Take two! I tried to upload this really early and I had some formatting issues that were bad! Anyways, weird idea that came to me in a dream. Good or bad let me know.

This will be a oneshot unless I get feedback saying to continue. So, please review :)

Keep walking. Don't look back. Blend in with this crowd, don't turn down the alley, don't cut through the shop. Keep moving. Don't look back.

These thoughts echoed through the head of the young woman walking through the congested street in Berlin. She could feel that familiar sensation in the back of her neck that she was being followed. She needed to lose her tail and quickly before she could get to the rendezvous point.

Quickly turning the corner, she slipped down a new alley that she knew had a quick escape route if she needed it. Ducking back into the shadows she waited, watching the front of the alley. Three minutes, that felt like a lifetime, went by before she saw them.

Three JSOC guys dressed in inconspicuous dark clothing came down the alley, weapons drawn, looking around cautiously. It looked like they had tasers and tranq guns, so they weren't there to kill. She could use that.

Carefully, slowly drawing her knife from her boot, she crouched down and waited, slowing her breathing down as a calm came over her. As one stepped within reach she reacted, driving the serrated blade into his thigh before grabbing his hand with the taser. She ripped the blade out and turned the taser into the guys neck, dropping him before quickly propelling herself up and kicking off the alley wall to Superman punch the next in line. She rolled out of it and tased the last, first connecting with his balls (which…ouch) before connecting it with his neck as she stood.

Smoothly grabbing a loose pipe off the ground, she connected it with the temple of the second one as he tried to stand, knocking him out completely. Just for safe measure, she grabbed his tranq gun and shot each once to give herself time to leave. Quickly wiping the blood off her knife, she put the blade away and left the alley. Taking a deep breath as she crossed the plaza and was almost to the other side when someone bumped into her suddenly causing her to stumble.

Surprisingly quick hands shot out and grabbed her arms to steady her.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" A male voice with an American accent said. "Are you okay?"

Turning quickly to face the voice, she looked into gentle brown eyes. "I'm fine." She said quickly stepping back.

The boy, who was about her age, blushed as he let go. "You're American." He said.

"So are you." She replied a little caught off guard by the kids open personality.

"Yeah." He laughed, smiling sweetly as he ran his fingers through his mop of brown hair. "Sorry about running into you like that. It's my first time in Berlin and I was making a video. I wasn't paying attention."

She chuckled light, quickly sweeping the area to make sure she wasn't being followed again. "It's no big deal." She said.

"Hey kid!"

They both looked up startled at the slightly overweight man in a suit, looking at them. The guy had a frazzled look to him, obviously private security.

"Come on!" The guy called impatiently.

"Coming!" The kid next to her called. He smiled at her again with one of those thousand-watt smiles that are like looking into the sun. "Sorry again. See you around, maybe, umm…"

"Kate." She offered unable to help her own smile. He's really cute.

The kid smiled brighter if that was possible. "Peter." He replied.

Kate offered a brief wave before she left, losing sight of them and knowing she'd never see the kid again. For now, she had somewhere she had to be.


Peter was having fun filming the locations he was getting to see on the way to the hotel. Happy hadn't said anything since they left New York about him filming so he continued to do it. So far, he loved being in Berlin, not even focusing on what was coming up.

As he turned around, taking a panoramic shot of the plaza, he bumped into someone, a girl. Panicking because he accidentally knocked into her too hard, he quickly caught her arms to steady her, trying not to grip her arms too tight. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry!" He said. "Are you okay?"

The girl who must have been close to his age, looked up, her brunette curls moving aside to reveal shocking blue-grey eyes that caught the sunlight creating a prism of colors. His breath caught in his throat. She was beautiful with tanned, flawless skin and a dusting of freckles across her nose and cheeks.

"I'm fine." She said stepping back a little and he quickly let go, blushing.

"You're American." He commented in surprise, hearing her accent.

She smiled faintly. "So are you."

"Yeah." He laughed awkwardly, running his fingers through his hair. "Sorry about running into you like that. It's my first time in Berlin and I was making a video. I wasn't paying attention."

She laughed and it was like music. "It's no big deal."

"Hey kid!" Peter jumped hearing Happy's shout, which sounded so much louder to his heightened hearing.

The girl jumped too and they both looked up, though she seemed more nervous.

"Come on!" Happy called impatiently.

"Coming!" Peter called and looked back at the girl, really not wanting to leave. He smiled. "Sorry again. See you around, maybe, umm…"

She smiled gently. "Kate."

He couldn't contain the massive smile on his face. "Peter." He said in reply.

Kate smiled briefly and gave a small wave before disappearing into the crowd and he turned back to Happy, practically floating he was so thrilled.

"Come on, we are not here for you to get a date." Happy admonished. "We need to get to the hotel before Tony calls."

Peter swallowed, sobering up a little. Right, he had a job to do. "Sorry Happy." He said.


Kate readjusted her grip on her bow as she stood next to Sam Wilson and Bucky Barnes in the airport terminal. They were waiting until Sam's drone found the Quinjet, but Kate had her eyes fixed on the scene going on down below.

Captain America was facing off against Iron Man and one in a black suit that she didn't know, but the one she was zeroing in on was Natasha.

She tensed, knowing this wasn't going to end well with Nat on an opposing side to them. But she and Clint knew it was going to be this way when he got the call.

Currently, Natasha was trying to appeal to Captain America to get him to just surrender. Unfortunately, now, if Captain America decided to surrender, they all had to and that meant jail time.

"Alright, I've run out of patients." Iron Man said. "Underoos!"

A new masked guy in a red and blue suit flipped out of some hiding spot, using some form of what looked like webbing to steal Cap's shield and tie his hands up in one smooth motion.

Captain America held his composure however and continued trying to talk Iron Man down while stalling.

"We found it." Sam said suddenly into comms. "The Quinjet is in hanger five, north runway."

Captain America raised his hands and Clint fired an arrow to cut the bindings that the one in red had been able to get around his hands.

Kate ran with Bucky and Sam through the terminal heading towards the jet when suddenly they heard a thud. Looking to her left and up, she was startled to see the one in the red and blue suit crawling along the outside of the window.

"What the hell is that?" Bucky asked.

"Everyone's got a gimmick now." Sam muttered.

Kate watched the one in the suit use some sort of webbing to swing himself out and break through the window. Kate stopped just in time for the one in the suit to pass in front of her, so close she felt the tiniest scrape of his suit against her nose right before he took Sam out with a kick.

Bucky threw a punch but the one in red caught it.

"You have a metal arm?" The guy asked in a surprised voice before throwing Bucky backwards. "That is so cool!"

That voice?

Kate notched an arrow and was ready to let it fly when the guy turned around.

The eyes of the suit widened, clearly running some kind of mechanics in the suit. Shocked radiated from every ounce of his body language. "Kate?" He asked in surprise.

Her eyes widened. "Peter?"

Just as she said that, Sam came flying in and grabbed him.

Holy shit.