*A gateway opens and Blaze steps out then it closes and vanishes. Blazes looks around confused*

P:Ok WHERE THE FUCK AM I NOW*Pulls out a map and looks then finds it*

P:Ok this is a challenge given to me by XXX777. It is a Naruto/Mega crossover involving the restoration of Uzu. Mega Konoha bashing. Alive Kushina and Mito. Yeah. Crossover includes Fairy Tail, Bleach, One Piece, Kantai Collection/Kancolle, Skyrim, Akame Ga Kill And many others. OP Naruto. Massive Harem. Sekirei and RWBY can also be added. Red VS Blue is also added mainly for the superior tech. With Star wars, Halo, and Final Fantasy.

P:Ok interesting as all fucking shit really. But it seems Naruto is saved and brought to his ancestral home of Uzu. It seems that all the ships and subs that follow Uzu are like those of Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio but the women are those of Kantai collection. They can still do their normal thing but call the ships if they need them.

P:We will find out more as we read. Remember I own Nothing at all.

The Rise of Uzu

Naruto is running from a mob again and it is his birthday he is an innocent five year old. "DEMON!" Shouted the mob.

They have finally corned him and start to beat him. Until chakra chains pierced twenty of them and two women drop down. They are Kushina (You know how she looks) and Mito Uzumaki (You know how she looks). "What the fuck do you shits think you are doing?" Asked an angry Kushina who is protecting her son.

"We are finishing what the fourth started by killing that demon!" shouted an idiot and he loses his head. Kushina has a scroll that is all the money she and Minato made. Mito has the forbidden scroll with her. "Well I will say this Hashirama would be heartbroken to see what his village has become. The Uzumaki are breaking an old alliance!" Shouted Mito and the Barrier and wall come down.

Kushina picks up Naruto and all three vanish with words saying "You have dug your own grave." They head to the shrine and take all the masks and blow it up after taking them all. Kushina also got her old home with Minato sealed up. The Third was there and not happy that their weapon was taken from them.

"Let's get to Uzu we have to rebuild it. Uzu must raise again." Said Kushina who has her son who is out cold and Mito nods in agreement.

They are planning for Uzushio to rise once more to the power it should have been.

Timeskip 11 years later

A fleet of fifty Pirate ships are sailing and looking for something but what let's listen in. "Where is it Uzushio Should be right here. Think of all those riches we can gain." Said the fleet commander Don Krieg who is complaining on his flagship the Dreadnought saber.

He was told he could take over and take a shit ton of treasure from Uzushio and the fortune would be his he could even add the fleet to his and be unstoppable.

Then there's bubbling on the ocean. They turn and see a ship that looks High tech come from the sea it was Bismarck (Kantai collection girls but they can also call their ships they look like the ones from the fog fleet in Aoki Hagane no Arpeggio)

On the bridge The woman surrounded by Data rings is named Bismarck is next to the on in charge of the crew. "Target in range sir waiting for the others." The man nods

Underneath them

A Blue submarine named I-401 Kai. The crew are waiting for orders. "Those wooden ships can't survive our ships that well." Said the Woman with two Data rings are surrounding her and the one in the captain's chair agrees with her. "I agree with you there I bet they are pissing themselves. Or better yet shiting themselves." Said the one in the captain's chair. The rest of the crew chuckle at that.

Back on Bismarck

The one in the chair sighs then Bismarck puts her hand on his shoulder and it has an elegant wedding ring on her ring finger. "Ready to fire sir." The man nods and says "Fire."

Don Krieg's fleet

"Move in I want answers now!" Orders don krieg then the Bismarck shot the ship next to the Flag ship and it was destroyed and sank like nothing. Then it looks like everyone shit their pants. Then the second ship was destroyed then the third.

"FIRE ON THAT SHIP NOW!" Shouts Don Krieg. His fleet starts firing and it seems they are hitting shields of the Bismarck and is doing no damage. Then hatches open and the ship fires rockets and it is hitting Don Krieg's ship destroying them and they are trying to get away.

There is only five ships left the rest had been sunk. The Cannons turn and fire hitting another one making it sink. Then Five more ships come up from underwater. They are like the Bismarck high tech ships. The first is the Kongou. The second is Hiei. The third was Warspite. The fourth is Yamashiro. The final ship Hyuuga. (Remember they look like the ships they are in real life with Blue steel fog fleet strength when controlling the full ship.) The cannons turn on the rest of the Fleet of Don Krieg and they open fire destroying them all and letting them sink.

On the Bismarck

"Let's return to uzu we need to check if our spies are right about more idiots like Don Krieg. Heh Thankfully Spring, Wave, Kumo and Iron are allies of ours." Said the man and Bismarck smirks and nods then kisses the man's cheek.

The ships then head home they come upon whirlpools and the ships dive. They see home UZU. (Think fishman island mixed with Atlantis) With a very strong buble coating it. There are many paths to different locations. Like harbers where they are heading to.

They dock the ships and the disembark and head to the war room. But the man is stopped by Seaport-Hime. "Hello Hime I hope you are doing with." Hime smiles and nods she likes this man very much. He kisses her cheek making her blush and Bismarck giggle.

They head on their way. They are being waved at by everyone they pass and they wave back. They make it to the war room. The man sits in his seat and the others arrive and sit in their seats. "Naruto you know the Chunin exams are soon." Said the Uzukage Mito

The now named Naruto nods "I do and I am ready for them. But Don Krieg's fleet attacked and was sunk. I think the stupider pirates are alling with Kiri right now. They do want everything we have." The others nod

"I agree with Naruto-kun. If Kiri is coming then we need to watch them very closely." Said Esdeath Uzumaki one of Naruto's wives. Esdeath is a tall, beautiful, and slender woman with long, light blue hair and blue eyes. She wore a General's apparel with long sleeves with buttons on the upper arms, a blue scarf on her neck, and high-heeled boots. She also has a tattoo on her chest, which is the sign of her Teigu. She has porcelain white skin color.

The others nod "But we need Info right now so Nagato-chan I have a job from three fleets of yours." Naruto said to another woman Nagato Uzumaki another of his wives. (Look her up Nagato Kantai Collection) "Which ones?" She asks her husband

Naruto shows her on the Holo imager. First (Carrier) Task Force: Akagi (flagship), Kaga, Souryuu, Hiryuu, Ikazuchi, Inazuma. Second Support Fleet: Kongou (flagship), Hiei, Mogami, Yuubari, Akatsuki, Hibiki. Third Torpedo Squadron: Jintsuu (flagship), Sendai, Naka, Mutsuki, Yuudachi, Fubuki.

"I want them to find out if the stupid pirates are allying with Kiri. If they are then report back to us and we can be ready for them all I will not let these fuckers take our home." Said Naruto

"Understood sir." Said Nagato. Naruto then looks at the holo map "So who is going to retrieve the teams?" Asked Naruto and Mito says "Maybe Yamato should retrieve them with Gildarts." Naruto nods "Be wary someone might try to find our secret info."

The others nod in agreement. "If you will excuse me I have some pregnant wives to be with. Meeting adjourned." They all stand up and head to do what they need to do.

Naruto walks home and sees his huge mansion (Think the Croft mansion but ten times bigger) Naruto walks in and sees his pregnant wives.

Boa hancock in her purple maternity dress which is showing off her belly and her K-Cup breasts. She is rubbing her stomach lovingly.

Nico Robin is lounging next to the pool with her Bikini on and her K-cup breast. She is relaxing as her belly is holding twins. She is smiling happy to be a mother.

Alexis and Akiza (Yes Gx and 5ds) are in the library talking to each other as they are in a blue maternity dress for Alexis which is showing off her Double E-cup breasts. While Akzia is wearing a rose red maternity dress showing her Double E-cup breasts as well. They are seven months pregnant as well.

Viola (one piece) is wearing a white maternity dress showing off her K-cup breasts. They all have beautiful wedding rings. She sees Naruto and smiles at her husband. Naruto smirks and goes over and kisses her on the lips.

Naruto breaks the kiss and says "Hello Viola-chan how are you and the little one doing?" he puts his hand onto her belly and rubs it gently and she smiles. Knowing her husband will make a wonderful father. "Oh the little one is doing well and so am I." Naruto smiles and kisses her stomach.

Viola smiles and sees Naruto make clones. Boa lets out a gasp as Naruto put her on his lap and he is rubbing her stomach making her smile.

Robin is getting her feet rubbed by a clone making her moan and smile. Alexis and Akiza are brought into a make out session. Robin is then moved to Naruto's lap and he starts to rub her breasts making her shudder. Then moves to her shoulders and massages them.

They are happy because their husband is spending time with them. Then they all gasp as Naruto is giving them pleasure by massaging their shoulders. They are melting into it.

With Nagato

"Launch them we need Info." Orders Nagato who is hoping her husband will be happy with the info. Then she talks into the Microphone telling the girls "Remember this is not a battle mission this is an Info gathering job. Don't engage at all." The girls nod and the third Torpedo squad went first.

"Third Torpedo squid with flagship Jintsuu ready to launch." Said Jintsuu the Launching process begins and the Girl get their first equipment then glide and they get the rest. The same happens with the others and they glide to the surface of the whirlpools and they go on their mission.

It takes them two hours to reach the area and they hear an Alliance with many pirates like Shiki, Big mom, Buggy, Don Krieg, and many other pirates to attack and destroy Uzu.

After they get all the info the return home to report. They return home. "Report." Said Nagato Akagi steps up and says "It seems the pirates are making an alliance to attack our home and destroy it. Taking everything."

Nagato sigh and says "It seems my husband was right about it and to be wary. Thank you all of you relax and we will plan what to do." They all salute and head back to their rooms

Nagato sighs and passes the info along so all of those in charge know about the alliance.

At Konoha

The third Hokage Hiruzen is not happy. The leaf is a shadow of its former self. Ever since Naruto was removed their Daimyo knows what he did. Then the Uchiha Massacre happened and Ninety percent of the money went missing. Mikoto seems to be alive because they never found a body of hers.

Then they stopped getting a lot of missions. Wave mission was taken by Uzu. He had sent Jiraiya to find information. But what he found was the ruins. He could not find anything of a location.

They did learn they have a very dangerous fleet of ships like no one has ever seen before. The civilian council are complaining about every little thing. The Uzumaki and Namikaze fortune is all missing along with the forbidden scroll. The barrier and the wall that was helped built by the Uzumaki clan had come down.

Then in the bingo book came "Naruto the Unpredictable Maelstrom" the picture shocked him. Naruto had become a powerful shinobi. The council was demanding that they order him to return and become their weapon. But he knew it would not work.

Then the chunin exams were not being held in Konoha but in Uzushio instead. All the rookie twelve will be going and he is planning on winning. NO MATTER WHAT! "Konoha must be on top once more no matter what." He mutters to himself and Neko or Yugao is not happy with him at all.

Three weeks later

Everyone not of Uzushio is waiting for their ride. Samui of Kumo is not liking this at all as Kakashi and Asuma are trying to get into her pants "I was a guard of the Fire Daimyo." said Asuma. "I was the student of the Fourth Hokage." Said Kakashi they are thinking that would impress her.

Samui sighs and is about to tell them off then they hear bubbling on the ocean as they are in the Wave country. They turn to see something coming.

Then from under the water a very hightech ship (Again like the real ship but Blue Steel power and looks) comes up from underneath the wave. Then someone comes out and says "If you are here for the Chunin exams then we are giving you a ride." then a ramp is lowered and they slowly get on board and they see people in white armor with unknown weapons.

They see the red haired man and he says "My name is Gildarts a jonin of Uzushio and welcome aboard the Yamato." they are shocked to see that this is a ship of the fleet of Uzushio.

Gildarts pulls out a clipboard with their assigned rooms. "Now remember don't do ANYTHING stupid. Now ladies the rooms have seals so you don't have to worry about men sneaking into your room at night." The woman are happy but Ino would have been happy to have Sasuke come into her room.

"Follow me all of you." Said Gildarts. He heads inside and the all follow him and they are not cramped in a small space. "Alright these rooms are Kiri. and Across from them is Iwa." Said Gildarts pointing to where. Asuma and Kakashi along with Kiba all say "Hope you get a room next to us." She shivers. They keep moving "Here is Kusa's rooms and across from them is Waterfall."

They get settled in and then they come to rooms with Konoha's symbols on a sign "This is Konoha's." They walk in to see Kurenai, Hinata, Tenten all had nice rooms and the others look like they have not been cleaned. "Unfortunately Sakura will have to room with Sasuke." They hear a sherik of happiness but Gildarts says "NO SEX AT ALL!" They are scared and those who were ready to complain can't cause they are scared.

Then the rest with Gildarts moves on. Suna gets their room and Temari asks "What are the beds?" Gildarts looks at her and says "Waterbeds the seals on them will conform to your weight for a very good night sleep." They nod

Kakashi comes with Asuma to follow to try and flirt with Samui more. They come upon Kumo's rooms and they go in but Samui is confused "Uh where is my room?" She asked Gildarts. He checks the list and says "Follow me your Fiance had this room made for you in mind." Kakashi and Asuma are shocked the the busty blonde is already engaged.

Samui is also shocked and asks "H-He did?" Gildarts smiles and says "Of course Princess Samui you are being married to our Prince and he wants you happy. Please right this way." He leads her while Kakashi and Asuma are shocked that Samui is going to marry a prince and is called princess.

Gildarts leads Samui to her room. It has her name on it she opens the door and is seeing that yes it was made with her in mind. Their is also a picture of her and her fiance on the bedside table. The wall looks like a meadow and the ceiling has clouds painted on and swords hang from the wall.

There are also pictures hanging on the wall and the beds cover has the Uzumaki symbol on it with the cloud symbol.

She is smiling then the Holo communicator starts to beep and she answers it is her Fiance Prince Naruto. "Hello love how are you liking the room?" He asks she smiles "Oh I love it. You really know me very well. I hope that Uzushio is as cool as you told me?" She said hoping.

Naruto chuckles "It is and the others can't wait to see you again and Yamato is there as it is her ship. Robin misses those games both of you played." Samui giggles and asks "So how are the soon to be mothers doing?"

Naruto chuckles again "I spoil them with the massages but it keeps them happy. Well I have to go I hope you enjoy the room." Samui nods and they cut the connection and she lays on the bed and says "I really want to see him again and be in his arms." After getting unpacked she went to the mess hall for something to eat and she sees rules for the teams the top NO FIGHTING they fight then off the ship they go and they let them swim back to land.

She smiled knowing they will throw you off if they have to. She has lunch then goes out on deck to watch the waves go by. Then she heard singing she went to go find it. "Rolling down to old Maui me boys." She sees one of the white armored soldiers singing the song. "Excuse me but what are you singing?" she asks and the soldier looks at her and answers "A sea shanty it helps pass the time here on the ship." said the soldier then he goes back to singing.

She keeps listening then when he is done she heads back inside. She gets on the bed and pulls out a locket and opens it showing a picture of Naruto and her together. She smiles at the picture. She then gets ready for bed knowing she will need her rest.

Two days later

Everyone is doing their own thing until they hear "We are approaching Uzushio. Prepare to dive!" Said the person and the villages not allied to Uzushio are panicking and Samui is in the command center wanting to see Uzushio.

Yamato who has two Data rings around her begins the descent into the ocean. Those on the deck got inside they knew they would be fine but they had to get to their posts.

Kiba barges into the command center "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU IDIOTS THINK YOUR DOING!" He is trying to stop this stupidity. The Ship has already started going under. "NO NO NO TAKE US BACK!" Kiba tries to take control but a soldier punches him and they hold him down "Your an idiot it is the only way to get to Uzu!" Shouted one of the soldiers.

The ship is now completely underwater and Samui is in awe of seeing under the sea. "Enjoying the view?" Asked Gildarts and Samui just nods her head. "Well we are coming up on Uzushio soon and you will like it. I always love seeing home from the outside." Said one of the armored soldiers.

With Kakashi and Sasuke

"I WANT TO COMPLAIN TO THE ONE IN CHARGE ABOUT OUR ROOMS!" They demanded and the soldier said "I am sorry but there is nothing I can do about it."

"Nothing my ass!" They scream and start walking in a threatening manner then they get pepper sprayed making them scream. Then they get a rifle butt into their stomach making them hunch they are then hit with batons and they scream in more pain now.

The soldier is done and then a few others take them back to their rooms where they are now under guard and watch. Then they hear "We are approaching Uzushio."

With Samui

She is in Awe of seeing Uzushio "So cool." She said now knowing her Fiance was right and those in the command center nod in agreement.

With the others

"How can we see it?" asked a snide Ino then she sees a Soldier open the door and heads out and they think water is going to flood the ship. But it has not happened. Then they go out and are shocked by what they see the soldier says "Welcome to Uzushio. Our home." they see a Village at the bottom of the ocean

Some of the Konoha shinobi are Jealous and very angry they should have this not this pathetic village. Right now the Ship looks to be in an invisible bubble as the water is not reaching them at all. They head toward the docks. The ship them docks and some machines come out and attach to the ship to keep it in place.

They all disembark. They see four Armored warriors in different kind of armor (Spartan armor Halo). They are get in front of them and the leader speaks "My name is John-117 But everyone calls me Master Chief. This woman is my Wife Lieutenant Parisa." Said the man now known as Master Chief and his wife nods. (Yes from Halo)

"These two are Tex and Church." (Red vs Blue Freelancers I am sorry I suck at describing people) both of them nod Master Chief then specks again "We are in charge of Security here. You will follow our laws as you are our guests. But that does not mean you are above the LAW!" Master Chief is not one to fuck with at all.

"Now your teams will have an escort and you have two weeks to look around. Kumo you are lucky actually you will be escorted by a guard of our prince. Yuffie!" Master Chief called her out. Yuffie appears she has short black hair. Her eyes are dark brown. She wears a white headband with a green, sleeveless turtleneck jumper that bares her stomach and a pair of tan shorts with no belt and an unbuttoned/unzipped fly. Over her left arm she wears a protective gauntlet that originates from a single pauldron over her shoulder, presumably meant to also act as a shield. The gauntlet is held in place via a strap tied across her chest and around her back. Ninja-mail mesh covers part of her right arm and left leg, and an additional piece of armor covers the rest of the thigh. She wears a smaller wrist-covering gauntlet on her right arm, orange fingerless gloves, and orange sneakers with white leg warmers.

"Hello I am Yuffie of the Kisaragi clan cousins and guardians of the Uzumaki clan." She said and she sees the team she is escorting.

They follow her and they are brought to a very high class hotel they are shown their rooms and Samui finds a note from Naruto. "Meet me at the hotel entrance I will show you around." Samui smiles and after getting unpacked she goes to the Lobby and Yuffie says "Hold it Samui you will need an escort around the village."

"Oh Yuffie I will be showing my Fiance around." said a voice they turn to see Naruto. He has three whisker marks spiky hair has a swimmer build. He stands at Six feet Five inches and he has Black shinobi pants with combat boots along with a Black trench jacket and a mesh armor underneath it. He also has a beautiful wedding ring on his finger. "Oh Prince Naruto I did not know." Said Yuffie and Naruto just chuckles "It is alright. But remember Kumo is our allies." Yuffie nods and Naruto holds out his hand to Samui and she takes it.

"Shall we my dear?" Asked Naruto and Samui nods. Naruto then puts his arm around her and starts to show her around. She is in awe of the village and she know Konoha would be jealous many fucking idiots live in that village.

Konoha's shinobi are not happy they got Caboose who was trying to make friends with Sasuke and he had with Grif, Tucker and Simmons. They got a rat hole while Tenten, Hinata and Kurenai are in a two star Hotel.

They are being shown around and Sakura sees someone with Samui and the man is being treated like a prince. She is not happy at all only her Sasuke-kun should be treated like a prince no matter what village they are in. "HEY YOU!" She shouts and they look at her and she demands "You will give up everything you own to Sasuke-kun right NOW! Then get on your hands and knees begging to be forgiven!" Naruto looks at her like she is crazy

Naruto then snaps his fingers and his Kisaragi clan guards appear and they attack Sakura beating her and she gets kicked in her pussy a few times. After her beating she is hogtied and gagged then dragged back to where she is staying.

While this is going on Kabuto is trying to sneak around to find info about Uzushio. But then he feels something to the head. "Don't move." He turns around and sees a soldier with an unknown weapon pointed at him and more point their weapons at him.

He is thinking of what to do but he is captured.

Back with Naruto

After the incident with Sakura and konoha's one warning. Naruto keeps showing Samui around and she is happy to spend the day with him. Naruto takes her to a nice restaurant. They have a nice meal together. They talk and share some stories.

Naruto then takes her to his place and she is in awe of it. "This is your home?" Asked Samui and Naruto nods and leads her inside and his pregnant wives are there so is Miya Uzumaki his top Sekirei.

Miya is a slender yet shapely fair-skinned woman waist-length purple hair with shorter bangs that is in a hime cut and brown eyes. She wears the traditional attire of a miko that is a purple hakama, a white haori with a sash-like belt, wooden sandals and a white ribbon to partially hold her hair in place. Her breasts are D-cup and she has a welcoming smile. Her Sekirei mark is on her lower back above her ass which like all of Naruto's women are tattooed.

"You must be Samui." Said Miya as she hugs Samui and Samui hugs back. Then they break the hug and Naruto shows her around and not only that his hand is on her ass. She is blushing then they are done with the house and Naruto takes her to his room.

Naruto lets her in the closes the door and comes up behind her and grabs her breasts making her moan "Y-You can't keep your hands off me can you?" She asks and Naruto kisses her cheek and says "Damn right I can't but let's see the tattoo."

Samui smirks and gets out of his hold and removes her top showing her bra clad breasts then slowly removes her pants and panties showing the tattoos on her ass. On her left ass cheek has his clan symbol on it and the right ass cheek is "Property of Naruto Uzumaki."

Naruto smirks and grabs it pulling her to him making her gasp then giggle. Then Naruto grabs her breast making her moan. "I love my girls very much Samui." He kisses her cheek. Samui blushes brighter.

Naruto then whispers into her ear "How about a bet Samui-hime." She shivers and says "What kind of a bet my prince?" Naruto chuckles and fondles her breasts more "If I win the tournament in the exams then you will be staying with me for a week wearing a very sexy maid outfit."

Samui shivers imagining herself being his maid and he fucks her. "And If I win?" She was curious "Then I will stay with you for a week and be your butler and will do whatever my mistress wants." said Naruto then he nips her ear making her shiver.

"D-Deal." Stuttered Samui and they kiss to seal the deal. Then Samui gets dress and Naruto is allowed to watch and when they head out he gives her a swat on the ass making her jump a little and blush.

Naruto take her back to her hotel and she is feeling very happy to be marrying Naruto. She heads to her room and gets changed to get some sleep. The lays down and falls asleep with dreams of Naruto fucking her and giving her a family.

Two weeks later

All teams have assembled for the exams Naruto is with his teammates is Moka Akashiya. She has long silver hair, with Shinobi pants and long sleeve shirt which is holding her E-cup breasts. She also has blood red eyes and is a vision of beauty. She is also wearing boots and she is a Vampire. Moka is a fighter who uses her legs more that any other part of her body to fight.

His other teammate is Orihime Inoue. She has long orange hair with clips. She is wearing the same thing as Moka but she has G-cup breasts. They have crushes on Naruto.

There are many teams from whirlpool their are four teams. The three other teams are all women and Naruto is the only male and the target of their crushes. Their is one team from Kumo, seventy-two from Konoha but mainly the rookie twelve, one from Iwa, thirty from Suna, twenty-one from Ame, ten from Mist, fifteen from Kusa, three from Oto, and twelve from Taki. Now Kabuto was arrested and thrown into the cells with the bull queers. Guren had replaced him. So all together they have 169 teams.

They look at the proctor of this part of the exams. The man tall, muscular Shinigami with a wild and aggressive appearance, which fits his personality. He has a long face with pronounced cheekbones, and pronounced, hairless brow ridges. He has green eyes and long, stringy black hair. A noticeable trait in his appearance is a long, thin scar running down the left side of his face and across his left eye. He wears white bandages across his midsection and a sleeveless captain's haori. He styles his hair into stiff strands during his baths, attaching small bells at its tips, and wears a special black eyepatch over his right eye. This is Kenpachi Zaraki.

"Alright maggots listen up!" He says getting their attention "Welcome to the first exam. Your mission is to find some hidden scrolls in certain parts of Uzushio within 24 hours. You don't then you are out of the exams. You open them before 24 hours is up. Well you will not like the results." Said Kenpachi as he show the scroll they were looking for.

They all get ready for the search. "Alright GET TO IT!" The teams disperse at that. "Well it seems the exams have begun. This will be fun." Kenpachi laughs at that.

P:Damn this is going to be interesting really. But let's see how well this goes.

P:Now what will happen in the exams we will find out.

P:please Review, Favor and Follow this story.

*A gateway opens and Blaze steps in. The closes and vanishes*