"Come on, Bud." Hiccup called for his Night Fury friend, Toothless. "We are leaving this placr."

Toothless tilted his head to the side, his vibrant green eyes staring at Hiccup curiously.

Hiccup sighed."Well, I won dragon training due to my experience with you and now I have to kill a Monstrous Nightmare in front of the village. I can't do that so we are gonna get out of here." Hiccup stated firmly.

-In the forests of Berk-

A certain blonde teen with blue azure eyes is hurling axes at innocent little trees. Since when did Hiccup the Useless get so good at Dragon training? She was top of the class, it seemed almost certain that she would have been the one to have earned the honor of killing the Monstrous Nightmare in front of the village. She was so close to restoring her family's honor and pride after her Uncle's disgraceful death but Hiccup just had to get in the way.

Then a melancholic peaceful humming was heard among the trees. Astrid immediately recognized who it was. Hiccup! This was her chance to find out what he had been doing all this time! And so Hiccup –with Astrid trailing behind him- walked towards the cove with a relieved yet somewhat distorted look on his face. He looked like a person who had just made a difficult decision but was internally glad of his decision. He was torn between his village beliefs and his own and whether or not to just take the easy way out on Toothless. Once they reached the cove, Hiccup was met with an excited Night Fury. They didn't realize the presence of a third individual until-

"HICCUP GET DOWN!" Astrid yelled while charging towards Toothless, axe in hand. Toothless shot a plasma blast at her feet which sent her tumbling across the cove, causing her head to collide into a large boulder and effectively knocking her unconscious.

When she awoke, she saw no signs of the Night Fury that attacked her, and more importantly, no signs of Hiccup either. She quickly got up and frantically search the cove for any sign of Hiccup. She found none except for a small dagger washed ashore the lagoon. There was no doubt as to who it belonged to. On its handle was engraved, Hiccup Horrendous Haddock the Third.

"No! This can't be!" Her mind refused to accept that Hiccup was dead. But there was no other explanation. Unless he had killed the Night Fury but since she was no signs of a fight she highly doubted it. No, Hiccup was dead.

She ran back, tears swelled up in her eyes, to the village.

The moment she arrived she immediately looked for the Chief, Stoick the Vast, Hiccup's father. He was currently sorting a livestock dispute between two villagers. She then proceeded to inform Stoick, about what she had witnessed. She also showed him the small intricate dagger that used to belong to Hiccup.

"What did you say?" Stoick bellowed.

"A Night Fury took him, I saw it and tried to fight it but it knocked me unconscious."

"You failed to protect the next Chief of Berk? This is all your FAULT! You are as much of a failure and a coward as your Uncle." Stoick spitefully accused.

Before she got the chance to defend herself, Stoick continued," Send search parties everywhere around the island and to every single island in the archipelago, find my son, leave no stone unturned." With that, several Vikings went away to inform the rest of the village to prepare for the search.

A few months later,

The Chief sat on his chair in the Great Hall, the search parties were expected to come back that day.

He hoped that at least one would bring even the slightest hint that his son was alive.

When they did return however, none of them could find any clue on Hiccup's whereabouts. The chief's heart broke the day Valka Haddock was taken by a Stormcutter, but his soul died after he lost his son too. And thus with a shattered heart and a broken soul he ordered a monument to be erected in Hiccup's honour in the Cove.

He blamed Astrid Hofferson for not being capable enough to save his son and from then on treated her and her family with scorn disdain.

Most of the villagers were at first glad for Hiccup's death, after all he has done more damage than the dragons during the raids on several occasions. It was only until their next dragon raid that they found out how useful Hiccup was in the forge as the two-limbed blacksmith couldn't work fast enough to supply all the villagers with weapons when they needed them.

Stoick was rarely seen in public again. Gobber, although he was usually always in a cheerful mood, rarely joked anymore. The village's condition only worsened by time and each year was harsher than the one before.

Dragon Training continued, Astrid was again top of the class after Hiccup's disappearance and yet Stoick didn't allow her to fight the Monstrous Nightmare.

"You couldn't kill a dragon when it mattered, why should I let you kill one for sport?" Stoick spat out when she asked why.

At last Gothi and Gobber managed to convince Stoick to let Astrid fight the Monstrous Nightmare

She was more determined than ever to kill the beast in front of the tribe, it was the only way she could restore her family's pride and honor.

As she stepped into the arena, ready for combat, the creature gave her a piercing glare, she met its glare and crept towards the beast. It lit itself on fire and spewed its gel towards her, which she dodged by cartwheeling to the side of the Nightmare, intending to target the weak spots where its wings joined with its torso.

The beast, realizing what she is trying to do reared itself back and knocked her away with its tail. She reassumed a fighting stance almost immediately and charged the dragon again. The dragon buried one of its claws into her shield, which she threw away causing the dragon to lose it balance, creating an opening for a swift kill.

It was then that they heard the shrilling noise produced by the speed of wings of a Night Fury and she was thrown off balance when a plasma blast hit the ground between her and the Nightmare. The Night Fury proceeded to destroying the other cages and all of the dragons that was previously locked up flew off into the sky. The villagers all acted quickly and dove into the arena to fight off the new threat.

Then a figure clad in black slid off the Night Fury, fought off the Vikings that charged him with ease. His motions were fluid and the strokes of his blade resembled an elegant dance from the Far East. He then proceeded to fly away on his Night Fury. Tales were quickly made about the mysterious Dragon Rider and people debated on whether he was a man or a demon sent by the Death God himself to terrorize Midgard.

Astrid awoke to the sound of battle and explosions. She quickly dressed herself and grabbed her axe to fight in the dragon raid. When she came out of her house she saw a Gronckle pursuing a small child who was trying to put out the fires. She immediately got in its way and managed to muzzle it and wrestled it to the ground. Just as she prepared to strike the killing blow, the mysterious Dragon Master appeared as if from thin air and drove her back, saving the Gronckle's life. He gave a hand gesture and all the dragons around him retreated and flew away.

The men who weren't trying to put out the fires surrounded the figure and attacked him, but he repelled each and every single one of them so expertly she couldn't help but be mesmerized by his graceful movements. Then a jet black dragon appeared out of nowhere and both Dragon and Rider took off in the next second.

When the dust finally settled, a few buildings were burnt, the catapults and traps were destroyed but most miraculously, no one sustained a severe injury.

The other villages also begun reporting about a mysterious man riding a Night Fury and the Dragon Master became a legend amongst the Vikings. Some wanted to capture him to learn his secrets on how to control the dragons while most wanted to kill him and all the dragons he controls, usually out of spite for the dragons.

A/N: Woo. A little prologue. Anyways this is technically my first story in this website so please be nice!