
"So. Harry Potter, you say? Why are you here?" The woman asked Harrison. He stood up, leaning against the wall. "NO. Before I answer anything else, who are you and what is this place." Harrison spat out. The woman walked over to him. She wore a tight red shirt with what looked to be black jeans. All in all, the outfit clung to her figure.

As the woman walked to Harrison, she swayed her hips drawing his eyes to her waist. All of a sudden, she dashed forward throwing a punch at Harrison. His eyes widened and he jumped to the side, rolling out of the way towards the entrance. The woman turned around and gave a sinister smirk. "I...am Isis." She informed him, and as she said that, light encompassed her.

Harrison had to cover his eyes. His instincts told him to jump to the side. Harrison jumped towards the door and made it out before the spot he was just standing in was destroyed. Isis came out of the make shift home of hers. Harrison stood once more, taking in Isis's new look while taking cover behind a nearby tree. She wore a white chiton dress that was cut off at her thigh.

Isis stepped over a log, moving towards Harrison. "Sorry about that. Lately my emotions have been out of control. As I was saying, I am Isis. Member of the Black Marvel Family." She told him. Harrison peeked around the tree. "That's supposed to make things better? You take me somewhere on this damned island, then attack me, then make an excuse to why you did it? No lady, that's not how this works. Why did you bring me here?" He asked, still behind the tree but ready to move in case she attacked again.

She looked around and sat on the log that she past trying to get to Harrison. She looked at the tree that Harrison was behind. "This island is Lian Yu. It's-" "Purgatory in Mandarin. I'm aware of the meaning. Why is it called that? Why are you here?" He cut her off.

Walking around the tree, Harrison had his hand aimed at her. She was about to answer his question, but stopped before she started with a confused look on her face.

"What are you doing?" Isis asked. Harrison realized that he had no control over his new found powers over lightning, so he lowered his hand. "Nothing. I was...it was nothing." He whispered.

She stood up and walked over to Harrison. He stiffened as she got closer and closer. "It's been awhile since I've been around anyone. Especially a man." Isis started as she walked around Harrison, admiring his body. "Mmmm, I'm not sure even my husband looked as fit as you do." She finished as she got in front of Harrison who tried to take a step back.

Harrison looked uncomfortable in this situation, unaware of what to do. "Why are you here?" He asked again, trying to get her attention away from him.

Looking down, Isis sighed. "My powers have been...altered. I'm looking for the Wizard, Shazam, so that he could help me. Thing is, I don't know how to get there. My powers shorted out as I was flying and I landed here." She informed him. Harrison looked at her warily. "I shall help..." Harrison started, "But I will be watching you."


"Isis. What do you want?" Harrison spat out. Isis just smiled and walked over towards him, hips swaying. Harrison lifted his arm. "Stay right where you are. What is it, Iris? I thought you said all you needed to on the island." He told her. Isis gave a pout. "Can't I come see an old friend?" She asked. "No, you betrayed my trust. I won't trust you again. Now get out." Harrison growled out, while Isis gave a hurt look.

Isis turned and walked towards the door but stopped right in front of it. "You should know, my husband has returned. And he wants you." She told him before walking out.

Harrison turned back towards his computer, looking at his updated files from the DEO when one caught his eye.

Looking at the file, he saw a separate section not for aliens, but humans with gifts. Metahumans from the 1940's. Harrison had heard stories of the Justice Society of America during the war, but thought they were just that. Stories.

Shaking his head, Harrison closed his files and flew to his home. As he landed, he made his way around back after hearing yelling. "Even though you came back from the island, it's like you are still dead. You don't talk to anyone and all you do is try and tell me what to do." he heard Thea shout out. Harrison rounded the corner and saw Oliver and Thea at their grave stones.

"So what brought this on?" Harrison asked. Oliver turned but Thea just shook her head and walked inside. Oliver made to speak, but Harrison interrupted him. "Oliver, if you're going to try and tell our little sister what to do, will you at least try and talk to her any other time you aren't trying to be her parent?" he asked. Oliver glared at Harrison.

"What are you trying to say?" Oliver spat out. Harrison ran his fingers through his hair and looked to the cloudy sky. "Oliver, we have been gone for years. You can't come back and try to run things." He replied before turning away.

Making his way inside, he heard something in the kitchen. As he walked in, he saw Thea bent over looking in the refrigerator. Harrison walked to the sink and grabbed a cup, then cleared his throat.

Thea jumped up and turned around. "Hey bro, warn someone next time will ya?" She told him. He just smirked and made his way over to her and hugged her from behind. "You know, when I woke up you weren't beside me." Thea said as she walked over to him and rubbed against him.

Harrison started growing an erection, something that Thea felt and smiled at. "Wow, you really are big, big bro. Want to finish what I tried to start?" She asked him with a sultry look. His response was to pick her up and carry her to his bedroom.