Chapter 1: Love in Older Age
Hermione Granger Weasley mingled about the wedding reception, greeting old friends. The ceremony had gone off without a hitch, and she was pleased with the outcome.
If only her husband had been there to see it.
Ron Weasley had given his blessing for the marriage of their daughter, Rose, to Scorpius Malfoy. Hermione had been proud of him for being the bigger man, especially before he died from a brief fight with cancer. It had been a shock to the whole family, and the wizarding world; he hadn't even reached his mid-life crisis. And Hermione was on the cusp of turning 50 herself. Her two children were grown, and she suspected that her son, Hugo, would be married himself before long.
Rose's wedding had been hosted on the grounds of Malfoy Manor, which had probably been the most controversial thing about the wedding, after the choice of groom. But if her in-laws didn't initially go along with it, the combination of Scorpius's charm and Hermione's imposing threats of hexes won them over. Only Molly seemed disappointed that one Weasley had not gotten married at the Burrow.
In a corner of the grounds, Hermione saw him: Draco Malfoy, standing off by himself. Her heart strangely went out to him, and since they had not had the chance to speak at the wedding, she approached. His wife, Astoria, had been unable to make the nuptials due to health concerns, so at least Hermione had someone to commiserate with. Seeing her coming, Draco started and turned away.
"Draco, please don't go." He turned back towards her, looking pensive. "We've never really spoken, have we? Yet we have so much in common now."
"We don't have that much in common." He couldn't look her in the eye. "Our children do, but not us." He paused, searching for the right words. "It isn't you, not who you are, or who your parents were, don't misunderstand me. All that has gone, I realize that I was wrong. So, so wrong." He smiled slightly. "You remind me of the thing I could have had, if only it had been different."
"What thing, Draco?"
He looked around. "Astoria will be awake soon upstairs. I always make her tea; she says the nurse doesn't do it as well. I have to go. Goodbye... Hermione." He walked off, leaving her standing and staring into space. Surely not? She walked slowly back to the marquee, lost in her thoughts.
Starting out in their careers, Scorpius and Rose didn't have much between them, and though he came from a wealthy family, Scorpius wasn't due his inheritance until at least one parent passed away.
That came sooner than anyone had expected, only a few months after the wedding.
Draco never said exactly what ailed Astoria, except to explain that it was a struggle for her to get out of bed. Apparently, she felt terrible for missing the wedding. But at least she was there, watching from a window. Poor Ron could not have said the same.
The day of Astoria's funeral was overcast, cold and wet. Hermione traveled from Ottery St. Catchpole to be with her daughter and son-in-law. Draco was numb as his wife was laid to rest in the Malfoy family cemetery. Rose had mentioned to her mother that Draco had offered to leave aside a plot of land for both her and Hermione, if they wished; he knew the Weasley clan had their own plot of land. The thought was so morbid, never mind early, that Hermione had laughed and said that she would think about it.
After the service was over, Scorpius helped Rose back to the Manor. Draco was left alone by the gravesite. Hermione approached and laid a tentative hand on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." She knew how it felt to lose a spouse, all too well.
Draco glanced back to her. "You wanna see something?"
Taken aback, Hermione could only nod.
Draco led her back into the Manor. They passed by the foyer where Rose could be heard fixing tea, and climbed the staircase. It wasn't until they were halfway up and turning onto a particular floor that Hermione remembered where she had seen this space before. And it made her feel very nervous.
When they approached the wide set of doors, she knew. But before she could say anything, Draco had thrown back the doors and Hermione could only gape.
The drawing room looked absolutely nothing like she remembered it. Instead of dreary hardwood and drab colors, the whole space had been upholstered and carpeted. The walls had been repainted in vibrant colors. The curtains were down, allowing a beam of sunlight that was now peeking through the clouds to stream through the windows.
"You... you changed it," Hermione breathed.
Draco laughed bitterly. "How could I otherwise? You aren't the only person who suffered bad memories here." He stared at his feet. "I hate everything about that night, and even more that I did nothing to stop it. I wasn't even that invested anymore, but I couldn't leave because I was scared. Everything became more real when you were hurt."
Hermione couldn't believe her ears. Was Draco actually apologizing for her torture? Merlin, he really had changed. She had suspected he was not the same mean-spirited boy she knew back in school, when he had expressed no qualms regarding Rose and Scorpius's engagement. Even Ron had grumbled for all of a minute before acquiescing. Hesitantly, Hermione drifted closer, and ticked up Draco's chin with her finger, to make sure he was looking her right in the face.
She smiled sadly. "I forgive you." And leaving him with that, she headed downstairs for a cup of tea.
It had been months of badgering, but finally, Rose wore her down. The move seemed to make sense, in the long term: her children were already there, and intended to build their own house on the expansive acreage sometime in the future. And Hermione was already visiting over there several times a week. After discussing it with Hugo for a second opinion, Hermione decided to sell her house in Ottery St. Catchpole - the house she had spent her married years in and where she gave birth to her babies - and move into Malfoy Manor.
She arrived with her suitcases to find the main hall of the Manor bustling with activity. The Malfoys still kept a decent-sized staff of house elves, but Hermione had noted that the family had obeyed her reform legislation to the letter. But, now the house elves were running around and celebrating, and seemed to be packing themselves.
"What's going on?" Hermione asked one elf who passed.
"Good day, Mistress Rose's Mummy!" the elf said. "Winky has been giving clothes," and she proudly showed Hermione the muffler in her hands. "All the elves have been, missus. We is free! Old Master Malfoy says so!"
Hermione gaped, her heart going into her throat. Old Master Malfoy was a reference to Draco, so that meant... Beaming, she flew up the stairs.
She found him in his study, going over some papers. He looked up when he saw her enter, guessing what the wide smile on her face was about. He circled the desk. "I thought it would be good welcome gift to you. Besides, we have magic to do it all, and Rose cleans just as much herself..."
He didn't get any farther than that. Squealing, Hermione threw her arms around him and kissed him full on the lips. It took a moment or two for her to feel arms slide about her waist, as Draco started kissing her back. After several moments, they broke apart.
Hermione cheeks went pink. "I forgot myself. I shouldn't have... I'm sorry..." Her rambling halted when Draco flicked a finger under her chin, closing her mouth. Then his mouth covered hers. Hermione closed her eyes and sighed into the kiss, leaning against him. Their tongues swam into and then back out of each other's mouths, as the passionate kiss turned into a flurry of little pecks, both of them smiling. Grinning, Hermione draped her arms about Draco's neck and kissed him again...
...And before long, it seemed, she was kissing him passionately, while wearing her wedding dress, and standing under a marquee surrounded by her cheering friends and family. Hermione had not expected to wed again following the death of her husband, never mind fall in love. But Draco had wooed her. Rose and Scorpius were thrilled over the idea, as it meant Hermione would stay at the Manor permanently.
And Hermione had decided that, although she would always love Ron, someday, she would be buried beside her new, second husband.