Author's Notes: So the other day I was reading a story called Soulmate Lies by Writing4NoReason, who is super talented and you should check them out! Anyways, I won't spoil the story, but they gave me the idea to write this story, because… what if Marinette gets amnesia? Guess we'll find out!
P.S. I do not own Miraculous Ladybug or any of its characters, but one can hope XP
- Chapter 1 -
"Marinette! Marinette, wake up!" someone says, sounding panicked.
"5 more minutes~" I mutter sleepily.
"Marinette! YOUR GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" the voice says. I bolt upright to find a surprised Tikki. I quickly leap out of bed with Tikki floating behind me as I squeeze on a shirt, hoodie, and a pair of jeans. I rush downstairs, grab a croissant, calling out goodbye to my parents as I go. I pop on some sneakers, bursting out the door before getting stopped by a red crosswalk. I tap my foot impatiently as I wait for the light to turn green, and bolt across it as soon as it does. I hurry up the steps of my school, before running through the halls and opening the door to my classroom. The bell trills behind me as I stand awkwardly in the doorway.
"You're late, Maritrash!" sneers Chloe.
"Now now, Ms. Bourgeois," Mlle. Bustier calmly states. "Marinette is not, in fact, late. Marinette, please take your seat."
I slide quietly in beside Alya, ducking my head in embarrasment. "Morning, girl!" Alya says cheerily. "Hey," I murmur.
"What's up?" Alya whispers back, concerned. "Chloe get to you?"
"No, I - ugh. Yeah, yeah she did. I'm sorry, I know she-"
"Hey! No need to apologize, that girl is literally the devil reincarnated!"
I giggle quietly, before nodding in agreement. We quiet as class starts, and I pull out my notebook and start to doodle. I'm just finishing a little heart with the initials A and M in it when Alya pokes me in the side, pointing to the teacher. "Yes, Mademoiselle?" I say politely.
"I was just announcing we are going to be doing group projects." The class collectively groans. "You and Lila will be partners."
I freeze. "Wha-what?!" I stutter out. "Mlle., please! I-I uh, I can't! I have… uh…" I trail off, before dropping my head in defeat. "Alright… alright, that's ok I guess. Nevermind."
Alya gives me an apologetic look and an encouraging squeeze on the shoulder before resuming listening as Mlle. Bustier calls out partners. I drop my head onto the table, and let out a shaky breath. I can't shake the feeling something is going to happen. Something bad. Especially because Lila straight-up threatened me in the girls bathroom, not that anyone knows it. I let out a small sigh, and bury myself further into my arms.
I bolt up as the bell trills, signaling for class to end. I quickly shuffle out of my seat and start walking out of class when I see a subtle foot stick out in front of me. I can't stop it. I trip and fall, banging my mouth. I yelp in pain, then sit up, rubbing my aching jaw. I glare over at Lila, who is smirking down at me. "Oops, I'm so sorry Marinette!" Lila lies with ease. "I must have accidentally tripped you up as I was going past. I'm really sorry about that."
"But it doesn't surprise anyone, you're such a klutz!" Chloe calls.
I sigh, before starting to pick myself up. I blink in surprise as I see a hand in front of me. "Hey, don't listen to them," Adrien murmurs softly, helping me up. "You're great, Marinette. I know she tripped you, but don't let it get you down. Although, that sucks she's your partner."
"Y-yeah. Th-thank you!" I stutter out while mentally slapping myself. I'm caught by surprise when Adrien grabs my hand and pulls me outside. I look back to find not only Chloe, but Lila too, giving me a death glare. I quickly turn my head, looking away. As we walk, Adrien asks about what I'm planning on doing about the whole partner situation. I sigh, and drop my head. "I don't know… Honestly, I'm a little scared of her."
"What? Why?" Adrien asks.
"Well… uh… you know the day when Lila became the Chameleon?"
"Yeah, what about it?"
"Well, I was the one who was supposed to be akumatized. Earlier that day, Lila came in the bathroom, and uh… well she pinned me against the wall and threatened to… to…" I choke on the words. "She threatened to turn everyone I love against me." I sniffle slightly, daring to peek over at Adrien. He looks shocked.
"She did WHAT?!" he almost shouts. "Marinette, why didn't you tell anyone? She can't just do that! And, you were going to be akumatized… I can't believe I didn't see how much she hates you earlier… I'm so sorry…"
"Hey, no need for you to apologize, it's not like you did anything wrong…" I give him a weak smile.
"Marinette, if something like this happens again, please tell me. I know the others might not believe you, but I will. I promise. You mean a lot to me, and I can't just stand by and watch her do that to you!"
I blush furiously, and look away. "Y-yeah. Ok," I mumble. "Hey, uh, wanna have lunch with me?"
"Sure!" Adrien replies, smiling radiantly.
Oh. My. GOD. What did I just do?! Did I really just ask ADRIEN FREAKING AGRESTE out for lunch? DID HE SAY YES? I internally panic. Oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god… What do I do now? I can hardly talk to him without stuttering, it's a miracle I even asked him about lunch without tripping up, how did I expect to be able to survive an entire lunch with him?
I'm snapped out of my panicked train of thought as Adrien leads me over to a picnic table on the lawn. As we sit down, I feel the back of my neck prickle, and I turn around to find both Lila and Chloe followed us. I whip my head back around and shakily start to pick at my lunch. "Are you alright?" Adrien asks.
"I-I-I… look behind us," I whisper.
I can see him stiffen next to me as he sees the girls. He places a calming hand on my shoulder. "Hey, it'll be alright," he murmurs. "They're not going to do anything while I'm next to you. It'll be ok, I promise." But it won't. It really, truly won't. I know that the moment he leaves, they'll come at me faster than a cheetah to its prey. Because that's what I am now. Prey. No, I shake my head, clearing those dark thoughts. No! I am strong, and I can handle them. I'll be alright, because whether or not they know it, I am Ladybug, Paris's hero. I face worse than them daily, this'll be a piece of cake.
We finish up lunch, making small talk here and there, and I'm proud to say I had minimal stuttering. But that's when Adrien says it. "Ah, sorry Marinette! I'd love to stay longer and continue the lunch, but Nathalie texted me and I have to leave for a last-minute modeling gig. I'll cya later!" And with that, he's gone. Not two seconds later do I see Lila and Chloe walking up to me.
"So, Maritrash, you're finally alone," Chloe snarls. "Lila and I wanted to have a little… chat about how you and Adrien have been spending more time together."
"Yes, that's right, we do have some concerns about that," Lila says in a sickeningly sweet voice. She leans in close. "Marinette, before things get difficult, I advise you to just leave him be, or else you'll pay dearly for it," she whispers darkly in my ear.
I tense, then take a deep breath. Releasing it, I say, "I'm not afraid of you, Lila. Say what you will, do what you want, but I don't have to listen to you. You do not get to tell me what to do, and you do not control me. I am my own person, not your little pawn. Now, if you excuse me, I have to get ready for class."
I stand up, and calmly walk past the two girls. "You're going to regret that, Dupain-Cheng!" I can hear Lila call from behind me.
~The Next Day~
"Good morning, Marinette! Time to wake up!" I blink sleepily to find Tikki floating above me. "Morning, Tikki," I say groggily. I sit up, stifling a yawn, before stretching. I slip out of bed, brush my teeth and put my hair into its signature buns before heading downstairs. My parents give me a surprised look.
"You're up early," my dad comments. "What, was there a fire? Should we be worried? Surely you couldn't have gotten up at this god-forsaken hour all on your own!"
"Daaaaaad," I groan, shaking my head. He laughs good naturedly, and I sigh. "Whatever. Can I have a muffin please?" I ask.
"Here you go, sweetie," my mom says, passing me a muffin.
"Thank you, Maman. Bye, Mama! Bye, Papa!" I call as I step outside.
I cross the street, before finding myself once again at the foot of the steps up to school. I take a deep breath, and slowly start to make my way up the stairs. "Marinette!" a cool voice calls behind me. I freeze.
"Hello, Lila," I say cooly, trying to remain calm.
"Say, Marinette, you know it's a shame you said the things you did yesterday," Lila starts. "Because now I'm going to have to do this."
I gasp in surprise as Lila pushes me, and I feel myself falling down the stairs. I squeeze my eyes shut, bracing for the inevitable impact, when strong arms catch me. I blink, and timidly open my eyes to see two green ones staring right back at me. "Are you ok?" Adrien asks.
"Y-yeah. Thanks to you, that is. If it weren't for you…" I trail off, shuddering at the thought.
"Of course. I already told you, I'm here for you," he says firmly before turning to Lila. "Now, Lila. Care to explain to me why you just did that?"
"I-I I can explain! I was just talking to Marinette when-" she starts to stutter out.
"Save it," Adrien cuts her off. "I know you're just going to lie, and I know you pushed Marinette on purpose. Now, I ask you again, why?"
Instead of answering, she snaps. "Ugh! One day, you won't be there to catch her, Agreste."
Chapter 1 End