The Temple of the White Tiger was hosting a quite odd event. Some saw it as a celebration, others were still trembling in fear at the outcome of it.
The Siege of Ogrimmar was over. Garrosh Hellscream was defeated; the Alliance and the Horde agreed on a temporary peace. All because the ex-Warchief of the Horde still drew breath, and together with the people of Pandaria, the leaders of both factions would attend a trial to decide the fate of Grom's son.

Snowflakes were gently laying atop Lady Jaina's head, but the mage did not bother to rise her hood to shield herself from the chilled weather of Kun-Lai Summit. Her mind was focused on something else. She gazed at the large temple, where the trial would stand. Her heart was beating with haste and she found herself trembling – and it certain not from the cold.
She wasn't fond of the idea of this judgement, Hellscream was guilty in her eyes no matter what; however, as much as she would want to simple end him, put him out of his misery – King Varian has agreed with Taran Zhu and the new Warchief of the Horde, Vol'jin, on the pandaren's method of dealing with their foes and give him a trial.
Jaina snapped to reality when she felt Kalecgos' hand on her shoulder. She lifted her eyes to look at the human-form of the dragon. No words needed to be said, Kalecgos was aware what was troubling Jaina and Lady Proudmoore had no desire to speak of it. She glanced behind her shoulder, watching Vereesa Windrunner and King Varian stepping out of the carriage as well. Jaina couldn't help but wonder if they were the final guests to arrive at the temple.

"You're finally here!" exclaimed the voice of Prince Anduin. Jaina smiled at the sight of her 'nephew', who, unlike his father, decided to travel to Kun-Lai Summit a day ahead of everyone else. Varian approached his son with a smile as well and ruffled his golden head as a greeting. It warmed Jaina's heart to witness their beautiful father and son bond.
"What's with the satchel, Anduin?" Jaina slightly furrowed at the sight of a silk bag attached around the Prince's shoulder. By the looks of its silhouette, the satchel appeared to have some sort of large tome inside it or a box. Anduin took a swift glance at the bag that Jaina remarked and gave her a shrug.
"Just some personal belongings." He said cheerfully. The Prince then pursued to guide his father and everyone else inside the temple.
It felt odd to Jaina to call this place a temple, given the fact that its main building was in reality a combat arena. Some members of the Horde and the Alliance were already seated, but no sight of more leaders of any factions.
"The pandaren have arranged a resting chamber for us right down this hallway." Explained Anduin, while showing the correct direction of the described room. "Prophet Velen and Genn are already there."
"So only Tyrande and Admiral Taylor remain to arrive." Analyzed Varian. The High King of the Alliance turned behind him when he heard a cough.
"I apologize, Your Majesty." Said Admiral Taylor, who seemed to have just entered the temple as well given by the snowflakes on his shoulderpads and head. "I intended to arrive ahead of you, my King. But I had some delay with organizing my squad." Confessed the Admiral slightly embarrassed as his cheeks flushed red.
"Where is your squad now, Admiral?" inquired the King.
"Just outside the temple, Your Majesty." Explained Taylor. "The pandarens apparently wish that some of my soldiers and Horde soldiers to take turns in watching Hellscream's prison. My men are discussing between each other who is willing to partake in this."
Varian gave a nod to Taylor and ceased from asking any more questions. He motioned to everyone to walk with him into the resting chambers, however it seemed Anduin had another idea in mind.
"I'll meet you in the room later, father!" exclaimed the Prince as he swiftly ran outside before Varian could even ask where he was going.

As Anduin ran within the halls of the temple, his satchel came loose, which made him stop and retie it before picking it up again. He was saw excited he could stop from running and rushed at tying up the nod again.
After Hellscream was chained, Anduin and the rest of the healers were in charge of transporting the injured back to Stormwind. He hasn't had time to have a proper conversation with Kathanna. Much like rest of the soldiers – she was busy recovering the bodies of fellow Alliance soldiers. Anduin did not know what would come of Kathanna after the siege. She was declared dead now, after two months, she has returned to fight by her people's side. While the Prince was overjoyed by her actions, many were still unhappy regarding Kathanna's actions.
However, Anduin was confident of one thing – that Kathanna has returned to Stormwind and if she has rejoined the Alliance, she would have to be among Taylor's men.

It hasn't been long but to Anduin felt like an eternity since he has seen her. He was excited to know what is she doing now, her future plans now that the war has ended. He wished nothing more but to see his friend once again.
As he exited the temple, Anduin saw the red-headed priestess, talking to a draenei paladin inside a small pagoda. And in between them was standing Kathanna. Looking the same way as she did the first time, he met her:

Wearing the formal Stormwind armor.

Of course, she did not look completely the same.
The scar that Blademaster Ishi has implanted on her cheek will forever remain there. And in the two months he hasn't seen her, her hair has grown slightly longer. She had the usual side braid on her left side and at the end of it, Snowbeak's white father was attached. A constant reminder of what she has been through.
Since it was a more, "ceremonial" event, Kathanna allowed herself to look more formal with the use of makeup. Her eyes had light blue eye-shadow which was matching the shade of her armor,

an artificial blush was also decorating her cheeks and her lips had a tint of pale red instead of her natural rose pink. Everything she had done was very subtle.

Nonetheless, Anduin had to admit – she looked quite lovely.

Anduin's heart skipped a beat when they made eye-contact. Kathanna greeted him with a smile and a small bow with her head. Then she turned to Eredes.

"I'll meet you guys later." Anduin overhead Kathanna addressing to her friends as she was approaching him. As Kathanna walked towards him, Eredes and Uldisian as well, gave Anduin a small bow and took their leave. Allowing Kathanna and Anduin to final have a proper conversation in quite a while.
However, they were both silent. Unsure how to begin. All they could do was awkwardly smile at each other.
"I've been reinstated in the army." Kathanna broke the silence while clasping her hands behind her back. "After hearin' my side of the story regardin' the Divine Bell, about my monk trainin' and after seeing me fight in Orgimmar, Admiral Taylor has decided to allow me return into his squad."
"That's wonderful news, Kath!" cheered Anduin. Happy to learn that Kathanna did not get demoted or punished. This would mean things can finally get back to normal. Kathanna smiled at him, genuine delight was visible in her eyes.
"Nonetheless…" she said with a shrug. "Admiral hasn't completely forgiven me. He is no longer lecturin' me as he did the moment, we returned to Stormwind. But he acts all grumpy, as if I'm the husband and he's the wife and I forgot a gift for our anniversary."
Anduin chuckled at her phrasing, he has missed Kathanna's quirky talk. He missed her.
"Eredes is quite upset at me as well." She declared with slight sadness in her voice.
"I'm sure she just needs time to recover from everything." Comforted the Prince. Kathanna opened her mouth to speak but got distracted at the sight of a large orc walking past them. Nobody said anything – but the orc shot them a glare as he took the stairs to walk inside the temple. The Alliance and the Horde might be at peace, but the tension was still present. Kathanna looked again at Anduin and spoke:
"Do you want to go somewhere else?" she inquired. "The atmosphere here is too… pessimistic."
Anduin agreed at her suggestion. And together they began walking around the grounds of the temple. In the meantime, Anduin has told her about his plan to return to Stormwind and resume his priesthood studies. To Anduin, it felt as if all the horrific things they have been through has never happened – the battles, the Divine Bell, the bitter separation. Anduin finally felt like he could act his age around her, talking and joking like a regular teenager.

In the end they decided to pause at a balcony at the edge of the temple's grounds, which was overlooking the sea. The sun was shining the water and birds were seen flying above.

"I've brought you something." Said Anduin while reaching out for his small satchel and pulling out a beautiful carved wooden box. "A thank you gift for everything you have done for me, Kath."
Kathanna exhaled and blushed at Anduin.
"I haven't done that much to deserve a gift…" she said modest. However, Anduin insisted and handed her the box. Kathanna gently held the box in one arm as if her life depended on it, with her free arm she gently opened the lid, only to gasp in surprise.
"Are these…?" Kathanna said awed.
Darnassian paints. The most precious and well-crafted paints on whole Azeroth. A full set of multiple colors. Kathanna could not believe Anduin has remember her talk about these paints. She thought he found it boring. She recalled telling him how she could afford only one vial, and she has picked the purple color since it was her favorite. It must have cost him a fortune to acquire an entire set of colors, but then of course… he was a royalty after all, this must have been nothing for him.

" Anduin, I-I…" she stuttered, unsure how to process. Never in her life has she's received such a thoughtful gift. "I can't accept this." She extended the box to him, attempting it return it to the Prince.
"Please, no." said Anduin as he gently pushed the box to Kathanna. "Consider this as a token of our friendship."
Kathanna took a pause, once again admiring the beautiful vials filled with colors. It has been so long since she sat down and painted. Now, with the war over – perhaps she might find the time to work on some paintings.
"Thank you. I love it." Her eyes sparkled with joy as she smiled. Gently she closed the lid of the box, hugging it close to her chest. Kathanna placed her hand on Anduin's shoulder, pulling herself to him as her lips touched his cheek. His face flushed red when he felt her lips and his heartbeat increased. The time stopped. He could not react at all. And this moment felt eternal to him.
She withdrawn giving him a big smile, which he returned.
Anduin looked at Kathanna, he couldn't help but noticed that her cheeks were redder than before. It seemed the makeup blush was taken over by the natural one. Anduin found himself reaching for her cheek, gently brushing her scar with his thumb. He was speechless while his eyes were locked into hers. This moment of tranquility suddenly ceased to exist when Kathanna took a step back when a voice came from behind them.

"There you are, my friends!" exclaimed Lorewalker Cho as he approached them. Anduin's heart warmed at the sight of Cho. He has realized that he would deeply miss the Lorewalker once he returns to Stormwind.
"Greetings, Lorewalker." Said Kathanna with a smile, while still holding tight to her chest the box.
"So much has transpired in such little time…" began Cho was he reached his paw to touch Anduin's arm. "Your people have accomplished that which even the titans and their mogu servants could not: destroying the last breaths of Y'Shaarj." Cho smiled at Anduin and Kathanna as he continued: "I was hoping the two of you would accompany me to the Vale of Eternal Blossoms before the trial begins?" he said. "There is something I wish to show to the heroes of Pandaria."
"'Heroes of Pandaria'?" Kathanna repeated in a chuckle. She glanced at Anduin and the Prince gave her a shrug, he was just as confused as she was.
"Well, of course!" exclaimed Cho. "You two played a tremendous part in all of this. You have saved the temple of the Red Crane; you opened the gates of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms and you stopped Hellscream from using the Divine Bell. Those actions count as heroism, don't you think?"
Anduin could hardly believe he has done all those actions in mere months in Pandaria. It was surreal. How much he has grown and changed since he has arrived on this continent. And not only him, Kathanna as well and even the entire Alliance has changed. The pandaren had a unique view on life and the world. Anduin was confident that with the knowledge he and the world has gained from Pandaria, peace might not be so far away.
"We'll be happy to join you, Lorewalker." Said Anduin with a smile. Kathanna gave a nod, agreeing to Lorewalker's plea.

They've reached the Vale of Eternal Blossoms by riding Cho's wind serpent. Anduin's heart ached at the sight. By unleashing the heart of Y'Shaarj, Garrosh unleashed the power of the sha on this beautiful land and it utterly destroyed it.
Half of the Vale lied in ruins.

The grass was burned, some of the small ponds were filled with black water and the trees had no longer golden leaves in their beautiful branches. It was a heartbreaking view, and Anduin felt guilty at witnessing it.
The three of them were walking around the small are right underneath the Seat of Knowledge, watching in sorrow the emptiness that Garrosh has created.
"Look at this…" mumbled Kathanna, her head turning left and right as if she was searching at least one alive tree. "Hellscream has manage to ruin it all."
"If only we didn't open the gates… this wouldn't have happened." Grieved Anduin. Kathanna shook her head at his statement.
"No. Hellscream would have found another way."
Anduin pressed his lips in annoyance and sighed.
"I loathe that you are correct here." He said while reaching down to take the dry soil into his hand and watch it slip away. Anduin turned to Lorewalker Cho, who walked with a small piece of cloth wrapped in a ball in his paws.
Cho slowly walked towards a shrine and kneeled as he began digging into the soil.
Kathanna and Anduin watched him in silence, analyzing the Lorewalker's actions. After Cho has finished digging a small hole, he unwrapped the piece of cloth to reveal the small seeds that were inside it. Cho planted in the seeds and covered them again with soil.
"Dear Emperor." Called out Cho loudly while still on his knees, his head looking down at the seed he has just planted. "It is done. The darkness that you once struggled against has been purged from Pandaria – forever."
Anduin and Kathanna slowly approached Lorewalker without interrupting the ceremony.
"But the cost…" continued Cho with a melancholic voice. "Such a terrible cost."
Golden wisps began dancing around the shrine, and a small, unnatural breeze took presence. Kathanna gasped when she noticed that the wisps flew into one another and took shape of a male pandaren.
The spirit of Shaohao stood in front of them.
Anduin and Kathanna have seen thousands of artwork and statues of the Emperor throughout their journey, however none of them could capture the wisdom and grace that the Emperor had. It was aweing and astounding to be in his celestial presence.
"Do not despair the damage that was done here." Said Shaohao, his voice was deep and strong as a lion. "You triumphed over the darkness I had locked away. You have shown Pandaria the power of a true hero."
As Cho still stood on his knees, Kathanna and Anduin were frozen in place, watching the Emperor with their mouths half open. The spirit of Shaohao, placed his paw atop the soil where Cho has just planted the seed as he continued to speak:
"I trust you have learned: to fight out of fear or anger is to fight a war that never ends."

As if being the presence of the ancient pandaren Emperor wasn't enough, the two humans were overwhelmed when they saw the Celestials joining the small gathering. All of them stood gracefully in front of them in their natural form. Kathanna could swore, she saw the White Tiger was smiling, much like the rest of the Celestials. Gently, Shaohao removed his paw as golden light began surrounding the soil. Anduin's eyes widen when he saw a small cherry tree rising from it. He turned to Kathanna, who much like him, was awed at everything she was witnessing. Slowly Anduin reached out to her hand, touching it with the tips of his fingers. Kathanna's eyes were focused on the Emperor however she still reacted to his touch – grabbing his hand and intertwining his fingers into hers.
"Face your fears. Calm your hatreds." Spoke the Emperor while watching with pride the small tree coming to life. "Find peace within yourself, so that you may share it with the world around you. These are the greatest treasures in life." The spirit of Shaohao began slowly fading away by the end of the last sentence, but the Celestials remained. Cho bowed his head in front of the Celestials, in deep, humble reverence.
"Thank you… emperor. Thank you." Said Cho with a small sob. The tree, though relatively small, already blossomed some cherry flowers.

The Celestials gave a small bow to Anduin and Kathanna, as they stood hand-in-hand in the middle of the Vale, with their souls filled with hope, their minds filled with hope and their hearts filled with joy of what they have achieved in Pandaria.

Eight soldiers stood next to one another. With their hands clasped behind their backs and their heads looking straight at their superior. Two warriors, one rogue, a mage, two ranged who prefer either a bow or a gun, a priestess and finally… a monk. Nobody was making an unnecessary move. All were standing straight in silence, waiting for the Admiral to speak.
"The eight of you." Addressed Taylor. "Have shown exceptional work during our campaign in Pandaria. You have proven to be honorable, determined and do whatever it takes to ensure victory for the Alliance." Taylor took a pause to look directly in the eyes of every soldier. "And for that – you worthy of more than a mere medal. As of today, you are promoted to the 7th Legion."
The soldiers did not move, since they weren't allowed until the superior would tell them to, however – their eyes widen and some of them were attempting their best to hide a smile.
"You will be a part of the special elite ops regiment, lead by High Commander Halford Wyrmbane. You will receive new uniforms; personal aerial messengers and you will have the right to order the footmen and other soldiers if a superior is not present."
Seeing his men nearly bursting with emotions, Taylor gave a smile and softly ordered:
"At ease, soldiers."
All those present exhaled, and began cheering in joy or saluting each other. Eredes and Kathanna stared at each other's with their mouths open. Then the priestesses jumped into Kathanna's arms, as they hugged and squealed in happiness. Being part of the 7th Legion was the most exalted position they could get, and neither of them would ever imagined to have reached so far.
Taylor watched happily as the soldiers were nearly parading in the barracks. He was proud of seeing his squad, his soldiers reaching so far. Who knows, maybe some of them will become Generals or High Commanders in time. The Light has prepared a path for each of them, the Admiral was confident about that.

"You have been promoted to the 7th Legion?" exclaimed Anduin nearly jumping off the small fence he was sitting on. Kathanna gave him a large smile and nodded.
After Hellscream's trial (which, of course, ended in a catastrophe), Kathanna and Anduin were finally back in Eastern Kingdoms with plans to remain in Stormwind for a while. Anduin resumed his studies while Kathanna was spending her time training her monk skills with the new pandaren that have decided to join the Alliance. It has been only two days since he has returned but Anduin has already found a way to sneak outside the castle to meet with Kathanna at the stables outside the military quarters, where they would spend the evenings together.
"Well, while this is good news and all…" she began slightly disappointed. "I've already been assigned to a mission."
"Oh… that means-"
"I'm leavin'." Interrupted Kathanna. "The newly promoted members have been tasked to track down whatever remained of Hellscream's Horde. Either Kor'kron or goblins that have managed to slip away from Orgimmar durin' the Siege. I do not know how long it will take… but one thing for sure is that I will always be on the move."
"You will see so much of Azeroth." Said Anduin cheerfully in an attempt to enlighten the mood. She shrugged at him, distinctly troubled.
"Perhaps. I'm leavin' in two days."
"But you have just returned to Stormwind." Complained the Prince but Kathanna could only reply with a sigh.
"This isn't my choice."
Anduin stared at the ground, disappointed. He was hoping now that they were back in Stormwind, they would have a chance to enjoy their friendship. Kathanna was his only source of leaving the castle and be himself. While he was truly happy to see her getting promoted, it was heartbreaking that she had to already leave.
He lifted his head at the sound of a metal door being opened, Anduin saw Kathanna opening a small bird cage with a falcon in it. The bird immediately jumped on her arm and she walked together with the falcon towards Anduin.
"This is Valor." She presented the grey bird. "Every 7th Legion soldier receives a personal messenger bird. I thought…" Kathanna's cheeks flushed a light red as she continued. "I thought maybe we could exchange letters while I'm away?"
"I-I would like that." Smiled Anduin while lifted his hand at the falcon in an attempt to pet its beak. The bird made no complain at the Prince's touch. They stood silent for a while, Kathanna watched Anduin pet Valor. Her eyes still sparkled but there was no joy in them. Much like him, she was heartbroken of leaving Stormwind City so soon.
"I'll miss you, Kath." Confessed Anduin while he was still focusing on the falcon. He felt her eyes on him. She pulled away her arm and returned Valor back into his cage.
"I'll miss you too." She said softly.
They pulled each other for a long embrace. The moment Kathanna wanted to pull away Anduin found himself gripping her shirt tight. As if he was too afraid to let go.
"Who knows, I might be back soon?" She said while giving him a smile. "Maybe there aren't that many Hellscream loyalists left."
A small whistling sound was heard from one of the training areas. Kathanna turned her head towards the direction of the sound while her smile was disappearing from her lips.
"That's the new commander summoning us." She said faintly. "I have to go."
Yet, Anduin had his arms on hers, gripping tightly her shirt. He should say something. But what? He was staring at Kathanna, her expression was clear that she was expecting for Anduin to speak; however, the Prince was silent.
"Stay safe out there, Kath." Said Anduin finally. "I care about you-, a-about our friendship… I wouldn't want to lose it." He blabbered with a blush. Kathanna blushed as well and smiled at him once more.
"Neither would I..." she said quietly.
Finally, Anduin released her from his grip. Kathanna took a couple of steps backward and gave a small wave to Anduin. She picked up Valcon's cage and went towards the direction of the barracks. Anduin watched her leave, bitter at the good bye. He should have said something else.

He should have done something else before she left.

"You must understand, Prince Anduin, that…" mumbled his servant Wyll. Whatever the old cherished friend was saying Anduin could not bother to listen to it so early in the morning. As they were walking in the hallway towards the throne room, Anduin had his eyes peeled on the windows, watching the harbor. Ships were coming and leaving, merchants, travelers and soldiers looked like ants from his view. But he knew, amongst them had to be Kathanna, since today was the day she was leaving for her mission.
Anduin immediately ran towards the balcony when he caught the glimpse of the 7th Legion ship. It was decorated with a golden gryphon and was proudly displaying the Alliance's symbol on its sails. It was impossible to confuse it for a regular military ship. Anduin was too focused on the ship to react to Wyll calling for him back inside. The 7th Legion ship has begun taking its leave.
Anduin watched the boat sail away the Stormwind Harbor with a heavy heart.
"Kathanna is on that ship." was all he could hear in his mind. Anduin kept on watching as it went further and further into the ocean, towards in the horizon until he could not see it anymore.

Until he could not see Kathanna anymore.