Immediately, I saw Alexander Pierce when I stepped off the elevator. I smiled and nodded at him.

"Hey, Lexi." My smile widened into a smirk at his nickname that I had given him, I liked giving people nicknames, it was fun to see them annoyed at their nicknames - or to see them begrudgingly accept their nickname after I refuse to call them anything else like Nicky.

"Please, call me Alexander at least," he smiled at me, so I decided to keep on calling him that from now on. He would learn to love what I called him eventually, plus Lexi fit him a lot better than Alexander Pierce. His smile never seemed to reach his eyes, although that was probably because he was not happy with his nickname in the slightest.

"Oh, don't hate on the name, Lexi." I smiled back at him, he returned the smile more obviously this time, and then I tilted my head to the side, giving him a questioning cock of one eyebrow, "what are you doing here anyway? Not like the high ups to micromanage." He gave me an easy smile, it made his face look a little less stressed like a small weight had been lifted off his heavy load of work or perhaps that something had made his day easier with a joke.

"Well, I wouldn't have to micromanage if I had competent staff - excluding you, of course. Nick gives you one of his highest recommendations." I nodded expectantly like the news didn't surprise me - which it didn't. Nicky loved me, that's why he always begged me to become an agent - because I was just so fantastically amazeballs that he just couldn't live without my superior awesomeness around him all the time.

We stood there for a second while I just nodded and pursed my lips, feeling a bit awkward, I replied, "well… I should be getting to work, so…" I gestured to the stairs and he stepped aside and let me pass to do my work. I gave him a gratuitous smile and left for the carrier's console.

I turned back around once I reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Lexi discussing something with what was probably someone in charge of the factory floor workers, he had a hard hat on so that's what I assumed. I stared a while longer until they began to say their goodbyes, whispering something in each other's ears - maybe they were whispering sweet nothings about their secret love affair they were having. I smiled at the thought and turned, slowly walking towards the first Helicarrier, which was the most developed one of the three.

It was still a long way to walk in my opinion, and as I turned to find Lexi once more, I noticed he had left. I shrugged and carried on my trek to where there were stairs onto the carrier being manned by a guy who now knew who I was and smiled with a courteous nod in my direction as I ascended the stairs.

As I made my way to the console, I noticed that they had loaded the artillery modules (or as I like to call them 'big fucking guns') and decided I should probably start with those. I made my way to the console, and while checking that the programmes for the artillery were working I noticed that the use for the artillery wasn't immediately obvious.

I knew that the last SHIELD Helicarrier had been attacked, I was there so I knew that they needed some sort of defence against egotistical Norse gods and such but apart from that, there seemed to be a few too many for just defence. I started to look into the programming they had been given, what they were going to do automatically and what kind of things they couldn't do on automation.

My anxiety began to grow as I dug down further into it. I kept digging, hidden beneath encryption for Level 10 staff I found nothing that looked suspicious, but it seemed like I had only scratched the surface. My heart pounded, something was seriously wrong with this picture and I didn't know if I even wanted to delve deeper.

I stood at the console, taking a deep breath. I looked around, knowing I was alone but wanting to check it all the same. I couldn't move for a second, what would Steve do? I rolled my eyes, of course, I knew what Steve would do, he would delve deeper to find out what was wrong and try and fix it - he was that sorta guy. But did I really want to potentially risk my life and the lives of people I loved to find something I could probably not do anything about?

But Steve could do something, or Fury, or many other people you trust. My conscience argued with me, my sense telling me to leave well alone but my duty to my friends and to doing the right thing was pushing through.

I groaned, annoyed that I had finally made a decision, probably a stupid-ass decision but a decision all the same. I stepped towards the console hesitantly, chanting in my head 'please just be something innocent,' but I knew deep down that something that was hidden this well wouldn't be anything good. The Level 10 encryption was not too bad but something that had to be double encrypted was bad news. My fingers shook over the keyboard, so before my resolution wavered, I began to dig just that little bit farther, taking deep breaths to keep myself calm.

When I had finally decrypted the double encrypted file, my breath caught in my throat. It was my program, but it also wasn't. It looked like my recruitment software, but the parameters weren't searching for potential employees, they were searching for potential threats - threats to Hydra.

I began to feel sick as I delved deeper, not knowing what to think. Hydra had infiltrated SHIELD, Hydra was going to kill millions with these Helicarriers, Hydra was going to take over the world from the inside. Hydra, the rogue Nazi division that had created Red Skull and Steve had battled for years had never been destroyed and was right under everyone's noses this whole time.

I stood there, fixed in place as if my feet had been superglued to the floor. Then all of a sudden my feet were carrying me away from the console. I have to warn someone. I ran out of the Helicarrier, down the factory steps, and realising I looked rather distressed, a few of the workmen gave me looks. I smiled uneasily in response and slowed down to a less urgent walk, trying to look like I was just going for a coffee break or something.

I got to the elevator and kept clicking the button, knowing that it didn't make a difference, that the elevator was coming at the same rate despite my constant attack on the elevator button. As it finally arrived after an eternity, I ran in and asked the elevator to take me to the floor of Fury's office.

My brain wasn't working, I had forgotten that Fury was away, that Alexander Pierce was in his place. So when I arrived on the floor, I saw Alexander Pierce ahead of me, talking to someone with a clipboard. My brain caught up with my thoughts and I shouted, "Mr Pierce!"

His head turned to see me as I jogged up to him. He smiled at me and I gave him a nervous smile. "Everything okay, Cahya?"

I nodded in response, a bit out of breath because I was unfit. "Yeah, I was just wondering if we could talk in private? I found something that I need to discuss with someone… Someone high up." I decided to change the words I was going to say, I was going to say 'someone Fury trusts' but thought perhaps that roused too much suspicion in front of this mystery man with a clipboard.

He nodded and waved the clipboard man away and guided me into Nick Fury's office. As he closed the door behind him, he clicked the lock and looked to me, "seems like it is something sensitive, I thought you might not want anyone walking in." I nodded, good thinking on his part, he led me to the seat in front of Fury's desk and I sat there, him sitting in Fury's seat behind the desk.

He then looked at me seriously, "so what did you find?" His eyes were inquisitive, his lips pressed in a straight line, not looking amused and I was thankful for his serious demeanour, it made it easier knowing that someone else was taking this seriously.

My voice didn't seem to want to talk, my brain not knowing how to break to a guy who had built this institution that it had been infiltrated by Hydra. "I… Umm... Well, you see… I don't know how to put this…"

He looked at me expectantly, knowing that I was trying to get to a point and failing miserably. "How about you start with what you were doing when you found out what you did? Tell it like a story." He prompted me with his hand, waving it in a 'go on' motion, encouraging me to elaborate on the senseless noises I had made so far.

"Okay, so as you know… I was in the console room looking at the software… And well, I was just wondering while I was working… What the new artillery was being used for because, you know, it seems like a lot of firepower so I looked into it," at this point, Alexander was watching me intensely, all of his attention was focussed on me. He looked concerned and I paused, it seemed like such a big weight that I was getting off my chest, and even though this weight had been on my shoulders meer minutes, it felt like I was being crushed by responsibility and fear.

"It's okay, you can go on," he said reassuringly, I gave him a strained smile and continued.

"So, I kind of… well, I kind of hacked into SHIELDs files, not that I haven't done it before but… Anyway, I found that they were going to get rid of potential threats to SHIELD but something about it didn't seem right, there were some hidden files that were double encrypted. Encrypted once by the Level 10 encryption program and once more by encryption I haven't seen before.

"So I cracked it, whoever did the encryption was pretty smart but this is my thing, you know? So like, I cracked it and I found out that…"

I paused, did I really want to tell him? He was looking at me, asking me with his eyes to continue. I sighed, "I found out that HYDRA has infiltrated SHIELD. They are going to use Project Insight to remove people who might oppose them, which is in the millions!"

There was silence, a concerned and perhaps worried look covered Alexander Pierce's face. Then he broke the silence, "well this isn't good."

"Yeah, I think that's pretty obvious," I sarcastically replied before my brain could catch up with my mouth, I looked at his reaction but he just looked concerned, not angry or insulted.

"I hadn't expected this, but I suppose I'll have to deal with it now." He walked around his desk and I gave a huge sigh of relief.

"Great, I didn't really know what to do… I mean, not great, obviously this is very bad, but thank you!" I felt myself be lifted by the weight that was off my shoulders, the pressure of this discovery making it feel like my spine has been crushed and then I was sharing the pressure with another person, and as they say, a problem shared is a problem halved.

"I didn't expect to have to recruit you at this moment but if you tell anyone else of our infiltration..." he continued and my head whipped around to him, my heart constricting, does he mean what I think he means? "Well, I'm afraid I can't let you leave."

My heart thuds in my chest, I begin to feel fearful, I don't know what to do but I stand up from the seat and back away from Alexander Pierce.

"That's okay, I won't tell anyone." I put my hands up in surrender, smiling nervously and backing towards the door. A nervous laugh leaves my mouth and as I reach the door, I try to open it, but it's locked and my mind goes back to when I entered the room and Alexander locked it behind me. I smiled at Alexander as he walked towards me, each step making me feel heavier and more helpless. I was frozen and couldn't move.

When he reached me, he took my hand and sat me back down in the seat I was in moments ago. He went around to the desk as I sat still, I should have run, I should have screamed, I should have attacked him or done something but my brain wasn't cooperating with my body. I watching him as he calmly took out his phone and dialled someone.

"Rumlow, hey it's Pierce… Yeah, we have a situation, I need you down here for a Code Idun… Yeah, exactly, she found out. Well, I can't let her leave. Get here now, no more complaining." He hung up the phone and looked at me.

He smiled a smile that once calmed me but instead, it made my stomach drop, "Sorry about him, he's always way too serious, he'll be up to get you in a moment."

I just nodded, and finally, my voice came back to me, "hey, isn't Idun that Norse Goddess who was kidnapped by Loki? How very fitting." I rolled my eyes, of course, that was code for me, they just loved to make fun of me.

"I didn't realise you knew much Norse Mythology."

"Yeah, I got into it when I heard about a Norse God, a.k.a Thor, coming down to Earth. I thought it would be interesting to do some more reading and the tales and legends are what I really enjoy - they are just so ridiculous." I smiled nervously, not really knowing what else to do. "I mean, in the story technically Thjazi kidnapped her but Loki helped and then later Loki kidnapped her back so it's just a weird story…"

A knock rang through the room and both of our heads looked at the door, I peered over at Alexander to figure out what he was thinking. "Who is it?"

"Rumlow," came the reply.

Alexander hurried over and opened the door to see Brock Rumlow at the door, he walked past Alexander and gave me a creepy smile. "So you haven't even tried to run?"

I shrugged, "my self-preservation instincts tell me that running will probably be futile and there's probably no one on this floor close enough to hear me scream so what's the point in fighting when the same outcome is going to happen anyway? Might as well get kidnapped without injury rather than with injury."

He smirked at my commentary, "I can't tell if that's the smartest or stupidest thing you've ever done but it makes my job easier, although I'm still going to have to knock you out." I nodded.

"So how are you doing this? I'd rather you didn't knock me out by hitting me, for one it hurts and secondly it is unpredictable how long I'll be out. Do you have some sort of knock out drug to inject into me?" I sat back in the chair, accepting my fate for what it was.

Rumlow opened up his satchel and extracted a needle and a bottle of what I assumed to be the drug he was planning on injecting me with. "Have you ever done this before? Because it would be great if you didn't just randomly stab me somewhere with a needle."

He grumbled under his breath then replied to me, "how are you so calm about this? Most people are not so calm."

I shrugged once more as he bent down in front of me and injected me with the drug. As I faded from consciousness, I could no longer make out or understand what they were saying, it took only a few seconds and suddenly I was plunged into darkness only to wake up a few moments later - well a few moments later from my point of view. It had probably been a couple of hours.

When I woke, I was on a bed in a concrete room with very little decorating it, just one chair at the end of the bed. There was a harsh yellow light above me and I noted that there was no window in the room, just the door that also had no window. As I strained to sit up, I made myself look around the room, it could have been worse, I could have been strapped to a chair or I could have been seriously injured.

First I checked my pockets, but of course, they had taken my phone. Then, as my eyes roamed the room I saw a camera in the corner. I sat up straighter and then waved my arms around wildly, "hello?! I'm awake now! If Alexander Fucking Pierce wants to see me, now is the time!" I shouted into the empty room, hoping that either the camera had audio or the walls were thin enough that someone could hear me.

I heard a sliding of something so I whipped my head around to see what looked like a hatch on the door, a face looked in and I looked back at him, smiling sweetly. "Hey, could you go get someone important or high up for me to talk to? Or some food? Actually, I would prefer some food, like pizza. Oooh, pizza sounds good." My mind wandered to pizza and I hadn't realised that the hatch had closed and they were unlocking the door, and I only knew this from the very loud and annoying locks that they obviously put on the door.

The door opened with a lot of resistance, it was obviously a heavy door, which made me roll my eyes - did they really need to put me in a room this secure? How much of a threat was I? In walked Rumlow looking as arrogant and smarmy as ever, I scrunched up my nose in disapproval.

"You're not pizza."

He looked at me and then rolled his eyes, rude, that's my move. "Come on, get up, Pierce wants to see you."

"Where am I?" I asked him this, not because I expected to get an answer but because I thought perhaps I could annoy him with questions, "what's your first name? Why do you work for HYDRA? Are you that insecure in your masculinity that you have to exert your power over defenceless women like me? Why are you not pizza? And if you were pizza, what kind of pizza would you be? I'd be classic Margherita, or Pepperoni, definitely not Hawaiian. You seem like a Hawaiian guy, are you?" At this point in my endless questions, he grabbed me by my arm and lugged me out of my sitting point in bed to standing.

"I will take that as a yes to insecure in your masculinity then," I smirked at him but he just pushed me forwards in front of him.

"Don't make me restrain you."

"Ooooh, kinky," I retorted, I couldn't see his face but from his particularly hard push, I assumed he was perhaps a bit disturbed. I'm sure that he at least know that a smirk was gracing my beautiful face.

As we walked down the most boring halls of all time, I found myself trying to at least memorise where I was going - which was hard considering all the hallways looked exactly the same. We had to walk through a big hall with high ceilings but even that didn't have any windows. I was sure by this point that we were definitely underground somewhere - which meant I wasn't going to get any good clues as to where we were.

I realised I had stopped when another harsh push came from behind me, I grumbled as I stumbled forward - stupid Rumlow with his stupid face and stupid smile and stupid personality. I kept saying this in my head, reminding me once of when I was kidnapped by Loki, and again when I was describing Nicky, now it seemed like those were overdramatic now that I was faced with smarmy evil Brock Rumlow.

"What kind of name is Brock anyway? Like really? Is it short for Broccoli?" My questions earned me another hard shove as we moved along the corridor, and not long after the very harsh shove a certain stupid man gave me, we were inside a room, specifically a room containing Hydra double agent Alexander Pierce. I smiled sarcastically at him if that is possible.

"Rumlow, I told you to be nice to our guest, how long have you been shoving her down the hallway?" I looked back at Rumlow with a smirk, ha, the big boss is angry with you now.

"Oooooh, someone's in trouble," I elongated the word trouble in that silly kid way just to annoy him before sticking my tongue out rudely at him. He glared at me but said and did nothing; victorious in my endeavour I turned back to Pierce. "So, keeping me prisoner, what exactly do you need from me? Am I gonna be some Avenger bait or your tech-savvy supermodel type? Because I know which one I would go for," sarcasm was dripping from my entire being as I smiled mock-sweetly at him.

"Well, actually, if you would take a seat," Hydra Asshole Numero Uno, also known as Alexander Pierce, gestures to the seat in front of a table that reminded me of an interrogation table as it had that weird bar on it to cuff perps to. I sat down in the 'perp chair' facing Pierce, he smiled at me and began to talk. "So, your algorithm from your legitimate business from before you were a SHIELD agent that was just a front for your other work, you remember it?

I gave him a 'really' face and nodded, he continued, "Well we used it and had it adapted by another, as you would put it, tech-savvy type, well it was more like it was absorbed into our own algorithm to help it where it had been failing - I'm not too sure on the specifics because I am not tech savvy but either way we used your work. Anyway, what I was trying to say was that, when we used our modified version of it, it alerted us to many people that could potentially be or already are Hydra threats."

"And that's me? I'm a Hydra threat?" I asked him, but he just shook his head.

"No, you were identified as someone potentially useful to Hydra. You weren't perceived to be or ever predicted to be an active threat. Instead of, well, eliminating you as a dormant threat, we wanted to instead offer you a position…"

I raised an eyebrow, was he really trying to recruit me to Hydra after kidnapping me?

"In Hydra," he clarified further.

"Yeah, I got that part," I snapped back, "what do you mean by dormant threat?"

"You see, people are either active threats, potential active threats, or dormant threats. Active threats like Captain America are people who actively try to get rid of Hydra, although currently, he does not know that Hydra still exists, whereas a potential active threat is someone who in their future might become a threat to Hydra. Finally, a dormant threat, like you, would never actively seek us out or try to take us down but may swing to the anti-Hydra side if asked. So let's say your friend, Mr Captain America, asked you to help him take down Hydra - you would probably say 'yes'. And so you are a dormant threat."

I nodded, taking in the information, "so… I am a dormant threat because there is a chance I could not oppose you at all or even go to your side, so you want to use me." I went through it all in my head and it didn't sound crazy - I wasn't exactly fond of Hydra but this was all new to me anyway so it's not like it mattered. I would help Steve if he asked me to help, but probably not if he didn't.

"Yes, exactly, and we were hoping to recruit you under… Let's say, under different circumstances but when you threatened to leak our secrets, we had to intervene. So sadly, we had to kidnap you. Luckily for us, a few times in your life, you have disappeared so by the time someone realises you're missing, they won't be able to find you."

I nodded, taking all of this in, trying hard not to show the nervous little girl inside me that just wanted to cry and run away. "Why didn't you just kill me?" He looked at me, obviously wanting more of an explanation of my thinking, "well, if I was a dormant threat, in that moment when I was going to leak your secrets I was an active threat…" He nodded, contemplating my words and leaving us in silence for a few seconds. My nerves got the better of me and I ended up snapping, "oh my god! Just say something already."

He looked shocked at my outburst, but sighed as if he had resigned to do as I requested and talk, "we need you for something that our other… tech friend has failed at. See, you were able to decode our encryption with little to no effort, and so we need you to encrypt our files again with an unbreakable encryption."

I rolled my eyes, "there is no such thing as an unbreakable encryption, genius, but I probably have the skills to make a damn near unbreakable one." I nodded at my own words, confirming it in my own brain what I was saying, their encryption had been easy to break for me, but that didn't say much since I had basically dedicated my life to this, and it was the only thing I truly excelled in.

He just looked at me and I returned his look until it was like we were having a staring contest. A knock reverberated throughout the room and it was at that moment I noticed how tired Alexander Pierce looked, he sighed in frustration, "this is taking way too long," he muttered under his breath. "Come in," he said a little louder, and the door creaked open to reveal Hydra Asshole Numero Dos, or Rumlow as he is also known. It took me a second to wrap my head around the situation, when did he leave the room? My thoughts were brought back to the matter at hand when Rumlow gestured for Pierce to exit the room with him.

Pierce followed and for a while, I was left in the room with two guards. At first, I whistled to pass the time, but as the time grew longer, I turned around to the guards.

"Hey." I looked him up and down, but he didn't even spare me a glance or reply to my kind words. "Hello? Down here, shorty in the chair wanting your attention," he still ignored my words but looked at me with a cocked eyebrow, a silent question of whether I was going to continue. I stared at him defiantly until I heard a chortle from the other soldier.

I turned to him with a smile, this was my kind of guy, able to take a joke. "Don't worry about him, he takes his job very seriously." The other guard, I decided to call him Dopey for simplicity's sake. Anyway, he smiled down at me and offered his hand to shake, I shook it just as heartily as he shook mine.

"See Grumpy, I can be nice. For all you know, I might be your colleague soon enough." I stuck my tongue out at him and he just sneered but remained silent.

I heard another chortle from the guard, "So if he's Grumpy, does that make me Happy?" I coined his reference to the Seven Dwarves.

"Sadly, I already know someone I call Happy, so that would be confusing. How about Dopey?"

He looked a bit hesitant but smiled, "but if we are Grumpy and Dopey, what would that make you?"

I smirked evilly, "I am obviously Queen Grimhilde," my eyes glinting with the evilness of many a villain of a Disney movie.

He looked at me confused, "is that the name of the evil witch stepmother woman?" I nodded in response, this guy really needs to brush up on his Disney trivia, what if there was a pub quiz? "Well, I thought Snow might suit you better."

I scrunched up my nose at that in utter disgust and disagreement, "I am not Snow White, that wimp did nothing except be stupid and get herself killed by an apple. Then, even worse, she got saved by a prince who she had never met and only judged her on her beauty and nothing else - she could have been a maniac. In fact, what kind of person kisses a corpse of someone they don't know? Like, the fuck?"

At this point, Dopey couldn't contain his laughter at my rant, "most girls," he said between breaths, "would want to be the princess," his laughter died down and I just shrugged.

Then, an unexpected voice piped up, "you should be Snow, you let us kidnap us by stupidly trusting Alexander Pierce." Grumpy was looking at me and I scowled at him, "but then again you're not pretty enough to be Snow." This caused my scowl to turn into a full-blown death glare, a nervous chuckle coming out of Dopey who was probably feeling out of place.

Our conversation got cut off when Alexander came back into the room looking somehow different than when he came in. I couldn't place my finger on it, but he sat down opposite me again. "Now let's get back to our conversation, all we really need is for you to join Hydra and help us with things such as encryption and hacking and all that other technobabble I never pay attention to when you guys talk. I would ask if you wanted to but you don't have much of a choice." My death glare had by now shifted to Pierce, boring into his soul, he stared at me with an equally intense glare. There was so much staring that it could be a Twilight movie.

I smirked at him, oh how little he knew, "I do have a choice, and I am not helping you. Dormant threat my ass! I am never going to work for Hydra - well I won't from this point on since technically I was kind of working for you when I was working for SHIELD and you did also buy my software so… Anyway, the point is, that from this day," my hand jabbed the table to make my point, "I will not work for Hydra."

Another sigh came out of Mr Asshole (also Pierce), he gestured something to Grumpy behind him and I felt the cool barrel of his gun pressed against the back of my head, and Alexander Pierce leaned forward, really earning his name as Hydra Asshole Numero Uno. "Now, I'm going to ask you again. Join Hydra or die. It's a pretty easy decision, I think, what about you?"

I rolled my eyes, "kill me then," I sat back in the chair, pushing the guys gun harder against my skull. Screw Hydra. I sat there waiting for impact when a laugh came out of Mr Asshole's mouth. The gun was taken away from my head and I just glared at him.

"You really think we'd kill such a useful asset as you? No, instead, we are going to make you more cooperative." The way he said those words sent shivers down my spine. I gave myself a second to calm myself down and copied his sigh, leaning forward and looking at him.

"Well, I suppose that gives me no other choice than to join Hydra. What is it you guys say again?" I tried to think of what I had learned about Hydra from Steve, he hadn't divulged much as it tended to bring up sad memories when he thought about his life from another time but he told me a few things. "Oh, that's right, Hail Hydra. So what do you need me to do?"

Another laugh left his mouth, a cruel smile gracing his lips, how could I have ever been put at ease by this guy? "Oh no, you can't go back now. For all I know, you will plant a virus in our software or warn your buddies, the Avengers, to come get you. Instead, we have something very special planned for you."

I couldn't move, I was standing still, did they mean to torture me? But that still ran the risk that I would just fake being broken and plant a virus. No, they were planning something that would force my hand. But I couldn't think what, so a look of confusion morphed onto my face, this caused Mr Asshole to smile, "don't know what it is we're going to do? Well, it hasn't been tested on many people, and those few all had the super soldier serum in them," wait, there were more super soldiers than just Steve? "But our scientists reckon you'll be safe, well, not to say it won't be agonisingly painful but you won't die."

My mind was reeling, what were they going to do? My brain couldn't think of it, I was just sat there, my brain trying to puzzle the pieces together. "Just for you," Pierce the Asshole began, "I will tell you exactly what we are going to do to you. We are going to wipe your mind, all of your memories gone in a flash. You won't remember Captain America, or any of the Avengers for that matter," he smirked evilly and at that moment I wanted to punch him until he was dead.

I muttered, "my brother," realising that I was going to forget everything made me want to throw up.

"You have a brother?" Pierce looked at me, no longer smirking evilly but more taken back by the information. Of course, he didn't know it was Tony, but my mind didn't dwell on his question for long, instead, I didn't even answer, the news hitting me like a tonne of bricks.

Tears welled up in my eyes and Pierce said something but it was muffled. I couldn't tell what was happening, I felt my body moving my tears blocked my vision and my breathing had started to become shallow and rapid. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't see through the tears - I was going to forget everyone. I wouldn't remember who I was.

I must have been put back on the bed in my cell, I cried for what felt like forever, and when I woke what I assumed was the next day, my voice was hoarse and I couldn't speak very well - not that I wanted to say much.

When the door opened the next day, I knew they were doing it. As I stood, to follow the guards, I didn't argue or try to stop it. I just followed them into a room with a chair that looked more like a torture device than a memory-wiping device.

Without complaint, I was strapped in, and Pierce approached me I glared. That asshole. He got too close so I spit in his face. His face made me so angry, I just wanted to punch him in his stupid face, but my hands were strapped in. Nothing else made me feel, but my hatred for him would never die.

He wiped his face and grimaced, "just wipe her already."

These weird panels began to close in on my head, and suddenly I was in excruciating pain, a pain that felt like someone was poking through my brain with a white-hot poker. It felt like my entire head was going to explode. I might have been screaming, I couldn't tell, but the next thing I know, blackness is closing in. To escape the pain, I let the darkness take over and I was out.