Chapter 11: Dark Companion

Nick was currently lying on his bed. It was a Saturday and so he didn't have to go to school which worked perfectly for him since his shoulder was still hurt and he couldn't go anyway. Sora was lying on his bed staring at the ceiling, he was pretty bored. As he lied on the bed he was thinking about his parents and what they are doing right now. He knew that they have also become part of this dimension due to him talking with them over the phone, but he hasn't seen them since he arrived in this Dimension and some weeks before that. It's not like Nick was lonely or hated his parents, in fact, he enjoyed being on his own because his parents spoil him way too much when they are home and don't even give him a second to be on his own, but he still loved them. He wondered if they still had their normal job or if it changed.

A short while later he closed his eyes and found himself in a world filled with Duel Spirits. He often interacted with Duel Spirits in this World somewhere of the monsters he had in his Decks, somewhere not. This world was filled with forests and lakes. That day he decided to wander around a bit until he was approached by the five Kuriboh brothers.

"Lalalala!" Kuriboh said.

"What's that Kuriboh? Yuma and two of his friends are taking control over?" Nick asked.

"Lalalala," Kruiobh continued.

"By Internet trolls? …wait I think I got that wrong," Nick said.

"La," Kuriboh added.

"And little Tim got stuck down a well?" Nick asked.

"Dudelala," Kuriboh said.

"We had best go and rescue them," Nick stated.

"La lalala lala," Krubioh said cuddling onto Nick.

"No, I don't love you," Nick replied.

"La," Kuriboh said saddened.

Bronk: 2800 LP


Number 39: Utopia (Light/Warrior/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 1000/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 1)


Automatic Gearspring Machine

Gearspring Catapult

Face-Down Card

Yuma: 3000 LP

Monster Zone:

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2600/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 1)


Face-Down Card

The Dark Astral, who was behind Yuma, was laughed as Yuma who shortly before fell to the ground, chuckled as he got up while Tori and Bronk looked concerned.

"Do not fret about Yuma. He is just getting into his role as my pawn! Like you will after I defeated you! And now it is my draw!" Dark Astral said as Yuma drew a card. "First, Dark Mist will attack Utopia! But not before Mist gains some power… from the shadows!" Dark Astral exclaimed.

The monster called Dark Mist shot out of a mouth in this belly dark mist towards Utopia which was caught into it and lost half its attack points which were added to Dark Mist's ATK.

Number 39: Utopia (Light/Warrior/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 500/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 1)

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 3100/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 0)

"I play Utopia's special ability! Light Wing Shield!" Bronk exclaimed trying to counter the Dark Astral's move.

"Nothing can protect him now! Not once I play Overlay Banish!" Dark Astral said as his face-down card turned around revealing itself. "It negates your Monster's special ability! But you know what is not negated? Whiplash Whirlwind!"

Number 96: Dark Mist (ATK: 3100) attacks Number 39: Utopia (ATK: 500)

Out of Dark Mist hands came some kind of tentacles that approached Utopia and began to wale on it until it was destroyed and one of them hit Bronk dealing him a total of 2600 points of damage.

Bronk: 200 LP

Yuma: 3000 LP

"Get up, Bronk!" Tori shouted from the sideline concerned about her friend.

"Yeah please do, so you can now see me destroy your Gearspring Catapult!" Dark Astral exclaimed.

"No way!" Bronk exclaimed.

"Did you really think that I was going to let you keep your Spell Card? It is obvious you are planning to use it to power up the next Monster you summon," Dark Astral stated chuckling. "I am now activating the Spell XYZ Cyclone from my hand! With this card, if an XYZ Monster was destroyed, one Spell/Trap Card is destroyed, as well!"

A strong wind appeared on the field blowing away Bronk's Gearspring Catapult before it exploded.

"I actually planned to give you the honor of losing through my Dark Mist but because you're such a weak duelist, you should be finished off with a weak monster as well," Dark Astral said and Bronk became pale. "I summon Achacha Archer and when he is normal Summoned you take 500 points of damage!"

that Yuma placed the card onto the Duel Disk. Soon after an archer wearing armor appeared on the field ready to take a shot at his master's opponent.

Achacha Archer (Fire/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 1200/DEF: 600/LV: 3)

After the Archer appeared, he took an arrow out of his quiver and fired it towards Bronk. The burning arrow bypassed the face-down cards of Bronk before dealing 500 points of damage to him, ending the duel.

Bronk: 0 LP

Yuma: 3000 LP

Winner: Yuma

"Oh, no! Bronk!" Tori exclaimed as she ran towards her defeated friend. As she reached him, she helped him up.

"I… I'm sorry I let you down," Bronk said.

"You won't be for long! Since you will become my pawns just like Yuma here," Dark Astral said before he extended a hand into their direction.

Out of his hand came dark energy which surrounded Bronk and Tori before it entered their body. Shortly after the two became unconscious.

"Hahaha, now I already have three servants who will help me acquire all Numbers!" Dark Mist said. "Well, speaking about Numbers, I will now take back Number 39."

He extended his hand towards the unconscious Bronk who had still Utopia in his possession. The Number started to fly towards the Dark Astral as suddenly Nick appeared catching the card.

"What's going on here?" Nick asked Yuma as he looked at his two unconscious friends.

Yuma didn't reply and so he turned towards the Dark Astral.

"And what's up with you Astral? When did you become black?" Nick asked.

"So, you knew about the existence of Astral before?" the Dark Astral said.

"Judging by the way you formulated the sentence I would say you're not Astral. Also concerning your question, of course, I know about his existence, I can see him," Nick stated surprising the Dark Astral.

"Now this is really intriguing but I will now take the Number you just took," the Dark Astral said as he a dark wave of energy approached Nick.

As it was about to hit him it was repelled by some kind of barrier that appeared in front of him.

"Huh, it seems that it won't be that easy for you," Nick said with a smirk.

"Well, but I noticed that you too have a few Numbers. This means I would have to duel you anyway," Dark Astral said as Yuma readied his Duel Disk.

"But first I want to know what's up with Yuma and his two friends," Nick demanded.

"Oh them, I took control over them and made them my pawns who will help me acquire all Numbers. You will be also my Pawn after I defeated you as I did them," Dark Astral said.

"Well, don't think I will be defeated as easily as they did. I play in a different league," Nick stated as he took out his Duel Disk.

"Then maybe you can provide me with some entertainment," Dark Astral said.

"That's my line… should I call you Astral or Dark Astral or…?" Nick asked.

"I'm Number 96: Dark Mist!" the Dark Astral stated.

"Well, then I call you Dark Mist," Nick replied as he put his Deck into his Duel Disk as his shoulder began to hurt again.

"Duel!" both exclaimed activating their Duel Disk.

Nick: 4000 LP

Dark Mist: 4000 LP

"I'm up first! Draw!" Nick exclaimed and immediately grimaced as pain shot through his arm. "I start by setting three cards face-down and play a monster in face-down position. That's it."

"My turn! Draw!" Dark Mist said as Yuma drew the card. "I start by summoning Achacha Archer!"

As Dark Mist said that Yuma placed the card onto the Duel Disk. Soon after an archer wearing armor appeared on the field surrounded by fire which disappeared soon after.

Achacha Archer (Fire/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 1200/DEF: 600/LV: 3)

Immediately after the Archer appeared, he took an arrow out of his quiver and fired it towards Nick. The burning arrow bypassed the face-down cards of Nick and pierce through Nick dealing him 500 points of damage.

Nick: 3500 LP

Dark Mist: 4000 LP

"Why did I take damage?" Nick asked confused.

"When this Achacha Archer is Normal Summoned it inflicts 500 damage to my opponent," Dark Mist states with a smirk before adding. "And since you took damage through an effect, I can Special Summon my Achacha Chanbara who will deal you another 400 points of damage."

A samurai who looked kind of similar to the archer appeared on the field. His swords were surrounded by fire as he swung them into the direction of Nick, creating waves of fire which approached him. Nick instinctively shielded himself with his arms which cause him great pain in his damaged shoulder.

Achacha Chanbara (Fire/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 1400/DEF: 400/LV: 3)

Nick: 3100 LP

Dark Mist: 4000 LP

"Now I use my two Level 3 Monsters to construct the overlay Network," Dark Mist exclaimed. "Cruel Dragon, living in the depths of the sea rise to the surface to obliterate all who stand in your way! Rise, Number 17: Leviathan Dragon!"

The two Achacha Monsters turned into particles of light entering a dark portal by which they were swallowed. Out of said portal rose a Dragon with six blue wing and two horns crowning its head. On the right horn was a 17, showing the Number of the card. This monster was surrounded by two lights circling around it. The dragon roared as he appeared the field claiming the dominance over it.

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (Water/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2000/DEF: 0/RA: 3/OV: 2)

"I hoped that I would face your Number, not one that I have already defeated," Nick stated wanting to sound confident while his shoulder still troubled him.

"You will if you can manage to destroy Number 17 while I'm controlling it and not this amateur," Dark Mist mentioning to Yuma.

"You have a point," Nick admitted.

"Now I activate Number 17 effect which increases his attack points by 500 for the cost of a single XYZ Material," Dark Mist said.

Number 17 moved its head slightly before it suddenly devoured one of the lights surrounding it. He shined for a brief moment in which his attack points were increased.

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (Water/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2500/DEF: 0/RA: 3/OV: 1)

"Now Number 17 destroy his face-down monster card!" Dark Mist exclaimed and his Monster got ready to attack.

Number 17 took a deep breath before he shot his head forwards and shot a beam of violet energy towards the face-down card of Nick. The card flipped and a monster consisting out of armor which was held together by blue ghostly flames revealed itself in a defensive position.

The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor (Dark/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 1000/DEF: 2000/LV: 4)

The beam continued towards the Phantom Knight who was destroyed by it creating a big explosion.

"I play two cards face-down and end my turn," Dark Mist said, and Yuma did as he said.

"Not so fast before you end your turn, I activate two of my face-down cards!" Nick exclaimed as two of his cards turned around to reveal a shield with two chains on it and surrounded by blue flames on them. Out of both cards came these shields which took a place in the Monster Zone while the cards vanished from the Spell/Trap-Zone.

2x The Phantom Knights of Tomb Shield (Dark/Warrior/ATK: 0/DEF: 0/LV: 3)

"Trap Monsters? Now that is quite the interesting deck you have," Dark Mist said as Nick got ready to start his turn.

"Thanks. Draw!" Nick said as he grimaced again as the pain in his shoulder increased. "I start by immediately building the Overlay Network with my two Level three Tomb Shields! Souls of knights who fell on the battlefield. Revive here and now and become the light that breaks the darkness! XYZ Summon! Appear, Phantom Knights Break Sword!"

The two Shields turned into violet light particles and enter the black portal which always appears when an XYZ Monster is Summoned. Out of the Portal came a headless rider with blue flames where his head should be on riding on an armor resembling a horse appeared on the field. He was carrying a large sword and was surrounded by two lights circling around it. Seeing the knight that wanted to slay the dragon, Number 17 roared at it.

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword (Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000/RA: 3/OV: 2)

"A strong start but you should have Summoned a Number or at least a monster which can protect you from my Number 17," Dark Mist stated.

"Oh, I assure you that my Knight is more than capable to off your dragon," Nick said with a small grin. "But first I activate the Spell XYZ Treasure which allows me to draw a card for each XYZ Monster on the field and I count two of them."

Nick drew his two cards, making him hold a total of five cards, and his shoulder hurt again, he found it more and more troublesome to concentrate on duel as the pain increase with every turn that passed.

"Next, I play a card face-down and then I activate my Break Sword's effect!" Nick said as his knight use his sword to cut through one of its XYZ Materials. "Now I target my face-down card I just set and your Number 17, and then both cards get destroyed."

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword (Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2000/DEF: 1000/RA: 3/OV: 1)

"So, you plan to bypass the effect of my Number than it can't only be destroyed by battle except by another Number Card, by using an effect. A smart move but not smart enough!" Dark Mist exclaimed as Yuma activated one of the face-down cards. "I activate XYZ Reflect. Now your card is negated, destroyed and you take another 800 points of damage."

"Well, that would be the case if I wouldn't have and XYZ Reflect of my own!" Nick said as his second face-down card turned around to reveal the same card that Dark Mist just played.

"What!?" Dark Mist exclaimed as his Trap shattered and the splitters created by it, dealing him 800 points of damage.

Nick: 3100 LP

Dark Mist: 3200 LP

"Now the effect of my Break Sword continues," Nick stated.

First Break Sword turned around and split the face-down card of Nick into two using his sword before it began to charge towards Number 17. Upon reaching the dragon, the headless knight engulfed its sword with blue flames and slashed with its sword towards the dragon. The sword created a wave of flames cutting right through the dragon who roared in agony as it was destroyed.

"Now it's time for my Knight to attack you directly!" Nick exclaimed as his headless knight began to approach Yuma.

"I activate XYZ Weight!" Dark Mist exclaimed as Yuma activated the Trap. "Now your XYZ Monster loses 800 attack for every XYZ Material it has!"

As Break Sword was about to slash at Yuma his own XYZ Material shocked him with electricity. This didn't stop the monster from attacking Yuma but weakened its attack by 800 points.

Nick: 3100 LP

Dark Mist: 2000 LP

"I set four cards face-down and end my turn," Nick said as he almost emptied his hand.

"It seems like I need to get out and finish you myself! Draw!" Dark Mist exclaimed. "I start by acting XYZ Exchange! Now my Leviathan Dragon is revived onto your side of the field in defense mode and then I get to draw cards equal to its Rank."

While Yuma added three new cards to his hand, Number 17 resurrected on Nick's side of the field. As the dragon appeared it roared, seemingly not wanting to team up with the knight which destroyed it earlier.

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (Water/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2000/DEF: 0/RA: 3)

"I Special Summon my Acorno to the field by discarding my Pinecono from my hand," Dark Mist said.

A small monster looking like a nut with two big eyes and small little arms and legs. It looked kind of like it didn't belong on the same field as the two monsters which were under the control of Nick.

Acorno (Earth/Plant/Effect/ATK: 200/DEF: 400/LV: 1)

"Now the effect of Pinecono who I just discarded activates, which allows me to Special Summon him from the graveyard," Dark Mist said.

Another small monster appeared on the field. It looked like a mall human wearing a pine on its head. Just like Acorno, it looked rather weak in comparison to Nick's but these two were crucial for the strategy of Dark Mist.

Pinecono (Earth/Plant/Effect/ATK: 400/DEF: 200/LV: 1)

"And finally, I Summon Darklon!" Dark Mist exclaimed.

This time a small, brown hairy ball appeared with more hair which was blond covering most of it.

Darklon (Dark/Fiend/Effect/ATK: 100/DEF: 100/LV: 1)

"Now Darklon effect activates which changes all monsters on my field Attribute to Dark and increases their Level by one," Dark Mist explained as the effect which completed his setup activated.

Acorno (Dark/Plant/Effect/ATK: 200/DEF: 400/LV: 2)

Pinecono (Dark/Plant/Effect/ATK: 400/DEF: 200/LV: 2)

Darklon (Dark/Fiend/Effect/ATK: 100/DEF: 100/LV: 2)

"Now since all conditions have been met, I can XYZ Summon. I build the Overlay Network with my three Dark Monsters Level 2! Show yourself, my doppelganger! Numbers 96! The messenger from pitch-black darkness, Dark Mist!" Dark Mist exclaimed.

A black mass without a form appeared on the field surrounded by three XYZ Materials. The mass slowly started to take form. First, a tail and legs started to form, then arms with razor-sharp claws, next its head with two horns appeared on which the Number 96 could be seen and finally his upper body which consisted of a mouth with teeth that were as sharp as its claws and two eyes which were burning.

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 100/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 3)

'Huh, this card's summoning looks similar to my XYZ Dragon's,' Nick thought as he looked at his opponent... or his monster… or is this thing both.

"That's your true form?" Nick asked curious.

"It is and you will get to know it, but first I'm going to take back Number 17 with the Spell Comeback!" Dark Mist exclaimed as the dragon switched back to its original side. As it returned to Dark Mist's field it roared.

"Now it's time to battle! My doppelganger will attack your Break Sword! This is when it's effect comes into play," Dark Mist stated as Dark Mist used one of its claws to slash at one of its XYZ Material before it glowed.

"I thought as much. There would be no way you would attack me if it wouldn't have one," Nick stated.

"When this card battles an opponent's monster and I detach one XYZ Material from it, then the attack of the opponent's monster is halved and this card gains ATK equal to half of your monsters ATK," Dark Mist explained.

Dark Mist let of a dark mist who stole half of Break Swords attack points before it returned to Dark Mist powering it up.

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 1100/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 2)

The Phantom Knights of Break Sword (Dark/Warrior/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 1000/DEF: 1000/RA: 3/OV: 1)

'That monster has a similar summoning sequence and a similar effect to that of my Dark Rebellion… I got to have it!' Nick thought with a smirk.

"Let him have it! Whiplash Whirlwind!" Dark Mist exclaimed.

Number 96: Dark Mist (ATK: attacks The Phantom Knights of Break Sword (ATK: 1000)

The claws of Number 96 turned to tentacle-like whips with which it slashed at Break Sword. Break Sword tried to defend itself but was overwhelmed by the number of tentacles and got destroyed. One of the tentacles bypassed him and hit Nick, right on the shoulder dealing 100 points of damage to him.

Nick: 3000 LP

Dark Mist: 2000 LP

Nick cried out in pain as the tentacle hit his shoulder and fell to his knees.

"Oh, it seems like you are hurt," Dark Mist said with a devilish smile.

"It seems that you noticed, but I will still win this," Nick said slowly standing up.

"I wonder where you get your confidence from," Dark Mist stated. "I end my turn with a face-down card."

"My turn! Draw!" Nick said as he drew his card and the pain increased furthermore. "I start by activating Call of the Haunted to revive my The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor!"

The monster that consisted out of armor and blue flames rose up from the graveyard.

The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor (Dark/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 1000/DEF: 2000/LV: 4)

"I summon my The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm to the field!" Nick continued.

An iron helm that was split in two appeared on the field hold up in the air by the blue flames which resided inside of it. The helm was accompanied by two iron gloves.

The Phantom Knights of Cloven Helm (Dark/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 1500/DEF: 500/LV: 4)

'Now what to do next? I could summon my Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon, with which I could destroy his Number 96 and deal 1750 points of damage, the downside is if it doesn't work, I would be left with almost no option to win. Or I could Summon Number 39: Utopia who could protect me with its ability. I would normally go with the safer option, but I don't think I have much more than two to three turns in me,' Nick thought looking to his shoulder.

"Alright, all the conditions have been met," Nick said. "When there are two monsters with the same level on my field my deck's true power manifests itself! I use the two Level 4 The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor and Cloven Helm to construct the Overlay Network! Formed from pitch-black darkness, to fight those foolish enough to oppose its treacherous fangs! Descend, now! XYZ Summon! Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon!"

Out of a black mass, Nick's Dragon was formed. First were its tall and mighty claws, then its black wings were created from the mass, and finally, its upper body with a long neck which connected it to its head where it fangs were. It roared as it entered the field and it seemed that the Numbers of Dark Mist were a bit scared of the Dragon. It was surrounded by two XYZ Materials in the form of two violet lights circling around it.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 2)

"That monster is giving off a strange energy… it feels kind of familiar," Dark Mist said as he looked at the Dragon.

"I activate my Dark Rebellion's effect! By detaching one XYZ Material it takes half the attack points of one of you monster powering itself up until the end of the turn. I target your Number 17!" Nick exclaimed as his Dragon devoured one of its XYZ Materials.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon roared as he and Number 17 got surrounded by violet electricity which connected the two monsters to each other. Through it, the power from Number 17 was transferred to Dark Rebellion.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 3500/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 1)

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon (Water/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 1000/DEF: 0/RA: 3)

"Now my Dragon attack his Number 96: Dark Mist!" Nick exclaimed.

"You made a mistake! You should have waited with your monster's effect because I can activate my effect even during your turn and that's exactly what I do!" Dark Mist exclaimed.

Dark Mist let of a dark mist who stole half of Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon attack points before it returned to Dark Mist powering it up.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 1750/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 1)

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2850/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 1)

"I don't do mistakes," Nick said with a smirk.

"What do you mean?" Dark Mist asked having a bad feeling.

"You see, unlike your Dark Mist my Dragon can use his effect more than once per turn!" Nick exclaimed.

"What!?" Dark Mist exclaimed.

"I use my Dragons effect once more!" Nick exclaimed as his Dragon once more devoured an XYZ Material and stole, this time from Dark Mist, power.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 3175/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 0)

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 1425/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 1)

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon roared as it surrounded itself with violet lightning. Then it began to approach Dark Mist by flying closely over the ground who was destroyed by lightning give off by Dark Rebellion. A second later Dark Rebellion used its fangs to rip Dark Mist apart. Then Yuma and Dark Mist were caught in the lightning and dealt 1750 points of damage.

Nick: 3000 LP

Dark Mist: 250 LP

"No!" Dark Mist exclaimed as his doppelganger was destroyed.

"I end my turn," Nick said as his Dragons attack returned to normal with still being halved due to Dark Mists effect.

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 1250/DEF: 2000/RA: 4)

"I won't lose! Draw you fool!" Dark Mist ordered Yuma and he did as he was told to do. "I activate my Trap XYZ Reborn through which I will revive my Doppelganger and become his XYZ Material!"

A magical circle appeared on the ground out of which Number 96: Dark Mist appeared once again.

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 100/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 1)

"Crap!" Nick said realizing that he is in trouble.

"Now it's time to get my revenge!" Dark Mist said as Number 96's effect activates stealing half of XYZ Dragons attack.

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 725/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 0)

Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon (Dark/Dragon/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 625/DEF: 2000/RA: 4)

Dark Mist attack XYZ Dragon with its tentacles just like it did when it attacked Break Sword. Nick's Dragon let out one last angry roar before it was defeated and a tentacle attack Nick again hitting its shoulder and he cried out in pain.

Nick: 2900 LP

Dark Mist: 250 LP

"Now Number 17 attack him directly!" Dark Mist exclaimed and the Dragon roared happily in reply.

Number 17 roared and fired a beam of violet energy towards Nick. Nick braced himself for the attack but was still thrown back onto the ground by the attack which dealt 2000 points of damage to him.

Nick: 900 LP

Dark Mist: 250 LP

"I play a card face-down and end my turn," Dark Mist said.

"I activate the effect of my Cloven Helm from the graveyard!" Nick exclaimed. "By banishing it I can add 1 Phantom Knight card from my graveyard to my hand. I add my The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor to my hand."

Now it was Nick's turn, but he hesitated to draw his card and so Dark Mist asked mockingly: "What's the matter? Do you aren't giving up because of your shoulder, or do you?"

"Why should I quiet when I am about to win," Nick said while he actually thought. 'Please my deck, don't let me down now!'

"My turn! Draw!" Nick exclaimed as pain shot through his shoulder once more. He almost let go of the card he drew because of the pain. 'I have to end this now. My shoulder won't hold out much longer.'

Then Nick looked at the card he just drew and smirked.

"I start by summoning my The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor!" Nick exclaimed as he placed his card onto his Duel Disk.

The monster consisting out of armor which was held together by azure flames revealed appeared once again.

The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor (Dark/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 1000/DEF: 2000/LV: 4)

"While I control a The Phantom Knights monster, I can Special Summon my The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots from my hand," Nick said placing his card onto the Duel Disk next to Fragile Armor.

A fully clothed in brown leather cloths, azure astral being appeared on the field. This monster got its name from its brown leather boots.

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots (Dark/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 200/DEF: 1200/LV: 3)

"Now you got two monsters, but their Levels are different, and you can't use them to XYZ Summon," Dark Mist said.

"Well that would be the case if it weren't for the card I just drew at the beginning of my turn," Nick said with a smirk. "I activate my Spell Phantom Wave! Through it, I can change my two's monster Level to equal the Rank of one XYZ Monsters from my Extra Deck."

"What!?" Dark Mist exclaimed.

"The XYZ Monster to who's Rank they should be equal is Number 39: Utopia!" Nick said as his monster began to get surrounded by a fog making it hard to see them.

The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots (Dark/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 200/DEF: 1200/LV: 4)

The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor (Dark/Warrior/Effect/ATK: 1000/DEF: 2000/LV: 4)

"I construct the Overlay Network with my two Level 4 The Phantom Knights of Silent Boots and The Phantom Knights of Fragile Armor!" Nick exclaimed. "Carry hope on white wings! Come forth, Number 39! Messenger of Light! Utopia!"

The two monsters turned into light particles and entered the black portal out of the portal shot a pillar of light out of which a constructed appeared with the Number 39 on it. This construct soon began to shift and turned into a warrior clade in gold and white, with two wings. It wielded a gib sword and still had the Number placed on it, on its right shoulder to be more specific. It was surrounded by two golden glowing XYZ Materials.

Number 39: Utopia (Light/Warrior/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2500/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 2)

"So, you managed to Summon Utopia. I defeated it when that other friend of Yuma used it and I'm going to defeat it when you use it!" Dark Mist exclaimed.

"Sorry, but I play on a whole other level than Bronk! Now Utopia attack his Number 96!" Nick exclaimed and Utopia got ready to attack.

"I activate my Trap Power Transfer! By sacrificing my Number 17, my doppelganger gets his attack and defense points added to his own!" Dark Mist exclaimed.

Number 17 roared before it exploded into thousand pieces. These pieces then were drawn to Number 96 who absorbed them and Number 17 power with it.

Number 96: Dark Mist (Dark/Fiend/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2725/DEF: 1000/RA: 2/OV: 0)

"Now my Dark Mist is stronger than your Utopia and you can only negate your attack!" Dark Mist stated.

"Sorry, but I'm not going to back down!" Nick replied. "I activate my Trap The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil! Now I can choose one face-up monster I control and increase its attack and defense points by 300! I power up Utopia!"

Number 39: Utopia (Light/Warrior/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 2800/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 2)

"But oh wait, I got another one!" Nick said flipping another of his Traps revealing The Phantom Knights of Shadow Veil once more.

Number 39: Utopia (Light/Warrior/XYZ/Effect/ATK: 3100/DEF: 2000/RA: 4/OV: 2)

"No, I don't have any cards to defend myself with and this attack is going to deal me 375 points of damage!" Dark Mist stated.

"And that means you going down!" Nick said. "Utopia end it with Rising Sun Phantom Slash!"

Utopia lifted its sword into the air and slashed down, severing Number 96 in two and dealing the final blow to him.

Nick: 900 LP

Dark Mist: 0 LP

Winner: Nick

As soon as the holograms vanished Nick fell down to one knee holding his shoulder. Nick let go of his shoulder and stretched his hand out towards Yuma. As he did that Number 96 began to fly towards him and he grabbed it. As soon as he did Number 96 appeared behind him.

"Then I guess I just have to try to take you over!" Dark Mist said as he approached Nick.

Nick turned around to look at Dark Mist who backed away from him seeing his glowing eyes who didn't look even human for a second. Behind him appeared Dark Rebellion staring Dark Mist down. A second later Dark Mist was for some reason draw towards Nick's pendant that he was wearing around his neck and absorbed by it.

A few seconds later Yuma, Bronk, and Tori woke up and wondered what was going on.

"Uh, what happened?" Yuma asked as he shook his head. "Right, this Number took control over me and I dueled Bronk. I won and then… what happened then?"

"Yuma, you're alright again," Tori said as she approached Yuma and hugged him.

"Yeah but how? I thought I lost but maybe I'm an even better duelist than I thought," Bronk said.

"Nah, you lost," Nick said as the three turned towards him. "You were lucky that I was here otherwise he would have controlled you three as his puppets."

Astral then appeared beside Yuma.

"He is right. Without him, I would be gone, and you would have stayed under the control of Number 96," Astral said to Yuma.

"Now that you mention it, where is Number 96?" Yuma asked.

"Right here," Nick said holding up the card. "I took it after I beat it."

"Wait, did you take any other Number?" Yuma asked not finding Utopia, his Ace, in his Deck.

"Yeah, this one," Nick said showing Utopia. "I took it before Number 96 could get it hands on it after it defeated Bronk. Here you can have it back," Nick said as he threw the card to Yuma.

"Thanks," Yuma said catching the card.

"I already said that I will come and challenge you for your Numbers when you got stronger until then it wouldn't be fun," Nick said as he turned around. "See ya next week at school."

After Nick said that he walked away wanting to get home and cool his shoulder, hoping that the pain will go away.

"Wait!" Astral shouted after him. "You should give Number 96 to me. I can seal him away!"

"I'm going to keep him, his card is way too good to let it go to waste," Nick replied before he left.

"That boy," Astral said as he continued to watch Nick walk away while Yuma, Bronk, and Tori started to talk among themselves.

A while later Nick was home and treated his shoulder. After he did so, he took the pendent and looked at it, wondering why this Dark Version of Yuma's partner was drawn inside of it. A short amount of time later, Nick decided that he will probably figure it out sooner or later and decided to eat dinner.

Meanwhile, Dark Mist found himself inside the Pendent and what he saw there was something he never would have expected. In front of him was a city lying in ruins with a crimson sky. This city wasn't an ancient city or Heartland, but it looked like a city that was rather advance maybe even more than Heartland. He began to wander through the ruins intrigued by how a world like this could be inside Nick's pendant.

As he walked through the city, he heard a loud roar and looked towards the sky. Flying in this sky were many dragons. One of them, in particular, caught his interest. He looked almost identical to Dark Rebellion XYZ Dragon who he faced earlier. The only difference between it and the one he fought earlier was that it had some green outlining like the other dragons that were flying through the sky. All of them were giving off a sinister aura.

While he looked towards them the Dark Rebellion look-alike saw him and began to fly towards him with high speed. Dark Mist could feel the hostility of the dragon but didn't know what to do. As the Dragon came closer towards him it was suddenly repelled by some kind of barrier above the city. He noticed that the barrier was created through four pillars. Dark Misted got curious and began to walk towards the closest of them.

As he walked towards it, he saw various Duel Spirits. Among them were the five magnificent Kuriboh brothers and some Phantom Knights. They seemed to hold some hostility towards him, but they didn't try to attack him. So, he made his way towards the pillar. As he arrived at the pillar, he saw something else he couldn't understand. On the stone pillar was a carving that looked like Dark Rebellion and in front of it was standing a human with a small door behind him. This human looked identical to Nick expect that he had black hair instead of white and black eyes in which he could see no iris instead of his normal crimson.

"Stop right there!" the boy ordered.

"Who are you?" Dark Mist asked curiously.

"I'm the guardian of this pillar and you're not welcome here! Leave!" the human ordered Dark Mist.

"And what happens if I don't do?" Dark Mist asked.

The guardian stretched his arm out and suddenly a Duel Disk appeared on his arm. He placed a card on it and Dark Rebellion appeared behind it.

"Leave or challenge me and be devour by my dragon!" the guardian said as a Duel Disk appeared at Dark Mist's arm.

"This sounds like fun. However, I don't have a good deck right now. But this will be not the last time you've seen me. This place caught my interest and so did the other pillars," Dark Mist stated.

"Your welcome to try the other guardians and I will never let you in one of these pillars," the Guardian stated.

"We will see," Dark Mist said and left.

'This place is more than just interesting,' Dark Mist though as he walked back inside the ruined city with a smirk on his face.


XYZ Exchange


Special Summon an XYZ Monster from your graveyard onto the field of your opponent in defense position. Afterward, you can draw one card for each Rank of the XYZ Monster that was Special Summoned using this cards effect.

That was chapter 11. Now Nick acquired Number 96 who will play a major role in the development of the future later on. Nick will have him as a Partner just like Yuma has Astral a bit later in the story since someone with a normal mind wouldn't just immediately let an evil being who tried to control some of his friends and cause him immense pain become his partner. You're probably wondering what's up with the Pendant of Nick, well that was an idea that I came up with while I had to plan out this story all over again. If you want to find out, you just have to continue reading my story.

Lastly, I decided to focus on this story for now while rewriting my GX Fanfiction from scratch since I'm not satisfied with how I wrote that story until now, with Ethan (main character of my GX Fanfiction) just tagging along with Jaden. So, you can expect that I will update this Fanfiction around every two weeks maybe earlier.

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Until next time!