This is the last one guys, I had to split the story as it got a bit long as there was more to cover than I thought. But I hope you enjoy the ending…. Please review


6 and a half months later


Trying to juggle work and a pregnancy with twins is hard work. But I wanted to do something with my days other than reading and sitting around doing nothing. Yeah, I resembled a whale now, but I am getting restless. Draco has been trying to get me to relax, but every time he tells me to relax I want to hex his bollocks off. He tries to understand but the truth is…. He will never understand as he isn't the one carrying not 1 but 2 people inside me. Whenever I get a weird craving he looks like he freaks out. What the hell is wrong with ice cream, pickles, fried bacon bits and chocolate sauce over the top?

He caught me eating that the other night and had to run to the toilet to vomit from the smell. Men are so sensitive. The fights between Draco and I were intense to say the least. They were always over the silliest things; like not getting attention from my husband. Now that I think about it; that isn't silly as I am pregnant and need love. We fought over what colour the babies' room will be, where to place the cribs and what to have for dinner every night. I caught him sneaking in once from a night out with the bloody sleeping dragons and let's just say I got the bed all to myself that night. For about half an hour before I let him back in because I needed a cuddle.

The worst thing he ever did was say, 'Stop being crazy Hermione.' Let's just say I didn't speak to him for at least 10 hours. I had to ask Harry to teach Draco how not to treat your pregnant wife? But thankfully he always came back and we made up or made love. Lately it is just made up because he is afraid he is going to poke the baby in the head. No matter how many times I explain that the baby won't feel a thing. He seems to think since he is bigger than average that his penis would poke the babies head. No wonder I always beat him in school. Ugh.

I was told that the babies could come in the next couple of weeks. This waiting was pissing me off. 'Sweethearts' I said while rubbing my bulging belly 'Please come soon, Mummy and Daddy are looking forward to meeting you.'

I waited for a kick of acknowledgement. But nothing happened so I went back to munching on my chocolate dipped pickles. Hearing a pop of an apparition came from behind me. Turning around I saw Draco grumpily sit on the couch next to me and said, 'Work sent me home.'

'Why' I asked furrowing my brow in confusion.

'I don't know.'

He had the nerve to lie to me, I went into the other room and called Harry on my mobile. I asked him why Draco was sent home. Apparently, he was spending most of his time at work. Not because he had extra work; but because he was avoiding me. How dare he! He is in so much trouble.

'Draco dear, could you help me up from the chair?' I called from the kitchen in a strained manner to get his attention. He helped me to my feet and went to go sit back down, but I wanted to punish him.

'Draco, could you please help me to the couch. I need to sleep on a comfy chair.'

He eyed me suspiciously and helped me to the couch.

'Could you please make me the special I had the other night?'

'WHAT? You want me to make the ice cream monstrosity you like?'

'Yes, I am craving it really badly. Please baby.'

'Honey, please don't make me do that? It made me so sick just smelling in.'

'Only if you tell me why you were sent home? The truth.'

'Fine, I have been staying extra hours to avoid you.'

Tears welled from my eyes 'Am I really that bad? I thought you loved me.'

He pulled me into his arms and hugged me close while caressing my spine 'Of course I love you baby. I am sorry that I made you feel that I didn't. But being around you is hard because I have no idea what your mood is going to be. One minute you are happy and smiling and the next you are crying your eyes out. Other times you are like a raging hippogriff and other times you are loving and caring. It's hard to deal with all the emotions. Don't get me started on those messed up taste buds of yours. But the truth is that I am terrified of being a Father. You know how awful my Father was and I am petrified of turning into him.'

'I'm sorry that I am all over the place now. But that is what happens to women when they are pregnant. It won't be long until our babies arrive and I need you to be close just in case they come early. Also, you are nothing like your Father! You are brave, kind, caring, gentle, loving, protective and accepting. Lucius was evil, manipulative, cowardly, sadistic, greedy, snobby and prejudiced.' He kissed my lips gently but I pushed him away only to say, 'Also, I am not a hippogriff! If I was, you would be my dinner. A delicious ferret ripe for the taking. But I don't like them petrified when eating them. I like them to squirm. So, I may have to brew some mandrake to remedy that.' I said in a flirtatious manner.

Draco growled at that and kissed me passionately while leading me toward the couch. I was loving the way his lips were caressing mine when suddenly, I felt wetness trickle down my legs. Stopping him abruptly, I looked down at the pool of fluid on the floor. Shit Draco went paler than a ghost and summoned the hospital bag with a quick wave of his wand. Then led me to the fireplace, he grabbed the floo powder quickly and said, 'St Mungos Maternity Ward.'


When we arrived at the hospital I was trying my best to remain calm and collected. I was an Auror. I could handle the simple task of getting Hermione to the hospital and becoming a father…. Father. I was going to be a Father. My heartbeat increased 10 times over as I followed Hermione who was now in a wheelchair being rolled into a private room hospital room. We were to wait in there until the baby was ready to be born. The healer asked if Hermione wanted a pain potion. Thankfully she said yes as I don't know how she would go about giving birth to two babies with no pain potion. I thanked Merlin that we men didn't have to do this. But I felt for all the women that do. They are far stronger than we give them credit for.

She was now clenching my hand tightly while her contractions passed repeatedly. The contractions were coming closer together and the time to deliver was coming rapidly fast. I smoothed Hermione's wild hair from her face and kissed her forehead while whispering comforting words of love and adoration. The healer returned quickly and told us it was time for us to go to the delivery room. One of the nurses handed me a pale white shirt and pants set that I had to wear in the room to prevent infection. I don't think I have ever changed clothes that fast in my life. I needed to be with my wife.

I walked into the delivery room to find Hermione in a hospital gown and she was up on the bed panting with all the nurses around her using intricate spell work to check her vitals. I took my place next to Hermione and held her hand lovingly. She then clenched her hand so much that I could've sworn she may have broken some bones. But I took all the pain as that was nothing compared to what she was going through. The labor went for 5 hours before the first baby was born. It was a boy with little tufts of pale curly hair. Little Scorpius was so beautiful. About an hour later the second baby was born. It was a girl with the same curly hair. My angel Cassiopeia was born.

Scorpius was placed into Hermione's arms and my angel Cassiopeia was placed in mine. They were so small but so beautiful at the same time. I looked at my little family with so much love that I couldn't help but smile and cry at this beautiful moment. One of the nurses too a photo of our family and handed me the moving photograph. This was a moment he will treasure forever. With one hand free I placed the photograph of the bed and sent it to my desk at home to prevent any damage to it. I kissed both my children's foreheads with love and tenderness. 'My little Slytherins' I said with a cheeky smile on my face.

Hermione rolled her eyes and said, 'They could be in Gryffindor you know?'

'Nope, Malfoy's are always Slytherins' I said with absolute belief.

'Blacks thought the same, then Sirius was sorted into Gryffindor. Come to think of it, you are a Black.' She said with a smirk.

'Careful Hermione, you are messing with thousands of years of history here' I said with a wider smirk.

'I think it is time for a change' she said while caressing the small tuft of hairs atop the twin's heads.

11 years later


I got up that morning and was brushing my teeth and getting ready for the day ahead. My Dad showed me pictures of himself when he was my age and I wanted to be just like him. So, I did my best to tame my curls with as much hair potion as I could to tame them back into a sleep pompadour. When I was heading for the door I passed my calendar on the wall and saw that the date was September 1st. I jumped up and down in excitement. First day of school. Running through the Mansion I noticed that Cassie's door to her room was open. Sneaking a peak, I found her trying to fix her untameable pale blonde hair.

Holding back a laugh I snuck up behind her and stuck my hands into her mop of curls and messed it up. She screamed and fought me off. I kept laughing as I ran out of her room trying to escape the red-faced witch. 'MUM' she screamed and ran after me in anger, I bolted straight for the dining room. I found Mum eating breakfast with Leonardo who was 8 and Lyra now 4. I didn't have a chance to stop as I ran around our dining room table to escape the hippogriff of a sister Cassie.

I turned to see her glaring at me with her hair still an angry mess from my prank. She looked like she was in for the kill. 'Scorpius, why couldn't you leave your sister alone? And what have you done to your hair?' asked Mum with a look of shock.

'Dad showed me a picture of his first year and I wanted to look like him and I messed up her hair because it was fun' I said with a snigger.

Cassie stomped her foot in anger and said, 'Mum, look what he did to my hair. It is going to take me forever to get it to look nice now!'

'Let me guess. You want to impress James, don't you?' I said with a laugh and continued, 'The son of Harry Potter will never want a frizz head like you!'

Cassie bounded toward me in anger, I was right in front of the second door to the dining room and I dodged her stampede. But she ran right into Dad who spilled his coffee all over his shirt. 'MERLIN… WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?' Cassie and I went quiet and shuffled our feet nervously.

'Sorry Daddy, but it was his fault. He messed up my hair' said Cassie throwing me under the knight bus.

'My fault? I am not the one who made Dad spill his coffee!' I said in anger

'You were the one who moved out of the way. I was supposed to get you!'

'ENOUGH! It is your first day at Hogwarts today, and both of you are acting disgraceful. You will respect each other! Apologize to your sister Scorpius!' boomed Dad.

'But she was the one who made you spill your coffee!'

'She wasn't the one who started this though was she?' said Dad with his arms crossed over his now stained white shirt.

'No' I said while looking down at my black shiny shoes that I had picked out for today 'I am sorry for messing up your hair Cassie' I said in annoyance and defeat.

'You are forgiven, but I am not the only one trying to impress someone. You have a thing for Victoria Weasley!'

'NO, I DON'T!' I shouted in anger at her accusation.

'ENOUGH! Cassie the fight is over now so don't antagonize your brother. Scorpius will you please follow me. I am going to get rid of that ridiculous hairstyle you have and change my shirt.' Said Dad with finality

'But Dad, this hairstyle is cool!' I said in shock

'No, it isn't. That hairstyle will make you the laughing stock of Slytherin House. Finnegan's boy Connor won't let you live it down. Trust me.'

With a sigh of defeat I followed Dad to the bathroom so he could fix my hair.


When breakfast was over Mum took me to my room so she could fix what Scorpius did to my hair. She was able to fix it so easily and pulled it into a nice braid. Mum also showed me some easy spells that I could practice when I get to school for during the year. The spells would make it super easy to style. 'I wish I used these spells in my first year, my hair was so bushy all the time. Thankfully Ginny showed me these techniques and I haven't had any issues with my hair ever since.'

Smiling I went about making sure my trunk had everything I needed. Mum gave me her first copy of Hogwarts a History. I loved the new version, but I wanted to see if there were any differences in the facts. Lyra was following me around my room while I was getting everything I needed. It was so cute so I picked her up into my arms and said, 'I am going to miss you little sis' and kissed her on the cheek.

When everyone was ready we all met in the main hall. Mum was going to drive us all to Kings Cross Station. She wouldn't let Dad drive because he never paid attention to the speed signs. Getting into the car was easy thanks to magic, Dad buckled everyone in with a flick of his wand. Mum started the car and we were off to London.

Leonardo was looking out the window at the cars and trees we were passing. Lyra had fallen asleep. Scorpius was fixing his hair in the window. Dad had removed most of the gel but made it fall into nice waves. I was reading the old version of Hogwarts: A History. We got to the outskirts of London when Leo asked the dreaded questions, 'Are we there yet?'

'No sweetie, we will let you know when we get there' said Mum in the hopes that he wouldn't ask again. But every 5 minutes he asked the same question. Dad was rubbing his temples in frustration and I hoped that we would get there soon or he would lose it.

Then he said it and just before Dad started yelling, Mum said, 'Yes, we are there' and we pulled into a parking spot at Kings Cross Station. We went through the wall between Platform 9 ¾ and I couldn't have felt happier. I was the first to go through as Scorpius was so nervous. Mum and Dad saw us off. Dad told me to stay away from James and made sure to tell Scorpius to protect me.

Mum whispered into my ear so Dad couldn't hear 'James is a nice boy but focus on studying. Also, be sure to let us know what house you both end up in. I have a feeling you aren't a Slytherin.'

I said goodbye to everyone before climbing onto the train with Scorpius and went to my first year at Hogwarts.

Later that night


It was about 8.30pm when a beautiful Barn Owl. It was Cassie's owl Athena who flew onto the couch in front of me and dropped a letter at my feet. Carefully opening the letter that was clearly from my daughter and read the letter;

Dear Mum, Dad, Leo and Lyra,

Scorpius is in Slytherin house and I am in Gryffindor, the first Malfoy ever to be a Gryffindor! My Head of House is Professor Parvati Patil. This is the most amazing place and am so glad that you sent me here. Dad wanted to send us to that Jabibala school in Australia. Thank you for talking him out of it! I must go to bed now as we have classes early tomorrow morning.

Love Cassie xx

Smiling to myself I walked over to Draco who was at his desk working and placed the letter in front of him. It took a couple of seconds before he bellowed; 'WHAT? GRYFFINDOR? My angel was supposed to be a Slytherin' said Draco while standing up and walking toward me with sad eyes.

'Draco, it isn't the end of the world. I was a Gryffindor and I turned out fine.'

'I suppose you did. But I still think you would've made a great Slytherin' he said while wrapping his arms around me and kissed me so passionately. He led me to the couch while locking the doors to prevent little eyes watching.'

St Pearls Hospital, Melbourne, Australia

There was a straight brown-haired woman in her 30's wearing a pair of hospital pyjamas drawing. She was drawing a man in black robes killing students, teachers, and everyone. All while muttering, 'I am his' repeatedly. The walls were plastered with hundreds of pictures of the man in black killing people. The door to her room opened, revealing a nurse who said, 'Miss White, it is time for lunch.' The nurse placed the hospital food tray on her desk and helped her eat.

In the next room there was music playing while a man lied in his bed looking out the window. He had dark hair and thanks to an amazing healer he was remembering things. He started to sing along to the music;

Mine is a heart
That beats for only you
Mine is a love that always will be true
For ever more, beyond the end of time
I will be your love, promise you'll be mine

Mine is a heart
That beats for only you
Mine is a love that always will be true
For ever more, beyond the end of time
I will be your love, promise you'll be mine.

A woman in a white lab coat walked into the room and said, 'Hello Mr Jones, how much do you remember today?'

'I remember meeting Hermione Granger and her rejecting my offer. She was so beautiful.'

'She is one of the most powerful when it comes to the spell she used. When she used it on her parents there was nowhere near the amount of intent she used on you. That is why only one potion was needed for them. You are a different story. You must have concentrated doses that help you remember 6 years of memories at a time. This will be your final dose, you will then be able to get the revenge you seek with my help.'

He took the potion from her hand and said, 'Thank you Healer Judith Pierce, you have given me my life back.' She nodded and left while he drank the potion. When it was finished he threw the bottle into the wall and climbed out of bed in a rage and yelled, 'SHE IS MINE!'

Dun, Dun, Dun…. He is back! There will be a sequel. SURPRISE! I hope you enjoyed this story and I hope that you continue following Draco and Hermione's story in the next instalment 'I'm yours' Please review.