
The marriage law collapsed in spectacular fashion within six months. It wasn't appealed, at least not at first. It just stopped being enforced. Ministry officials were too upset or too afraid to do so, and the Wizengamot was too terrified to force them to do- well- their jobs, and yet they seemed equally determined to dig their heels in about officially appealing the law in a transparent, and utterly ironic, display of rebellion against the rebellion.

But as it turned out, the almost surety of imminent economic collapse made the elite, who depended on said economy, give in despite the fear of the possibility of population collapse in the future. When even Percy Weasley was refusing to enforce Ministry policy, there was a problem And as they were wont to do, the general public mimicked their leaders and gave in as well. Even if they didn't understand what they were acquiescing to.

It made Hermione and her allies feel a little sick. But after the explosive display at the Samhain Gala, the law itself went out with a whimper. By the time it was taken off the books, hardly anybody even noticed. However, half-way around the world Hermione and Draco had their own quiet celebration after they'd put their children to bed.

And even though her friends had initially hoped to stay at home, they found the entire experience disillusioning. In the end, after their mission was accomplished, the Potters joined the Malfoys on their island continent a little less than two years later. Ginny had gotten a taste for the sun, and Harry was tired of the swinging pendulum between love and hate that was his public life. And worse was what he feared it could do to his small children in the future. He didn't want to stick around to find out. The Ron Weasley clan followed in their wake after less than six months.

Despite their relocation, the couples did not allow Britain to be forgotten. Even if they'd decided they didn't want to be there themselves, they felt a certain duty. Especially after the way so many of their fellow young British citizens had stood beside them against the marriage law. They were determined to stand beside them in turn in building a more equitable society.

Harry and Draco both had seats in the Wizengamot, as did many of their allies. And the two men made regular trips back to the isles and built a coalition of like-minded families to try and ensure that things didn't sink back into the dark ages.

Molly Weasley was absolutely heartbroken at their emigration until her children- with the addition of Hermione and Draco- bought the family a holiday home in Australia big enough to house the entire clan. It was rare that they were all able to be there together. But after Arthur's retirement Molly and Arthur spent half the year there spoiling the Potter/Weasley/Malfoy children, exploring the southern hemisphere, and welcoming any others who cared to come along for a visit.

Hermione was convinced that no children had ever been loved as her children, Lyra and Rigel were adored. And that was despite the lack of presence of paternal grandparents in their lives. Though they continued to be wary, Hemione's own parents had eventually come around and were a part of their grandchildren's lives, even as their magic continued to be a cause for caution to the older couple, which sometimes made things difficult. But they had so many wonderful surrogate aunts, uncles, and cousins, they never felt a lack of love.

However, the absence of Draco's parents in their lives was a difficult subject for Hermione as she simultaneously resented them for being so disinterested, and was grateful that they kept their distance. But she eventually accepted that she had no power to influence them.

Hermione eventually took up an invitation to teach at the Australian equivalent of Hogwarts. But she only did so because she determined that the faculty were much more open minded than what she'd encountered in Britain. The headmaster had actually sought her out to begin a new history course mixing magical and non-magical history. It was her dream job.

She still had the opportunity to go on anthropological digs during the holidays: sometimes she took her children, and sometimes even Draco came along. By the time the Malfoy twins were five years old they had been to every continent except for Antarctica. Rigel was fascinated, and while Lyra loved tagging along, she actually preferred to accompany her father to work.

On their tenth anniversary Draco led Hermione down to the secluded beach where they'd made their wedding vows and subsequently built their home. He had a private dinner prepared for them, and arranged a night alone. He would have done something bigger, more over the top, but he'd learned over the years that his wife preferred simplicity.

She allowed him to spoil her, but in small thoughtful ways. She had little use for expensive gifts or big parties. She wouldn't have wanted him to sweep her away on some far off retreat, she would want a celebration which would allow their children to come skipping home the next day. And, in return, she indulged his need for attention. Their friends were still talking about the party she'd thrown for his thirtieth birthday.

He pulled her down on the sand next to him and grinned at her. "Any regrets?"

"None at all. Sometimes I think I should wish that things had happened differently...sooner. We really had something that last year at Hogwarts. But I'm not sure we were ready, and if we'd pushed it then we might not be here now. So, no."

She plopped herself between his legs and he hugged her to him.

She stroked the arms surrounding her. "You made it all real for me, you made it good, a life as opposed to a law," she murmured. "Even if we hadn't been able to defeat it, I'd be thrilled with our life. You know that, right?"

"I do. And me too, against all odds."

"Happy anniversary."

"I'm happy this is no longer the anniversary of the day that the British Ministry forced us to marry. That it's not about sticking it to them."

Hermione wriggled in his arms so that she could look up at him. "Was it ever, really?"

He smirked- such a familiar expression, which had once made her so angry, now she couldn't even begin to be offended.

"No, you're right," she responded. "It was somehow- all at once- a beginning, a middle, and an end. But I'm very happy with the way we've continued."

"Me too and happy anniversary to you too."

The End