It was late, Gary was laying in bed, unable to sleep.

He had too many thoughts flooding his mind, mainly he was worried about Avocato. Mum hadn't told him how he was doing, and all he heard was his occasional yells of pain from the living room, each time making Gary wince.

He felt so guilty for this happening to him... why did he ever think of going to that guy's dumpster over and over again? He knew that it was just making each visit more and more dangerous, and even though it's been months since he even had to do that- he still had the risk of him finding him again... which he did...

That was another thought...

how the hell did he find him...?"


He snapped out of it when he heard Leigh's soft voice. "You still awake Sweetheart?" He turned onto his right side, facing her. "Oh. You are up-"

"-how is he???"

She sighed, before approaching the child, "He's Okay Sweetheart... it was just a dislocated shoulder, plus some bruises... he'll be fine in a few days Baby..." Gary looked down before laying his head down again.

Leigh noticed the certain look on the child's face. "Sweetie? What's the matter??" Gary sighed, "...I'm fine Mum..." Leigh didn't believe that for a moment. She made her way over to him and sat next to him on the bed. "Sweetheart... I know that look... what's on your mind..?"

He was quiet for a minute before he gave in. "I just... I'm the reason that Avocato got hurt... and I feel terrible..." Leigh looked at him confused, "What do you mean 'it's your fault '? You didn't hurt him Sweetie, that guy did..." Gary sighed again, "I'm the reason that guy came here... he was just after me again..." This only made her more confused, "Why would you think he's after you Hun..?"

"Because..." he paused, not wanting to remember how he used to live...

"...because I used to steal food from him..."

Leigh's eyes widened, "Oh... Sweetheart why would you do something like that..?" Gary sniffled softly, hoping she wouldn't hear it. (of course, she did) "-it was the only way I could eat Mama..! I didn't WANT TO, I- I just..." she sighed before wrapping her arms around the child comfortingly. "Shh... it's okay... I understand... You had a very hard life before I found you two... but that's all over now-"

"-No it isn't Mama! He's still after us- no. He's after ME!! All because I was a stupid, desperate little twerp!!! I..." he yelled, getting cut off by his tears. "...I AM a pathetic waste of life..." he cried.

Leigh gasped softly as he said this, "Gary..! Don't you DARE say that about yourself...!" He kept crying softly, she lifted his chin up so he was looking at her, his face drenched in tears. "Sweetheart... you are NOT- 'a waste of life', you hear me...? Whoever made you think that is wrong. Okay? Don't you EVER say or think that about yourself again...! You hear me...??" Gary whimpers softly as she said this, "Who the hell made you think that...?!"

He sniffled, "it... it was... a lot of people I ran into... they would just keep telling me that..." he whimpered again. "Oh GareBear..." she sighed as she pulled him against her chest, putting her hand on his head gently, the other on his side...

"Remember... all of that is over now... your life is different... you're not alone anymore..."

Gary just cried... right there in her arms...

They were like this for about twenty minutes before Gary had just knocked himself out from the exhaustion of staying up so late...

Leigh sighed as she laid the blonde back down gently, and tucked him in... planting her 'every night kiss' on his head... "Goodnight Gary..."

She quietly left the room, walking down the hall and into the living room... where Avocato slept...

She sighed, approaching him and gently stroking his head, making him purr softly... before she made her way to her bedroom to finally sleep...