Well, after the one-shot I did with Dexter x Lee Lee, I figured I may as well do a new Dexter x Lee Lee story! Unlike the last one, this one won't be too short, but this one won't be too long either, so I figure at least four to six chapters, but I have a wonderful idea on how to approach this story! Anyway, enjoy!

It had been another hectic day in the secret laboratory that Dexter was working in. Sure, there were these moments of peace and quiet he desired when working on his secret projects, like his creation of a disease that can actually cure itself, a hypnotic device that can send suggestions to the feet to dance a jig, and even a new security system that was bound to keep his sister and her friends out of the laboratory. But even that peace and quiet had to end sometime, by a balancing out involving his curious older sister and her wrecking of his lab. In fact, part of the reason why he invented a new security system was because of Dee Dee finding her way into the lab each time.

"Why bother building it..." Dexter frowned as he was looking at the device, speaking to himself. "I know it, she knows it, we both know that she's just going to bypass the security system again."

Dexter could only give a sigh as he put the security system project aside. "Well, I suppose it's useless. My sister is just going to enter the lab unannounced. That is always the norm. Plus, with Mandark already on my tail, trying to steal a successful invention, it's no wonder my lab is so easy to break into..."

Dexter paused as he looked over to his large computer. "Computer, I need your help."

"What is it, Dexter?" Computer quizzed the boy.

"How do I find a way to keep unwanted intruders out of my laboratory. For example, Mandark and my sister?" Dexter frowned as he sat in his chair. "I have tried everything I could to make sure my lab is entrance proof, but nothing seems to be working!"

"If you want my honest opinion, Dexter, I think I may have a solution to your problem." Computer simply suggested as Dexter turned to the screen as it showed monitor footage of all the times Dee Dee has wrecked Dexter's lab and Mandark came crashing down in his laboratory, attempting to destroy it, one doing so playfully and the other maliciously. "Every time your sister or Mandark enter the lab, it's something that is out of your control."

"Yeah, no matter how many times I rebuild them, Dee Dee still finds a new button that can destroy my robots in one blast. No matter how many times I reinforce the wall to make it break-in proof, Mandark finds a way to break in." Dexter groaned, watching the footage.

"If I may suggest something, Dexter, it could be because of a little something called... chaos theory." Computer said.

"Chaos theory?" Dexter raised an eyebrow. "You mean, the branch of mathematics where it says that one small change in an environment can cause a large change in dynamics?"

"You are correct, Dexter. Dee Dee and Mandark may have been able to break into your lab as many times as they want, but they always know what you're up to." Computer explained. "As far as I know, it seems that either you don't think of a flaw in time, or you leave work half done."

"Half done?" Dexter complained.

"I'm sorry, Dexter, but I'm afraid that computers don't lie. Ever since you built your first laboratory, Dee Dee had always been nosy. You can't change that about her." Computer explained.

Dexter was about to protest, but found himself thinking. "Hmmm... I suppose you are correct. But what can I do?"

"If I may suggest something Dexter, maybe study the habits of someone that has the inner chaos and study their every moves. Then build a system AROUND those moves so that next time, when Dee Dee or Mandark comes in, you'll be well prepared." Computer suggested.

"Hmmm... maybe so, but where am I going to find someone that has the same inner chaos as my stupid sister or Mandark?" Dexter asked.

"If I may make a suggestion, Dexter..." Computer said as the screen brought up some photos of Dee Dee laughing along and playing her friends. "Perhaps one of Dee Dee's friends might be able to assist you."

Dexter immediately frowned at the idea. "Forget it, Computer, I'm not that desperate!"

"It's either this, or worry about your lab being broken into for the rest of your life." Computer immediately pointed out.

Dexter's eyes widened behind his glasses, before giving a glare. "Fine, fine, I'll talk with one of Dee Dee's stupid friends. But which one should I take?"

Dexter looked at the choices between the African American girl Mee Mee, and the Asian American girl Lee Lee as both of them seemed to be having fun, dancing with Dee Dee, playing tea party with each other, hanging out at the tree house, and even all three of them having fun in Dexter's laboratory, much to his chagrin.

The boy genius paused as he tried to make up his mind... before noticing something about Lee Lee he hadn't before when he was examining the pictures. Much to his surprise, whenever Lee Lee had excused herself, she would often be seen walking away as she sat down, giving a small sigh of relief as she pulled out a book. Dexter examined the book carefully as his eyes widened in surprise.

"Now why would one of Dee Dee's friends read about the Theory of Relativity?" Dexter raised an eyebrow in curiosity. "Computer, focus all subjects on... Lee Lee."

"As you wish, Dexter." Computer said as most of the footage he got was now on Lee Lee. Indeed, Dexter noticed something about Lee Lee he had never noticed before. All this time, he had focused on her being Dee Dee's friend, that he had dismissed everything else about her... but no, whenever she was away from everyone else, Lee Lee was alone, either in the kitchen or in the living room, the latter reading, and the former pulling out some ingredients as if to make something. Dexter was curious as he watched Lee Lee create something with the ingredients and gave a happy grin.

At first, Dexter had dismissed this as simple cooking, but then he remembered something his mother told him one time at dinner about how she can manage to cook great food.

He remembered his mother giggling as she said, "Oh you know, Dexter, simple science and all..."

At first, it flew over his head, but the more he watched Lee Lee trying to create something, the more he thought about his mother's words. Could it be that Lee Lee was not just the simple, giggly, obsessed with dancing girl like her friends were? Why would she want to keep those talents hidden? He knew he had to find out... not only that, but he gave a smile, knowing he had found the perfect girl for the job he had in mind. "Computer, I'm going out. Lock the lab when I get going."

"Yes, Dexter." Computer said as Dexter started to walk out of his lab and back into the house, with the idea he had had in mind.

Meanwhile, Lee Lee lived in another part of town, not too far away from where Dexter and Dee Dee lived, but still far enough as Lee Lee was practicing her ballet for an upcoming dance test at her dance school. Carefully, she studied each move as her eyes narrowed, before nodding as she got up to try and duplicate the moves from the book. But even at her best, Lee Lee had stumbled at least once or twice, wondering how Dee Dee was able to be a successful dancer.

Lee Lee paused as she decided to take a break from dancing for the time being and focus on her studies as she pulled out a science book, knowing that she needed to pass the test in school. She gave a small smile as she started to get immersed in the book. She found studying science to be a lot more helpful as she kept reading. Part of the reason why she found herself attracted to her friend Dee Dee's brother,Dexter, because of his love for science. Sure, she didn't think much of the subject at first, but ever since Dee Dee introduced Lee Lee and Mee Mee to Dexter's laboratory, much to Dexter's protest, the girl found herself very fascinated by the many scientific inventions that the boy had worked on.

Lee Lee had to admit, she was a very impressed girl as she found herself a secret passion. So, whenever she was alone, she would try to study science as best as she could, and so far, she had a knack and a know-how for scientific terms. She would never admit it in front of Dee Dee and Mee Mee, but she had a soft spot for science. How ironic, she thought to herself. She can admit her crush to Dexter to her friends, but not her love for science. She tried to shake the thought out of her head as she tried to study some more, until she heard her mother calling.

"Lee Lee, a friend is here to see you!" Her mother called out.

Lee Lee looked up in confusion, wondering who would be here at this hour. She knew she didn't arrange a play date with Dee Dee and Mee Mee today, and even then, she usually hung with them at Dee Dee's place. Still, she got up and put her science book away as she called out, "I'm coming, Okaasan!"

As Lee Lee came downstairs, she was pretty surprised as she noticed the boy she had a crush on, the boy she found cute, sitting on a table, patiently waiting. The Asian American girl shook her head in surprise. "Dexter?"

"Lee Lee, hello." Dexter gave a small smile. "I was wondering if I could have a... boy genius to girl chat with you. It'll only take a few minutes of your time."

And that should be the first chapter done for the time being! How did you guys like it? Next time, we'll be focusing on Dexter and Lee Lee striking a deal! If anybody has any suggestions for where this story might go, feel free to send a PM! Anyway, read, review, criticize and suggest, folks!