald, he's an Honorary Titan and I contacted him to help me with our 'problem'. I didn't think he'd be here so soon, though." Raven explained, assuring Danny that nothing is wrong. The teenage boy gave Herald a squinted look before huffing a breath, conceding. Herald chuckled at the kid's acting, walking up to him and offering a hand.

"The name's Herald, but Raven already said that. You're Danny, right?"

Danny accepted the handshake, frown softened but not lifting just yet. He didn't trust the guy who decided to shoot him without any seeming reason. "Yeah, Danny Phantom."

Herald blinked, eyes widened before he busted out a laugh. At the questioning looks from the two he wiped away a tear in his eye before explaining. "The Danny Phantom? I heard of you, man! Guy who saved the world! Sorry I didn't recognize you!"

Danny's frowned lifted after that, a smirk slowly appearing on his face. 'Alright, maybe he isn't so bad as I thought.' "Really? I would have thought it's pretty obvious, with the logo and all." He motioned to the DP on his chest.

"Sorry. I heard of you, I've just never seen you. You're… A lot younger than I previously thought. Didn't think they were being serious about the whole 'teenage hero' stuff in the tabloids."

The halfa shrugged, undeterred. It isn't the first time people are surprised with his age. He's only sixteen and already saved the world once. That doesn't happen very often. 'Weren't the Titans the first teen heroes back in the day, though? Maybe that's why Raven wasn't surprised when I revealed myself.'

"Let's go before the others wake up and start getting worried." Raven stated, heading towards the access. Danny nodded and followed after, Herald last and the one to close the door. As they walked down the stairs leading towards the hall, Herald couldn't help the questions.

"So, why do you need me? Nothing against you, Raven, but I wouldn't think there's much you'd need my help for. And how come you've been missing for the past thirteen years?!"

Raven sighed, brushing her hair a little, anything to keep herself grounded. It's late, and she hasn't had the time yet to meditate, the moment she felt Danny's emotions shift from calm to surprised she'd gone up to the roof so she could see what was going on, what could have caught the half-ghost boy off-guard like that.

"I need your help to access the dimension where we were trapped in. I managed to get out by pure luck, but I need someone who knows how to do this stuff to be able to get the others out."

"And why's he here?" Herald asked, pointing at Danny. The halfa frowned, giving a gesture that translated into 'what am I, chopped liver?', but otherwise stayed silent. He wasn't sure how much Raven is willing to share with the Honorary Titan. Who even is aware that she has a daughter?

"He's friends with Sam."

The horn-playing hero had to do a double-take at that before turning his bewildered gaze towards the teen. "You're friends with Raven's daughter? No one knew what even happened to her! I mean, after we found out that she was with the Titans East, well, everyone thought it'd simply be a game of waiting to see how long the main-team would be gone, but… When news spread that Samantha went missing, things spiraled down quickly."

"We didn't know anything after that. For the past thirteen years, we've just been doing our own thing. It's kind of the reason why no one acted when that Disasteroid thing appeared, you know. We didn't have anyone to lead us! Normally it'd be Nigthwing, but by then everyone had kind of accepted that you weren't coming back this time around." Herald finished with a sigh as they stepped into the OP-Center, joining Raven in sitting on the couch. Danny moved so he was floating in front of them, legs crossed and leaning back like he was relaxing on a lounger.

"I figured as much. I'm… Sorry it took so long. For us it was only a few years, I never could have imagined that a whole decade had gone by for you guys, more even." Raven admitted softly, sighing and slumping a bit in her spot. Herald gave her a sympathetic look. It isn't often Raven is so open with her feelings, but he guesses that things have been hectic ever since the empath returned.

"I get it, man. So, what's the plan? We're doing this thing now or…" He trailed off, tossing his hand in the air to show he isn't exactly sure what to do. Sure, he can make portals into other dimensions, but without something to ground him or a hint as to where the other Titans are, there isn't much he can do besides blindly opening portals and hoping for the best.

Raven shook her head. "No, we'll do it tomorrow. It's late, and I rather get some sleep before we give this a try." She explained, pointing out the obvious whilst adding her own reason. Herald nodded, only now noticing that Raven looked beat for the day. He got up and gave a wave at the two before heading towards the spare bedrooms. Raven quickly directed him to the one not occupied right now by Tucker (or where the Manson's are sleeping, seeing as Danny couldn't bring them back to Amity), Danny's friend and Sam's second best friend. Herald didn't ask further and left with the doors closing behind him, leaving Raven and Danny alone in the large room.

Danny floated down so he was standing, a soft look in his eyes that grew a little when Raven yawned. He had read a few things about the goth, and one of those is that she doesn't show much emotion, as is her image. He didn't have to be a genius to guess that her acting right now is a bit out-of-character, prove of just how exhausting everything has been for the heroine.

"I know I'm not really one to complain, seeing as I hardly get four hours of sleep back home, but maybe it's time to get some rest?" He proposed with a shrug and a well-hidden grin. Raven nodded as she got up, stifling another yawn and rubbing her eyes lightly.

"Perhaps that isn't a bad idea."

And so, for the rest of that night, a large part of Titans Tower experienced how it's like to be lived in again, after thirteen years of standing abandoned.

Morning came almost unexpectedly, those who aren't true morning people groaning in their beds. Danny had to physically pull Sam out of her rough bed made of cushions and blankets in her old room, seeing as the bed standing in it is made for kids and she's outgrown it by a longshot. Tucker laughed at the way the young goth's hair was stuck in all different ways, and he payed for it when he received a kick in the shin that left a mark, courtesy of Sam's steel-tipped combat boots. The Manson's were left in their room with something to eat, told to wait by Raven. No one wanted them around during the big moment.

"Nothing, and I mean nothing, about my hair." Sam threatened with a hiss before leaving towards where her mom told her the bathrooms are. Danny snickered at his best friend as he flipped another pancake onto an already good-sized stack. When they had asked Raven to cook Herald had quickly intervened, revealing that the cloaked Titan can't cook even if her life depended on it.

"I can make tea." Raven protested with a huff when the masked hero stated as much, placing her cup down so she could cast the horn-wielding hero a burning look.

"Tea isn't exactly cooking…" Tucker stated off-handedly, trailing off when he noticed the way Raven's eyes flashed white. He yelped when the stool he was sitting on suddenly collapsed into itself. Danny looked over the counter at the stunned techno-geek with a chuckle.

"Now we know where Sam gets it from."

He merely blinked when Sam (hair fixed and face refreshed) passed him, giving him an uphanded slap on his head. She stared at him for a moment, expecting a reaction, and ended up walking towards the water-boiler with a huff when all she got was a sheepish grin. 'Damn! I can't threaten Danny the way I used to! Stupid powers sometimes.'

Herald blinked at the trio their interactions and turned to Raven with a questioning look. She shrugged, her eyes conveying the message of 'don't look at me' clearly. She simply sipped her tea, ignoring the banter going on between the two teen boys.

After having a filling breakfast, courtesy to Danny's incredible cooking skills, everyone followed after Raven as she left towards the elevator. They tried to get in together, but in the end Danny was the only one left standing outside. He frowned and looked across the space of the elevator before shrugging and phasing into the floor, disappearing. Raven blinked, a bit surprised, as she watched the spot where the halfa disappeared.

Sam rolled her eyes at her boyfriend's antics and pressed the button to the ground floor, doors closing before the elevator descended downwards.

No one was surprised that, once there, Danny was already waiting at the exit with a grin. Sam flipped him the finger as she passed him, the first to head outside. Tucker grinned back before following, leaving the two adult heroes to stare questioningly at Danny.

He shrugged, undeterred at his girlfriend's reaction. "She does that all the time when she's in a mood. You learn to live with it."

Raven rolled her eyes fondly. Honestly, although surprised at what her daughter did, she couldn't exactly start complaining. She still remembers her own time as a teenager, cursing whenever possible and not unperturbed to doing some foul gestures whenever she felt like it. Doesn't mean she was cold and spiteful, that was just the way her moods worked. 'Guess Sam did inherit a few of my old mannerisms.'

Once outside, Raven started marking out a circle with a stone she chipped from a nearby boulder with her powers, the large rock was one that Cyborg sometimes used during outside training. He wouldn't mind. Once the circle was done she walked to one side, Herald going to another, but leaving the other side of the circle opposite of Raven clear.

The cloaked Titan put her hood up, her eyes lighting up in an eerie glow. She stretched her hands out and started muttering incantations under her breath. Darkness started swirling around her hands and arms, a spark starting to flash in the center of the circle.

"Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos… Azarath. Metrion. Zinthos…"

It changed from a spark into something akin to a rip in the air after a moment, unfathomable colors shining inside and beyond. Herald nodded at it with approval, face set in a serious line. He took his horn and started playing, a few waves forming in front before channeling towards the dimensional rip.

With a flash and a loud bang, the rip suddenly expanded into a large, circular hole in space, beyond it a forested world veiled in an eerie blood-red shadow, sky dark and empty beyond a few grayish clouds. Danny, Tucker and Sam gasped at the sight, and a shiver ran down their spines at the unsettling feeling that grim place gave them.

Raven scowled at seeing the world she was locked up in for all that time, once more. Still, she walked towards it and took a step inside before exchanging a glance with Herald to see how he's holding. He offered her a grin past his horn and a thumbs up, showing that he's able to keep this up for as long as she needs.

Raven took a breath, muttered, "Here we go." under her breath, and then walked inside fully. She floated up after surveying the surroundings, disappearing out of the four their sights.

A few moments passed, an uneasy silence hovering over the trio whilst Herald focused on keeping the portal open. After a few more terse moments, sounds started coming through. Danny frowned and approached a bit, glancing further inside. His eyes widened as he noticed a dust cloud way past the trees all around.

All of a sudden five figures appeared form the cloud, followed swiftly by what could only be explained to look like a mix between mammoths and gorilla's with red spikes sticking out of their back. Raven was up front, flying swiftly past the trees but keeping an eye on the four following after her in a life-depending sprint. She shouted something at them and pointed at the portal ahead.

Danny charged an ecto-blast in his hands, eyes narrowing as he watched their quick approach. Raven was first through, quickly followed by the four others. As soon as they left the portal Herald stopped playing, but just before it closed Danny send a blast inside, colliding with the hurdle of beasts and stopping them from reaching the closing portal. It snapped close with a blinding flash and a bang that rattled the air for a good half-minute.

Raven landed on the ground and quickly did a scan to see if everyone got through. She gave a startled yelp when a pair of strong, green arms wrapped around her and lifted the goth from the ground.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you! You're the best, Raven!"

Raven felt a trickle of sweat go down her face at the embarrassing act. She awkwardly patted her husband's head before he put her down.

Tucker stared, mouth gaping, as his mind slowly came to terms with the fact that the famous Titans are standing right in front of him. All of them!

Cyborg looked to be working a kink out of his shoulder, a wide grin on his face as he gazed around the island. The bulky hero took in a deep breath and let it out with pure relief, a weight lifting off his chest. A single tear fell from his human eye as he took in the rising sun.

Nightwing was trying to get Starfire to let go of him so he can breathe, the Tamaranean princess hugging her husband tightly whilst doing spins mid-air. Both couldn't help their overjoyed laughter, though, at finally being back home.

Beast Boy (although not a boy by any means) was crying tears of happiness as he held his wife close, peppering her face with kisses and ignoring Raven's protests at getting smothered like that. Despite her protesting at the very open display of affection, Raven couldn't get the small smile on her face wiped off. She's just happy that they're all finally back.

Herald smiled at the heroes whilst shaking his head at their antics, glad to finally see all of them back and together. Thirteen years of waiting have payed off, in the end.

Whilst all of this was going on, Danny had left the returned heroes in order to find Sam, who he had noticed was suddenly missing. He smiled softly when he found her in the large entrance room of the tower, sitting on a couch and looking through the open doors. She looked up at him and then away, trying to hide her expression. Danny simply stepped to the side and crouched so he could see her face.

Tears were brimming in her eyes, but a fearful, uncertain look dominated the rest. She sniffed and quickly wiped her eyes, trying to put up a brave face and failing miserably.

"Hey. Standard question: You okay?" He asked softly as the halfa sat down next to his girlfriend, putting an arm around her and giving the goth a reassuring squeeze and a kiss on her head.

"I… I… T-that's my dad, Danny. M-my real dad! And I-I know that I said I w-wanted to see him again, but… I… I'm scared. What if he doesn't recognize me? W-what if… If…"

If it was even possible, Danny's smile softened even more as he pulled Sam into his arms, giving his closest friend and love a tender kiss on the lips, silencing her stuttering. They touched forehead's after separating, Danny rubbing Sam's arms whilst hushing, gently helping the goth come down back to earth for a moment.

Once Sam calmed down enough to no longer stutter she offered Danny a small smile before pulling out of his arms and getting back up. She looked at where the team of heroes are still celebrating and gulped. The goth tried to move, but for some reason it felt like her feet were pinned down.

Danny chuckled softly as he noticed Sam's hesitance and stood up. He took her by the hand and gently pulled the goth along and back outside. When they reached the door the two watched the scene for a bit longer before Danny gave Sam a nudge, squeezing her hand in reassurance before letting go as she slowly walked down the steps.

Sam took a deep breath in, forcing the mess of emotions in her head to cool down. She didn't want a repeat from yesterday. Breathing out, she felt calm enough, and looked back up before regarding her mother.


Raven, who finally had forced her husband to let go using her powers and give her some personal space, was the first to turn at the call, quickly followed by Beast Boy. He blinked, taking notice of the young teenage girl standing at the steps going to Titans Tower. For a moment the gears in his head processed the scene and the call, why Raven reacted and why she was smiling so lovingly at the girl. The hair, the eyes, the girl's way of clothing…

When it clicked, tears started gathering in Beast Boy's eyes again, the bottom of his lip beginning to tremble just like his legs. Slowly, as if scared that this is nothing but a dream, the changeling took a step forwards. Sam looked up from the ground when she noticed, her violet eyes meeting watery green ones, and her smile turned softer, a bit weaker and also a bit fearful. How could he react? She doesn't know, and that honestly scared her. Not only because she really hopes he will recognize her, but also because of the fact that she doesn't know how her own dad would react!

She never, not in a million years, would have expected the gentle hug, nor for the man holding her to let out a whine like that of a dog. Tears were falling, but neither could tell from who as Beast Boy put his chin on top of the girl – his daughter – her head.


Sam didn't even realize that a small hiccup had worked its way into her throat, her own arms slowly wrapping around the man – her father – as the goth buries her face in his chest, hiding the tears flowing whilst nodding profusely.

"H-hey, Dad."

Beast Boy let out a breathy laugh as his grip tightened, his heart doing leaps in the air. He's right! It is her! Sam! He's got his daughter back!

"Sam. Sam! O-oh! Y-you're here! S-Sam! M-my little angel!"

Starfire was the first to realize what was going on when she noticed their green-skinned teammate crying and laughing whilst hugging a teenager. A gasp escaped her mouth, hands flying to cover it and subsequently dropping Nightwing on his ass. She turned to Raven, only managing to point at the duo holding each other tight, throat not working past the lump that had formed. Raven nodded her head softly before looking back at her husband and their daughter, reunited at last. Starfire squealed, joyfull tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Is that… Samantha?" Nightwing asked softly after recovering from the drop, head swiveling between the cloaked titan and the hysterically crying duo, his eyes blinking in disbelief. A wide grin slowly appeared on the team-leader's face and his hand ran through his hair, as the leader of the Titans tried to grasp what the hell is going on. Could it really be?

Neither of the two that were busy crying up a storm cared that they were being watched. Sam didn't care that she was positively going outside of her comfort-zone! She was just too happy to be reunited with her family, at last, after finding out already half a week ago!

And all Beast Boy cared about at that moment was that he's got his little girl back. He didn't care that she looked to be a teen, or that two other, unknown, teens are looking at them. He didn't care that Raven would use this as blackmail at some point, or that Cyborg might call him names for a week.

He's just happy – overjoyed in fact! – to have his little angel back!

Not everything was done, though. Far from.

Conversations were held, explanations made. Things were far from finished yet. Nightwing, after thirteen years of absence, has a lot to fix among the Titans scattered around the world. Herald was more than happy to provide transport if needed, but right now he had a job to do. Everyone agreed to leave the bigger issues for later.

Starfire wanted nothing more but to hug everyone and not let go, but she too has things to do. Checking in with her K'norfka for instance, making sure that Tamaran is alright. X'all knows how much Galfore might have missed her! But first the alien princess chose to listen as Raven explained what she had already found out since her return. What had changed.

Cyborg was busy doing system checks as he listened, making sure that Titans Tower is still functional. Basic functions luckily enough were intact, but a few things needed fixing and updating, and he wants to see how the T-car lasted after years of disuse. He was surprised when Tucker asked if the techno-geek could help. Even more so when he saw the kid's PDA, modern and updated and more advanced than the one's he remembers.

Beast Boy occasionally glanced to his side, where Sam was sitting, a mixture of disbelief and pure love in his eyes. His mind wasn't fully with Raven's explanation, still trying to fully grasp the fact that he's back. He's back and his daughter is here, a teen now and even dating! He'll have to interrogate the guy later, though.

Family first, after all.

"I still can't believe that thirteen years have passed." Nightwing muttered when Raven paused in her explaining. The team leader glanced out of the OP-center's windows, taking in the familiar sight of Jump City. He never realized how much this mattered until it was all taken away from him… "It's like nothing has changed."

"I'm surprised they haven't." Cyborg added with a shrug. Sam bit her lip, eyes darting between everyone.

"They… Made a monument. To remember you guys." She suddenly blurted out, shrinking in a little when everyone shot her surprised glances. Danny frowned, thinking.

"I think I saw it on the way here."

"A monument?" Nightwing uttered, dumbfound. He looked back, as if hoping to see it from here. There doesn't seem to be anything, but he can't tell with the distance and how busy Jump City is, naturally.

For a moment a deep silence filled the room, no one willing to break it. The full implications of what happened starting to sink in. So much has changed. Do people still remember the Titans? How has Jump City fared after their disappearance? Who of their enemies are still out there?

So many questions...

A ringtone interrupted the moment, startling a few back to reality. A few confused glances were made before Danny held his hand up, the other occupied with his phone. He frowned at the screen before answering.

"Jazz? What's up?"

A few murmurs rounded the room before Sam hissed at them all to be silent. Danny gave her a small nod of appreciation before turning back to the call. Slowly a frown appeared on his face as he listened.

"Are you sure? Can't mom and dad handle it? What about Val? She's got time plenty!"

Concern swirled in his eyes as he listened. Sam got up from her seat, followed by her parents. Beast Boy frowned as he looked between his daughter and her boyfriend. Raven tried to remain stoic, but inside she was just as worried as her daughter.

"I know. But... Yeah?"

Danny started tapping his feet, something both his friends recognized as a bad sign. Tucker walked away from where he'd been talking with Cyborg before the call came in. Sam passed the couch and went to stand within a few meters of her boyfriend, an inkling in her mind that's causing a swirl of emotions to start boiling in her stomach. For a moment she feared she might lose control again, but something - she guesses her mom - intervened and pressed down on the lid before it could burst open.

"Jazz, you know I can't just leave her! I've still got to bring the Manson's back, not to mention Tucker and-"

Danny cut off, swallowing as he spared a quick, uncertain glance towards Sam. What he heard at the other side made his eyes widen and his throat run dry.


A few words, but they were enough to silence the boy. At his side his unoccupied hand fisted together to the point his knuckles were turning white.

"I... I..."

And then the finishing line that punched the air out of his lungs. For a moment Danny felt weak to the knees, but he still managed a quick goodbye before ending the call. He stared at the screen for a moment, gaze empty. He nearly jumped when a hand landed on the fist at his side. He glanced over, meeting worried yet somehow knowing violet eyes.

"Danny?" Sam voiced, soft, fragile. In her head she knew what this meant, but she wasn't ready. Wasn't ready yet to accept the inevitable.

"I... I have to go back. T-Technus escaped, Skulker is making Val's life hell right now and other ghosts are causing mayhem! Mom and dad got Technus in the end, b-but people are wondering where I-I am and..." Danny trailed off, voice hitching in his throat. The back of his eyes burned to the point of painful, and the half-ghost was very much aware of all the gazes locked on him, both of them, some confused and others (Tucker) understanding. He wasn't fully surprised that Raven looked neutral, although he could see the burning in her eyes, the way they swirled with unspoken words and emotion.

Beast Boy had noticed too, a hand going to his wife's shoulder. She stilled despite not having moved, blinking as if clearing tears that didn't exist.

She only knew Danny for a total of two days, and she's already started to care? She's getting rusty...

At the side, though, he's the one Sam loves. She knows what it feels like, to face something you can't fight that will take away the one you love. She knows all to well...

"Danny. I... I..." Sam couldn't find the words, her voice cracking as she tried to find something to say, something that could make this better.

But, let's be real here. Can anything make this better? She might never see him again, or at least not that often. Jump City and Amity Park aren't close by, and she doesn't think that visits are easy when there isn't any way for a steady schedule. Not when you have heroes for parents and a ghost-hunter as a boyfriend.

What if they... Grow apart?

"I... I have to go." Danny muttered, voice cracking as if he was back to being fourteen and still dealing with newfound powers and a hurdle of trouble ahead of him. Sam called his name as he disappeared into the floor, but he didn't return. Tucker was there when it seemed like she was going to fall to her knees, and her parents were there too, Beast Boy hovering uncertain and Raven struggling to be the mother she needs without risking her control.

Yet, somehow, Sam never felt more alone.

Especially when it felt like something between her and Danny... Cracked.

Alright! That's it for today! I'm already working on proof-reading the next chapter before I decide to post it. Don't expect anything quick, though! I don't have an uploading shedule, so... Yeah.

This is mostly a hobby of mine, making stories. If you're interested, don't be shy to leave your opinion or give me prompts! I'm a man with a creative mind, but I'm not adverse to the concept of writing oneshots for both fandoms.

And with that said, I bid you all a good day (or night), and until next time!

P.S.: Don't forget to like and/or favorite! Whatever you chose.