Pain that was all she felt as she slowly gain conscious, very slowly she looks around squinting when she couldn't see well so she gently feels around until she found her glasses and quickly puts them on finally being able to see her surroundings. " Ok where the hell am I." She asks aloud even though she can tell no one is there besides her, so very slowly she stands up and looks around. "Hmm this isn't the Black Forest " she comments again outloud but stops when she hears a bush rattle so she pulls out her wand and walks closer to the bush. " Hello, who's there." She asks only to hear a small whimper and soon gasps when she pushes the bush aside to see a small hurt child. "Hello little one, what are you doing out here all alone?" She tries to keep her voice nice and soft so as not to frighten the child more. Ivy continues to look at the small boy and sees he is hurt but holds off on trying to touch him. "Hello, can I help you? That looks like it hurts" she says pointing to his leg. The small child looks at his leg then back to the pretty lady and just stares at her for a moment before he slowly nods and shows her his leg only to hiss in pain but otherwise stays silent. " it looks like it could be broken, but I'll get it set at least until we get to a hospital..." Looks around and sighs then says., "Hopefully there is one around here somewhere." She quickly finds two pieces of flat branches and gently ties them around the broken leg. " There that will work for now, so want to tell me your name?" She asks softly" Narto" He tells her then points to her " Oh I am Ivy, now can i pick you up so i can find you a hospital and get you leg fixed?" The newly named Narto slowly nods and bites his lower lip to keep from trying out in pain. "I'm sorry, i wish i could help stop the pain but i can't yet so just hold on ok." She tells him then begins walking in what she hopes is the way to civilization. A couple hours later she finally finds a giant gate and stops before it. " Wow, ok so lets go in and see if we can't find someone to help you Narto." She says softly to the sleeping child only to hold him tighter as a strange man lands in front of her. " Halt and state you name and reason for being here!" The male in front of her says but stops when he sees Naruto. " Naruto..? Where did you find him?" Ivy looks confused before she realizes he is talking about the young boy in her arms " Oh his name is Naruto...weird name but i like it as for where i found him, he was hurt in the middle of a forest and he needs to see a doctor quickly." " I'll take him to the hospital." Ivy pulls her arms away from the man and pulls Naruto closer. " Oh I don't even think so, you will take me as well for i have no plan to release this poor child alone until i know he is fine." The male sighs then nods and says " Fine, follow me please. " Leads the way into the center of the village where the hospital is. " I will have to bring the Hokage to see you." Ivy nods" Find do what you must but i am not leaving Naruto alone Mr...?" " I am Hatake, Kakashi and may i have you name my lady?" " I am Ivy Potter" " I wish our meeting was under better circumstances but i will be back with the Hokage." The newly named Kakashi says before he disappears in a cloud of smoke, leaving Ivy alone in the hospital with a still asleep Naruto.