Author's Notes:
With this we are getting much closer to the ending. I still don't have any real plot in mind for this, but I'm enjoying it and I hope you are, too! I think I have enough ideas for maybe two more chapters, but we will see! :D
The next thing I post will most likely be that Fate oneshot I've been working on, but we never know, haha! Also! If you guys didn't know this before, you can now support me on ko-fi, at aberrantscript! I'd really appreciate it! And if you've been wanting to contact me, feel free to PM me on tumblr, at abbyscript. I turned my messages off on this site because of the endless bot spam. Ugh.
anon789, I'm glad you liked SSSS! :D I had a lot of fun with that one, too! I put in a bit more thought with Lori after reading your review. Hopefully that worked out. And poor Lynn struggles so much with overthinking this, doesn't she? But, maybe she'll get caught up in the moment and her body will make the decisions for her? We will see!
Thanks for all these reviews, guys! I enjoy reading all of them. :)
Disclaimer: The Loud House Copyright Nickelodeon (2019)
Chapter 6: Risky Practice
"What were you two doing?"
Lynn and Lincoln were sitting on Lori's bed, both fidgeting with their clothes.
Lincoln opened his mouth to say something, anything; Lynn beat him to it.
"P-playing games."
Lori sniffed at them, turning her head away.
"That didn't look like a video game to me, Lynn."
Her tone was harsh, and it made the young brunette recoil.
"You two shouldn't be playing games like that. Do you even understand what that means?"
She faced them again. But when noticing how stiff their bodies were, how they were frowning, she sighed.
Lori squatted down, getting to eye level with her siblings.
"Look, sex-" Lincoln blushed and Lynn shuddered, "-is something special. It's not good to treat it like a game."
"But, Lori, we play games all the time, you know."
Lori's forehead twitched, "Please, stay out of this, Leni."
Leni hummed and went back to polishing her nails.
"Anyway, it's special, so you shouldn't do that stuff with someone that's not special to you. Do you understand?"
The two guilty siblings didn't give any indication that they understood, but she knew they were paying attention.
"Lynn, Lincoln?"
They both looked up at her.
Lori smiled, trying to lighten the tension building in the room.
"Your first times should be special, with someone you love."
Leni leaned over suddenly, gripping Lori's arm.
"That's right! Just like Lori and I had our first time together!"
She leaned back into her spot on the bed and raised her hands, ticking off her fingers.
"Our second time, too! And our third, and our fourth-"
Lori rolled her eyes.
"Don't just treat this like a game, like something you can win at. Love means more than just a stupid game, alright?"
"Thirteenth, what comes after that-"
"Anyway! Get out! I want to relax and you two are interrupting."
"Oh, do you want to try those new handcuffs we-"
"Leni! Please wait until they've left!"
That's more or less how their evening went after Lori rounded them up and settled the vibrator scare.
So, now as they were sitting together underneath the tree in the backyard, Lynn and Lincoln had fell into a tense silence. Their individual breathing sounded deafening. When one accidentally bumped fingers with the other, they both jerked and slid a few inches away.
It took him nearly an hour before Lincoln could speak what was on his mind.
He turned to face Lynn, but when she noticed she blushed and turned away to hide her face.
"I never thought of what we were doing as a game, Lynn."
She shuddered, could barely breathe.
Lincoln was leaning toward her, making her world smaller. Yet, she found herself scooting away from him.
"H-how do you feel, Lynn?"
She didn't just hear that question. She heard so many other things.
Am I just a game to you?
Did you really just want to win?
What happens if this game ends?
It wasn't just about Lincoln either. She still yet heard her own responses in the form of more questions.
Do you really love me, only me?
What if you hurt me?
Would you stop if I asked you?
Lincoln couldn't hear any of these, and Lynn's lips were shut so tight they were quivering.
He touched her leg, "Lynn, do you need time alone?"
She nodded her head.
Lincoln got up. He didn't know what to say or do, so he walked back to the house.
Lynn waited until the door was shut, but then she could hold it no longer. She rolled onto her stomach and slammed her fists into the ground.
She wasn't crying! It just rained earlier or something.
But that wasn't important right now.
What was so intensely hacking away at her brain was her own personal guilt, and her deep fears.
Perhaps they were common among people; being hurt, being rejected, being misunderstood; but Lori gave her a new perspective.
Maybe Lynn was instilling her own fears onto Lincoln.
And yet, this worry had no real solution she could find.
Even worse, it didn't nothing to solve her own issues!
She hit the ground again, and again.
But, she couldn't just sit here and do nothing either! That would be the same as giving up, being a quitter. She was not a quitter! She'd give it her all, or go home trying.
Lynn got up onto her knees, made sure her face was free of rain drops, then stood up.
It's not like she didn't know how she felt about him. She just didn't know what to say. Being asked how she felt was like...
Being a curious deer that happened upon a road, and before she knew what was happening there were bright lights and loud horns and screeching tires all around her.
What was so hard about it anyway!? She'd already said it before, right? Right!?
Whether she has or hasn't, it was still just three little words. That's all they needed to say right now. I-it's not like they had to... had to do it tonight or anything, r-right?
Each step Lynn took toward the house seemed to be heavier than the last.
"L-Lincoln," she spoke softly to herself, "Th-there's something I've been wanting to t-tell you for awhile now-"
She reached the steps.
"No, that's too wimpy. Gotta be more direct."
"Lincoln! I LOVE YOU!"
She threw her hands up and closed her eyes shut, shuddering with the force of her words.
Lynn released her tension with a heavy sigh.
"Too much like a bad rom-com."
She leaned forward onto the railing, looking out across the backyard.
"Y-you know your older sister loves you, right?"
She grabbed the railing.
"Gah! That just makes us sound like a weird couple!"
She turned to the door, almost reluctant to release the railing.
"I love you," she spoke as she opened the door.
Lincoln was standing there, with his hand outstretched like he was just about to open the door. His face was red, and his eyes looked too wet.
Maybe it was raining inside the house, too.
Lynn started trembling. The door handle made a crunch sound.
"Is that... really how you feel?" he asked quietly.
Dang, it was raining harder all of a sudden. Lynn's hands were frozen, though, so she couldn't shield her face from the assault.
She could at least nod, and she did so.
"About what Lori said to us... is that still how you feel?"
The big one, asked in such a vague way it no longer felt like a monstrous tidal wave crushing her.
Lynn nodded, looking at the ground.
Now was likely going to be the time for it.
It being... rejection, or expectations, or even impossible dreams being dashed.
She saw her brother's hand reaching out toward her, but he stopped halfway. He didn't go ahead and touch her like he did before, like she had always welcomed before.
"I feel the same way."
She was blushing so hotly the rain drops were probably evaporating on her cheeks!
Still, that hand was just sitting there. And while it looked warm and inviting, it also looked lonely.
Lincoln's hand surely was missing something.
Lynn reached forward, pausing for a moment before pushing further.
Just as Lynn suspected, her hand fit perfectly with his. Knowing that made her smile and even blush.
Maybe they would fit perfectly together in other ways, too.
Lynn was sitting on the floor with her back leaning up against Lincoln's bedframe. Her fingers were rolling a baseball around on the ground between her legs.
Her eyes kept following it every which way it spun; but sometimes they look up and linger on the back of her brofriend's head.
Lincoln had average hair in all ways but one: it was white as snow.
It made him stick out in a way that Lynn never did.
His stamina was poor, but his mind was quick and sometimes he could pull off bursts of strength that outshone herself.
He was a good brother to his sisters. A wise guardian for the younger ones, and something like a test subject for the older ones. Not many brothers would be willing to let himself be a mannikin and help with math homework at the same time.
But he could also be a jerk, too. Especially when Lynn's feet were cold and he wouldn't let her stick them in his shirt.
He was also really sweet at times, like how he got her a fake rose the other day. He claimed it was a promise that they would last forever, but it also had the unintentional side effect of a massive heat wave in her cheeks.
"What are you thinking about?" Lincoln suddenly broke her trailing thoughts.
"You," she didn't hesitate.
Lincoln paused and turned toward her.
"Good or bad?"
Lynn let the ball roll away as she stood up.
Lincoln frowned, then turned back toward his homework.
"That's not very reassuring, Lynn."
She walked up behind him and leaned down, resting her chin on his shoulder.
"Would you say I'm perfect?"
Lincoln tilted his head toward hers, bumping her.
Lynn hummed, "Then, how would you describe me?"
Lincoln tapped his pencil on his desk.
"I'd say you're... perfect enough."
She made a noise.
"What's the difference?"
"You're flawed, but I wouldn't change anything about you, Lynn."
She turned her face toward his neck. He could feel how hot her face was now.
"I guess I'll let you off the hook for now."
"Well, what about me?"
He felt her open her lips to reply, then she shut them. Her cheeks were getting much, much hotter.
Lynn had to pull away and turn around.
He's cute. He's handsome. He's sweet. He's sexy...
Her lungs felt like someone had their hands clenched tightly around them, slowly choking her.
She couldn't tell him that! Could she?
"You- y-you're... um..."
She looked this way, she looked that way, but she couldn't find any inspiration. So, she turned back toward him and stared into his white hair.
"Y-you're perfect enough."
He dropped his pencil and spun around.
"Am I really? Or are you just copying me?"
He was smirking at her, so she knew he wasn't hurt or anything. Still, that stupid grin made her heart flutter and kinda ticked her off, too.
She glared at him, "Actually, I've now changed my mind."
He got up from his seat and took a step toward her.
"What do you think of me now?"
She crossed her arms under her breasts.
"You're stupid and infuriating."
She grabbed him by the arms and spun them around so his back was facing his bed.
"But," her eyes slowly met with his, "I guess I wouldn't change you either."
He closed his eyes and leaned toward her. She knew he was intending to kiss her, so she smiled and put her hands on his shoulders. With a quick shove, she had him down on his back; and she quickly pounced on him.
Lincoln was trapped underneath Lynn as she was kneeling over his body, on her hands and knees. Her ponytail was hanging down, and was almost long enough to tickle his cheek.
He looked up into her eyes, but he also noticed her face was flushed.
He saw her throat gulp, and he felt her knees twitch beside his thighs.
"L-Lincoln," she started, then clamped her mouth shut.
He waited patiently for her to say what was on her mind, but alas she ended up clambering off of him and standing a few feet away from the bed.
He sat up and kept his questions to himself. He knew it would only end up pushing her away if he pressed too much.
Lynn rubbed her arms and worried at her bottom lip.
She looked look at him; her composure shy and fragile.
Lincoln blinked.
Lynn nodded.
"Soon. We're gonna do it soon, ok?"
His cheeks felt pretty hot. Suddenly, his lungs couldn't work fast enough.
Lynn's anxious eyes searched all over him, flickering this way, that way, back to his sheets, back to his eyes...
He smiled at her, even though his conscious was trying to convince him doing so made him a pervert.
"Th-that's awesome."
Lynn gave him a little smile as well.
Then, the two fell into this long, awkward silence that stopped time itself.
One of them made a noise - something like a groan and a cough mixed together - that broke the spell, however. And Lynn hurried to the door.
She faced her brother for a second.
"S-see you soon."
Then, she was out the door and gone, leaving Lincoln to fall back to the bed.
He really tried not to let his imagination run wild, but he couldn't control his curiosity.
Their first time having sex. What would it be like?
He'd end up spending the whole night working out a dozen different scenarios; accidentally coming down to breakfast the next morning with his pants on his head and his legs in his shirt sleeves. Don't ask him how that happened because he couldn't remember.
His mind was too full of Lynn to process anything else.
Lynn had another talk with Lori the next day right after school.
The blonde gave her some pretty solid advice. So, that's why Lynn refused to touch or kiss Lincoln for three whole days.
She'd come home after school and immediately go to her room, and she wouldn't come back out until the next morning.
Lincoln couldn't figure out what had happened, but he figured it had something to do with Lucy.
The emo girl had been forced out of the room and had taken up to sleeping upside down from the ceiling vents in randomized rooms throughout the house.
On the third day, though, the whole family was supposed to go shopping together. But, Lincoln offered to stay home and watch Lily, and Lynn... well, she didn't come out of her room.
Lincoln tip toed his way over to Lynn's bedroom door.
He leaned against the panels and listened closely.
The room was as quiet as a mouse.
He turned the knob, listening closely.
No surprised movements, no sounds, nothing.
He opened the door slowly and peeked inside.
Lincoln nearly pulled the handle off at what he saw.
Lynn sat down on her bed in just a pair of short shorts and a cropped tank top that barely covered her breasts. Sometimes she had to dress down when her bedroom was too hot and stuffy. And right now things were steamy.
Lori had given her advice. Lots of it. But she also gave her something else.
A curious object that felt stiff and elastic. It could bend between her fingers, she could stroke it, and Lori even told her it would be a good idea to try licking and sucking on it.
With such a thing now in her possession, Lynn had no choice but to kick Lucy out.
Sorry, Luce.
Leni also gave her some advice, and a special thing to practice with. A pillow with an orange casing that Leni had made just for Lynn.
The girls told Lynn exactly what to do, and right now she was gonna try it.
Lynn gulped, she was starting to sweat, as she moved herself and straddled the orange pillow.
She held the dildo down there where his p-penis would be.
For a few minutes she had to control her breathing. Things felt too real all of a sudden. She latched onto the corner of the pillow and felt sadness when it didn't have that firm quality that Lincoln's shoulders had.
Her crotch was hovering over the stiff toy, however, and soon she'd have to do something about it.
Remembering what Lori said, Lynn slowly lowered herself down until she felt the dildo press into her tight shorts and slide up the front seam.
She lowered herself down, sighing as she felt pressure along her core.
Lynn looked down at the pillow and imagined it was Lincoln's lovestruck face staring up at her.
She smiled, she sighed, and leaning down she kissed that goofy boy on his soft, cottony pillowcase lips. She moved her hips in a slowly motion, stroking herself on his penis.
As the second stretched on, she deepened the kiss and moved faster. She could feel herself getting worked up, and soon she might try taking her shorts off and rubbing it directly on her body.
Suddenly a light was shining on the pillowcase.
"Wha- Lynn?"
Lynn paused mid-stroke and looked over her shoulder, toward the door.
Lincoln was standing there, his hand clenched on the door knob, and his face in shock.
"Gah!" the young girl sputtered, rolling onto her side, clenching the pillow to her chest."It's... uh, it's... not what it looks like!"
Lincoln started chuckling, then shut the door behind him.
Lynn gulped when he locked the handle.
"So," he spoke softly, "This is what you've been doing."
Lynn rolled onto her back. Her legs were crossed over each other, the toy was lying on her lap. There was an impression in the pillowcase that looked just like Lynn's lips.
He walked over to her and sat down on the bed.
"May I watch?"
Lynn fretted over this for a few seconds before she gave him permission to join her. Lincoln sat down on the edge of her bed, leaning toward her legs, and took a closer look at the toy.
"That looks a lot like my-"
"D-don't think too hard about it or this will get weird quickly," she interrupted him.
Lincoln sighed, "You're probably right."
Both were just sitting there. Lynn was awkwardly keeping her legs locked together and fidgeting with the pillow. Lincoln's eyes were moving rapidly around the room, but especially looking at Lynn's body.
"So, um," he broke the silence, "H-how far have you made it?"
Lynn's cheeks burst with rosy colors.
"W-what do you mean?"
Lincoln tugged on his collar.
"H-how far have you taken the di- um, that?"
Lynn jerked.
"Y-you mean in-side me?"
Lynn had to look away, and she fought really hard not to hide her face underneath her Lincoln pillow.
"I... haven't got that far yet."
Lincoln gulped, "Oh."
Awkward silence engulfed them once again.
Then, Lynn's body started to relax, her eyes trailed all over her lover, and her fingers wrapped around that firm dildo.
"Do you want to join me?" she asked him.
Lincoln felt his body freeze up. He was captured by her enticing allure. But even if he had wanted to escape, he could not say no to those pleading eyes.
Lynn slowly spread her legs apart, leaning back into her pillow. She ran one hand down her stomach and dipped it under the fabric, caressing her lower ribs. Her other hand dragged the sex toy over her bare thigh. The tip poked and scratched across her skin until it reached her center.
Even though she was still clothed, Lincoln could clearly see the toy pressing into his sister when Lynn applied a little bit of pressure to it.
The dildo was only held back by two thin layers of fabric, her shorts and her underwear, but the tip looked like it could bust through them if Lynn would thrust her hips toward it…
The longer Lincoln watched, the more he realized that Lynn's shorts was getting a lewd crease right at her center. It was damp and sticking to her skin like super glue; and when she pushed the tip in and pulled it back out, the shorts actually stayed inside her pussy lips.
His pants were so tight he groaned from pain. Lynn noticed and beckoned him with a finger.
"Come here, Lincoln."
She pointed between her legs, then patted the bed.
The boy gulped. He moved onto his knees and clambered between her legs.
"I want to see it again."
She was looking at his tight pants, specifically at the curious bulge between his thighs.
"Geez, why does it feel like you want to eat me?"
He tried chuckling at his stupid comedic relief, but Lynn started rubbing one of her feet on his thigh dangerously close to his own personal sex toy…
"Do you want me to eat you?" she asked, breathily.
Lincoln gasped and jerked forward, almost as if he'd just been hit by an orgasm.
"Damn, y-you're hot when you're like this."
Lynn blinked and stopped moving her toy.
"I am?"
His fingers pulled his zipper down; her hungry eyes watched the fabric part like an opened gate.
"Yes, very," he breathed.
He lifted his legs up to pull his pants off and wasted no time before taking his underwear off, too. He tossed his shirt onto the floor and sat down between Lynn's parted legs. He placed his legs over hers, parting them so that Lynn could see him as well.
This was not the first time she'd seen his dick. It wasn't even the first time she'd seen it erect. But, now she had all the time in the world to ogle it. Now, his erect cock was so close to her pussy, pointing right at her, taunting her with its throbbing pulses…
"G-geez," he fought the urge to cover his groin, "W-would you mind stripping, too? It's embarrassing being the only one like this, you know."
She bit her lip. Her eyes were still hazy. She laid the toy aside and slid her legs across his.
"If you insist."
Lynn moved her legs over his body, up his arms, finally resting them on his shoulders.
Lincoln could look down her long legs and still see the sticky triangle her shorts made at her center.
She pouted her lips and batted her eyelashes at him.
"Would you help me?"
Lincoln gulped, "Geez, Lynn... are you sure?"
She scooted her butt closer to him.
He couldn't see his dick because her legs were hiding it, but he could tell that she was almost close enough now that - if she wasn't wearing bottoms - he could probably poke her snatch if he thrust his hips a little.
Lynn slid her ankle against his cheek. Her steamy eyes were locked onto his.
"I'm sure," she whispered.
She grabbed his hands and moved them to her waist. While his hands awkwardly touched her shorts, her hands settled on the bed beside each hip.
Lincoln felt a little dizzy, but his fingers latched onto her clothes with a firm grip.
Lynn used her hands to lift her butt off the bed. Her eyes never left her brother's face as her shorts and underwear were peeled away from her crotch and slid up her legs.
When the garments reached his face, he was bombarded by her scent. He lifted her left leg to slip the clothing over her foot, and then repeated this with her right.
Lynn watched him toss her clothes away. But once his eyes were back on her, she grabbed the bottom of her shirt and slowly wiggled her way out of it.
She eased her legs off his shoulders and laid them across his thighs. Now, they were facing each other, their legs were spread, and their centers were so close they were nearly touching.
Lynn's fingers inched toward her toy, but at the last moment she thought better of it.
Didn't she already have a toy she could use if she wanted to?
Her eyes turned toward Lincoln's erection. It wasn't beautiful by any means; but then again, she didn't think of her puffy thing as pretty either. Yet, Lincoln was eyeing it like it was the Mona Lisa, and that made her feel pretty great. She wanted Lincoln to feel good, too, so she admired his "toy" as well. She took in every vein, the color, and the shape.
Some part of her was curious on how he was sized compared to other boys. But... Lincoln must be rubbing off on her, because she realized she might feel put off if he asked her that, so she probably shouldn't ask him either.
Stupid brothers have a tendency to rub off on their sisters like that...
Speaking of rubbing off; her hands were slowly stroking her mound, and a finger just made contact with her clit.
Lynn leaned her head back and moaned.
Lincoln was in awe watching this unfold. Lynn's breathy moans, her lean figure right in front of him, her fingers slowly stroking her pussy's slit. It made his erection near-painfully hard.
His hand wrapped around his dick and started doing what it did best, giving firm, steady strokes and occasionally twisting his grip around it for varying friction.
When Lynn heard Lincoln moan, she turned her eyes back toward his cock.
"So that's how you do it?"
Lincoln was getting worked up really fast.
Lynn dipped a finger through her folds, stirring her damp heat.
"Just think..." she lifted her eyes toward his, "You're gonna be inside me one day."
She watched Lincoln's eyes change when she said that. She heard his animal groan. His hand moved quicker now. His hips were thrusting toward her.
The brunette felt his dick touch her thigh, and she gasped. His rod was so hot, and the tip was leaking like she was.
She couldn't resist moving a little closer.
Now, his cock was poised above her slit. He could actually enter her now if they weren't careful.
She had to angle her hand toward the bed to keep it out of the way. But, occasionally their hands still bumped together mid-stroke.
Their sexes were so close they could feel each other's heat.
"Lincoln," she moaned, the tops of her fingers accidentally brushing his cock, "Do you wanna try something?"
He groaned, angling his cock toward Lynn so that each stroke his knuckles would brush her skin.
"S-sure, Lynn."
"Touch me," she breathed.
She gasped as she finally pushed a finger into her depths.
"Touch me with your dick!"
The skin on his neck burned. He looked down. He could see his cock right above her pussy. He could even seen just how deep he could be inside her body. It was maddening... the heat, the situation...
He couldn't think more on it. He gave in.
Lynn gasped again as her brother laid his erection right on her pussy.
Her eyes were dark, eyeing the way he twtiched on her skin. Her breathing was heavy.
She pulled her finger out of her pussy and stroked the side of his cock. Lincoln jerked, and he gave her this deliciously hot moan. So, she stroked him again. Then, she wrapped her fingers around him; her first time doing this... holding her brother's cock. Lynn shivered.
Holding him in her hand, she began using him like he was her dildo. She rubbed his length all over her clit, making both siblings gasp.
The tension in her body was coiling up quickly. She could tell by the throbbing in his dick and the way he kept gasping her name that he was getting close, too.
Lynn rolled her hips, stroking his full length with her pussy. She made his cock wet and shiny with her lube.
Feeling a little dangerous, she moved back just an inch and she pointed his cock right at her entrance. She started rubbing his tip up and down, moaning as he stroked her inner lips, too.
It must have felt too good because Lincoln accidentally jerked toward her, causing them both to gasp.
"Lincoln!" Lynn moaned, squeezing her eyes shut.
When the moment passed, her heart froze in place.
Did she dare look?
She could feel something inside her. But, she didn't know just how far he went.
Did he go all the way?
Focusing on the sensation of touch, she felt his throbbing in her very entrance.
Lynn opened her eyes and looked down.
Only the tip had entered her. They were technically still virgins... if that even mattered to them anymore.
Lincoln groaned as Lynn slowly pulled his tip out of her hot pussy.
"L-Lynn, I'm close."
His eyes were closed. He was fully entrusting her to take care of him. His body was reacting to her movement her fingers made.
Lynn's heart sped up. She was pretty close, too.
She looked down at her pussy and his dick with lust-filled eyes.
It wouldn't hurt if she kept using him to get off, right?
No one could fault that logic, she reasoned.
So, she laid him at her entrance with one hand, and started rubbing her clit with her other hand.
Lynn moved his cock through her slit, prodding herself with the head. She rolled her hips against him, even though she knew just how dangerous this game was. Her body was filled with so much sexual energy, she felt like she could jump over the house in one bound!
Lynn kept looking at the place where his tip and her slit were making contact. She wouldn't lie to herself about it. She knew the thrill was making this more exciting than it normally would be. At any moment, her brother might lose control. Just one thrust... and it would be game over for their virginities.
That thought sparked a fire in her loins that had her grinding her pussy along his length. And once his tip touched her aroused clit, she finally went over the edge.
Lynn squeezed her fingers around him, holding his cock against her clit as she fell headfirst into gushing waves of pleasure.
And Lincoln joined her right after that. The only warnings he could give her was the rapid pulse in the cock she was holding and his heated yell of "Lynn!" His dick gave her everything he'd been holding back, shooting all of it across her stomach. He even got a little on one of her breasts.
Lynn let go of her brother and fell back onto the bedsheets. Lincoln collapsed on his back, too. The two siblings laid there together breathing heavily, as their bodies slowly went back to a normal state.
"Wow," they said in unison.
A moment passed.
"Do you still love me?"
He felt his heart hammering in his ears as he waited.
He heard her intake of breath.
"Yeah," came her soft reply.
That's all his heart needed to feel at ease again.
Another moment passed.
"Do... you still l-love me?"
Her heart seemed to stop in its place like she'd just been tagged in a game of freeze tag.
Something was moving on the bed.
His fingers found her hand and quickly squeezed her.
"Yeah," he told her.
Lynn felt warmth wash over her body, relieving all her tension at his reply.
She squeezed his hand back.
"Sooo," she drew out with syllable.
"Wanna keep playing?"
Lincoln was sitting up in a blink of an eye.
"You're on!"