Disclaimer: I don't own anything except some of the story.

This is the second story in my series.  If you just arrived here, you may want to read year 5 first so you have some background.  It is called Growing up too fast.

Harry and Sirius emerged from the fireplace into the main hall of Veganos Castle; Harry's new home.  This was Harry's first view of it, but Sirius had been here once before for the burial of R.J. Veganos, the vampire Harry had fallen in love with at school but who had died fighting Voldemort.  Looking around wide-eyed, Harry said "I can't believe I'll be living here."  The first floor common area had very high ceilings with a lot of artwork on the walls.  Not like the pictures at Hogwarts, these didn't move.  There were some sculptures and vases setting in various spots in the room.  The fireplace was huge with a stone front.

"It's no Hogwarts but it is a fine castle Harry.  R.J. had good taste," Sirius responded.  He had been here for her funeral.

Harry dropped his trunk and said, "Where is she buried?  I want to see that first."

Sirius let Harry outside to a spot on the hill, overlooking a lake.  There was a rock mound with a headstone that read.

            Rebecca Jane Veganos

                 1832 – 1985

Harry reached in his pocket and pulled out the necklace he had given her.  He lifted one of the stones and placed the necklace beneath it.  He said something to himself and then began crying again.  Sirius just stood back and let Harry deal with it himself.  After a few minutes, Harry stood up and he and Sirius went back inside.  The castle was quite large.  It had been kept up very well.  There was very nice artwork on the walls and the furnishings were all in good condition.  Somehow, Harry couldn't picture R.J. living here.  He had known her as a person helping out with the extra security for Hogwarts, living in Hogsmeade and spending her evenings in the dark forest.  He just couldn't picture her here in this place.

"Are you going to be able to stay here with me Sirius?" Harry finally asked. 

"Maybe some of the time Harry.  Right now there is still much for us to do.  Voldemort is hurt, but not beaten yet.  If we can press our cause and get enough information, maybe we can stop him before he tries anything else.  Dumbledore has placed some security on this place.  No one can apparate in or out, and the floo is setup to only allow certain people in or out.  He's going to speak to a friend of yours about getting the floo even more secure, and then about allowing apparitions for specific people.  That will take some time."

Harry and Sirius tried to get used to the place.  They were figuring out what all the rooms were and how everything worked when they heard a loud knock on the door.  Sirius made Harry stay back and went to answer it.  He opened the door and found an elderly gentleman.  "Can I help you?" Sirius said.

"Ah sir, my name is Thomas Wilkins.  I keep up the grounds.  I have known Miss Veganos for a long time and I understand she died recently.  You must be Mr. Potter.  Her letter told me many things about you. It's a pleasure to meet you."

"I'm sorry Mr. Wilkins, but I'm not Mr. Potter.  I happen to be his Godfather.  He's right here."

Harry stepped forward toward the old man.  "Hello Mr. Wilkins, I'm Harry Potter, pleased to meet you.  I understand you were a good friend to R.J."

The man did a slight double-take at seeing Harry. "Miss Veganos' letters made you seem older.  Forgive me.  I'm terribly saddened by her passing.  I've known her for a long time."

"I wish I had known her longer Mr. Wilkins, please come in,"  Harry said, motioning the old man to come in.

"You've met my Godfather, Mr… Blackenshire," Harry looked at Sirius, unsure how to introduce Sirius to new people.

The man seemed to notice Harry's misstep and said "Miss Veganos informed me that any of your friends could be fully trusted no matter what others may say.  Mr. Blakenshire will be fine for me."  He nodded at Sirius who did the same back.

"R.J. said you made the sword she gave me.  That's amazing workmanship, you are truly an artist." Harry said remembering the workmanship on the sword R.J. had given him as a Christmas present.

"A hobby Mr. Potter.  My father's profession but not much calling for it these days."

"Please call me Harry sir.  R.J. mentioned that you might be interested in continuing to care for the grounds.  I would appreciate it since I doubt I could do it myself."

"My family would be honored to continue support of the grounds.  We know all about Miss Veganos and have admired her as a person for man years."

"Would you mind me asking how it is you know all about R.J.?" Harry asked.

"She saved my life in my youth.  I was in the wrong place at the wrong time and she prevented me from experiencing a terrible ordeal.  I owe her more than I could ever repay."  Harry and Sirius both could hear the pain losing R.J. had caused the man.

"She died trying to save my life.  Obviously she was successful.  I owe her more than I could ever repay as well.  You mentioned that your family tends to the grounds.  How many will be here?  I'm not used to people around much."

"Of course sir, Miss Veganos told me about it being important that you were kept safe.  I have two granddaughters who help me.  My wife rarely comes up."

"Thank you Mr. Wilkins.  Can I ask you what R.J. told you about me?"  Harry wondered if they knew about him being a wizard.  Living with the Dursley's gave Harry practice acting like a Muggle, but if Sirius and his other friends were ever around, he wanted to make sure that Mr. Wilkins wouldn't be too surprised.

"She said you were a surprisingly powerful person with compassion.  Said I could trust you with anything and count on you for anything as well.  She did say there may be things I found unusual about you but to not be concerned and that she would trust you with her life.  That's all I needed to hear Harry."

"Thank you Mr. Wilkins.  I will attempt to live up to those comments."

"Goodbye Harry, Mr. Blackenshire."  The old man said, rising and going back to the door.

"Very well handled Harry.  Any thought of politics?" Sirius asked with a smile.

"Oh no, the further away from Ministry bureaucrats, the better.  What do you think of Mr. Wilkins?"

"If they kept the secret of her being a vampire for so long, even if they find out about us being wizards, I don't think it would matter.  I realize more and more how special she was Harry.  I do have one question though.  How are you going to take care of the inside of the castle?  This seems like a bit of work.  Are you going to cook and clean all of this for yourself?"  Sirius wasn't being critical, just practical.

Harry hadn't really thought of that.  He could make basic stuff.  He cooked breakfast at the Dursley's often enough.  He also did the laundry, but doing it in a castle was a different story.  Then a thought hit him.  "Sirius, would it be wrong to try and hire Dobby to work for me?"

"You're house-elf friend at Hogwarts? I don't see why not, that's what they do.  You should see what assets R.J. left you. Keeping up a castle with groundskeepers can't be cheap."

"And, I'll have to pay Dobby if he agrees.  I'll write Dumbledore and ask his permission first."

"I'm supposed to meet him tomorrow; you could come along and ask him then.  It would be quicker than using Hedgwig."

Harry thought of Hedgwig.  She was going to be so much happier being loose here than stuck in her cage at Privet Drive.  This was a totally different feeling.  Even though this was his home now, Harry felt there was so much to do.  He had always dreamed of being away from the Dursleys, and being able to do whatever he wanted, but here it just seemed like something was missing.  Still, the Dursleys weren't any part of it.

Harry spent the rest of the day trying to get used to where everything was in the castle.  He had been so mentally worn out that he slept well in his new bedroom.  In the morning Harry and Sirius traveled by floo back to Hogsmeade and then on to Hogwarts to meet with Dumbledore.  "Harry, this is a surprise.  I thought only Sirius would come today."

"I wanted to ask you something sir.  The castle we live in now is quite large and I'm not totally comfortable taking care of everything.  There is a family that takes care of the grounds so I'm not worried about that but I've never lived on my own before.  I was wondering if you thought it would be appropriate and acceptable to you if I offered Dobby a job?  Can you spare him and do you think it would offend him if I offered?"

"I think that would be a wonderful idea Harry.  He is quite fond to you and asks about you all the time.  You know he would want a salary now, correct?  The thing you may not know is that he is also attached to Winky.  Would it be within your means to offer them both a position?  I doubt Winky would accept payment but the offer would mean a lot to Dobby."

"Yes sir, I think I could do that.  I haven't been to Gringotts to see what R.J. was talking about when she said assets but I'm sure I had enough to pay both Dobby and Winky if they want.  Would it be ok if they came back here to work at the school when term starts?  I wouldn't want them at home all alone."  Harry couldn't imagine either of them being happy at his home when no one else was there.

"That would work out perfectly Harry.  You can go down and ask them if you'd like.  When you're done, come back up.  Sirius and I should be done by then."

Harry went down to the kitchen to find Dobby. Upon entering the area, he was mobbed by house-elves asking if he needed anything.   He thought they must hate it when no students are around, there didn't seem like enough work for them to do.  Harry felt something thump into him and heard. "Harry Potter sir.  What are you doing at Hogwarts?  It is good to have you here."

"Hello Dobby, I came to ask you a favor."  Harry said prying the enthusiastic house-elf off of his leg.

"Ah, anything sir.  Dobby would do anything for Harry Potter."

"Dobby, I've already asked Professor Dumbledore for permission and he said it was ok.  Would you like to come and work for me?  I can't take care of my new home by myself."

Dobby's eyes got huge and his ears started twitching with delight. "REALLY!  Harry Potter wants Dobby to work for him?  Such an honor sir.  Dobby working for the great wizard Harry Potter." Suddenly Dobby's eyes and ears fell. "Sir, no offense but Dobby wouldn't want to leave Winky.  She still needs Dobby sir.  She is not yet comfortable with how things ended with Master Crouch."

"That's ok Dobby; I asked if Winky could come also.  If she would want to that is.  I can pay you both if that's what it takes."

"Harry Potter will give both Dobby and Winky positions!  One moment sir, let Dobby get Winky."  Dobby ran away and came by a moment later with Winky.

"Hi Winky, good to see you again."

The female house-elf appeared calm. "Hello Harry Potter sir.  Dobby said you had something to ask."

Winky was much more business like than Dobby; Harry noticed.  She was still dressed in a tattered rag for clothing. "I don't know if you heard, but my friend R.J. left me her home.  I can't take care of it myself.  I really need some help.  Would you and Dobby please come and work for me?  I've asked Professor Dumbledore for permission already. When I'm at school, you could come back here and work if you want to. "  Harry said almost pleadingly.

"You want Winky and Dobby to work for you?  Truly sir?  Winky would be honored.  Telling the truth sir, there are too many house-elves here.  Winky would enjoy serving one wizard much more."  Winky said getting about as excited as Harry had ever seen her.

"I told Dobby already.  If you want, I can pay you and give you time off.  I just want you to be happy." Harry said, kind of uncomfortably.

The elf looked offended. "Oh no sir!  Winky will not accept payment.  She is a traditional house-elf.  She let's Dobby to his own accords but will not follow his path."

"Ok.  Whatever you want. There is one thing that is important to me.  Would you please accept some new clothes from me?  Something that you would like.  I just want you to work for me, not be enslaved. "

Winky look like the thought of real clothes made her ill, but she said; "If it is important to you sir, Winky will accept clothes but no paying."

"Thank you Winky.  This is all new to me, so if I do something I shouldn't, please tell me.  I wouldn't want to offend either of you."

"Offend us!  Harry Potter offend us.  Never sir." Dobby started ranting

"Ok, one thing.  Dobby we need to work on something.  I'm your friend; you don't need to call me great or anything.  Remember, you're my friend and I'm you're friend, we're the same.  Ok?"  Harry didn't want Dobby acting like Harry was some amazing wizard every time he was around.

Dobby was jumping around excitedly but tried to calm down and say, "Dobby will try sir."

"Winky, please try to help him.  Sirius and I are going back in a little bit.  Home is called Veganos Castle.  Can you find it?"

"Of course we can find it sir.  You do have a lot to learn about house-elves." Winky said.  Dobby was still beaming.

"I'll see you later then.  Thank you for coming with me, I really need the help."  Harry left the kitchen, half-wondering what he had gotten himself into.  Walking back to Professor Dumbledore's office he ran into Professor Snape.  He hadn't seen Snape since answering questions about what happened in the forest a few weeks ago.

"Potter.  What are you doing back here?"  The professor said with noticeably less hate in his voice than Harry was used to.

"Hello Professor.  I'm trying to talk Dobby into coming to work for me.  I don't think I can handle a castle by myself."

"You don't worry about handling Voldemort but worry about running a castle?  A bit odd to me."

"Professor, would you mind me asking how you knew R.J. and why you seemed to respect her?  Every day I seem to find out something else about her."  Harry had wondered about this ever since finding out that Professor Snape respected R.J. and she thought highly of him as well.

Snape looked at him for a minute and said; "Back before I chose the correct side, she had the opportunity to take away my choice so to speak.  She asked if I was comfortable with the path I had chosen in life and when I hesitated she said she would give me an opportunity to choose again.  She didn't judge me and she didn't hold anything against me later.  She was unlike anyone I had ever met before.  She had the power to kill me and yet decided to give me another chance.  I'll never forget that."  Snape said without any emotion at all.

"That's what she said about me sir.  When I was with Hagrid and we met her in the forest, I didn't know she was good and I had planned on running a branch through her but I didn't.  She said that was rare and that she wouldn't forget how I treated her.  I really miss her." Harry fumbled for a moment and said; "Sorry sir, I didn't meant to bother you with that."

"Not a problem Mr. Potter.  In this instance I can fully relate.  Could I possibly ask you a personal question?"

Now Harry couldn't hide being stunned.  He couldn't imagine what Snape could be curious about. "Me? Of course sir."

"Would you mind telling me how you throw off the Cruciatus Curse?  Between you and me only, that is one thing I fear the most."  The professor was looking straight into Harry's eyes, and Harry could tell this was hard for him to ask.

Harry was stunned.  "Yes sir.  The way it was explained to me was that it is very different than throwing the Imperius curse.  Throwing the Imperius curse is about strength of will.  Throwing the Cruciatus curse is about channeling anger to block the pain.  I had been really mad at myself, Wormtail, Voldemort and Draco after last year so I was able to first block the pain when I focused on something Draco said on the train ride back.  It became easier after the first time."

"If you don't mind me asking, what would Draco have said that made you madder at him than the Dark Lord?"

"He came into our compartment telling me I chose the wrong side.  Then he said  'Mudbloods and Muggles would be first… No second... Cedric was first'.  We all blasted him but I kept hearing him say that over the summer and it just made me really angry."

"That's cold, even for Draco.  But, it did prove useful. Can you explain the technique again?"  Snape's tone was not like he was talking to another teacher, not like he normally spoke to Harry at all.

"When you first feel the pain, try to get angry.  Picture the person casting the spell as someone you hate more than anything in the world.  You can't be afraid of them; you have to just hate them.  It was hard for me to do this at first because I liked the person teaching me but after having him curse me a few times, it became easier to feel like I hated him.  It wasn't fun to learn this but it did come in useful."

"Thank you Potter.  I'm sure I can find someone willing to put that curse on me so I could try this out."  Snape almost seemed to get a smirk on his face with this comment.

"Sir, if you are able to block it, I can show you another surprise about that technique.  I don't want to say anything until you can fully block the curse though.  I'll just say that sometimes it is useful to not block it all."

"Really?  I hope I'll get to that point."

Harry continued on to Dumbledore's office still amazed about his discussion with Professor Snape.  Snape was actually asking him about magic.  He got to the office and knocked.  "Come in Harry." Dumbledore said.  "Sirius and I were just finishing up.  He said you met the groundskeepers and that they seem very trustworthy.  I wouldn't have expected anything less from Miss R.J. though.  How did it go with Dobby?"

"Dobby didn't want to go without Winky, just as you thought.  Winky liked the idea; she thinks there are too many elves here.  I told them to tell me if I don't do something correctly since I'm new to this.  And, I asked Winky to help Dobby tone down the great wizard act. Thank you for letting me ask them sir.  It will help me out a bunch."

"One thing Harry.  What should we tell your friends now?  I've told them you were back up and around and I would imagine they are anxious to hear from you."  Dumbledore gave him an appraising look.  Harry imagined that Dumbledore wanted him to resume acting normally around his friends as soon as possible.

Harry didn't really want to be receiving daily owls at home, not yet.  "Would it be too much trouble for them to send me letters here?  I would like to just live a quiet life for a while.  Either Sirius or I could come and get them occasionally."

"That's no trouble at all Harry.  I do have a bit of news for you.  Voldemort is still alive but not as fully recovered as you.  We don't know where he is but we do know he is not pleased at the way things worked out.  I don't expect him to follow the same tactics the next time.  It sounds like he is going to start with many smaller attacks to reinforce to the Death Eaters that he is still powerful.  It looks like your decision to not show your animagus form during the year was a very wise one.  That is something that he won't have prior knowledge of and you can still use it when the time is right."

Harry thought for a second and said. "I would like to work more with the Unspeakables, but truthfully right now I just want to be left alone with nothing to do.  I hope that doesn't sound selfish but I just don't feel like dealing with anything right now.  Do you think that's wrong?"

"Not at all.  Even though it may not seem like it to you, remember you're only fifteen years old.  Do what you enjoy for a while.  It's only a life if you really live it."

"I'm ready to go whenever you are Harry." Sirius said.

They were standing in the kitchen of the castle grabbing a bite to eat when they heard 'Pop..Pop' and saw Dobby and Winky standing near them.

Sirius kind of jumped.  "Sirius, you've never met my friends.  Sirius, this is Dobby.  He saved my life with gillyweed a while back."

"Ah, Harry Potter's Godfather.  An honor sir." Dobby said bowing very low.

"And this is another good friend Winky. She is a very traditional house-elf".

The female house-elf stepped up to Sirius showing a very confident attitude. "Sirius Black sir.  A pleasure to meet you.  We are not concerned about your escape from Azkaban sir."

Sirius smiled.  "Nice to meet you both. Please take good care of Harry when I'm not around."

"Yes sir, we will take excellent care of Harry Potter sir.  He is the greatest friend of house-elves." Dobby said sounding very serious.

"Dobby, Winky.  I don't know much about the castle yet so you pick where you want to stay and tell me if anything needs to be done.  Just yell at me if you need me to do anything."

"Yes sir Harry Potter sir.  We will help you with all you need.  Come Dobby." And then they were off.

Sirius just laughed.  "What's there story, really?"

"Dobby was Lucius Malfoy's elf until I tricked him into freeing Dobby.  Winky was Barty Crouch's elf until he dismissed her for not keeping his Death Eater son controlled.  Dobby tried to save me in my second year and nearly killed me, but he made up for it with the gillyweed in the Tri-Wizard Tournament.  I think they really love each other."

"What do you think about living here, honestly?" Sirius asked with a strange look on his face.

"It's weird.  Almost nothing I've seen so far reminds me of the R.J. I knew.  Everything so far seems to fit 'Princess Veganos' but not R.J.  In some ways that's a relief, but in other's I would be happier learning more about the R.J. I knew.  My parents were in love and as terrible as it is what happened to them, they went together.  They came out of Voldemort's wand together.  R.J. went and I didn't.   We weren't together.  I know it's weird.  The first girl I really cared about.  Look at Fred or George Weasley.  They go out with girls all the time and can easily forget about one and go to another.  I don't see how they do it.  I want to be with that one special person.  I thought R.J. was it.  Even with the obvious issues, she's whom I wanted to be with. It feels strange being here and it not reminding me more of her."

"I'd say you're handling it better than I would.  But I don't think I could have fallen for a vampire.  Even though I admired her and she really impressed me when met her.  I just didn't see her that way."

"I think that's what all my friends thought as well.  I think Dumbledore understood though."

Over the next few days, Harry saw Mr. Wilkins and two teenage girls doing work in the grounds.  Harry was watching one day when Winky came up holding a tray with a pitcher and some glasses.  "It would be polite to take them some tea sir."

"Thank you Winky, that's an excellent idea."  Harry took the tray and went outside.  "Mr. Wilkins.  Would you and your grand-daughters like some tea?"

He came over and said; "Thank you Harry.  I don't believe you've met my granddaughters.  This is Katie, and this is Angie."  Harry looked at them.  Katie was obviously older, with blonde hair and a confident stance.  Angie had darker hair and was a bit less confident.

"Hi, I'm Harry.  Thank you all for continuing to help out with the grounds.  I couldn't imagine taking care of it.  Please, have some tea." Harry said trying to be polite.  He sat the tray down on the table and Mr. Wilkins and the girls each took a glass.

"Katie here is getting ready for college in London.  Quite an adventure, that's for sure.  Angie is going to turn sixteen and is still in the local school, but tops in her class." Mr. Wilkins said proudly.

"I bet your parents are proud." Harry said, trying to sound encouraging.  It had the wrong effect.  Their expressions became quite hardened.   "I'm sorry, did I say something wrong.  That happens to me a lot." 

"Their parents were killed Harry.  A little over fifteen years ago."  Mr. Wilkins said.

Harry felt like he could kick himself for saying something wrong the first time he met the girls. "I'm sorry, I didn't know.  That's about the time my parents were killed also."

They looked at him differently now. Like someone they could relate to.  Angie said hesitantly "How did yours die?"

"Angie!  Don't ask people questions like that." Katie said.

"No, it's ok." Harry responded.  "My big mouth brought this up.  My parents were killed by a very evil person who also tried to kill me, but I was lucky enough to survive."

"Our parents were also killed by a very evil person.  Someone who didn't like people like us.  They just happened to be in his way at the time." Katie said bitterly.

"What do you mean people like you? If you don't mind me asking.  You don't have to tell me if you don't want to.  I get people trying to pry into my life a lot, so I know what its like."

Katie looked at Mr. Wilkins who just nodded, and then she said. "Well, this person was a...I don't know if you believe in them or not, but he was an evil wizard and he hated anyone who wasn't a true wizard.  We were just common folk and our parents tried to stop him from hurting our neighbor who had a daughter that had some strange talents.  He just killed our parents for trying to help.  We didn't believe in wizards until that day and saw how evil they can be."

Harry's heart sank wondering what they would think of him if they found out he was a wizard.  "Do you think all wizards are like that?  I mean that evil?"

"You believe in them too?  Not many people do." Katie seem surprised but continued. "I don't think they're all like that.  One old man with a long white beard came around after it happened saying how sorry he was that one of his kind could do something so terrible.  He made us feel better but it didn't bring our parents back."

Harry decided to come kind of clean.  "My parents were killed by an evil wizard as well."  They turned and stared at him.  "I was about a year old when it happened.  The wizard tried to kill me but failed.  Some very nice people took me to live with my Aunt and Uncle for a while.  They hated anything to do with wizards.  This is the first time I've lived on my own."

"A year old, and you said you were coming up on sixteen now.  That would be about the time the talk of wizards killing people stopped. The rumors said a baby stopped the evil wizard from hurting anyone else.  Have you ever heard that before?" Mr. Wilkins asked, looking at Harry intently.

"Yes Mr. Wilkins, I have heard that."  Harry said without further comment.

Angie spoke up quickly. "Seems we have a lot in common."  Harry smiled and thought that maybe his poor choice of a question had somehow worked itself out.

That evening Harry decided he should find out if he had enough money to keep this place up.  He decided to write to Gringotts and ask.


Head Goblin

Gringotts, Diagon Alley

A short while back Miss R.J. Veganos transferred her assets to my account.  You wrote me saying that the contents of my old vault were move into hers.  As I now responsible for the upkeep of the home she left me, I am not clear whether those assets will allow me to do so. Could you tell me the current value of my vault please?

Thank you

Harry Potter


Harry had gotten a response the next evening;


Mr. Harry Potter.

I'm afraid I cannot give you the information you requested except in person.  I can at least tell you that you have no need to worry about being able to keep up the property.  Miss Veganos had been very prudent with her assets over the many years she had been a client. 

Please ask for me personally when you next come in.  I have met you once a few years ago but would like to personally give you this information.

Head Goblin

Gringotts, Diagon Alley.


Strange, but at least the main question was answered.  He had enough to keep the castle.

The next few weeks went by normally.  Harry would take tea to the Wilkin's occasionally, and Sirius would be gone for a days at a time.  Harry was getting used to the free time he had to do school work and help out in the grounds.  One evening, Sirius came back and looked like he was in a very good mood.  "Snape asked me today Harry."

"So, what did you tell him?"  Harry knew that Snape must have asked Sirius to try putting the Cruciatus curse on him so that he could practice throwing it.

"I jumped at the chance to curse him!" Sirius said with a big smile

"That's what I expected.  Really though, I hope he can learn to throw the curse.  He's probably had it applied to him more than I have.  Not counting training that is."

Sirius flinched at the thought of the curse being cast on Harry. "Can you tell me about this training?"

"Can't Sirius, sorry.  The Unspeakables trusted me with it and I'm seriously considering going to work for them one day so I can't.  They're good though, very good.   When are you going to start with Professor Snape?"

"First thing next week.  I can't wait."  There was an evil smile on his face.

There was a knock at the door and when Harry answered it, he saw Mr. Wilkins and an attractive older woman with him.  "Hello Mr. Wilkins."

"Hello Harry.  I'd like you to meet my wife Mary.  She's been anxious to meet you."

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Wilkins.  I'm Harry Potter."  She shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you as well Mr. Potter."  She said with an accent that Harry recognized.

"No, just Harry, please. You're French aren't you?"  Harry remembered the students from Beauxbatons and how they sounded when they were speaking English.

"Yes, very good.  I'm originally from Paris and still have family there."

Harry thought of something and then panicked.  He should invite them in but what if they saw Dobby or Winky.  Or what if Sirius came out of the fireplace?  He couldn't be rude so he said.  "Would you like to come in?"

"Yes, thanks" She said and stepped inside.

"There is something I should tell you though.  I hope you don't mind but…" and then Harry was cut off.

"You're a wizard, aren't you?" Mrs. Wilkins asked bluntly.

Harry was startled. "Um...yes.  How did you know?  Does it bother you?"  Harry was starting to panic inside since a wizard had killed their children.

"We knew R.J. was protecting a wizard school.  Then she asked for a special sword to be made for someone she met.  In her letter, I got the feeling she was happy.  Then we got the letter after she died talking about you and that she had left her home to you so we just put two and two together.  And, no you being a wizard is not a problem at all.  No matter what you are, you seem like a good person and R.J. held you in the highest regard which is all I need to know." Mr. Wilkins spoke up.

Harry turned looked at Mrs. Wilkins hoping for an answer from her.

"It doesn't bother me either Harry.  Even without R.J.'s note talking about you, I would have guessed there was something different.  You don't have any means of transportation here and yet you always have tea for Tom and our granddaughters.  Your godfather seems to come and go without transport as well.  And, I can't imagine a young man keeping up the inside of this place so well by himself without doing something special."

Harry felt relief and smiled.  "Actually I have excellent help taking care of the castle.  Would you like to meet them?  They are –different- than us."

Mr. and Mrs. Wilkins looked at each other and nodded.

Harry said in a slightly louder voice; "Dobby, Winky would you like to meet our neighbors?"

'Pop', 'Pop' and the two house-elves appeared.  Mrs. Wilkins gave a slight scream and Mr. Wilkins sat back in his seat more.

"Sorry to startle you mam." Winky said looking sad. Dobby stood slightly to the side of Winky but kept quiet; he obviously knew who was in charge.

"These are the Wilkins, Winky. This is Winky and this is Dobby.  They are my friends and also take care of me."  Harry said looking at his neighbors, wondering what they would think.

"Pleased to meet you Mrs. Wilkins, Mr. Wilkins.  We see you working in the grounds on some days." Winky spoke up in her soft squeaky voice.

The Wilkins had recovered but their eyes still showed wonderment when they shook the house-elves' hands.

Speaking to Winky and Dobby, Harry said "I wanted them to meet you in case they come over more they wouldn't be startled.  They had already figured out I was a wizard."

"Ah, very good.  Harry Potter has good neighbors." Dobby squeaked.  Winky looked at him and then they both 'popped' away.

Mrs. Wilkins asked many questions about the house-elves.  Harry told her they basically did everything inside the castle.  How he couldn't live here without them.

"Um.. I'd like to tell you something about how R.J. died if you don't mind.  Remember the wizard who killed my parents and tried to kill me when I was a baby.  He's the one who killed R.J. and tried to kill me again a few weeks ago.  I tried to stop him but he's still out there.  I thought you should know before you decide on liking me being around or not.  She was protecting the school and me but didn't make it."

"That sounds like her." Mr. Wilkins said.

"Do your grand children know about me?  I don't want to say anything if they don't know."

"Katie and Angie know something's special and have commented on how you get around and how strange it is that you go in to make tea and come back out in less time than it should take to make the tea. I think we're going to tell them though.  Better than being surprised by something." Mrs. Wilkins said with a smile.  "Do you have friends who are French Harry?"

"Kind of.  There was a school competition a couple years ago and some students came from France.  I kind of bonded with one student and her little sister.  Ever since then, I wished I could speak the language."

"I could teach you if you'd like!" She said eagerly

"Oh, I wouldn't want to trouble you." Harry said, he hadn't meant for her to do this.

"It would be no trouble.  With Tom and the girls are up here anyway, it would really give me something to do.  I was a teacher a long time ago and it would be fun to do it again.  And it will give me an excuse to use my native language on more than just my family."

"I'd really like to learn.  If it's really no trouble,  that would be great."