Chapter 20

Hyuga to be Kidding Me


"Hey," Blonde silkiness lowered to his level. He was sitting, right on the edge of the porch of a certain Uchiha residence, looking up at the sky. Almost longingly, until his BFF decided to join him. He gave the girl a glance, flashing a smile before looking back up, "star gazing, huh?"

"Yeah." He said solemnly, his tone practically lost in a gaping hole of content. "It's been so l-long since I took the time t-to give the stars m-my attention."

"When was the last time?"

"A few days a-ago."

Naruko barely held back a chuckle next to him. "You make it sound as if it was an eternity."

"Two days is t-technically twice as much as a-a-a mere eternity, Madam Naruko." He said humbly, deepening his voice in recognition.

"Oh, do not speak through your own buttocks, Monsieur Ken." She spoke in her own high esteemed voice.


"A-Ah!" He almost jumped out of his skin by the sudden light, yet firm jab to his right rib. "H-Hey!"

She ignored his plea, since it lacked the actual offended tone. He was merely curious, Naruko could tell. "It's Madame, not Madam, baka." She said with a playful smile.

…Oh right. Madam was for married ladies. "I-It's not like Madame Naruko r-rolls off the tongue better than M-Madam Naruko."

"So you'd rather call your BFF a married woman instead?" She prodded him with a faint blush. "And who might you expect I would be married to?"

"Someone who knows h-how to treat a-a lovely lady like you r-right, duh." He shrugged nonchalantly, though the topic of marriage was actually a bit uncomfortable since the thought or subject never came to be around him before now.

"Like you?"

"Exactly." His eyes opened wide, looking frantic. "I-I-I mean, that's n-not what I meant t-to say!"

Naruko couldn't help it, her blonde locks tied into a single one due to a recent, shampooed, refreshing bath, swayed with her upward look, her mouth gaping with laughter. Sweet, wonderful laughter, if Ken could add. "Gosh, you're so fun to tease, Kenny."

"Hey," He frowned, barely able to join in her humored giggles. Instead, to avoid it, he tackled the girl to the ground, pale hands gripping peach wrists, "you cheater! You c-couldn't even notify me before t-taking advantage of my s-sub-conscious?"

"Maybe you shouldn't have been dozing off like that then." She managed to smirk arrogantly, despite the growing bright blush burning up from the position she was barely aware they were in. His magical red eye glistened the reflection of the nightly atmosphere, absorbing her attention to the point where everything else– including how on top he was, hovering over her, pinning his giggling prisoner down to the cold hard wood, legs on either side of her– was irrelevant to her focus.

Her heart practically leaped to the next stage with how painted her once not-so-glowing cheeks were.

Ken smirked back, almost more so than her currently faltering one. Her ponytail scattered below her like a beautiful golden ocean. "You think this i-is funny, huh?"

"Yep." She chirped, smile growing a bit, only to falter back to normal by how lost she was in her best friend's crimson stare.

"Oh, you just f-forced my hand, you pretty little devil."

She breathed at the 'p' word, her organs working overtime. Even though she had just been drowning in a sea of rejuvenating cleaning water, her mouth, her throat, right down to the top of her shoulder blades, hell, her entire insides felt as dry as a Kami damn desert. It was as if he was sucking her dry right down to the bone. Her lips even felt dehydrated, desperate to smack themselves together if it meant for a single droplet. Her cerulean eyes momentarily landed on a pair of pale lips in front of her.

Lips she occasionally sneaked glances at when not being suspected. They were right there, right in front of her. All she had to do was lean up and snatch her rightful prize. She would've been in complete and utter bliss. Kissing her best friend since six years ago. Could… could she do it? Would she sacrifice their pillar to take the next step in their relationship? Would it be worth it? Kami, all she wanted in her life was to be by his side. That was it. So this urge to transform their closeness into something even more shouldn't be a factor, right? Yet, her heart, including her brain, wouldn't stop coaxing her forward. Every wrong in the world would be a thing of the past if Naruko could just bring herself to take the initiative. Or maybe… maybe she didn't have to.

W-Wait… was he… was he really going to… The blonde somehow broke herself from her daze to make contact with his eyes when those enticing lips of his started opening.

"I am now i-inclined to punish you for y-your crimes, my lady."

"Oh?" She questioned in-between ventilating breaths. It was as if he held her underwater, her lungs desperately needing an intake of oxygen they lacked. "What could you possibility have up your sleeve to punish me that would be effective enough against someone like me?"

Ken's smile turned so mischievous, it made the remaining brain cells of Naruko that were not yet captivated by the heart melting eye staring right back at her, wonder who really was the 'pretty devil' between the two. "I'm glad you a-asked." Wait, why did his voice somehow send a chill up her–

"Bwah hah hah hah!" She heaved, struggling to push the boy off her, despite her hands being free of their shackles. Surprisingly, his devotion to 'attack' her poor, defenseless hips had given him the defiance to resist the blonde's strength. Either that, or she really wasn't putting in her all to get away. Which could only mean one thing. Ken's smirk grew at the conclusion, assaulting her freshened body with his own washed hands, defiling her with his fingers as much as he could.

…Not in that way…

"S-S-St-Stop it already, K-Kenny!" She flailed with an openmouthed laughter, pushing onto his hands that were invading her sensitive spots. "Hah hah ha! Th-This i-i-isn't hahah f-fairAH ha hah hah!"

"What isn't f-fair is you flustering me w-with your teasing."

"You f-f-flustAH ah hah m-m-meah ha ha hah AH-all d-da t-tah-ha-hu-ee-mmm!"

"That's irrelevant, s-silly girl!" He chuckled at her attempt to slide under his grip, seeming to be on the verge of laughing to death. Was it really wrong for him to continue for her 'laughing death' if it meant to listen to her awe-striking melody escaping her mouth more longer? "Surrender to the s-supreme king of gags, minion!"

"F-F-AH-ii-nn-ah hah hah, y-you win!"

"Who wins?" He questioned with more of his frantic movements of his hands and wriggling fingers.


"Who's 'you'?"

"Th-AH s-supr-ii-mm-ah hah ha k-k-king!"

"Damn right!" He chortled victoriously, his fingers having a mind of it's own with the continuation of Naruko's degradation. "Remember my n-name when y-you decide to consult m-me with such v-vile nonsense."

"Y-You jerk!" Tears formed in the corner of her shut, joyful eyes. "Let go o-of me, Kenny!"

"Okay." He simply said, halting his assault by putting his hands on either side of her 'destroyed' sides to support his hovering form.

After her laughter steadily settled down, Ken's locked eyes went wide in surprise by the sudden grip on the side of his head, pulling him down inches away from a once 'giggling fit' that was Naruko.

"T-Teme," She giggled the last results of her submission out of her system, looking straight at the boy whose face was inches away from hers, "you like seeing me submit to your will now and then, huh?"

"Makes me feel I'm d-dominate over you and Sasuku-chan in at least one field." He shrugged with an arrogant smirk, "besides, your l-laughter is to die for."

Then die already, you weak, pathetic creature!

Ken's smile almost faltered, but the fact that Naruko would definitely notice with how close they were made him steel himself enough from the uninviting voice in his head.

"To die for, huh?" Naruko asked playfully, unable to not steal glances at those mocking lips of his. She was not in the right place in her mind to even consider his awareness of her peeks right now. All the blonde could do was daydream about actually smashing her own pleading lips to lock with his own pair. If only she could do it in reality. Could she? It was so easy to do so, to lean forward a bit and take him as her own, crossing the heart-filled bridge she wanted to cross for so long. Yet, it was so difficult to move herself even the slightest anymore, much less toward her best friend.

'You ruined me, baka. Instead of being innocent minded of the ones who are special to me, you implanted me with these heart pounding feelings with your presence alone.'

"Yup." He remembered and used the same pitched tone as Naruko had used earlier. "Or any-th-thing about you, I s-suppose."

"You… you'd die… for me?" It was such an obvious thing to note. Comrades would do such things for one another all the time. Close relatives would, loyal servants would. Friends would. She'd do the same for her precious people, especially her precious Kenny, but to hear such devotion from said attraction in such a compromised position. Her heart couldn't help but grow wings and soar.

Her set of teeth munched on her bottom lip with anxiety, the last of her queued feeling in her body could practically feel the contrast between the cold, yet cool night air icing her burning face. Not just her cheeks. Her poor ears also fell victim to the excruciating leaping knots in her stomach. She probably looked like an idiot, which would usually worry her if her Kenny was witnessing such a sight, like right now, but she couldn't care less about that. Not when his warm, comforting breath attacked her vulnerable face more effectively than his 'Supreme King' act. She just had to open her mouth to coax his 'effective way' to punish her, didn't she? It was fine though. She was glad, if it meant she could be this close to her one and only Kenny.

'He's right there, baka. Take your chance while you still have it!'

She pursed her lips nervously, eyeing his eyes for any signs of defiance. Would he defy her? She knew him for so long, and yet, she was still asking such a question. She supposed there were things he kept from her before, so questioning his reaction to her foreseeing initiative could be one of them as well.

Gulp! She just hoped her selfishness for wanting something more out of their relationship won't backfire, at least not to the point of no return.


"Hmm?" He hummed his undivided attention, her hands still holding delicately on his cheeks. Not only her, but the male Genin out of Team Seven also took the time to think, almost unaware that they were still in such a position for so long. It wasn't as if Naruko's hands gave him any 'out' of it either, even if they were gripping like she was scared he'd break apart. He didn't mind though, so long as his BFF got what she wanted.

"…You were always holding me back. Every single day. I may not had friends when we met, but I sure as hell would've been better off without any than to be by your side."

Ken's smile had finally drooped a bit at the thought of his 'daydreaming-nightmare', but thankfully, Naruko was too much in thought-land as well to note his falter. Yes, he had to give her his all, and more, if he expected their friendship to avoid being soiled by justification. Justification of our pathetic he was. But that was why he had to get stronger, and stronger, and stronger!

When he was finally interacted with by said blonde, he wiped away a lone tear from her bright cheek. Thankfully it's remnants were full of joy instead of dread.

"Do you… like me?"

He raised an eyebrow. "What kind of a-a question is that? Of course I do, s-silly."

"No," She shook her head, looking straight into his exuberant eyes, "I mean… do you… l–"

"What in the…?"

Sasuku's ogling eyes welcomed, for a lack of a better word, the gazes of both Genin on the floor. One nearly covering the other with his entire body, and the female holding– or had held– his head in place… for… a…

"You… sh-she… out here… but…?" The Uchiha couldn't find a coherent sentence.

"Oh, hey th-there, Sasuku-chan." Ken smiled, still 'dominating' over the twelve year old like they were… as if they were… "Do you wanna j-join us? It'll be great if y-you do. All members of T-Team Seven enjoying the sensation of s-s-s–"

He was going to say stargazing, but his impediment gave Sasuku enough time to be hammered in the coffin with the final nail. Her suspicions were already on high alert, but with that one word starting with the letter 's' took her sun-beaming blush to a whole other level.



To sum it up, somebody's face just got rearranged right then and there.


"Again." A word everyone knew all too well.

"Again." Was a word repeated too many times.

"Again." Was a snake's vapor drugging familiar ears to death.

"Again." Was something everyone tried their best to ignore.

"Again." Was, funnily enough, not the motivation for her constant attempts.

"Again." Was just like any other word coming from the older person's mouth. Lost in her head. Incomparable to what truly gave her legs that last bit of life to get back up for the day.

Struck. Fell. Fruitless.

"Again." She gritted her teeth, but complied, more to her thoughts than his command.

Force palmed. Fruitless.

"Again." He glared at her while a certain youngling snarled from afar.

'This is not inherit training,' The eight year old's matured mind once thought, clouded in a smoke of frustrated disgust, 'this is unadulterated torture!'

If only her sister didn't meet that stupid Genin. That green-haired insolent fool! Then maybe her older sibling wouldn't be–

Force palm!

Her tainted Academy eyes flinched for something else to view. Something more, human.


His daughter was barely twitching on the soil, almost becoming an unnatural part of said earth. Like something was threatening to pop out of it. But it wasn't, it was only the 'struggle' the young heir was putting up with. How disappointing, wanting to win the sympathy of others. That wasn't going to happen. Not to him.

Not to the man who had nurtured her ever since her mother passed on.

"Neji," He looked at the boy in white, "give her her aquatic intervention already, so she can have some sort of energy to continue."

"Hai." The boy moved and arrived with a bottle for the pained girl. He placed it down next to her as usual. Stepping back to observe, as usual. Showing a blank slate of a face to his cousin… as usual.

Hyuga Hiashi stared down with seriousness. 'If you're able to move and quench your thirsty exhaustion, then you can continue without any problem.'

Natsu looked sadly next to Hanabi.

Hanabi looked down, eyes shadowed.

She moved. She finally moved… her messed up arm… by an inch, aiming for the invaluable amount of water, only to realize her 'break' had been finish a while ago. Bottle nowhere in sight. She wanted to sob; Hyuga Hinata wanted to cry so badly. Not only because everything of hers hurt so, so much, but to cry for help. For an escape for the prison she was in. It was torment. An endless cycle. A purgatory for whatever wrong she had done. Whatever she had done… to her father.

To the one she had idolized when young.

"Again." She didn't hear the word, only seeing the flash of reassurance. His lively hair. His caring, soft eyes. Green and red. A perfect combination for who he was from within. If only she could've used her time during these past difficult years better to get to know more of that 'inside' of his instead of taking blow after blow, day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year!...

…At least…

"I said again, Hinata."

…his powerful facial features were engraved into her mind. The once laying, now crouching Hinata wouldn't have known what to do if it wasn't. Probably go insane.


"Hinata." He said sternly, foot itching to tap the ground repeatedly. "Do not make me repeat myself again."

Neji continued to stare from the sidelines, as with many other members of the esteemed clan who were blessed to be titled as 'Hyuga'. Though, as their reluctant eyes had said many times before: Was it truly a blessing when something like 'this' kept replaying itself over and over again? Like the same episode of an old show?

'This is all his fault!' Hanabi nearly yelled out externally.

'This is all his strength.' Hinata finally made it to her feet, taking a shaky breath through her nostrils. 'Strength to continue, to keep moving forward!'

'Finally.' Hiashi almost cracked a small smile by the defiance. 'At least she has the resilience to keep going. Although, having that alone only shows how much futility is hanging onto her shoulders.' He made to nod to his nephew for resumption to continue the–

"Excuse m-me, but p-please accept this b-b-bento as an a-apology for my a-actions the other d-d-day."

Hyuga eyes shot open, halted Byakugan reactivating itself. "Hya!" She roared through flying tears, palms ready. Her opponent barely blocked her sudden strike, but she wasn't done. Not yet.

Hinata stared longingly…

Not yet…

from a distance at the two friends indulged in one another's company. Green and blonde. Crimson and cerulean. Joy and joy. Practically a perfect match.

…Not yet darn it!

'Where is she getting all of this stamina?' Hiashi's eyes were locked onto the swift, precise movements of his descendant. Neji wasn't bound to stay defensive; he aimed for her chest. Her rib cage's chakra flow pulsing in pain through the watchful eyes of his Byakugan. She wasn't having that though. Not anymore. Her right palm reached to her left side, pushing the opposition's strike to the side, while her left palm went under her right arm and against her cousin's own chest.

"I can… d-do this…!" She gritted her teeth, immediately turning her force palm into a hard hitting elbow, directly aiming for a chakra point her Kekkei Genkai was so generous to provide eyesight for. Unfortunately, her already injured arm was in so much unwanted agony that her strike wasn't precise or vital enough, giving her leaning body vulnerability that was instinctively taken advantage of by her relative.

Swoosh! Body twisted around Hinata's.

Squeeze! Hands dug into said girl's arm.

Slam! Before she knew it, that sound rung deafly through her entire body, poor intestines coughing out thick slop of wet redness.

Hiashi's slightly astonished face calmed down with a 'hmph', Neji giving room for his fallen relative, as usual. "Agai–"

Hand reached to the opposite side of the ground and bombed said soil, knees contracting with support of firm arms.

Hiashi's surprise came back to haunt him, fixated on the sprinting young female, the glimpse of determination evident behind her Byakugan.

Neji barely had time to react to the unexpected rush of wind, so much so that he wasn't aware of how much force he'd put in his–

Force palm!


Everyone's widened eyes kept staring. They weren't sure what just happened. It all happened so fast. One minute Hanabi's sister was unable to grasp a bottle of water, but was able to grasp the element of surprise so swiftly in a matter of transitional seconds. Now though… now she was kissing the ground, like usual, but after a long pause of no visible movement from the limpness before them, everyone had came to the same possible conclusion, including the executor.

She was…


The day wasn't done yet. It was still Wednesday evening, entering the last bit of sunlight for the day. Yet, the two early-showered Genin had been told to stay for the night… again. I mean, do not get him wrong, the hospitality was more than what he could ask for, especially compared to what awaited him at his own 'home'. So it was all around a fantastic place to end up in. But to be perfectly honest, what did he ever actually do to deserve it?

Train the owner's daughter? What, would that really give him the privilege to 'freeload' like it was the most natural thing to do? No, no it shouldn't, specially if such a reason extended his stay for… what day was it again? Fourth? Fifth? Nearly a week? Preposterous. Either that, or Mikoto-chan really was too good of a person at heart.

Unrealistically good when it came to a person like him. But he supposed he should quit his bitching for once and just accept the good that comes his way. Good that never came for seven years, and even back then the 'good' wasn't truthful as he thought it was.

Kami, he really missed his accused 'mother', wherever she was right now. Probably on duty during this time. Anbu really were hard workers, huh?

He opened the front door as silently, yet less sneaky as possible. Really now, they would find out of his MIA sooner or later, like last night, so there was no reason to hide his leave from them. Ken shivered a bit, remembering the tongue he received from a certain eight year old Uchiha when she scolded him for leaving the residence without her 'consent'. That was the point of his 'nightly duties' though, although he supposed like this morning with his teammates, he should be more open with himself with the people he cared about, not to mention the aftermath of Naruko and his sparring session.

"…no more secrets from now on, 'ttebayo."

Ken frowned at the memory, distinctively remembering the pinky hug they did right after. 'I'm sorry, Naruko, but if you were to ask of me about something like my visits to Mizuki-sensei, then I'd have to break that promise. After all, before we even got to do that pinky swear, I promised Mizuki-sensei that I won't say anything about our encounters to anyone. Besides, such things are meant to be confidential, otherwise things will just fall apart instead of building themselves up.' He closed his eyes wistfully before exposing them up like the whoosh of the entrance in front of him, stepping out before closing the Shoji opening.

'Before I do go pay my daily visit to my sensei though, I need to make things right with a certain someone.' He clenched his palms tightly, a specific encounter of a young Hyuga flashing before his eyes.


"Does it hurt?"

"N-Not that much."

"You sure?" The lady looked up with concern. "You took quite a beating back there, Hinata-sama. So I would appreciate it if you'd be honest about this so I could treat you more efficiently."

"You worry t-too much, Hatanaka-san." Hinata attempted a warm smile, despite it ending a bit forced and weary. "If I feel any discomfort, I-I'll inform you."

Hatanaka Eri, a twenty-seven year old blunette reserved exclusively for the physical welfare of Hyuga, frowned with suspicion at the response of the young Heir, her shoulder-length hair tied in a braid behind her. She sighed at the reassurance though. "If you're certain."

Her healing hand rested upon Hinata's right bruised knee, making the girl winch a bit. "And here?" She raised an expected eyebrow, noticing the youngling's cornered position.

"I," Hinata blushed a bit in embarrassment, "y-yeah…"

The woman sighed again, getting back to work. "Hopefully it isn't as bad as your arm." She gave said appendage a glance, a wrapped bandage covering the exposed skin. Hinata was shirtless, her black sports bra compensating her above nakedness, sleeves of pants rolled up for inspection. The two were in the younger female's room, due to her compromised position, the queen mattress welcoming the weight of the two persons.

"It'll be fine." Hinata looked at her recovering arm, speaking in her usual inward shyness, though more openly compared to whom she was talking to. Hatanaka-san was really a good listener, and a very close friend of the girl's. In a world of blood and hatred spewing from country to country, a friend could really be a confining pillar a person could lean on without feeling like the whole world was against them.

Like how Hinata felt most of the time. Shy, introverted, isolated, naïve…


Her father's words kept haunting her at the worst of times. With qualities like those, there were not many who were really going to act as a pillar for said person. To be friends with qualities people could barely stand. The world really was a dark place sometimes. Thankfully, she found a comfy place in Team Eight where darkness wouldn't swallow her whole, as a comfy place it could be though.

A certain boy's smile took the form in her mind, becoming contagious to her own lips.

"Hinata-sama," Eri frowned skeptically, "smiling at your most injured part of your body so far doesn't really bring me joy, you know?"

"S-Sorry," She shook her head to get the image out of her head so she wouldn't look like a bigger idiot in front of her friend. Unfortunately, her engraved memory could really be more of a curse than a blessing, "I was just thinking of s-something pleasant."

"Is it that boy you keep mumbling to yourself about?"

"W-Wha…!?" Hinata nearly fell off of the mattress, causing the woman to giggle. "H-How did… did I, do I-I really…?"

"Hinata-sama," She rolled her eyes despite the contradicting formal addressing of the Genin's name, "you really are simple-minded if you're not aware how loud you sometimes speak to yourself."

"I-I-I–" She stuttered, before looking down in complete embarrassment, her face burning like an oven set to three-sixty degrees Fahrenheit, if an oven could even go that high. The woman merely laughed cutely at the cute reaction.

"Gosh, you're sometimes too easy to read, Hinata-sama." She went back to treating the poor girl, although she continued where she left off. "So, who's this lucky boy's name?"

"W-Well I… I m-mean…" Hinata trailed off, pursing her lips hesitatingly. "…I-I mean, it's not th-that big of a deal. We don't even hang out with each other."

"Why's that?" She looked up at the girl in question.

"It's b-because, well, we are on d-different teams so… a-and we're too busy with m-missions and the like, so it's not like we have the t-time for each other."

"Don't have the time? Hinata-sama, when it comes to love, you should always make time for each other, no matter wha–" She cut herself off, realizing the tight schedule she had on a daily basis. Wake up, Genin training, Genin missions, Hyuga 'training', get ready for the next day, repeat. Eri frowned solemnly to herself, staring down a bit with frustration.

"L-L-Lo–" Hinata couldn't even finish the word, her own head down to her neck had gone berserk with red paint, ears steaming like a coal-running train, whistling as one as well. "I-I-It's not l-like that, H-Hatanaka-san, really, it i-isn't."

Eri was still contemplating her careless wording of the girl's busy timeline, her reply only now entering her ears.

"B-Besides," She muttered lowly, playing with her index fingers shyly, "i-it's not like he f-feels the same way, especially," She bit her bottom lip at the thought, "e-especially when he has Naruko-chan on his side."

"Naruko-chan?" Hatanaka questioned curiously, then it finally came to fruition. "Are you saying you like Kenjo?"

"I m-mean, the way you said the w-word 'like' really makes it sound like…"

"Hinata-sama," Uncertainty wrote itself on the older female's face, "I don't think that is… well…" What would Hyuga-sama say about this? If the members of the Hyuga clan thought he was already ruthless with his daughter, then how menacing would he be if he actually found out about the feelings his child had for someone he truly despised? It wasn't a secret to anyone living under the compound of the Hyuga. The man really disliked everything about the boy, right down to his name. So much so that when he heard the boy's name being uttered by one of the members of his prestigious clan, he ruled out that if anyone spoke about the boy ever again under his compound, there would be severe consequences.

Nobody was willing to find out what that might entail.

Knock. Knock.

"Oh," Hatanaka looked at the closed door, then at her patient's appearance, "who is it?"


Both looked at the door in surprise.

"I came to speak to my Onee-chan."

"Well," She looked back at Hinata, noticing she had just sub-consciously finished the last bruise visible on her body. "you may come in."

Hanabi stepped into the room she had been in so many times before, watching Hinata put on her shirt and thanking the packing medic for her assistance.

Eri nodded with a smile, stepping toward the door with a smiling nod for the younger heir as well.

Hanabi nodded with her usual frown, leaning against the wall next to the door Hatanaka just used, hands behind her leaning back. She waited for a second at the sound of distancing footsteps down the hallway, before looking back at the dressing Hyuga, blue hair poking out of the top of her cream-colored jacket, said garment a bit scratched and dirtied. "Hi Hanabi-chan." She took a careful step for a stand, testing how far her body would go until it throbs.

Hanabi frowned deeper at this, her meaning in being here amplifying. 'What I'm about to do Onee-chan, is all for your own good.'


"He went out again, didn't he?" Sasuku frowned.

"Yeah." Naruko looked down with a deep sigh. The day's dinner was flowing deliciously through the air, but it was being ignored.

Ignored for the letter currently being read by Mikoto. The others' eyes had already met the Kanji note, including Sakuri.

"He said he'll be back shortly, right?" Sakuri asked unsurely, the exact message she had read being clouded by her emotions.

"Doesn't seem like he'll make it for dinner though." Sasuku gave the finished, yet still undivided pot of goodness behind the counter a stare.

"Well, I suppose we have no choice but to start without Ken-kun then." Mikoto said unenthusiastically, placing down the read note before taking charge of the awaiting food.

"B-But," Naruko said with hesitation, knowing it wasn't her place to speak for everyone else. But she did it anyway, "can't we wait a bit longer?"

"As much as I would like to agree with you on that, Naruko," Sasuku gave the blonde a look, "we don't know how long he'll be out, let alone if he would want us to wait for him."

"But…" Naruko trailed off, unable to truly rebuttal to that.

"We just have to!" Sakuri nearly yelled, fists clenched in front of her defiantly.

"Sakuri…" Sasuku looked sadly at the girl she and Naruko had a talk with a few minutes ago.

"I'm… sorry…" The young girl started, looking around except directly at them.

'She apologized for her fight between us earlier on, going as far as to do anything for our forgiveness. I have never seen her like that before, putting her own pride one side just to make nice with us. I have wondered if her apology also had something to do with Ken-kun, just as it had been when she attacked me a few hours ago. As soon as everything was settled between us though, a note was what awaited for us in the living room. Makes me wonder if he used Sakuri as a method of sneaking out without being caught. But he said he wouldn't be suspicious next time, well less is more accurate. Is this what he means to be 'less' suspicious though?'

She shook her head.

'He probably has his reasons. We'll ask him when he gets back. Hopefully he'll keep his promise to Naruko and not lie this time.'

"I think," Mikoto started, catching the three children's attention, "a few minutes wouldn't hurt, right?" 'I hate to delay their appetite like this, but they seem determined to wait for Ken-kun though. I can at least volunteer along with them. As if I wouldn't myself.' Her suggestive smile faltered a bit. 'Ken-kun… you've been going out a bit too much without our knowledge lately. I hope you're doing well, and not getting into trouble. I know your judgment is for the best of others, since you're too sweet of a boy, but please…' The woman watched her older sibling reluctantly agree with everyone else, 'be careful, wherever you might be.'


The breeze of a beautiful Wednesday evening. It really was refreshing. Or she supposed any evening in general. Still, today's evening felt excluded from others. Why?

"There's something waiting for you in Konoha park."

Hanabi's previous words to her was probably the reason for such exclusion. It felt special by itself. Sure, her baby sister could be a bit eccentric sometimes, especially when she attempts to show her affection for Hinata, but this time felt really different. To tell her to wait in this lifeless park during the last break of light for the day, for something she wasn't informed of. That was really weird, regardless if it was a good or bad type of weird.

Now here she was, sitting on a swing, waiting for… whatever that was meant to be waited for she guessed. Could it be someone instead of something? Sure, Hanabi-chan said the latter, but if keeping it as vague as possible from Hinata was what the younger girl was aiming for, then notifying her that it was an actual person would definitely be less vague than this.

Wait, was it? Was she actually waiting for someone to come along? Her blue-haired head lifted itself up from the grassy soil below, eyes moving from side to side with expectation. She really didn't know what– who she was looking for, but she looking nonetheless, her grip around on each tied rope tightening with anticipation. Was it him, or her, or that child over there? If it really was someone she was supposed to meet, then things really became more interesting than before. Who was this person? Was it a boy, or a girl? Were they as old as her? Younger? Older? A Genin? Chunin? Jonin? The Hokage himself?!

"Silly," She shook her bangs from side to side, as short as they were, "now you're getting ahead of yourself. The Hokage? Where did that come from? Of course it's not the Hokage. Not only is the park an odd place to meet him in, but why would he even want to see me at this time of day in the first place? No, no, it cannot be the Hokage. Then, who is it?"

Wait, was it even a person? Was she even expecting something extraordinary to happen? Was this just a simple ploy from her sister? A simple joke, a 'gotcha' moment? Kami, she hoped not. Sure, Hanabi could be uptight sometimes, keeping her posture of an esteemed Hyuga in check, but her playful side would sometimes show itself, especially to her. Was this one of those moments then?

Again, she hoped not. She wouldn't want to sit here all day just to be laughed at in the end. Especially when it was nearly passed her curfew. Hinata giggled a bit, kicking for a bit momentum on the swing, the birds chipping their last tone for the day before the owls could take over with 'hoots' galore. 'Hanabi can be troublesome sometimes. But that's what makes her so special. What makes her my imouto. Someone who hopefully looks up to me as an idol of hers.'

An idol…

Hinata's smile turned a complete one-eighty, her strained yet movable arm again becoming evident to her once drifted mind. 'Nejinii-kun sure can pack a punch– palm.' She tried to joke, but her downward lips wasn't feeling it, her eyes unable to see the humor in it.

They could only see the deep frown of a certain man looking down upon them.


Her grip tightened on the thick rope supporting her weight.


Her breathing began to pick up.


She shook her head, no.


"N-No." Her voice began to break, swallowing hard, forcing the image out of her head. The thought pained her more than the pain that throbbed around her body each time she departed from Genin work. Each time she stepped inside the compound she belonged to. Each time she fought for her life and pride as a Hyuga. Training. That was what her father called it. Training. Her body's poor condition was the result of said training.

"You will never claim the throne of clan leader if you cannot show any progress, Hinata."

"Get out of my head!" She shouted, tears falling down her face, hands gripping her short hair as if it needed to be forcefully removed. Bystanders stared astonished, before speeding up from the sudden dispersal. They barely recognized the person on the swing though, since it couldn't have been the well-known Hyuga Hinata, despite the resemblance. The daughter supposedly next in-line to become the head of her clan. The daughter everyone knew was quiet, polite, kind, and never loud, disruptive, attention-seeking.

Weirdly pulling on her hair like a mentalist. That couldn't be Hyuga Hinata. Never in a million eons.

An idol.

Hinata finally calmed down, her father still lurking in the back of her head.

An idol, to look up to.

'Is that…' She looked down, nearly fully depressed at her violated mind, mouth moving to continue her introverted thought. "…Is that really who I am? Someone like me? No…" Her eyes shadowed themselves, "…no it isn't. It cannot be."


"S-Someone like me…"

"…Best Onee-chan ever."

"…could n-never be an idol… n-never…"

A male smile flashed before her closed eyes.


Her returned hands continued their tightening grip around the rope.

"…That shouldn't define… their words… Otou-san's words sh-shouldn't define who I… who I am…"

His smile flashed again.

"…I will, I don't… really care about b-becoming the head of my clan all that much…"


"…all I want… all I want is to, become a strong kunoichi… someone people can truly depend on. Someone who can protect the ones they care for…"

He smiled again, drowning the last unstable reminiscence of her father's words.

"…The ones I care for…"




"Huh?" She blinked, her daze drowning as well. Her eyes focused, looking up to the source. They widened at what she saw.

W-Wait, what in the… what was… was this really happening?

"K-K-Ke-Ke-Ke-K-K-Ke-Ke-K-K–" Her eyes wanted to roll at the back of her head, fainting to wherever actual reality was. This mind-playing, yet blissful dream was not funny.

"H-Hey!" He reached and caught her from behind her back, keeping her balanced on the seat. "Are you o-okay? It looks like y-you've seen a gh-ghost?"

"I-I…" Her mind was trying it's best not to lose conscious, her head being held by one of her hands. "I-I'm fine, I just thought I s-saw someone I…" She looked to her left, and Ken gave her a sympathetic smile.

"…W-Wha…!" She scurried in her seat, kicking for distance between the illusion and herself, but soon realized it meant little to nothing while she was still seated. "Y-You… you… wh…" She swallowed hard, trying to find a proper response. "K-Ke-Ken-k-kun?!"

"Hey." He gave her a little wave, finding her reaction more amusing than offensive. 'Really now, am I that scary of a person?'

Monster, not a person, smartass.

"Wh-Why," Her mind was still a bit befuddled. Scratch that, 'a lot' befuddled, "why are y-you here?"

"Well I…" Ken trailed off, his reasoning not as easy to pronounce than the thought. He decided to play it cool for now. "I'm h-here for you, Hinata."

"N-N-N-Na-ni…!?" She stared at him with wider eyes, threatening to pop out, her unknowing blush brightening even further.

"I'll g-get to that later," His smile attempted to stay as solid as possible, despite what was about to happen, "why don't w-we wait for you t-to catch up with yourself. I can o-only imagine h-how fast your mind m-must be traveling right now." He joked poorly, although with what was about to happen, it was the best he could come up with.


"Calm enough?"


"Doesn't s-sound very reassuring."

"I-I-I'm f-fine, r-really."

Strange. If she really was telling the truth, then she must have a speech impediment as well. Kami knew he could relate to that. Either that, or she must be really nervous for some reason. Was she informed what was going to happen? Then a gloomed expression would fit her more than that averting one. 'She wouldn't have been though,' He thought, sitting alongside her on the second swing, 'if she had been informed, then this meeting wouldn't be necessary, right? Man, am I nervous as well. Makes it difficult to sit down. But I suppose standing while Hinata-chan sits wouldn't be fitting for the calm, casual path I'm aiming for. Still, I'm surprise that these swings are holding two twelve year olds so relentlessly. Not that Hinata-chan's heavy or anything! What I mean is–"


The boy blinked out of his stupor. "Hmm?"

"A-Are you the one I-I was supposed to m-meet?"

Ken frowned at the reminder. "Yeah."

Hinata's eyes grew a bit, then soon softened with a warm smile. "I'm… glad…"

"Huh? You're g-glad?" Glad? For what? For the inevitable? No, again, she couldn't have been informed, right? She was blind about this necessity. She had to be.

"Yeah." She managed to look him in the eyes, despite the growing blush from doing so. "You see K-Ken-kun, I was always w-waiting for this exact moment."

"This moment?" The inevitable. No, stop thinking like that. She had to be meaning something else.

"Ever since… the Academy…" She took a moment to collect her thoughts before continuing to the awaiting Genin. "Do you… d-do you remember the first time we met?"

Despite her shy and low tone, Ken could hear her as clear as day. "I… yeah, y-yeah I remember. It was when…" He hesitated with a slight blush, "…when I a-accidently bumped into you."

Using 'accidentally' as if it excuse your fucking behavior.

'Shut up already!' He nearly worded it, although he couldn't help but agree with his inner voice, but not for the sake of agreeing with it's inane bullshit. 'Why am I even thinking about this now? Focus, idiot!'

"Yeah." She giggled. "You made i-it readily apparent with your apology the following day."

"Heh," He chuckled, remembering it as well, "I was really d-desperate for your acceptance, w-wasn't I? Going as far a-as to give you that bento." 'One of the bento left on my porch that day.'

"It's fine." She smiled sweetly. "I never accused you of anything back then, I still don't. Thank you for your offering though. I wish I could've replied though." She frowned a bit, the actions during that time not excusing her rude departure. Or at least, that was how she viewed it.

"It's fine." He started himself, realizing he used her own two words against her. Hinata as well, only for both of them to laugh at it soon after. "But really," He giggled to a stop, "I understand y-you were a busy girl."

"Th-That's not true!" Hinata erupted offensively, before covering her mouth with opened eyes. "I-I mean…" She muttered through her fingers, placing her hands on the rope. She didn't continue though; her mind knew excuses couldn't change the past.

Nothing could.

"I'm kidding with y-you, Hina-chan." He sub-consciously nicknamed, causing the girl to look at him in surprise, although Ken wasn't aware of his action even after witnessing her expression, continuing regardless. "I saw th-those girls dragging you a-away." He chuckled freely, "Your f-friends are really c-considerate of your reputation."

"They were not," She looked at him with a stern expression, as stern as her introverted self could muster though, "they're n-not my friends."

"Hah, boy," He tried shadowing his surprise with a chuckle, "you're s-saying even strangers c-care for you? Man, you're so p-popular, Hina-chan. Way more than I c-could dream to be."

"N-No I'm not, I mean, I don't… consider myself popular at least."

"Wow," He shook his head with a disregarding smile, "so humble. You're r-really too good for p-people like me."

"That's not… I'm not humble, I…" She pursed her lips in frustration, a feeling only felt during her time dedicating her tired body to try 'again'. 'That word…' She thought grimly, shaking her head to squabble the persisting idea out of her head. "What are you… why, are you saying stuff like that, Ken-kun?"

This was definitely not how she depicted her reunion with Ken-kun to be like. He was practically uplifting her while at the same time throwing himself with sticks and stones from left to right. Was this really what Ken-kun was like? How Ken-kun acted around people? Who Tayamaru Kenjo really was? She didn't know if the thought of him being like this all the time was more frustrating than what he was doing to her right now. This was probably the tip of the iceberg, his current degradation. But it couldn't, right? This couldn't be what he was like. Following him for so long, until a certain neko stopped her of course, gave Hinata a different insight of said Genin. 'This' and 'that' was two complete opposites.

She always thought he was this mysterious enigma filled with hidden abilities and traits he wasn't willing to show off during their Academy days, not even including the relatable shyness and kindness from the boy with green hair. A person worth figuring and hanging out with, if Naruko-chan's constant time with him was anything to go by. To think he could take such expectations and turn them upside down on their heads.

"Saying stuff l-like what?" He asked with an innocent smile. "Is it n-not true that you're t-too good for me? I mean, y-you're talented, smart, k-kind, funny–"

"Ken-kun…" Hinata frowned at this, her nervousness in being near the Genin nearly a thing of the past. "…what's going on? Why are you saying these things? Really…"

Ken's interrupted mouth slowly closed at this. 'I was so out of focus I didn't realize I was rambling nonsense just now. Funny? Really? I mean, I doubt she isn't funny in her own way, like her earlier reaction to seeing me, but really? C'mon man, how desperate can you get! Both of you know that you never even had a proper conversation with each other before. You have barely an idea on what kind of a person she really is aside from the obvious facts about her. What makes you think she'll fall for such a list of traits? Either you're a damn stalker, or you're that translucent.'

Ken continued to stare at Hinata's expression. Calm, collected– no, that wasn't it. Distressed. Confused… Frustrated. He really couldn't do this by beating around the bush, could he? No. He had to be abrupt and straight-forward with her.

It was the only way.

The only way to get the message through to her.

Hina-chan wasn't that easy, he now knew that. She wasn't going down without snappy methods.

Without his tongue spewing the truth.

Yes, do it, you stupid prick!

His background of an inner voice really was working on the last bit of sanity he held onto, huh?

"But then… I r-really don't follow. Who else a-am I expected to a-apologize to?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Hanabi placed a hand on her hip, with the other prodding him roughly in the stomach. "My Onee-chan!"

"Your Onee-ch-chan?"


"Hinata…" His eyes slowly bulged from the repeated word escaping his mouth. "B-But I didn't do…"


Ken's eyes widened, the onomatopoeia ringing in his head. The sound that followed two Academy students' encounter. He... remembered. Remembered their first time meeting each other. Under such circumstances. But… he also remembered apologizing for it the day after. So, wasn't it goo– Wait, they had been interrupted. By her friends. She couldn't fully accept or reject his admission of guilt. So… was that what Hana-chan meant just now? That he didn't fulfill his apology? That the message didn't get across yet? He thought it did, regardless of the intermission.

"Yeah, you finally realize it, huh? That you're the one who is ruining my Onee-chan's life!"

"W-Wait, what?"

"Hina-chan." He started, finally standing from his seat. "There's s-something I need to tell you."

Yes, yes!

The blunette simply followed him with her eyes, their closeness crossing her mind once again, evident by her returning, heart pounding blush.

"What, are y-you serious?"

"I'm dead serious." Hanabi stared back sternly.

"So, apologizing i-is what is needed to f-fix this whole thing?"

"No," She shook her head, remembering what she saw in her onee-chan's diary that fateful day. How carefree the older Hyuga member was with her confession about this boy in front of Hanabi. How important he was. How vital he was to every aspect of her life.

Absurd, she know. But the pieces of the puzzle soon formed in place, revealing the bigger picture she wasn't able to see more clearly.

'All those times when my father said 'again', she wasn't listening. She never listened. She only imagined. She only thought… of him.' "I realize now that apologizing simply won't cut it." She said, closing her eyes in thought, feeling the stare Ken was giving her.

Ken merely looked at the Hyuga, the person he never made contact with for so long. Three? Four years? Right in the middle of his first ever semester during his Academy days. Now, here he was. Finally interacting with her. Speaking to her. Laughing with her. Hanging out with her. Only to get what he wanted. What Hana-chan wanted. What Hina-chan wanted– no, what she needed.

'Her eyes…' He thought solemnly, sub-consciously delaying the inevitable like before. Like with his conversation just a second ago. '…they're so… pure. So white. It reminds me of innocent snowflakes falling in winter. So peaceful. So inviting. But this isn't winter. It is time… to open her eyes to what the current season really is.'

"Wait, you w-want me to do wh-what?!"

"It's the only way."

"I don't see how that w-would be beneficial."

"It will be. Trust me. If you saw what I had to witness every single day– what Hinata had to go through every single day, you'll understand."

"B-But… isn't there a d-different way?"

"No." Hanabi shook her head. "Sometimes, cutting the knot is the only way to make it tighter."

"But…" Ken clenched his eyes in defiance. "…I-I can't, I just… can't."

"Do you care about my onee-chan?"

"Do I… c-care? Well, sure I guess." The conflicts Hanabi had told him before suddenly strengthened his resolve. "Of course I d-do."

"Then you'd do it," She closed her eyes with near-contentment, "for Hinata's sake."

Ken's eyes couldn't round themselves any further with what the eight year old just told him, the sudden comparison with what happened years ago jolting him with realization. '…Mommy…'

'Yes,' He looked at her awaiting orbs sadly, yet sternly, 'this is the only way out of this mess. For Hina-chan's sake. I'm… sorry… Hina-chan…'


"Y-Yes?" She stared up at his standing form expectantly, his depressed expression rather confusing for her.

"Do you c-care about me?"

Yes, keep going!


"Do you care a-about me?"

"Of course."

His frown continued, maybe even deepening with how focused she was on his red eye. A certain Hyuga's voice rung in his head to eliminate the last hesitation he had.

"She's been beaten, and humiliated by our father for years now. It's all your fault. It's all your fault. All of it. All of the marks she received– all of it! They all hang on your shoulders. Cause of you, cause of your image in her head, she cannot focus. At all. She's failing. Not only as a Hyuga, but as a ninja as well. She cannot achieve her dreams like this. Please, if not for me, do this for Hinata, Kenjo."

"I love you, momma."

"If you t-truly care about me…"

"I… I don't love you back, Ken."

"…then you will f-forget about me, forever."


"N-Nani…?" She barely said above a whisper, her breath lost with his words' escapade.

"You heard m-me, Hina-chan."


"I… I don't love you back, Ken. I hate you. I hate you so much. Just go back to where you came from already."

He stared blankly in the eyes of a slowly crying Hinata, her mouth hanging a bit in disbelief.

"I d-don't want you t-to care for me, ever. You h-have to be stupidly d-desperate to care about s-someone…"


"…who d-doesn't care for you back."



Her aching heart, beaten by her own family, and held in place so far by the only person who gave so much strength, shattered into a million fragile pieces, her throbbing pain around her body forgotten. If only she could've had his departing words as the thing that was forgotten. If only.

But her heart wasn't the only thing that broke.

They couldn't see the cracked seal on a certain Genin's back though.

If they did, then maybe they would've known why his own heart didn't break instead.

It was because he was…


"Did I just…" Naori looked up through the window, the peaceful evening sky meeting her gaze. "Did you feel that…?"

Yeah, I did. Do you think…

"I don't think so." She narrowed her eyes.

How so?

"The power was faint. It should've been stronger."

Maybe because he's further out?

"Maybe…" Her vision lost focus with thought. "…but it feels like only a portion of the seal the Yandaime used gave way."

Is that even possible?

"Hey, I have no fucking idea how that old dude's techniques work."

Good point. So, what now? Should we put our plan into action?

"No, not yet. We need the whole seal to break. Whatever our prince did, he needs to do it again, or find a better way to destroy that damn thing with one blow." Naori smiled sinisterly, contradicting her usual carefree, friendly grin. "Only then, will we make our move."


"Where were you, Ken-kun!?" Naruko eyed in an upset way, Sasuku standing a bit behind and to the right of her on the bridge all three were standing on. The morning sun could've been a millions times pleasant than it already was and it still wouldn't sooth the two females' moods. "You said you were going to come soon, and yet you stayed out until morning!"

Ken merely looked her way, red eye piercing hers blandly. They waited, and waited, and waited.

"Well?" She insisted firmly, cerulean not enjoying the silence from her BFF.

"…I didn't feel l-like it."

"Wha?" She blinked, taken aback as much as Sasuku from behind.

"Sorry." He closed his eye– or eyes they supposed– before lowering his head a bit as if to nap against the railing.

"You… felt like it…?" Naruko looked back at Sasuku, who was as confused as she was. More than that, both were not sure how to respond. Their male comrade never spoke like this before. Not even his previous silent and distancing self had given them such a vibe his current self was radiating right now. It… unnerved them if nothing else.

"Yo." Kakashi interrupted, shunshining into his usual position. "Hmm?" He noticed the puzzled and glum looks of his female students, the other peacefully keeping his thoughts to himself. "What's the problem?"

They didn't answer. They seemed as unsure themselves.

"Well," He decided to ignore it, "I think I know what'll cheer you guys up." The copy ninja eye-smiled at them. "Who's in the mood to graduate to Chunin level?"


End of Chapter

That's it for this chapter, you guys. I wasn't really expecting the Kenjo-Hinata scene to take so long, but at least it's out of the way now… only to open the doors for a crack in the male Genin's seal! What does that mean though? Does it mean anything at all? And what is this gloomy atmosphere Kenjo is giving off? Is he just depressed about what happened between Hinata and him? Or is it something more?

All of that, and more will be answered in the following chapter(s)! Make sure you're ready, cause we're finally entering a more bumpier ride from here on out, and I'm not only talking about the upcoming Chunin exams either!

Until next time!
