Hey guys, thanks for everyone who faved and followed and thanks to that one person who reviewed. Here's the next chapter.

"dragon speech"

"human speak"

Hiccup paced outside the closed door to his and Astrid's room, flinching every time a scream out cry sounded.

'Sit down before I make you sit down and sit on you," Toothless growled at the nervous human. He realises that his human brother is worried for his wife and child – and honestly, who wouldn't be when this was their way of having hatchlings? Vikings coming out of Vikings, sounds unnecessarily painful – but this pacing was driving him crazy to watch.

Hiccup gave the dragon a look.

"But what if she needs me? What if something happens? To either of them?" He rambled off more frantic questions, getting more worried as he went, before his expression turned confused. "And why would you sit on me of all things you could do?" That was another thing that made life around the dragons easier now than it was before. Hiccup had finally learned to at least understand the language, which turned out to be quite easy when he considered the fact that he'd been subconsciously soaking it in for six years. Toothless just gave him a glare and Hiccup huffed and flipped down onto a chair next to him. Luna came up on Hiccup's other side and nudged his arm comfortingly.

"Your mate and hatchling will be fine," she said, before turning to Toothless, giving him a look, "and you are not helping."

"I'm helping!" he protested, "he's only getting himself more worried the more he does that constant pacing!"

It was quiet for the next few minutes until the next scream at which Hiccup was once again on his feet. Toothless huffed before knocking him down with his tail and laying on his chest. Luna gave him a look.

"What?" he said innocently, "I'm not sitting on him."

It was 2 hours later before Gothi and the midwife came out of the room. Hiccup heaved Toothless off his chest with Stormfly and Luna's help and got to his feet.

"Where is she? Is she OK? What about the baby? Is it a boy? A girl? No, doesn't matter, as long as he or she's OK. Is –" Hiccup's rambling was abruptly when Gothi wacked him on the back of his head with her staff. He rubbed the sore spot on his head sheepishly. Gothi huffed with a bit of a smirk on her face as Valka laughed from inside the room, seeing what happened. Both remembered his father being exactly the same at his birth. Gothi moved to the side as the midwife left to allow him access to the room. Toothless stood and followed, having to nudge Hiccup further into the room from just inside the doorway.

Hiccup barely noticed Toothless, staring at the bed where Astrid was laying holding a tiny bundle of blankets. She looked up at him with an exhausted get joyful smile on her face. Absently, he thought to himself that even sweaty and tired, she had never looked more beautiful than now.

Hiccup took the two steps necessary to be standing next to her and the baby and kneeled down, kissing her forehead before looking towards the bundle in her arms. Hazy blue eyes met clear green.

"She's got your eyes," he said as he managed to find his voice, finally. "No doubt, she'll get everything else from you to."

"I don't know," Astrid said as Valka left them alone, managing with Luna's help to get Toothless out as well. "It looks like she's got your hair." She carefully brushed her fingers against the thin strands.

"Maybe. But everything else? She'll be strong. Beautiful. Brave. Passionate. Loyal. Amazing with an axe. She'll get it all from you."

"And from you, too. And she'll be creative. Brianne. Compassionate. Resourceful. Just like her father." They say in silence for a minute, before Astrid spoke up again. "Do you want to hold her." Hiccup's eyes grew.

"B-but what if she breaks?!" Astrid bursts out laughing.

"She's a baby, idiot, not glass, she won't break."

Before he knew it, Hiccup was holding a tiny baby girl in his arms. The little girl – their little girl, and wasn't that just something – stared back at him, before her eyes slid shut as she fell asleep.

The door burst open loudly, making Astrid reach for her axe – which was just out of reach – and Hiccup glare in the direction of the noise, making Tuffnut and Snotlout back up a few steps as the ones closest to the door.

"I swear, if you want her up-"

"Ha! It's a girl, called it!" Hiccup and Astrid glared at Tuffnut for the loud exclamation, making his mouth snap shut again. Tuffnut, Snotlout, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, Eret, Gobber, Valka and the dragons filed into the room. Hiccup wished once again that his father was still alive. He wouldn't have missed this for the world. Suddenly Toothless was directly in front of him, looking down at his daughter, fascinated.

"Look at the hatchling! Can I play with it yet!? I think it's a girl!" Hiccup laughed slightly as he playfully pushed his best friend back a bit.

"She's too young for that yet, and yes she is a girl, Toothless. A very beautiful little girl who will obviously take after her mother."

"Yeah, yeah, what's her name?" Snotlout said, before Astrid could say again that obviously, their daughter took after her father more.

"- Zephyr Haddock!" The people and dragons of Berk cheered – more like roared for the dragons – as Hiccup introduced the new heir to the village. The celebratory feast and party went on well past midnight, and for most, didn't finish until midday at which point, people started wandering home to collapse onto bed.

I know it's short, but it's here! Hope you liked it :)

- Kyrian Mikaelson