Kurami was now in a room she hasn't been in a long time. Her bedroom, or you could now call it her and Naruto's bedroom. She looks to see that everything looks the exact same it did before she was last here. It really brought back some memories. Especially good memories of how she made Erza eat her out to her satisfaction. But it was one glaring thing that she just couldn't shake off.

"This room doesn't feel as comforting as it once did. I think I'm too used to being in the human world." Kurami said to herself. Which was true, it has been over 100 years since she had last been here. Plus she's been sharing a room with Naruto for awhile now. So she knew she wouldn't be able to sleep here alone anymore.

"Eh who cares? I'm sure me and Naruto will eventually find the time to get used to being here. It's not like we are going to be spending that much time in Makai anyways." She shrugged to herself before getting to work.

She held out her hands. They flowed red with demonic energy. A second later, 3 chess pieces appear on the ground. 1 is a queen, another is a knight while the third is a bishop. Kurami over her long years of being alive developed a few ways to revive the dead. While she admitted that the Edo Tensei technique that the second hokage created was good. It still had a lot of flaws in her opinion. Main one being the revived person doesn't have the power they once wielded while they were alive. The way she was going to revive Kushina, Mikoto and Hitomi were using the evil pieces she created. It allows you to not only revive a person. But the person who is revived will be stronger than they were while they were alive. As well as becoming a devil. Basically naming them reincarnated devils. To Kurami, the best thing about her method is that you can even turn a person who is alive into a reincarnated devil by using the evil pieces. The pieces were shaped as chess pieces since chess is Kurami's favorite game to play besides shogi.

Once the pieces were in place. Kurami snapped her fingers for three corpses to appear in front of a piece. Slowly the evil pieces levitated into the air and into the corpses. The bishop piece went inside Hitomi, Mikoto got the knight while Kushina was the queen. Kurami would be damned in her best friend got anything less than that. Once the pieces were fused with each corpse. 3 pairs of eyes opened a second later.

Each person stood on the ground and looked around. Clearly confused as to where were they. Kurami had a big smile on her face seeing Kushina was back alive once again. She couldn't hold herself back anymore as she ran to Kushina and tackled her into a hug. "Kushina!" She cried out in happiness with some tears showing in the corner of her eyes.

Kushina, who had just been tackled to the ground. Looked down, only to see a shade a crimson hair that she could never forget. A smile formed onto her face when she saw her longtime best friend look at her face to face. "Kura it's good to see you again. But can you explain what's going on?" Kushina greeted with a smile.

Kurami pouted. "Mou come on you could at least let me cuddle you after not seeing me for 13 years."

The redhead Uzumaki just smiled while rubbing Kurami's head.

The demon queen herself finally stood up and looked at the other two women in the room. "It's been awhile Mikoto, Hitomi."

"Umm not to be rude, but who are you?" Hitomi asked.

"I am the great demon queen Kurami. You probably know of me as the Kyuubi. But that's just my title. We are in Makai. The reason I say it's been awhile because I haven't seen you two in over 5 years. Well a bit longer for you Hitomi since Naruto only saw you two or three times before you died." Kurami introduced herself.

"Naruto?" All three women said.

"Yes, Naruto, my container as well as my husband Naruto Uzumaki-Namikaze." Kurami smirked while having one hand on her hip.

"You're what?!" Kushina and Mikoto yelled in shock.

"Wait wasn't little Naruto you child Kushina-chan?" Hitomi voiced.

"Yes he is, Kura please explain what's going on?" Kushina asked.

So Kurami explained everything that happened within the last 13 years that led up to this point. Hearing everything that her precious son went through made Kushina want to go tear a new one in Konoha. Mikoto had died around the time Naruto was 8. So she knew of some of the things he went through. But what she knew then is nothing compared to what she's learning now. It made her ashamed knowing how her own clan caused Naruto harm. Hitomi wasn't all that surprised, knowing how her clan can be. Thinking that they are just so much better than everybody else. She was happy to hear that Hinata was safe. But when Kurami showed her Hinata's memories. Hitomi was determined to go tell Hiashi off. She couldn't believe that he would treat their daughter that way.

By the time they were done. Kushina only had one thing on her mind. "I'm done with Konoha. I'm going to pull the Uzumaki clan out of there as soon as I get the chance." She voiced.

"Now hold on just a second Kushina. I know you are upset. Believe me you don't know how much I wanted to level that village to the ground. But we already have a plan. Plus the fire daimyo isn't too happy with Konoha right now. If Naruto gives him the word. Konoha will lose the support of the fire daimyo. Meaning a lot of their funds will be gone. So I need you to calm down and don't do anything rash." Kurami said.

The redhead Uzumaki took a deep breath to calm herself down. "Fine, so what now? I mean you did revive us for a reason I'm assuming?"

"Yeah I want you to be apart of Naruto's harem. Like I mentioned earlier, he's my husband/mate now. He's also a hanyou as well. Our goal is to take over Konoha. He's already the future king of Makai. Who knows we may not even stop there. We might just take over all of the elemental nations for all I know. But for now we are focused on Konoha. Actually after what we just did in wave. It's safe to say that we already have wave under our complete control." Kurami answered.

All three reincarnated devils were shocked by this news. Mikoto was the first to break out of her shock before answering. "Ok I'm in." She said.

"Mikoto?" Kushina said.

The raven haired Uchiha shrugged. "What? My husband is dead. He's the reason why I even died in the first place. Well maybe not the entire reason but he's apart of the cause of it. I never got to watch my sons grow up. From what I hear about Sasuke from what Kurami told me. He's a spoiled, revenge obsessed, power hungry brat. To be honest it's not all that surprising considering how the massacre must've affected him. Itachi I'm assuming is either in jail, dead or a missing nin. The best option I have of even attempting to fix this is by going this route. Maybe I'll be able to figure out why Itachi did what he did. Maybe I'll be able to talk to him if I come across him. Plus I always did find Naruto to be a little cutie. I knew he was going to be a good looking man when he grew up. A much better looking one than Fugaku that's for sure. This is my chance to start over in life Kushina. Plus I always hated how I couldn't do more to help Naruto while he was a kid. This is my chance to make it up to him. If we have kids, this is also a chance for me to see them grow up like how I want them to. Wait do you care if we have Naruto's kids Kurami?"

Kurami shook her head. "No not at all, for a demon king it's expected that Naruto will have multiple wives that he will have kids with. All I care about is that I'm the first one to have his child while also being his number 1 girl."

Mikoto nodded. "See? As long as we know that Kurami is number one out of the harem. Then why wouldn't I want to join."

"I have to agree with Mikoto-chan on this Kushina-chan. If I would've known just how much Naruto had to suffer just from the day after he was born. I would've fought tooth and nail to get him either adopted into my clan or at least take care of him. I'm just glad that he agreed to marry Hinata as well as take on Hanabi. Like Mikoto I'm also upset that I didn't get to watch my children grow up properly. I have no idea what happened to Hiashi over the years to make him treat our own daughter so horribly. Now I know it's something that I have to do. According to Hinata's memories. Your son was a huge inspiration to my daughter. If it wasn't for him and his will to never give up. I can't imagine how Hinata would be right now. Joining this harem is only one small way of repaying Naruto for all that he's done for me. Plus I can take over the Hyuga Clan with the second opportunity of life. Many do not know but I was always stronger than Hiashi. The reason he was made clan head is because I didn't want to deal with the elders. I can now see how foolish I was to do so." Hitomi voiced her opinion.

Kushina sighed. She should've known that leaving Kurami to look after Naruto will cause some sort of mess. Granted she knew the situation could be a lot worse. She still felt that Konoha didn't deserve to have the Uzumaki name under their reign. But she could deal with it if it led to her son who was also an Uzumaki taking it over. The redhead was really surprised how her friends agreed to join her son's harem. Especially Hitomi considering how proper she was. Kushina also figured that this will probably be the only way to quickly develop a close relationship with Naruto. She's missed out on so much of his life. He's had to go through so much hardships that he didn't deserve to go through. It was a mother's job to make sure her child is loved. Kushina failed at that seeing how she died the night he was born. This was her chance of fixing that. As well as enjoying her life with her best friend again. While she didn't say it. Kushina was really happy to see Kurami again. It really hurt while she was dying. To know that she wasn't going to spend time with her partner anymore. Now she wouldn't have to deal with that. She already knew what devils were back from the time Kurami explained it to her. So she knew that she would basically live forever now unless she was killed somehow.

"Ok ok I'm in as well. Just like you two. I also feel some type of way not being there for my son. I'll be damned if I don't be there for him now that I'm alive again. Whether it's as his mother or lover I will be at his side from now on." Kushina said.

"Well said Kushi-chan." Kurami smirked. "Now that we got that all settled. Let's go to where everybody else is. Some reunions are in order after all."

While Kurami led the newly reincarnated devils back to the living room.

Things were pretty entertaining in said room. Everybody was pretty much invested into a conversation. Ino and Hinata were getting to know Haku, Sasame and Fu. While Naruto were getting to know the rest of Kurami's guards. So far he's learned that Lucy is the clumsiest out of them all. Asia is the sweetest. Akeno is nice but a sadist. Rias is very intelligent. She has an aura around her that will draw you into her. Add to the fact that she's sexy as hell. It's real easy to get lost in her beauty. Wendy was the one who seemed the most normal personality wise. But her powers is what really caught Naruto's attention. The power of a dragon. He always taught Dragons weren't real. However, considering everything that happened to him in the past 3 months. The blond hanyou wasn't surprised at the fact that they are actually real. Apparently Wendy was the Sky Dragon Slayer. When Naruto asked her to demonstrate her powers to him. He was immediately hooked. It made him wonder if he could perform similar attacks with his wind release. So when he asked Wendy if she didn't mind helping him train. He was pleased when she agreed.

All in all though, Naruto really liked all of Kurami's royal guards. In their own way, they were each interesting to him. Out of all of them, the one he wants to fuck the most is Mira and Akeno. The seductive glances they were sending his way, was making his demonic lust rise up. Wanting nothing more than to just pound them out to his heart's content. He also saw Sasame's glances towards him as well. She still had him horny from that what she did to him when he saved her earlier.

Thankfully Kurami showed up before he could have his way with any of the girls. Although, it didn't ease his lust in the slightest. Seeing the three beautiful women follow after his wife, one of them being his mother. Made Naruto even more horny. All of these beautiful girls around him and he isn't fucking any of them at the moment.

"Sorry for the wait. Well everyone meet Kushina Uzumaki, Mikoto Uchiha and Hitomi Hyuga. Three of the strongest kunoichi that Konoha has ever had. Kushina herself is kage level. They are now reincarnated devils." Kurami said.

Not a second afterwards, Hinata was a blur of speed before she hugged her mother tightly. Crying into Hitomi's chest. "Okaa-sama.." She cried.

"I know Hina-chan, don't worry everything will be fine now that I'm back." Hitomi kissed Hinata on top of her head while hugging her.

Naruto looked at the other two. "Hi Kaa-chan! Welcome back Mikoto-chan!" He greeted them with a grin.

Kushina walked up to her son and pulled him into a tight hug. Naruto was surprised, he always wondered how it would feel to be hugged by his mother. He thought he would be crying tears of joy. But no tears were in his eyes. He did feel happy, unbelievably happy at that. But his body just froze. He just didn't know how to react to feeling the warmth of his mother that he never got to experience.

'Go on and hug her Naruto-kun.' Kurami said through their shared mind link.

He glanced back to her direction. Kurami gave him a smile before nodding. She heard his thoughts so she knew how he was feeling.

Naruto returned his mother hug in full force. Now he understood why he wasn't crying. It wasn't any need for him to cry. He already did all of that with Kurami. Now he could just relish the happiness of having his mother back. Plus Kushina was already crying. So in a way she was crying for both of them.

"I'm so sorry Sochi. I never meant for any of your suffering to happen to you. Neither me or your father expected the villagers to put you through so much." Kushina cried.

"It's fine Kaa-chan, it's all in the past now. Thanks to Kura-chan. My life has been significantly better the last few months. I don't blame you or dad for anything." Naruto reassured her.

Hearing that only made Kushina cry more. Knowing that Naruto didn't blame her or Minato relieved a lot of weight off of her chest that she didn't even know was there.

It took a few more minutes for Kushina to stop crying before she smashed her lips right upon Naruto's. Shocking many in the room including Naruto himself. When she pulled away. She looked dead into his eyes.

"I will never be out of your life again. I promise I will make up for all the lost time. I will do anything to ensure you are happy. If that means having to marry you in the future than so be it." Kushina said before she kissed Naruto again.

Unfortunately she didn't get to enjoy that kiss for long m. As she was pulled away by Mikoto who kissed Naruto as well. Kushina glared at her other best friend. "Come on seriously Mikoto? You couldn't wait until I was finished?"

After tasting his tongue, Mikoto pulled back before smirking at Kushina. "Sorry but I couldn't help myself. I knew he was going to be attractive but this is something else. Now I'm really glad I accepted the offer of joining his harem."

Just as Naruto finally got out of his daze state. He was pulled into another kiss by Ino, then Hinata right after. Soon enough he was tossed and kissed by every female in the room. Hitomi being the last one before she tossed him over to Kurami. Who pulled him into a heated kiss of her own. Their kiss lasted a bit longer than the other kisses Naruto shared with the girls. When it ended, Naruto only said one word.


"Woah is right, now you have 16 beautiful women in your harem my love. Isn't that wonderful?" Kurami said.

"Very wonderful and it's all thanks to you Kura-chan. But since I've just been kissed like that by all of you. It's time to release my pent up lust." Naruto smirked as 15 clones of himself appeared. These clones were his super charged clones. Meaning they'll last a lot longer and more durable than a normal shadow clone.

"Who wants to get fucked by yours truly?" The blond smirked.

All 16 girls raised their hands up. All of the royal guards already wanted a piece of him. Especially Mira, Akeno, Erza and Wendy. Sasame wanted him ever since she saw him earlier. Hinata has been waiting for this opportunity for a long time. Ino knew she wanted him more than ever now. Haku and Fu were ready. Hitomi and Mikoto wanted to see if Naruto could make them forget how terrible their ex-husbands were in sex. Kushina was horny the moment she kissed her son.

"Well it's time for an orgy then. This will be my first one ever so I'm sure it'll be interesting. Alright let's have some fun!" Naruto voiced as he snapped his fingers. All of the girls clothes disappeared. Each of his clone went to one of the girls. Either they started kissing or went straight to foreplay.

While that was happening. Naruto turned to his wive. Who was giving him the sexiest smirk he's seen her make ever. He pushed Kurami to a nearby wall and kissed her hard. Kurami kissed him back and grabbed his dick. She gripped it hard before jacking him off roughly. Once she felt he was hard enough, Kurami aligned his dick to her entrance and pulled him inside of her pussy.

Naruto slammed himself deeply inside of her. He gripped her thighs and held her up against the wall. Their kiss never broke once as each of them were enjoying the feeling of one another man tongue.

Mikoto was riding her Naruto clone. She had no idea that a shadow clone could make her feel this good during sex. It made her wonder just how good the original felt. "Fuck you're reshaping my pussy Naruto-kun." Mikoto moaned as she kept riding him.

Hitomi was in a missionary position. She was laying on a couch while her Naruto clone fucked her like no tomorrow. To the clone it was like looking at an older version of Hinata. Only this one had the mature body that Hinata used to lack. Hitomi's legs were stretched out as she felt the clone's dick hit her womb with every stroke. It was amazing to her. She couldn't believe this is what she was missing out on before she died. "Just like that please keep going Naruto-sama. Oh that teme Hiashi never made me feel even close to this." Hitomi moaned in delight.

Hinata had her tongue out while being fucked from the back. This is the pleasure she always fantasized Naruto giving her. She wouldn't trade this for anything in the world. Hinata was glad for her outburst against Sakura now. Because if she didn't have that outburst then she probably wouldn't be enjoying this godly sex right now. Naruto was bringing out her inner pervert. "FUCK ME FUCK ME FUCK ME NARUTO-KUN!" She yelled in pleasure.

Sasame and Fu were both also getting fucked from behind. But they were also facing each other. Being lost in pleasure, they ended up making out with each other while being fucked by Naruto's clones. Sasame berated herself for not making Naruto take her when he first saw her. Fu was also happy that she lost her virginity to someone like Naruto. While she didn't know much about him. She knew enough to know that he was a good person as well as a sexy demon lord who was pounding out her pussy. Fu could hear Chomei's voice but she couldn't focus on it due to Naruto's dick destroying her guts.

All of the royal guards were either riding their clone. Doing missionary or getting it from the back. Although Mira was being held in the air by her legs while Naruto thrust inside her pussy. She held the clone's head to her breast while the clone sucked on them. Erza was one of the ones who wanted to be fucked from behind. But her position almost made the clone have a nosebleed. She was doing the splits while laying forward. Letting Naruto's thrust go deep inside her every time he pushes back in. Erza now understood how Kurami was able to fall for him somewhat. Erza was sure she would've been the same way if she got to experience this everyday. She was sure as hell she was going to try to experience this everyday from now on. "Yes yes! Keep going Naruto-sama!" The scarlet knight moaned.

Akeno after cumming three times. Wanted to taste Naruto's cum. So she was giving the clone a blowjob trying to milk it's seed. "Cum for me Na-ru-to-sa-ma." She said in a sexy tone before she deepthroated him again.

Asia and Wendy were both riding Naruto. Wendy was the more intense one since she's been wanting to get fucked really good for a really long time now. She just couldn't find the man who she felt would be capable of doing so. Well Naruto was sure as hell making his case to her. She made a mental note to do this whenever she trains him. The sky dragon slayer just moaned loudly as she felt the clone make her cum again. Ironically her and Asia both got off at the same time to suck their clone's dick. It didn't take long for both girls to be rewarded with their master's cum.

Lucy was being fucked in the missionary position. Naruto was hitting all of her spots. Even some she didn't know she had. Lucy has never been fucked by a man with the dick size Naruto has. She doubt she ever would find another. It turned her on even more when the clone started choking her. Talking dirty saying she was his blond slut. Hearing that made Lucy cum a river on his cock. "AYYYEE NARUTO-SAAMMMAA!" She cried in pleasure.

Rias wanted it from behind. So here she was leaning her face against a wall. With one legs in the air curteousy of Naruto. She was moaning loudly. Feeling her womb being penetrated by the beast that everyone in the room was being dominated by. Rias never knew a man could tame her like this. She assumed on Kurami was the only one who could. Now she knows that Naruto has the same ability. Rias was beyond grateful that Kurami was letting them have this opportunity. She just came again as Naruto kept thrusting into her. Making her ass cheeks jiggle with each time he slams into her.

Ino and Haku were in a different position. Haku was laying on top of Ino. Kissing the bleach blond, since she had already made out with three girls anyways. While they were making out. One clone was fucking Ino then it would switch to Haku. While the other clone would jack off to the girls kissing. Eventually the clone pulled up Haku by her hair and forced his dick down her throat. Haku choked lightly at first. But she eventually gave the clone the blowjob it wanted. Ino was now getting fucked by the previous clone. She was making out with this clone as well. As soon as Haku made her clone cum in her throat. She pushed him on the ground. And began riding its dick like a stallion.

Kushina was leaning on a couch with both of her legs on Naruto's shoulders. She watched her son's clone fuck her better than any time Minato has ever done. The redhead Uzumaki never would've thought that fucking her son could be such a turn on. It was a kinky turn on that only made her want him more. Then her and the clone would exchange dirty talk. One time the clone said something that made Kushina squirt!

Back to the original Naruto, he was still slamming into Kurami. He was just about to reach another orgasm. "Oh shit hime I'm about to..!"

"Cum for me my lord. Make this demon queen yours and yours only. Give me that hot cum. I want it all inside of my womb!" Kurami moaned as she squeezed Naruto's dick. She came once again as she felt him release his load inside of her.

This whole orgy lasted a few hours. By the time it was over. Everybody was satisfied.

Now it was time for Naruto, Kurami and Haku to return back to wave country. "Alright so Kushina, Mikoto, Hitomi, Fu and Sasame. You five stay here for now. We will summon you once we get back to Konoha. It won't do well for us to travel in a big group. Not that we can't handle it but I'd rather not deal with it. We should be back in Konoha soon. My royal guards, please make sure that those 5 are comfortable during their stay here. Hinata and Ino you two are going to go back to the village. Hinata, make sure you and Hanabi have all of your stuff packed and ready to go by the time we get there. Ino you're free to move in if you want. We will be seeing you all at Naruto's home soon." Kurami said.

All of the other girls nodded in understanding. Kurami snapped her fingers. Sending both Ino and Hinata back to Konoha. And her, Naruto and Haku back to wave.

When the three got back. They were in Tazuna's home. In the living room to be exact. Tsunami was the only one in there so she was startled to see all three of them appear so suddenly.

"Oh my you guys scared me. Please give me a warning next time." Tsunami sighed.

"Sorry about that Tsunami-chan. We kinda just came back from Makai." Naruto said.

"Yeah but hey Tsunami how would you like to become a devil?" Kurami offered.

"A devil? Isn't that like a bad thing?" Tsunami wondered.

"No not in the way you are thinking. Being a devil has many benefits. Like flying or eternal youth for an example. But I'm asking you this because if you want to always be with Naruto and the rest of us. You kinda need to become a devil so you can at least have immortality. Devils usually live forever unless they are killed." Kurami explained.

Tsunami thought about it. She did want to be with them for a long time. "Do I have to fight?"

Kurami shook her head. "Nah although I do think you should learn how to at least protect yourself and your family. It's always better to be safe than sorry."

"Ok you got me there. But how do I become a devil? Do I have to die?" Tsunami asked.

"Nope just leave that to me. Actually Haku you should become one too. Everybody in the harem should. I'll have to do the same for Sasame, Ino and Hinata. I'm sure Chomei can take care of Fu. You can take your bloodline to new heights if you do become one Haku." Kurami suggested.

"Sure I'm down." Haku shrugged.

Kurami grinned as she channeled demonic energy into her hands to make 2 more evil pieces. A bishop for Haku and pawn for Tsunami. She fused both pieces with said girls. Naruto was looking at this process with huge interest. After the process was done. He asked Kurami. "Is that how you brought my mother and the others back to life?"

"Yes koi." Kurami answered.

"You are so teaching me how to do that." Naruto smirked.

"I already planned on it. I still have much to teach you about my powers anyways. For an example, you may know how to access my chakra at will. But you are only accessing a small portion of it. Like the three tails cloak you can access? That's nothing compared to what my purified chakra." Kurami explained she was finished with Haku and Tsunami.

"Wow really?" Naruto was surprised. "I mean the power I feel from that cloak alone is astonishing. Damn you really are a badass Kura-hime."

"Aw." She leaned in to kiss her husband on the lips. "Thank you anata, but don't sell yourself short. In due time your own power will even exceed mine." Kurami replied before she looked over to the two new devils. "So how do you guys feel?"

"Powerful, very very powerful and horny. Is this normal?" Haku asked.

"Yep, demon lust is more potent than regular human lust. You'll be wanting sex a lot more than you used to. You'll learn how to control it with some practice. The power is just a boost for becoming a devil. Demons are naturally stronger than humans after all." Kurami replied.

Tsunami accidentally brought out her devil wings which caused her to fall. "Whoops? Wait are these wings? We can fly?!" She wondered.

"Yeah Tsunami-chan you can fly. Me or Naru will teach you how to use them later on tonight. Now where are you father and Inari?" Kurami asked.

"My father is at the bridge and Inari is somewhere around town." Tsunami answered.

"Hmm Naruto-kun, do you wanna go out and help out around town. We could at least make sure no one is hurt or suffering from any illnesses." Kurami asked him.

"Sure I'm sure the townspeople will appreciate it greatly. Are you coming as well Haku?" Naruto asked.

"Actually I was wondering if you could..leave me a clone or two here to help out with my newly sexual desires. I'm sure Tsunami-san is also in the need for the same." Haku asked sheepishly with a blush.

"Yes definitely, I need to be fucked by you now Naruto-kun." Tsunami voiced.

"Oh alright enjoy yourselves then." Naruto grinned as he made 4 clones to help satisfy them.

The Uzumaki couple left the house to travel around the town. Their hands were interlocked with one another's. It was a good feeling for both of them knowing that they helped free a country. While Kurami still didn't like the majority of humans. She was warming up to them more. It all started off with Mito then to Kushina and now Naruto has here interacting with more humans than she thought she ever would. But she enjoyed it a lot. It was nice seeing the happy faces of the ones you helped out. Kurami was reminded of this feeling knowing this is how the demons in Makai appreciated her whenever she was kind to them. Sure she had to kill a lot of them. But that didn't mean she was a cold blooded ruler.

If she had to be honest with herself. This is the happiest she's been in a long time. And it's all thanks to the man next to her. Just thinking about Naruto even a little bit was enough to make her want him again. Kurami never thought a person could make her feel so strongly about them. Kushina was one but Naruto definitely takes the cake.

They had went by asking if anybody had any injuries or illnesses of any kind. Kurami had taught Naruto how to heal a person from anything. It didn't matter what they were suffering from. They could have a chakra condition and they could still help that person by using their healing capabilities to expand their reserves without any strain. It's amazing what you can do with demonic powers.

They had healed over half of the population that had something wrong with them. It was easy and only took a couple hours. Everyone who they healed was very grateful towards the couple. Kurami and Naruto was also able to provide food for anyone or household who needed it. Because of how much they did, the people of wave now declared them as their saviors. They even dedicated a day to them. Naming it 'Uzumaki Day'. By the time they were done helping the townspeople. Naruto and Kurami went back to Tazuna's home.

When they walked in, they saw both Tazuna and Inari sitting in the living room with an uncomfortable look on their faces. When Naruto was about to ask what was wrong. He suddenly heard some familiar sounds. When he looked over to Kurami, he saw that she noticed it as well.

Both of them started laughing. While they sorta felt bad for Inari. It was hilarious to see Tazuna's expression. After talking to Tazuna and Inari for awhile. Telling them what they did in town. Both Naruto and Kurami decided to go into a separate room from Tsunami's. Well it was originally the room Naruto was supposed to sleep in instead of Tsunami's room. For Tazuna and Inari's sake they applied silencing seals before enjoying their night full of passionate hot sex.

The next day finally came as they were being seen off by Tazuna, Inari, Tsunami and many of the townspeople.

"Thanks for everything kid. If it wasn't for you two, none of this would've happened. Now make sure you two visit us whenever you get a chance. After what you guys pulled off we're like family now. So don't be strangers to us." Tazuna voiced.

"No problem Tazuna, we'll be sure to visit. Inari make sure you look out for your mother and grandfather. Pretty soon you're going to be the man of the house. So you gotta step up to the plate. Don't go around crying about how bad your life is. This time just suck it up and deal with it like a man." Naruto told Inari.

Inari took his words to heart. Naruto could see a fire lit under his eyes. "You got it Naruto-nii!" The boy said.

"Good." Naruto smirked as he ruffled Inari's hair with his hand.

"Say Tazuna what are you going to name the bridge?" Kurami wondered.

"Hmm you know I haven't thought of a name until you just mentioned it." Tazuna had a thoughtful expression on his face.

"I got a name." Tsunami spoke up. "How about the Great Naruto Bridge? After all the bridge wouldn't have been completed this quickly without his clones. Plus it's another way of our country honoring him for what he's done for us."

"You don't have to-oof." Naruto started to speak up until Kurami elbowed him in his side.

"That's a great name Tsunami-chan! It does roll off the tongue nicely." Kurami said.

The townspeople were all mumbling in agreement. Tazuna nodded. "Alright the Great Naruto Bridge it is then."

Tsunami walked up and kissed Haku, Kurami and Naruto all on the lips. Surprising all of the people including Tazuna and Inari. She handed Naruto an envelope. "That's the treaty for Wave wanting time form an alliance with Konoha. Be careful on your way back. And I'll be seeing you all soon like we planned." Tsunami winked at them before she turned around to walk back to Tazuna.

"You got it Tsunami-chan. Well we're off, see you all." Naruto waved before him, Kurami and Haku used shunshin to leave.