I know what some people are probably thinking; 'You're starting another story? Even though you already have such trouble updating the ones you have? Are you crazy!?'

And yeah, it would seem crazy at first, but I have a plan, one that I've been planning for a while, that should put to ease those who are waiting for updates on 'A Grimm's Aura,' though less so if you're waiting for an update on one of my other stories.

Basically, I've decided to only work on two main stories at a time (this does not count oneshots, or compilations like the Infinite Loops,) and only stories I've planned out fully. For right now those stories are A Grimm's Aura, and this one; Paranormal Infatuation.

The other 'main' stories I have will remain on hold until two requirements are met; I have planned them out all the way through, and one of my two 'main story' slots are open. Any new main stories I post from now on will have been planned out fully beforehand. I'm hoping for a pattern to be working on one of my old stories, and one new one at the same time, until no old stories remain.

The main stories will be updated one after the other, so the next main story update will be A Grimm's Aura, though I still don't know when it will be finished, with this new plan I'm hoping it won't take too long.

I'll be updating my profile soon with details on this new story plan, with probably some further details than listed here.

Now onto this story itself; it's a pairing between Nate/Keita, and Lina/Rina. Though note that while this story is listed as 'romance,' keep in mind these are elementary school age kids, so 'romance' should be taken lightly. The most intimate they will get is a kiss on the cheek, and even that won't happen until towards the end of the story.

Also, to note; I'm not really a 'shipper,' but I do find pairing certain characters fun sometimes. I found the idea of Nate and Lina being a pairing interesting, mostly from their interactions in the games, as most of the kids in Nate's class are criminally underused in the anime, in my opinion at least.

Anyway, that's probably long enough of an Author's note for the beginning of the story, so let's just move on to the story itself.

Chapter 1: The Investigation Begins

It was another ordinary day for the students of Springdale Elementary, it was currently lunch time and most of the students were seated in the cafeteria, though not every student.

In a room a bit far off from the cafeteria where the most activity was going on now, a particular club was beginning with its proceedings…

"If nobody has any objections, I will begin the meeting," Zoey suggested with a serious expression, looking towards the only other member of the Springdale Elementary Ghost Club; her best friend Lina.

When the other girl gave no sign of disapproval, Zoey nodded, adjusting her glasses a bit. "Now then, as we both know; Springdale is not just the run of the mill town most people seem to think it is, no… there has been a lot of evidence of supernatural activity, many clues that I have noticed in particular, and the areas they seem to be focused in…"

Lina watched as her friend was going through some papers, her own hand inching towards her backpack with a bit of twitching, as if she was anxiously waiting to bring something up.

"Our own classroom," Zoey commented, pushing through a few notebook's pages, holding up the book and flipping through it, pointing towards written down dates and locations. "Though instances of strange happenings occur all over town, our class has a very unusual number of incidents, inexplicable behavior changes in particular and…" Zoey paused, noting how Lina's hand was brushing against her backpack. "Lina, do you have something you would like to add?"

The only other member of the Ghost Club froze, looking towards her friend with a cough, before standing to her feet and giving a pleasant smile. "Actually, yes; if I may, Zoey, I would like to reintroduce… that theory of mine," Lina spoke with a knowing tone.

Zoey rolled her eyes. "Lina, come on, not this again…"

"Zoey, I said 'if I may,'" the long-haired girl chimed, before opening-up her backpack and pulling out a file. "The curious case of Nathan Adams."

"We've been over this; Nate has nothing to do with the supernatural. Trust me, I've taken a good look at everyone in our class, and that guy is the least likely to be involved with anything of that sort, he's just an average boy," Zoey insisted, watching as Lina flipped through the file.

"You claim the same thing that everyone else seems to think, Zoey, but you never actually stop to observe the smaller details," Lina countered, pointing to a few notes in the document. "Case-in-point, I have observed that Nate seems to talk to himself unusually often. Not only that, he is frequently right there at the scene during any sort of strange incidents or behavior among our classmates, and behaves strangely during these events, almost as if he can see something the rest of us can't…"

"Lina, I don't want to discredit your investigation skills, but it sounds to me like you want there to be something to investigate about Nate, more than you actually believe there is something," Zoey smirked a bit as she looked towards her friend.

Lina gave the other girl a confused look, "Want? Well I do want us to make progress in our investigations. But I wish you wouldn't discredit the Nate case so quickly, I assure you there is something there, just look at the evidence!" she showed the file to Zoey.

The shorter-haired girl only bothered to give the file a brief look-over, shaking her head dismissively. "Look Lina, this is the Ghost Club, we need to keep this professional you know," Zoey insisted, moving over to the other girl and patting her on the shoulder. "Are you sure this desire to investigate Nate isn't because you have… other interests in him?"

Lina blinked under the bangs that covered her eyes. "What other interests could I possibly have, Zoey? The Ghost Club is my top priority, I assure you."

"Right…" Zoey nodded slowly, a mischievous smirk on her face, the young girl having already made up her mind on this matter, to her Lina's protests only solidified her conclusion. "Okay then, why don't you make this your own personal project."

"Personal project? What do you mean by that? We've never had such a thing in this club before," Lina pointed out with a skeptical frown.

Zoey chuckled a bit, waving her hand, "It's simple, Lina. You will tackle the 'Nathan Adams' case on your own, you do what you want, of your own free time, and I won't get involved. And we leave… this matter out of all future Ghost Club meetings."

Lina's features scrunched a bit, giving her friend a disapproving look, "So you're saying you want me to investigate this possible clue on the supernatural activity of Springdale on my own, you don't intend to help me at all?"

The bespectacled girl nodding, giving her friend an encourage look. "Don't think of this as me 'not helping you,' think of this as your own special case. As I said, I don't really think Nate has anything to do with the entities we could be dealing with here, but if you could bring me some more conclusive evidence, I may change my mind on the matter."

"You 'may…?'"

Despite the bangs that covered Lina's eyes, Zoey could tell that they were narrowing.

"You don't think I'm making this evidence up, do you?" Lina asked in an almost accusatory manner, though she was sure to keep her tone from moving to anger.

Zoey sighed, "Lina, if I thought you were the type to just make stuff up, I wouldn't have ever considered making this Ghost Club with you," she spoke in assured tone, giving her friend a serious look. "But even you must admit it's a bit hard to see Nate as some center of supernatural activity. Are you sure there isn't some other reason, any other reason, that you are so focused on him…?"

Lina closed the file, giving her friend a serious frown. "No… there's something here, I can feel it." She glanced down at the file she held, before sighing a bit, "Though… I guess the evidence may seem a bit circumstantial…"

Zoey gave the other girl a strange look, squinting her eyes as if she wasn't sure how seriously she should take her friend's stance on this subject. "… Well, if you are so sure of Nate's supernatural involvement, you won't have any problem getting enough evidence to convince me, right?"

"Well, I suppose I could attempt this, but where would I even start with this 'personal investigation' of mine?" Lina pondered as she glanced towards the clock, noting that bell for the return to class would soon ring.

"Well, Nate has friends, doesn't he? Why not ask them for advice on the matter, find out what he likes and such," Zoey suggested, giving a mischievous smile.

Lina looked at her friend strangely but nodded. "I suppose the company he keeps would be the best place to start, I doubt they would know what to look for to spot signs of the supernatural, but they should at least be able to inform me of any other sort of peculiar behavior he may get into outside of school…"

"Er… yeah, sure," Zoey shrugged, glancing toward the clock and nodding. "Okay, meeting adjourned! Didn't get as much done today as I would have liked, but we'll pick this up at our investigation tonight!"

"Our investigation tonight…" Lina nodded to her friend. "Yes, I'll be there, and I'll bring the evidence you desire so."

Zoey chuckled a bit, an amused smile on her face. "Great, just don't spend too much time looking, we both need to be at our best for this investigation!"

Despite her slight annoyance towards her fellow paranormal-enthusiast at the moment, Lina allowed herself to show an amused smile of her own. "I'm always at my best."

"Sure you are," Zoey laughed, gathering her supplies and heading towards the door, glancing back at Lina, whom was still returning her files to her backpack. "Good luck with your boyfriend hunt!" Zoey let out an evil chuckle before bolting down the hall.

Lina paused, giving a confused glance towards the doorway where her friend stood moments ago. "… My what…?"

Silence was all Lina got in response to her inquiry…

The bell that signaled the end of class rang through the halls.

Lina found herself walking through the halls, pondering to herself how to approach Nate's friends about him being involved with the supernatural, and subsequently get the evidence she needed to convince Zoey her case had a leg to stand on…

'Zoey suggested I start by asking Nate's friends about him, surely if I have noticed something strange about Nate, those close to him will have noticed much more,' the dark-haired girl nodded to herself, scanning the halls, before spotting a blonde-haired boy she recognized, walking a few feet ahead of her. 'Edward Archer, often referred to as 'Eddie' by his friends. Wealthy family, one of the smartest boys in class, nothing too notable on the supernatural side as far can be told but is fairly close with Nathan Adams…' Lina allowed a smirk to creep onto her face. 'As decent a place as any to start my investigation.'

Eddie was humming a bit of a tune to himself as he walked, probably whatever song was playing on his headphones. The intelligent boy was paying little attention to his surroundings, which is why a sudden tapping on his shoulder caused him to jump.

"Wha!?" the boy jumped, turning to see Lina smiling at him, he took off his headphones and gave her a puzzled look.

"Hello, Eddie."

"Oh, Lina… hi?" the blonde boy greeted with an awkward wave.

"Yes, so Eddie… do you mind if I call you Eddie?" the dark-haired girl questioned as she kept smiling at him.

"Um… no, that's fine," Eddie nodded, a confused look on his face. "Is there something you want Lina…? You don't usually talk to me, you're usually with Zoey."

A small frown came to Lina's face at the mention of her friend. "Zoey has other priorities at the moment, so I'm on my own for the time being…"

"Oh… I'm sorry?" Eddie offered, still looking a bit confused by the girl's tone and demeanor.

"Don't be, it's not your concern," Lina assured, "That aside, there is something I wanted to ask you… about your friend; Nate"

The intelligent boy blinked, "Nate? You want to know about Nate?" Eddie looked surprised by this turn in the conversation.

"Yes, I want to know about Nate. Like for example; have you noticed anything… unusual about him?"

"What? 'Unusual,' Nate? Uh, not really; he's pretty average… unless you mean 'unusually average,'" Edde chuckled a little, though seemed to regret his words a moment later, frowning a bit. "Though… he is one of my best friends, so maybe I shouldn't say that? It's not like it's an insult, but I know he doesn't really like it… What exactly did you want to know anyway?"

"You too, huh?" Lina muttered to herself, shaking her head and nodding to the boy. "Thank you, Edward, but I think I need to search elsewhere for the answers I seek…"

Eddie watched Lina leave with confusion. "Oh… okay…" he paused, scratching his head. "Wait, now she's calling me 'Edward?'"

Lina couldn't help chuckling a bit as she heard the boy's last comment of confusion, before continuing on her way.

"Bear, I want to ask you some questions about your friend Nate."

"Huh, hey what's going on here?" Bear questioned, looking a bit freaked out as he glanced between Lina's eerie smile, and the notepad in her hand. "Hey, I don't know you think is going on, but Nate didn't do anything okay! And even if he did, I wouldn't sell out my friend!"

Lina's smile turned to a frown, giving the large boy a blank stare from beneath her bangs. "What are you talking about…?"

"I already said I won't talk, so just move on!" Bear huffed stubbornly, crossing his arms and turning away.

"… Alright, but I just want to know if you've noticed anything unusual about Nate," Lina spoke carefully, walking around Bear and back into his line of sight.

"Unusual…?" Bear blinked, his stubborn expression changing to one of confusion. "Who, Nate?"

"Yes, everybody says he's average, but I have reason to believe Nate Adams might have some… ties with the unusual. As his friend, surely you would notice something like that, right?" Lina's grin returned, looking a bit more eager as she held her pen and notepad up.

Bear blinked again, before giving a loud laugh, "Nate, unusual? Unusually average, maybe!"

Lina frowned a bit at the repeated joke, she didn't find it funny when Eddie had said it either…

Bear didn't notice the girl's frown as he continued laughing, "Where do you come up with this stuff?" the boy wiped a tear from his eye as his laughter calmed down. "No way, you've got the wrong guy if you're looking for some kind of story, Lina."

Lina kept staring at Bear, her expression having turned unreadable. "… You are Nate's friend, right?"

"Of course, we're the best of buds!" Bear laughed again, giving a thumbs-up. "Why?"

The spooky girl closed her notebook, shaking her head a bit, before giving the boy a nod. "Thank you for the input, Barnaby, but I think I'll be on my way now."

"Whatever you say, I still don't really know what you're doing," Bear shrugged as Lina walked by him, he looked at her a bit suspiciously, "You sure you're not trying to dig up dirt on Nate to get him into trouble."

"Trouble…?" Lina paused, looking back towards Bear with a slight tilt of her head. "No, getting Nate into trouble is one of the last things on my mind. It would be very… inconvenient for me, tee-hee!" the spooky girl gave a small chuckle before turning and continuing on her path.

Bear scratched his head with a weirded-out expression. "There is something wrong with that girl…"

"I can still hear you," Lina commented, having not walked that far down the hall, glancing back towards her larger classmate with a frown.

"OH!" Bear jumped back in surprise, before giving a sheepish smile. "Um… sorry."

Lina nodded back to him, before turning away and continuing down the hall, heading towards the stairs.

'Maybe Nate's immediate friends aren't the ones to ask, they would probably be likely to block out or ignore anything unusual he does subconsciously. Perhaps I should go to those that hang around him but aren't as close to him…' Lina thought to herself, walking out the school's doors and into the yard.

"Okay, anybody else up for a game of soccer!"

Lina looked up at the exclamation, spotting the tan girl she knew as Alex standing out in the ball field, rallying several other students around her as she held a soccer ball down with her foot.

Lina thought to herself for a moment; she did see Alex hanging around Nate's group of friends on occasion, though not enough to consider the athletic girl part of the group herself. Perhaps she was in that middle ground between distant and close where she would be able to pick up, but not block out if Nate was behaving oddly…

"Alright, we got one, two, three…" Alex counted off the students who had joined her game, before she noticed the spooky girl approaching her, notepad in hand, "Huh, Lina? You want in on the game?" Alex looked a bit surprised by the paranormal-loving girl's appearance.

"No thank you, but I do have something to ask you, Alex," Lina explained, holding up her notepad, "You're familiar with Nathan Adams, are you not?"

The sports-loving girl looked surprised by that question, "Nate…? Yeah, I guess I… know him."

"You, spend time with him at least semi-regularly, correct?" Lina asked with a curious smile.

"Um, maybe… are you trying to imply something?" Alex questioned slowly, her expression turning suspicious.

One of the boys that had gathered for the game, Andy, started chuckling mischievously, but a glare from Alex quickly silenced this.

"I'm not implying anything about you," Lina clarified with a professional tone. "I just want to know if you have perhaps noticed anything… 'unusual' about him?"

"Unusual? No, I mean, nothing I can think of. He just seems like a normal guy to me, but I barely talk to him in the first place," Alex gave a shrug. "He's more Katie's friend than mine, you'd probably be better off asking her about him."

Lina seemed to take this into consideration, giving a thoughtful nod, "Katie, huh…?" a pleasant smile came to the spooky girl's face, before she gave Alex a bow. "Thank you for your assistance, Alex. I believe I may do just that."

"Oh… uh, happy to be of assistance?" the shorter-haired girl watched the other girl leave, a baffled expression coming to her face. "Why's Lina suddenly so interested in Nate anyway…?"

"Maybe it's because he's worth being 'interested' in?"

"Wah!" Alex nearly tripped over her soccer ball at the other girl's response, evidently not expecting Lina to have heard her comment.

'Though I suppose Katie could be considered similarly close to Nate as Edward and Barnaby, perhaps she noticed something they hadn't,' Lina gave an assuring nod to herself as she thought this over, a small smirk coming to her face. 'Girls do tend to be a tad more perceptive than boys, so she could have potentially picked up on a lot more than Nate's male friends.'

With her convictions set, Lina continued her walk away from the proceeding soccer game, hoping that the girl she was searching for had not yet left the school's campus. It didn't take too long for her to spot a pink bow, holding up a ponytail in a mop of brown hair. "Katie!"

"Huh?" the brown-haired girl stopped in her tracks, having just about reached the school's gate to begin her walk home. Looking over her shoulder, she spotted the darker-haired girl moving towards her, "Oh, hi! Lina, right?" Katie questioned, a kind smile on her face.

"Yes, that would be me, nice to know the most popular girl in our class remembers my name, tee-hee!" the spooky girl chuckled playfully, giving a small bow in the process.

Katie chuckled back, looking a bit embarrassed, "'Most popular girl in our class?' Are you sure you're not thinking of Meg, or Maya?"

Lina looked thoughtful for a moment, before shaking her head and smiling at Katie once more, "Nope, the definite consensus among the class has been that it's you for a while now."

"R-really? Me…?" Katie looked like she wanted to hide her face as her eyes darted around, her embarrassment growing.

"Though your popularity aside, that's not the reason I wanted to talk to you," Lina stated frankly, despite grinning a bit at the other girl's reaction to her previous statement. "What, or rather, whom I wish to talk to you about is Nate Adams."

Katie snapped out of her embarrassment, giving Lina a confused look as she processed what she said. "Nate? Why do you want to talk about Nate? Why do you want to talk to me about Nate?"

"Well, aside from Eddie and Bear, you are his closest friend," Lina stated with a shrug. "And they honestly weren't much help."

"I could see that," Katie muttered a bit with a side-glance, before letting out a fake cough and focusing on the other girl again. "But why do you want to know about Nate all of a sudden…?" Katie's eyes scrunched slightly, before they widened, "Could it be… do you like Nate, Lina?"

"I don't really know Nate enough to say if I like him or not, but I'm definitely interested in him, tee-hee!"

"Oh, I see, you're interested in him," Katie nodded with a slightly mischievous grin, "I get it."

"Something about your tone makes me think you don't exactly 'get it,'" Lina muttered a bit to herself, before nodding to the other girl. "Either way, any info about him would be helpful."

Katie put her arms to her hips, still smiling at her darker-haired classmate, "Well, I don't think I have much I could tell you that you probably hadn't already heard from Eddie or Bear, but I think you would be better off asking Nate about himself, he may be average, but he is a nice guy! You should really just talk to him directly."

"Hm, talk to him directly?" Lina looked thoughtful at this suggestion, "I hadn't really considered the straightforward approach, but there may be some merit to your idea…"

"Well I'm glad I could help," Katie nodded with a wide smile, "Just be sure not to be too pushy, you might end up scaring him off."

"Noted, but no promises," Lina allowed herself a little smirk, despite her classmate's smile turning to a bit of a frown. "So, do you know if he's left school already?"

"I'm pretty sure he hasn't yet, though he's probably got all his stuff together by now…" Katie scratched her head with somewhat unsure expression. "I'm sure you could still catch him before he leaves."

"Hmm, good, I shall seek him out," Lina nodded with an appreciative expression. "Thank you again for your assistance, Katie. I shall now continue with my investigation!"

Katie kept her unsure expression as she watched Lina head back towards the school.

Lina was both happy, and slightly disappointed, that finding Nate wasn't all that hard. She hadn't walked too far from the spot she had spoken with Katie, when she found the brown-haired boy by one of the school's corners… seemingly having a conversation with nobody?

A flash of excitement went through Lina's mind, was this it? Had she already stumbled upon the boy having interactions with the supernatural. With a bit of a spring in her step, Lina inched closer, intent on listening in.

"–well, maybe if you didn't have to look them up every time, and– "Nate's voice sounded frustrated as he shook his fist at the air, seemingly growing more frustrated at something left unheard to the girl spying on him. "Okay, that's not fair! Circumstance has proven that little 'habit' of mine correct more times than not!"

Lina inched closer, even though she could only hear one half of the conversation, she could sense some kind of… presence by her male classmate's side, maybe if she just got a little closer…

The sudden sound of a twig snapping had the boy's head immediately turning and looking directly at the spy.

"L-Lina?" Nate questioned with a confused expression, his eyes briefly darted towards the 'air' he had been conversing with, before focusing on her again.

"Yes, that is my name, as yours is Nate, tee-hee," the spooky girl chuckled with a nod. "I'm glad it didn't take too long to find you… we're you talking to someone just now?" Lina glanced around, not seeing anyone, it seemed the presence she had been feeling moments ago had faded, but it did feel like something was off about the air around them…

"Um, no, I wasn't talking to anyone," Nate was quick to a assure with a few waves of his hands.

Lina's expression turned a bit suspicious at the boy's denial, but her smile quickly returned before she held up her notepad. "Nate, I've been trying to learn about you all from your friends, but I was given the idea that talking to you directly might be the better way to go with this."

"Oh… you want to know about me?" Nate raised a brow questioningly.

Lina eagerly nodded, "Yes, like for example; do you perhaps… see or hear things other people don't notice…?"

"W-what? What kind of question is that?" Nate backed up a bit with a nervous scratch of his head as the dark-haired girl leaned forward. "No, of course I don't."

"Hm…" Lina frowned. "Well, what about unexplained things happening around you, have you noticed anything like that…?"

"… Why do I feel like I'm getting interrogated here?"

Lina chuckled a bit at Nate's assessment, "Interrogation seems a bit too accusatory for what I'm doing. I just want to learn about you, Nate. I know there's more to you than just an 'average' boy, despite what everyone says."

Nate flinched at the word 'average,' before sighing and giving a bit of a cough, "I'd like to think there is, but I don't think I'm like what you're looking for, Lina."

Lina looked unsatisfied with this response, "You sure about that?"

"Yes, I'm sure."

"You really sure?" Lina leered as she moved closer to the boy.

"Y-yes, I'm really sure," Nate took a step back, his expression turning a bit creeped out.

"You really, really sure…?" an eerie smirk creeped its way onto Lina's face as she cornered Nate against a wall.

"YES! I'm sure, okay!?"

"Alright, don't need to bite my head off," Lina chuckled at the boy's embarrassed look as she backed off, before humming a bit as she looked thoughtful, 'This doesn't seem to be going anywhere, maybe I need to put him into the right environment to… that's it!'

"Uh, Lina, I kind of need to go home, so…" Nate tried to inch himself around the creepy girl but froze when she raised a hand in his way.

"Nate!" Lina exclaimed seriously. "Come back here later tonight, I want you to join in the Ghost Club's investigation of spirits inhabiting the school!"

The 'average' boy gave a blank look at this sudden request. "Um… no?"

"Yes," Lina insisted, moving to keep Nate from walking past her. "Please return here at precisely 19:00 o'clock later this evening for the investigation."

"No, I'm not going to do that," Nate reaffirmed, trying to move past Lina again, and giving a frustrated grunt when she continued to block him. "And besides, I'm not supposed to be out that late by myself, my mom won't allow it."

Lina remained firm in her stance. "Have your mom call my mom, we have permission to do this investigation tonight."

Nate groaned, "Look Lina, I'm sorry, but I don't want to look for ghosts, I get enough of…" the boy paused for a moment, "I mean… ghosts aren't real!"

"Don't sound so sure of yourself there," Lina chuckled with a small smirk.

The boy let out a long sigh, "I just want to go home, so…" Nate tried to run past Lina, but she caught him by the arm and pulled him back. "Hey!"

"Nope," Lina shook her head as Nate struggled against her grip, before she pulled him back into his previous position.

"Wow," Nate couldn't help but look impressed after the ghost-obsessed girl had released his arm. "You're stronger than you look."

"Yes, I am. Thank you," Lina smiled at the compliment. "So, see you at seven?"

Nate gave a defeated sigh, "If my mom gives the okay, fine."

"Great, I look forward to the results of the investigation!" Lina stepped out of her classmate's path, before giving a bow. "Thank you for your cooperation, Nathan."

"'Cooperation…' right," Nate nodded back slowly, before beginning his walk home.

Lina watched the boy leave, before smiling to herself, "Zoe wanted proof, maybe going on a little ghost hunt with Nate around will be enough proof for her…"

"I can hardly believe what just happened, I daresay I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it for myself!"

"Whisper, what are you talking about?" Nate questioned his 'faithful' yo-kai butler as he walked down the sidewalk, towards his house.

The ghost gave the human boy a disbelieving look, "Nate, were you not paying attention? That young lady back there just asked you out on a date!"

Nate blinked, stopping in his tracks. "What? No, you're crazy Whisper!" he shook his head before his legs started moving again. "An investigation to find ghosts in our school isn't a date, it's too creepy. Plus, I don't talk to Lina enough for her to want to ask me out."

Whisper floated a bit ahead of his young master, giving a thoughtful look as he hummed, "Perhaps she's admired you from afar for while and has only now gotten the courage to approach you!" the ghostly butler did a spin in the air before flying in front of Nate, looking him in the eye. "This poor girl probably doesn't know how to even begin to express her interest in you, so she's using another of her interests as a proxy–the paranormal!" Whisper nodded to himself with a proud look, as if he had just solved some great mystery.

Nate turned the corner that lead to the street he lived on, looking annoyed that the yo-kai butler was blocking his vision. "You're jumping to conclusions. Also, get out of the way!"

Whisper huffed a bit as the young boy pushed him aside, floating over to the side, moving alongside Nate at the same pace as the human. "No, it makes sense Nate, you just need to read between the lines!" Whisper crossed his arms and nodded, despite how his human companion was now trying to ignore him. "Trust me, it shocked me too that a girl was interested in you, out of all the boys in your class."

Nate twitched a bit but didn't respond to the ghost's jab.

Whisper seemed disappointed his master didn't take the bait, so he decided to go for a different angle, "You know Nate, considering your experience in the field, you could probably really impress this girl during this little 'investigation,' show her your spirit-wrangling expertise!"

Nate let out an annoyed sigh, "Whisper, even if I did want to impress her, she can't see yo-kai, so what would that even prove to her?"

The ghost paused, looking a bit lost on how to respond. "Uhh…"

"That's what I thought," the eleven-year-old boy grunted, looking up as they approached his home, before he let out another sigh. "I'll bring it up to my mom I guess, I did agree… however unwillingly. If she shoots the idea down right away, Lina can't blame me for not showing up." Nate muttered a bit to himself, opening the door.

"I'm sure your mom will let you go if Lina's mom gives the okay, and she'll be rather excited her son's going on his first date!" Whisper exclaimed proudly as he floated into the house.

"It's not a DATE!" the young boy growled as he took his shoes off and set them by the door.

"Hm, Nate? Did you say something about a… 'date?'"

Nate froze up at the sound of his mother's curious voice.

Well, there's the first chapter of this little story. I'll be beginning work on the next after A Grimm's Aura has been updated next.

Tell me what you think, and don't be afraid to give constructive criticism, I'm always looking to improve my writing :D.

Also, a note: this story is primarily based on the Yo-kai Watch anime, but there's a lot of influence from the games too of course; the personalities of characters such as Lina and Zoey of course, since the anime pretty much gives us nothing for characters like them.

Another thing, which will become somewhat obvious if you've played the quests in the game, some of the plot will be based rather heavily on the Ghost Club quest-line from Yo-kai Watch 2, not a copy-past or anything, but there is definitely a heavy influence.