I ran next to the guy in the green hood, jumping over logs and swinging from trees that got in our way. We knew we had to get to the cliff over looking the beach of this god forsaken island.

Once we made it, the man next to me grabbed his bow. He waited. I turned to him,"Shoot it!" I yelled at him. He glared at me, then shot the arrow. I stuck my hand out and the tip burst into flames as it landed on a pyre we set up for a passing boat to see. As the flames rose, we made our way down to the beach.

By the time we got there, the men on the boat have landed on the island and made their way towards us. My partner, being overly dramatic, fell to his knees as he took off his hood, showing his bearded face. I, on the other hand, stood tall behind him staring at the black and orange mask that has an arrow through one of the eyes.

The name of the island we are on is Lian Yu. I've learned that it's Mandarin for purgatory. My partner and I have been on this damn island for roughly 5 years. While he has been dreaming of someone rescuing us night after night, I focused on making sure we stayed safe. For 5 years, I've mainly had one thought, a goal that needed to be accomplished no matter what, one that I have tried to beat into my companion...survive.

Survive, so that one day we can finally return home. The island was full of dangers and threats. Some more life threatening than others. To live, I had to make myself even more than what I was, to protect my self and anyone who I trusted. Now...we are returning. Not the boy who was shipwrecked with his brother, but the man who will right the wrongs of my city.

My name is Harrison Queen. My partner is my younger brother Oliver.

Time Skip

As we were in the hospital, I watched the news report cover mine and Oliver's return to Starling City. They mainly had coverage on Oliver seeing as he was a typical trust fund brat who liked to party all the time. I turned to face Oliver and saw him staring out the window into the night sky as if seeing all the changes this city has made.

Waving my hand, I made an extra chair in the room and sat down looking towards the door. I heard someone walk our way on the other side. I pushed out my senses and smiled as I realized who it was. Before the door opened, I heard what sounded like our doctor. "Thirty percent of his body is covered in scar tissue, with second degree burns on his back and arms. The other's isn't as bad, it still doesn't look too good with his being twenty percent covered in scar tissue and second degree burn marks on his back." I heard the doctor start.

He continued,"They both had X-ray scans that show the minimum of at least 12 fractures that never healed correctly." Then a woman's voice spoke out. "Has either of them said anything about what has happened?" She asked, only for the doctor to reply no. Then went on to say,"Moira, I'd like you to prepare yourself. The boys you lost might not be the one they found in the North China Sea."

She opened up the door and slowly walked in. I looked up and smiled at her. "Harrison." She said as I stood up and gave her a hug. As hard as I may act or be, these past 5 years, I have missed my mother. I released her, then glared at my brother who was still staring out the window. Mother hesitantly took a step towards him.

"Oliver?" She said so low it was almost a whisper. He turned away from the window and faced her with a small smile and tears in his eyes. "Mom." He said, giving her all the incentive she needed to move forward and hugged him also. She stepped back and put a hand on both of our cheeks. "My beautiful boys. You're finally home." She said to herself. I smiled at her and shook my head.

The next morning we were cleared to go home, and so we did. The car ride was silent all the way to our old home. As we pulled in, I got out the car and stared at our house...well mansion thinking of all the memories I had here. I turned and saw mom wave me over alongside Oliver, so I fell behind him as we went into the house.

"Your rooms are exactly how you left them. I never had a heart to change anything." Mom told us. Just as she finished, a man I vaguely recognized walked over to us. "Oliver, Harrison. It's damn good to see you." The man told us. I think his name was Steele or something. Oliver just stared him down, then walked away.

Once again, I glared at him and got behind him. "Play nice and speak." I whispered in his ear as I moved past him to shake the man's hand. "It's good to be home. It's Steele, right?" I asked him. He nodded his head,"Yes. It's Walter Steele." Mr. Steele informed me. Mom just watched the three of us before coming over.

As she was about to speak, I sensed someone coming from upstairs. I looked up and saw my favorite sibling coming down the stairs. My little sister Thea. While Oliver and Mom were discussing the Merlyn's coming over, I kept my eyes on my beautiful sister who has grown up from the little girl she was to the young woman who is here now.

"Hey little sis." I said with a smile. Her eye's teared up as she ran down the stairs and jumped into my arms. "Harry! I knew you were alive." she told me through a sob as she was crying into my shoulder. Then she looked up and saw Oliver and ran to him. I stood to the side and watched the scene, then turned towards the stairway and went to my old room.

I walked into my room, and the first thing I noticed wasn't the smell or even how I left the room. It was my wall of friends. Not that I had many. The first one I saw was one with me and Bruce Wayne, a boy I grew up with. He had a troubled past as his parents were killed. I sympathized with him, seeing as how Moira isn't my real mother. My real mother was named Lily Evans. She died during child birth, but was alive long enough to see me after I was born.

I turned to the next picture that showed me with Lutessa Lena Luthor at a charity ball dancing together. We got along seeing as how we never liked how our brothers turned out. Her brother, Lex, always thought I was trying to drive a wedge in his family not seeing it was him doing it his self the entire time. Not that is father or any of Luthorcorp was any better.

Walking over to my stand, I saw the one of my girlfriend at the time and her sister, Kara and Alex Danvers. I met Kara in high school, then her sister a few months later in a self defensive class. The three of us became the best of friends, with our circle growing adding in a two guys I met at MIT named Cisco Ramon and Winn Schott.

Then finally, Laurel and Sara Lance. My two biggest what ifs. The lance sisters went to school with my brother and I, and before I met Kara we were the best of friends with Tommy Merlyn also being in the mix. Though when I graduated early to go to school for business management and engineering, we drifted apart. I fell in love with Laurel as most guys have. When I finally worked up the courage to ask her out...she was already with my brother.

I walked over to my shelves and saw all my studies on business management and languages seeing as how I kept my engineering studies in my workshop in case they were needed.

After 5 years, I barely recognize most of these things. I grabbed a change of clothes and took a hot shower. The first one I've had in awhile. As I got out, I took a good look at myself. I'm taller. My emerald eyes are more forest green now. My hair looks like that one guy on dragon ball, Raditz I think.

I shook my head and went back to my room to get a change of clothes so I could be ready for dinner. As thunder struck, I was brought back into a memory.

Flashback (Queen's Gambit before it sunk)

"How bad is the storm, dad?" I asked my father since he was looking at the radar while I held the door for one of the crew members. Dad turned to answer me, but then the crew member came in. "The storm's a Category 2. The captain's recommending we head back." He informed us. Dad told the crew member to inform the rest of the crew we were turning around.

Then Oliver came around the corner. I sighed and rubbed my temples. " Are we in trouble?" He asked. Dad kept walking towards him then responded with,"One of us is." We all smiled then I heard it. "Ollie?" I recognized that voice. It was Sara Lance's. Oliver turned back towards his room as Sara came around the corner and saw us.

I felt my eyes glowing as I saw her cause I knew Oliver was with Laurel. The women he knew I loved and wanted. Dad put his hand on my shoulder, and I felt the pressure in my eyes die down. Sara and Oliver were none the wiser. "Where do you keep the bottle opener on this thing?" Sara asked. Oliver turned to her, while I had a stare down with dad.

"I'll...I'll be there in a minute, Sara. Let me finish with them." Oliver told her. She smiled at him then turned away. When he turned back to us, I took a step forward but dad beat me to the punch. "You know, son...that is not going to finish well. For either of them or for you." Dad told him, but he still had that smirk on his face. I ran over to him and grabbed him by his throat and slammed him into the wall.

Present time

I sat, looking at the last picture I took with dad before I heard someone come in the room next door. I walked into the room and saw it was Tommy Merlyn. I shook my head and walked over to Thea.

"How have you been these last 5 years?" I asked her sitting at the dinner table. She smiled and told me about how well she was doing in school and the few friends she had, though it felt like she was hiding something.

We talked until everyone came and got settled at the table, ready to eat.

I sat at the head of the table with mom on the other side. Thea was beside me with Tommy in front of her, while Walter and Oliver were beside each other. I looked around the table and watched the discussions that were taking place. Talks about Superbowl's, black presidents, and irreverent tv shows that he tried to slide in so that someone could mention the island...and it just so happened to work.

When Thea asked us what it was like on the island, all conversations halted as they turned towards us. Oliver looked around the table then settled on Thea. "Cold." He answered with a sly smile. I shook my head. "If that isn't an understatement." I muttered into my drink. Thea turned to me. I just winked at her. If i didn't know any better I would have thought she was blushing. Weird.

Back to reality, I hear Tommy,"Tomorrow, you and me, were doing the city." He told Oliver. "You have a lot to catch up on." Tommy continued. Mom thought it was a great idea for some reason. Hopefully, Tommy has grown up these past 5 years. "Great, then I'll swing by the office. See the business that I will be in control of eventually." I told mom.

When I said that, her face had fallen but Walter was the one who spoke up. "Well, there's plenty of time for that. Queen Consolidated isn't going anywhere." He told me. I was going to verbally attack him, but Rasia tripped and Oliver caught her. "I am so sorry, Oliver." She stated. "Все в порядке, не беспокойтесь." Oliver told her, speaking in Russian in front of our family.

Walter was astounded. "I didn't realize you took Russian at collage, Oliver." He told him, to which Oliver replied," I didn't realize you wanted to sleep with my mother, Walter."

I cut into my steak as I watched the show I call life. Way to show some damn tack, Oliver. Mom and Walter looked at Thea. She scoffed, " I didn't say anything." she informed them and that's when I cut in.

"Mom, she didn't have to say anything. The way you look at him, the way you are around him...that's not a relationship between colleague's. It's one between two people in a relationship. It's been 5 years. I don't blame you for moving on." I told her with sincerity. Her eyes glistened. Oliver didn't say anything though.

She grabbed Walter's hand. "Oliver, Walter and I are married, and I don't want you to think that either one of us did anything to respect your father." She stated. Walter continued on for her, "We both believed that Robert, like you, was...well, gone." He finished.

Oliver looked at me. I nodded my head to the door. He nodded, then spoke out. " It's fine." He said, looking at mom. We both stood up. "May we be excused?" I asked, looking at everyone. Mom nodded her head at us. As we made our way out, Tommy said something but I didn't hear it.

After we left the room and was far enough away, I turned to him. "Are you sure you still want to do this? Cause while I may have forgiven you, I'm not going to hold your hand when it comes to the mission." I informed him. He looked at me, and I saw the man I helped make over the course of 5 years. "You know I am. Just don't get in my way." He told me.

I glared at him," Don't forget who you're talking to, little brother. Or I will finish what we started all those years ago." I told him then turned towards my room, leaving him standing there with his thoughts.

Time skip

That night, while I was sleep, I dreamt of the event that sunk the boat.


"Dad, come on. I know what I'm talking about. Something in me is telling me that we are in great danger. Why won't you ever listen to me when I tell you this?" I yelled at dad while the lightning and thunder got closer and closer.

He turned to me after talking to the Captain. " When you get a degree in Meteorology or Climate Studies, then I'll be inclined to listen but until then I'll listen and watch the screen that let's me know what's going on." He told me with a 'I'm not discussing this any further' tone.

I growled out and went back to my room. "First dad side's with Oliver over bringing Sara onto the yacht to China with us, now he won't listen to me. WHAT WILL IT TAKE FOR YOU TO LISTEN!" I shouted throwing my hands up. When I did that, everything in my room got blasted against the wall. I looked at my hands and they were glowing.

"Wh-what is happening?" I asked myself as I heard the thunder get closer. I closed my eyes, and when I opened them, I could see my body. I looked at myself and saw I was like a ghost...no, an astral projection. I jumped back into my body as the boat tilted to one side and I was flung against the wall.

I hit my head on a lamp as I hit the wall, so once I got up I was a little dazed. I made my way to the door and saw the boat was sinking. I looked around for anything I could do, then I saw the life raft floating away from the boat. I looked closer and saw they just pulled up Oliver.

Oliver. It always comes back to him. The party playboy. In and out of police cars. That's the son he wants for his company? His favored son? Not the one who actually attended school and made Valedictorian and graduated early for college. Not the one who went to MIT for years to study engineering and business management, with a minor in Politics from Harvard.

As these thoughts went through my head, I never noticed a blood red aura around me. I felt...power building up. With a scream, I unleashed it causing another explosion before everything went black.

Present time

I felt someone try and wake me. Before I was fully awake, I grabbed them and pulled them under me. Who ever it was yelped as I did that. I looked closer and saw it was Thea. I let her up and pulled her close. "I'm so sorry, sis. I-i didn't mean to." I told her. She just hugged me, telling me it was alright. Telling me that I was home and back to her.

Something about holding my little sister felt wrong, yet I didn't let her go for the rest of the night.

The next morning, I noticed Thea was gone. For some reason, I didn't like that. I shook my head and let those thoughts drift away. I closed my eyes, and pushed my senses out. I felt Oliver in his room, Thea with a friend, Mom and Walter down stairs, and someone coming to the drive way.

I pulled out a ring and focused on a building that I found before I got on that stupid boat. I had to concentrate harder than usual, but I finally got a portal opened. I stepped into the building. It was an subsidiary of Queen Consolidated that dad sold to me...before he sold his factory. Secretly, I bought it though. I looked around and saw it had everything I needed.

And what I needed, was a lair that nobody would suspect. I can easily get in and out, bring in a generator or make a new source of energy so that I'm not tracked down, but that's for a later date.

I made a portal back to my room to get my things that I shrunk on the island when I got a feeling. I sat down and unleashed my astral form to search for the problem. Willing to bet everything I own, I was going to say it had to do with Oliver. While I tried to find him, my mind went back to that night.


I opened my eyes and I saw I was floating near the raft. I was about to make myself known when I heard dad. "I thought I'd have more time. I'm not the man you think I am. I didn't build our city, I failed it. And I wasn't the only one.

Present time

I finally found them. I have their location. It's time to make myself known. I pulled out a chest on a keychain, and expand it. I look upon the suit that I will save this city in. At least for now. I will eventually add upgrades to it. My suit is made of Kevlar weave with Ceramic plates centered around the skull on the chest. The under suit had armored plates with kinetic dampening gel.

All in all, I should be protected for now. I made my way into the building Oliver was in time to see him get tased. After the second time, he looked up and saw me. I nodded my head. Oliver took a few breaths. "Yes, he did." He told the guy in the mask. I looked around the room and saw 2 guys. One with the gun and the other with the taser.

If I want to do this, I need to take out the gun man while Oliver has the other guys attention. I slowly make my way over to him, before grabbing him and covering his mouth. "What did he tell you, Mr. Queen?" He guy with the taser asked, not knowing I just silently took his partner down. I looked up and jumped to a pillar as Oliver looked at the man.

"He told me, I'm going to kill you." Oliver stated. I sighed, that will only make things worse. Especially if someone finds the connection, then it can come back to haunt him.

The man with the taser laughed in Oliver's face. "You're zip tied to the chair. How do you plan on doing that?" He asked. Oliver slowly pulled his hands from behind his chair. "Not anymore." Oliver said before using the chair to hit him. He broke off one of the legs and went to stab him, but I jumped down and blocked it.

When I blocked Oliver, the taser man tried to rush me. I turned around and kicked his right leg out from under him, and punched his face as he fell forward knocking him out.

I turned back to Oliver. "We do NOT kill. Under any circumstances." I told him, then disappeared from his view.