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Alright, so I was putting this off but I figured I should inform y'all of some changes. So as you can see, this story is gone. The reason for this because I was sharing this account with Karine. However, she posts her Fairy Tail stories much more often than I do. So I have decided to switch over to a new account dedicated to HTTYD stories. This is for multiple reasons. One is so readers who want to follow my HTTYD stories can do so without getting their inbox flooded by Fairy Tail stuff. And second, this may generate more traffic/activity and I always feel warm and fuzzy inside when I see my stories get reviewed.

The channel I am moving to is called 0rycbar0. (I was originally going to write Doctor Who stories over there but that didn't really last).

I will be uploading (or rather reuploading) my old content on a weekly basis. Once I get caught up, the originals shall be removed and business continues like normal in the new location. This will not only allow me to make some headway into Out of Mind but I also intend to revise and rewrite both Out of Mind and For the Viking Who Has Everything. So if there are any changes you think should be made for the rewrite, please tell me.

Anyways, I love the support you have all shown me and I hope to see you in my new home.
Until we meet again in the Hidden World...
-Edgar Clarke