Melendez and Lim stepped off the elevator and Melendez asked Lim, "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Shut up," Lim told him and they both smiled nervously.

Lim nervously knocked on the door to Andrews's office and entered when he called them in, "Dr. Lim, Dr. Melendez, how are you both today?" he asked politely.

"Fine sir," said Melendez.

"May we talk about something sir?" asked Lim.

"Is this about hospital business or something personal?" asked Andrews.

Lim and Melendez looked at each other and then back to Andrews, "Personal sir," confirmed Melendez.

"Please have a seat," said Andrews.

The two attending surgeons sat down across from him and Andrews asked, "So what would you like to discuss?"

Lim nodded at Melendez, indicating for him to start, "Well sir, Dr. Lim and I have been…well, we're…" Melendez took a deep breath and said, "Sir, Dr. Lim and I have been dating for about a month or so."

Andrews didn't look totally surprised by Melendez's confession, so it left the couple wondering if he knew and if he did, for how long, "I see," Andrews responded, "And if you're telling me about the relationship, I'm assuming it's serious?"

"Yes," Lim affirmed, "I mean, at first it started off as a casual thing, but we've decided that we want to pursue a long-term relationship."

Andrews sighed as he absorbed everything the two of them had said, "You know relationships with co-workers can be very tricky."

"Yes," Melendez agreed with his superior, "But I believe Dr. Lim and I can make it work. With all due respect sir, you and Dr. Barnes make it work."

"But we don't work in the same department, Dr. Melendez," Andrews reminded him.

"Fair point sir. But Dr. Melendez and I have worked together for many years and I believe that we will be able to continue with a professional relationship here at St. Bonaventure even with a romantic relationship in our personal lives."

Andrews folded his hands together and leaned on his desk, "The both of you are two of the hardest working surgeons I've supervised over the course of my career. But you are also both very stubborn and often butt heads," Andrews stated bluntly, "There's a risk for your personal lives seeping into your professional lives and vice versa. Not only can the stress of balancing both relationships cost patients' lives here at the hospital, but it can also cause problems with your friendship. And I don't want to see you two stop getting along like you did when you both thought the Chief of Surgery position was going to be given to one of you two," both Melendez and Lim bit their tongues at that statement given the fact that Dr. Han had been given the position of Chief of Surgery, but Andrews continued, "If your relationship interferes with your ability to do your jobs, you both could face serious repercussions."

Lim and Melendez looked at each other and Lim asked, "So, do we have your permission to tell others about our relationship or no?"

"Well, it's not up to me to approve or not approve your relationship. You both will have to speak with the director of human resources about the situation," explained Andrews, "I can call Ms. Waring and let her know you both are on your way if you would like?"

Melendez and Lim looked at each other and Melendez shook his head, "We'll stop by her office tomorrow sir since it's the end of our shifts."

Andrews nodded, "Well I trust that you both will follow protocol. Have a good evening."

The next morning, the first stop the couple made was HR. They filled out the paperwork and Jenny Waring reviewed their files before she called them into her office. She scanned a copy of the report before she looked up at them and bluntly asked, "You've had sex with each other?"

Melendez and Lim looked at each other and then back at Jenny, "Yes," Melendez confirmed.

"And you plan on doing so again?" asked Jenny.

"Yes," Lim answered a small smile on her face. Of course they were; that's why they were here.

"Good news," Melendez said. It took Lim all she could not to bust out laughing.

Jenny gave Melendez an annoyed look and continued, "Since neither of you are in a subservient position to the other…"

"Well sometimes," admitted Lim and then shrugged innocently.

It took all Melendez could to not bust out laughing as he thought, "That's my girl."

Jenny gave Lim a long look of disapproval, "You work together and you are sleeping together. You don't see any way that can go wrong? Nothing for your employer to worry about? I'm going to interview each of you separately to ensure that the relationship is consensual. Which one of you would like to go first?"

Melendez and Lim glanced at each other and Melendez said, "I'll go first, Ms. Waring."

Jenny nodded and looked over towards Lim, "Dr. Lim, I have to ask you to step outside while I interview Dr. Melendez."

Lim nodded and left the office, sitting in the sitting area waiting for her turn. Many thoughts were running through her head, mainly what Jenny would ask her and what answers Neil was providing. It seemed like hours but it was only about five minutes before Melendez left the office and motioned for her to go join Jenny. When Lim reentered the office, she smiled at Jenny, "Ms. Waring."

"Have a seat, Dr. Lim," Lim sat down and Jenny went straight to business, "So, how long have you been dating Dr. Melendez in secret?"

"A month," Lim answered.

"And you've been sexually active?"

"Y-Yes," Lim stuttered.

"Every act is consensual? He doesn't force you or manipulate you into doing anything you don't want to?" asked Jenny.

"No, he respects my boundaries and we always communicate during…sex," said Lim, "Though I'm usually up for anything," Jenny stared at Lim before writing some more information down, "God Audrey, why the Hell did you say that?"

"And Dr. Melendez isn't forcing you to perform sexual acts for him in order to maintain peace at work?"

"No," Lim said a little too defensively.

"By your tone, you say otherwise," said Jenny.

"That's because I have to give every detail of my sex life to you," said Lim, "Do you also want to know what form of birth control we use or can I keep that to myself?" Jenny looked up at Lim and Lim realized she had crossed a line, "With all due respect, Ms. Waring, Neil has never forced me to do anything with him and he does know the meaning of the word no when I'm not up to something. I've never felt more comfortable with a relationship in my entire life and Neil is an absolute gentleman when it comes to making sure I'm satisfied. Do we have HR's approval or not?"

Jenny looked at Lim long and hard once again before saying, "Let Dr. Melendez the report has been filed and that you are free to continue your relationship."

Lim was honestly shocked by Jenny's admission, but said, "Thank you," she left the office to go to her own and grab her lab coat before reporting to the ER, where Melendez, Claire, and surprisingly Shaun were all treating a patient. Lim wasn't 100% sure on his condition, but she said anyways, "Let's get a bolt ICP monitor ready."

"I'm on it," said Claire.

"Dr. Lim how was your meeting?" asked Melendez in a very professional manner.

"I confirmed the lack of inducement or pressure. I assume you did likewise?" Melendez nodded, "We are approved," Lim smiled softly.

"For what?" asked Claire.

Lim knew it would be extremely inappropriate to show a public display of affection, but she didn't care. She was finally ready to tell the world Neil was hers and she could tell Melendez wanted to do the same. She knew that Shaun and Claire along with other doctors and nurses were watching them, but neither one of them noticed right now. They were just glad to officially have each other at last.