Hello everyone, how are you doing? Yeah, I'm bored too. So, remember last year I said I was going to update more? Firstly I'm So sorry, I ran into writer block then I was worried about applying to university and credits for graduation, then Covid-19 happened stressing me out even more. Landing me here with another chapter so enjoy and pleeeeaaassseeee give me prompts for this series. I love writing prompts for my readers so if you have one drop it in the comments. Enjoy the chapter and Stay positive. Anipandagirl out.

After all of Hisako's preachings about minding her health and stress levels. Here she was at another boring event that desperately needs her presence. Erina plastered a fake million-dollar smile on her face while drearily listening to another Totsuki investor's tedious stories about their new estates or stories about their newest partner just mere weeks after they divorced the last one. The champagne numbing her senses for only a few minutes. This was torture. Her sighs the only way oxygen entered and exited her lungs. What she would give to be home, right now.

The perks of being the headmistress, my ass.

Its thoughts like this that reminds her how much he's been rubbing off on her. Another sigh. It didn't help that he was across the ballroom a few metres from her, suited in a devilishly handsome navy blue tux. He was definitely not the brat she had known in high school, but now a man. Her lavender eyes constantly glancing in his direction when he wasn't looking and she felt his golden eyes whenever she turned her back to him. Her grip on her now-empty champagne flute tightening as she felt her fever rising. The exhaustion and alcohol finally taking its effect on her. She needed to get out of this stuffy room now.

"Cara really sur-... Miss Nakiri is everything all right?" A businessman asked worryingly, about to grasp her arm.

Suddenly a tall figure stood behind her, his large left hand secured tightly around her waist steadying her.

Ah, her knight in shining armour.

It didn't take much for her to guess who it was, she could have guessed from his scent or from his touch that seemed to burn her skin through her dress.

"Miss Nakiri are you alright would you like to sit do-". But instead of letting the poor man finish his sentence he just dragged her out of the ballroom. What a possessive man. She knew scolding him would be pointless because he wouldn't listen to a word she said. Every step seemed to drag her down until she couldn't move on her feet.

She heard him mutter something under his breath, most likely a swear word while he bent down to gently hold her with one arm under her legs and the other supporting her back as if she were his bride. Their eyes met again, her eyes an angry purple and his an amused citrus colour. Then the man had the audacity to use his charming smirk, knowing in full what he was about to do.

"Where are you taking me, Yukihira Soma" she growled feeling the fatigue now that she was out of the ballroom. He brought her closer to his chest and leaned his head down to her ear, so close his breath tickled it.

"We're going home" he whispered tenderly as if to assure her of the coming trouble.

"So relax we'll be there soon" Then he continued walking toward the exit.

The grand hotel doors opened up, revealing flashes of white light. No doubt the highlight of the gala for any reporter was the scene before them. The former first seat, Yukihira Soma holding the headmistress of Totsuki in bridal style. It didn't take long before they were bombarded with questions about their current relationship but that didn't stop Soma who just waltzes past them as if they weren't even there. The cameras following them to his Benz flashing rapidly, the press found a new toy to play with. He started the ignition and drove off, Erina felt a headache coming on, her fingers gently massaging her temples to relieve a bit of stress. Great now I have to deal with paparazzi tomorrow morning. She didn't know what infuriated her more the fact that he just scooped her out of the ballroom creating a scandal or the fact she actually wanted him too.

"You really are a masochist aren't you Nakiri" he started.

"And you're a kidnapper now could you shut up, my brain is pounding against skull" she groaned, leaning into the seat shifting her head to get a more comfortable position.

"Where are we going" She questioned sensing her body succumbing to exhaustion. The gentle bumps and turns from the car rocking her deeper into slumber.

"Don't worry, Erina we'll be home soon" She could hear the sound of relief in her head, why did his voice always soothe her internal worries and anxiety?

"So are we going to the Yukihira diner?" He briefly glanced at her and smiles "Depends, where do you think home is for us?" He asked chuckling lightly, but she was already asleep her light breaths of comfort music to his ears as he drove on to their destination.

"For me..." He continued knowing he doesn't have the will to say such words to her while she was conscious, not yet at least. "... home is where ever I can be with you. Where I can cook and give my everything for you. It took me a year away from you to finally figure out, that I was home when I'm with you." He looked at her again, his eyes shining with every bit of affection he had for her, his hand reached out toward her brushing his fingertips lightly over her cheek.

"And there is no way in hell I'm letting you go, Nakiri Erina."

A Bit of Dessert

Soma: "I can't deal with this"

Erina: "And what is it Yukihira? Is something wrong?"

Soma: "Your damn right somethings wrong. I don't have enough ingredients to make the usual thirty dishes for you to taste test. I can't leave you hungry Nakiri."

Erina: "Why, because you want me to say your food is delicious?"

Soma: "No, because you get crabby when you're hungr-"

Erina *Throws a book at Soma's head*

Soma: "You didn't need to throw a book at me. What did I say wrong?"

( A/N: Its 6:30 am and I'm tired let me off with dessert, ok peeps.)