Supernatural One Hundred Drabble Challenge:

Word: Silk

Spoilers: Spoilers for my own storyA Moment Like Forever. If you haven't read it, you might want to do that first.

A/N1: I haven't done a Drabble in years, and suddenly I have 2 in one week. I have no idea if this will continue—God, I hope so because I really miss writing.

Summary: Dean wants one moment more. This is a companion story to my own A Moment Like Forever. Dean POV. Spoilers.


One Moment More


It was all they'd been working towards, desperately trying to find a way to age Sam back while some uncertain deadline ticked in the background. But now that they had a plan, well...

"Just... gimme a minute, Sammy."

The room was ready, the counter-sigil marked on Jody's floor. All Sammy had to do was walk across it.

All Dean had to do was let him. But first, he had to set him down.

"I just..." Dean hugged Sammy tighter, burying his face for the last time in the baby-soft silk of his brother's hair.

"Okay, Sammy. Let's do this."