Chapter one

Harry Potter's fifth year was the worst, he never thought anything could top the previous year. So much was happening, and none of it was good. It was luck and Dobby that allowed Harry to find out that the vision he had of Sirius being tortured was a fake. Dobby reminded Harry about the package Sirius had given him just before he returned to Hogwarts, so Harry hugged the little elf, then snuck away using his invisibility cloak. He spoke with his godfather and explained about the vision and described what he had seen. Sirius knew exactly why Voldemort had sent the vision to Harry. Sirius finally told Harry about the prophecy and Voldemort was trying to lure Harry to the hall of prophecy in the department of mysteries. Dumbledore had not bothered to tell Harry about the prophecy, or the fact that Voldemort would want to get hold of it. But after speaking with Sirius he decided it was time to confront Dumbledore about it. He just had to wait until he saw Dumbledore.

Harry told Hermione and Ron about his vision, but he never told them he knew something was wrong or that he had spoken to Sirius using the two way mirrors. Both Hermione and Ron said instantly they would help Harry rescue his godfather. But what got Harry suspicious was that Hermione didn't suggest trying to get in contact with Sirius to find out if he had left headquarters. She didn't even suggest speaking with a teacher, like Snape who was in the order of the phoenix to see if they could get in contact with Sirius. They knew trying to use the floo network was dangerous with Umbridge around, but they had snuck into the room of requirement before to find a fireplace that was connected to the floo network, this time neither suggested it. Harry stared at both of them before he glared then walked away with them asking if they were going to rescue Sirius. Harry said in a normal voice, Sirius isn't in danger, the vision was a fake. He turned the corner, put his invisibility cloak on and stared down at Ron and Hermione who seemed frustrated and were trying to figure out how Harry knew the truth. Again hearing that made Harry suspicious.

Over the last few years Harry had stopped telling Hermione and Ron everything, even with Hermione pestering him constantly. He had finally yelled that everyone had the right to keep things to themselves and if she didn't like it then she could find herself a new friend. Harry even went as far as saying that his friends were smothering him which was the reason he had began to spend more time alone. They did back off a bit, but they still tried to get Harry to talk, he never did.

One thing he never told anyone was that he secretly lived with Sirius. He went to Privet drive at the end of his third year, Sirius met him there, they explained to the Dursley's that Sirius would be staying with his godson from now on, and that he would be using magic. The Dursley's instantly told them both to leave, Sirius was able to get legal papers signed but he also used a legal but almost a dark spell to have the Dursley's believe they wanted to sell the house and move away. Since they knew what they were going to do, Sirius organised to buy number four, then he just cast a confundus charm so none of the neighbours would be bothered with the house or who lived there. Once that was done Harry and Sirius headed to one of the Potter properties.

They spoke at length that first night and decided to always keep their living arrangements secret. If Albus Dumbledore ever sent a letter to Harry at the Dursley's, it would be re-directed to him. Their only worry was if the old man decided to turn up at Privet drive to pick Harry up. Sirius gave Harry an idea that might work, tell Dumbledore that if any magical person turned up at the Dursley's then they would kick Harry out. They would make sure he was never allowed in the house again even if someone brought him back, they would take him to the police station or a home for boys. They went over everything they could think of so they hoped no one would get suspicious.

They were worried at one time when Ron sent a letter saying they were going to pick him up before the quidditch world cup. Harry replied to the letter telling them the story of what the Dursley's would do. He said he would meet them a few streets away, in the park on Magnolia crescent, they could leave from there. It worked, Sirius had side apparated Harry to the park then hid to make sure Harry was fine. Mr. Weasley and Ron arrived to pick him up and take him to the Burrow. It was after they left that Sirius returned to the home he shared with his godson.

It was during his time at the Burrow that he began to get suspicious of Hermione and Ron, who kept asking about the Dursley's and why would they say they would kick Harry out if any of his friends turned up. Harry knew the question could be innocent, but something told him it wasn't and listening to his instincts had kept him from being serious injured by the Dursley's, so he listened to them again.

Harry was thinking about his part in the plan Sirius came up with to deal with Umbridge. She had been lured into the chamber of secrets where her memory had been removed then she was delivered her back to her rooms. She was found days later looking confused. She was sent to St Mungo's who informed the minister that she had gone through something very traumatic for her to lose all her memories. A normal obliviate would not do that. Harry and Sirius had combined their magic to remove her memories, completely, so she would never cause trouble again. Harry and Sirius were getting sick of people like Umbridge, Fudge and Rita, they weren't against silencing them permanently if there was no other way. For now they will use methods like obliviate. They wanted to deal with Rita, they just had to wait for the opportunity to make sure her bug is splattered.

Albus Dumbledore was finally returned to Hogwarts and that's when Harry confronted him about the prophecy. He did explain about the vision, but he had a way to speak with Sirius which confirmed Sirius was safe and the vision was fake. Sirius then told him about the prophecy and that Harry should have been told long ago.

Harry Potter did a lot of thinking after Albus Dumbledore explained the prophecy and how he would be having lessons during Harry's sixth year. At first the headmaster had been vague about these lessons, but Harry said he will refuse to attend unless he was told what they consisted of. It was the first time that Harry stood up to Dumbledore, who had been surprised and tried to reason with Harry. He refused to back down until he got the answer to his question. He ended up getting up and walking out the door before the old man realised Harry wasn't bluffing. Harry was getting sick and tired of not being told anything until it was too late, he had finally had enough.

Now Harry had started his sixth year and he had been thinking about all those times while he sat under his cloak in the south tower. It was one place that Hermione and Ron never looked when they were trying to find him. He remembered how he had fooled everyone into believing he still lived with the muggles, and that he only saw Sirius when he was taken to headquarters. Sirius had explained about his old family home, but how he created a port key that could take him there whenever Albus called a meeting. He had also put a charm on his old families home that would alert him if anyone suddenly turned up which meant Sirius had to instantly port key to Grimmauld place.

Harry had begun his so called lessons with Dumbledore, but only so he could find the information that could help destroy Voldemort. Dumbledore had told Harry that he should only share that information with his two friends, that he believed they could help him. Harry never told Hermione or Ron, but he did tell Sirius using the mirror. When he explained about the locket, Sirius said he would call Harry back later, that he believed he knew where the locket was. He disappeared from the mirror, so Harry had to just sit on his bed and wait. Sirius called him a half an hour later and that he had the locket horcruxes. Sirius explained that he spoke to Kreacher about the locket and he planned to destroy it, the old elf instantly changed and began to serve his two masters, Sirius and Harry, because they had done what his old master wanted. Regulus had died trying to destroy the locket and Kreacher had never been able to fulfil his promise to his master. Kreacher had told the story about how regulus died to Sirius and how he wanted to stop the dark lord.

During the last meeting with Dumbledore he explained to Harry that he found another horcrux and wished Harry to go with him. When Harry asked which item, and was told it was the locket, he said he would go. When he left the office he contacted Sirius who told him to play along, that Albus didn't have long to live, so let him think Harry believed him.

Harry went with the headmaster, found the fake locket, which left Dumbledore weak so Harry had to get the old man back to Hogwarts only to find the dark mark hanging above the castle. Even though Harry was able to dodge the spell Dumbledore tried to put on him, he never bothered to help save Dumbledore. But now he had more reasons to go after Snape, he was working on plans with Sirius to deal with Snape. Both wanted him dead, both did not trust him and both did not believe he was loyal to the light. So even though Harry and Sirius were not fully light, they were not dark. But they weren't against using deadly or harmful ways to deal with people like death eaters. After both had survived many near death experiences at the hands of Voldemort and his death eaters they decided it was worth going that extra mile if it was needed, which they knew it would be.

They never told anyone that they would use spells that could kill even if they were legal. Albus Dumbledore always went on about stunning and giving second chances. Neither Harry nor Sirius believed the death eaters deserved a second chance.

Harry informed McGonagall and everyone else that Snape had killed Dumbledore before the greasy bastard ran off with the other death eaters. Most had trusted Albus when he said Snape was trustworthy, some were always suspicious, now he was one of the most hated wizards in Britain.

After being told that the order was to pick Harry up two days before his seventeenth birthday, he had to remind them that he would meet them. He refused to back down and ended up saying to meet him in the park then he walked off. Harry got onto the Hogwarts express, he sat beside Neville who was sitting beside Luna. Hermione, Ron and Ginny sat opposite, but Harry could tell they wanted to talk, they couldn't in front of anyone not connected with the order. When the train slowed, Ron, Ginny, Hermione and Neville stood.

'Are you coming Harry?' Hermione asked.

'Soon, I want to speak with Luna for a minute.'

'We can wait,' Ginny said giving Harry a smile.

Harry didn't smile back, 'No, it's private, something I don't want to share with anyone else, so go, I'll see you in a few weeks.'

'But Harry, I was hoping that maybe we could talk, you know, about dating,' Ginny said nervously.

'I'm gay Ginny, I thought you figured that out when I kept staring at the boys in the lake,' Harry turned to Luna and waited until the other four left. He finally hoped Ginny would stop with her obvious attempts to get him into a relationship. When the door closed Harry cast a silencing charm, 'Sorry Luna, I just needed some time to myself without that lot constantly asking me questions.'

'I am here for you Harry, I always will be. You did lie though, you aren't gay, you swing both ways.'

Harry chuckled, 'I do, but I wasn't going to tell Ginny that, she never stops staring at me, it's quite unnerving.'

'She fancies the-boy-who-lived. So how long are we going to wait?'

'Five minutes then I'm going to use my cloak to sneak away. But Luna, I want you to be careful, make sure you and your father have an escape plan if it's needed.'

'Oh don't worry Harry, daddy built tunnels and has port key's all over the house. He makes sure that I always wear my earring port keys,' she touched her radish earrings which made Harry smile. No one would ever believe that those earrings that many made fun of was a port key. To Harry, it was so Luna to have everyone underestimate her.