Nick Fury was making his way downtown to go see Steve Rogers, or as many knew him, Captain America. They hadn't needed to call on Steve since he had woken up but this was a special case, they needed Captain America and they needed Tony Stark – Fury had sent Agent Coulson to deal with him.

He arrived at the gym that Steve was working out in, letting out his pent up emotions on a sandbag hanging from the ceiling, looking as if it was about to fly right off.

Fury stepped down into the poorly lit room and coughed. This caused Steve to stop his workout and turn to see Fury.

He seemed to be annoyed but he picked up a water bottle and drank from it, calming his momentary annoyance, "what do you need me for?" He seemed to not be that interested in what Fury had to say but he would listen anyway, he always listened. Fury walked towards the man and held out a file. Steve took it cordially, but not with a particular enthusiasm other agents had when they had been given a similar mission.

"This is just a picture of a building," Steve said, this time more surprised than annoyed at that point in time.

"We need you to bring an expert hacker in, she is currently…"

"She?" Steve questioned, this had piqued his interest.

"Yes, she. And she is currently in hiding and staying in this building, we need you to bring her in alive and safe," Fury explained, Steve looked back down at the picture.

"Can't some of your agents bring her in?" Steve asked, annoyed that they had gone to him with what seemed like a trivial matter.

Fury took a stool and sat down, "you see, we have tried to bring her in three different times, and each time she has outsmarted our agents and put them all in hospital. She never killed any of them, but she escaped each time without a scratch. We believe that this time she has extra security, and we need someone who is guaranteed to bring her in."

Steve paused, looking down at the file before handing it back to Fury, "well it seems like she doesn't want to be brought in, maybe you should leave her be. How much harm is she actually doing? She's not killing anyone." Steve said wanting nothing more than to be left in peace so he could wallow in his thoughts. He was about to turn around to start his workout that was so rudely interrupted when Fury spoke up.

"Well, she has developed a software that can even bypass SHIELDs security systems, and we are worried about what will happen if her software is sold to the wrong buyer, we think it may have been already. We need her on our side and we need her to create a better security system." Fury explained, trying to not go into the specifics for Steve's sake, knowing he wouldn't understand much.

He turned back around to Fury, and pointed right at him, "fine, but I will not be wearing the suit," and then more to himself he whispered, "it's too soon." Fury nodded and left the conversation there, he stood up begrudgingly, put the file down so Steve would have his mission and made his way back out.

Once Fury had left, Steve went over to the file and looked at it once more. He turned over the picture and scribbled on the back was a date and time, only a day from now, and one more thing at the bottom.

'Prepare to meet Iron Man,'

He had heard of this Iron Man from the futuristic televisions that they had, he hadn't made up his mind about the ex-weapons dealer slash billionaire. He put the picture back in the file and left, readying himself for the mission.

Meanwhile, Cahya was sitting in her room, watching the security camera of SHIELD; watching the CCTV in Steve Rogers building; watching Stark Tower through Jarvis. She smiled, she knew they were coming, and what a surprise it would be when Tony and Steve showed up. She smiled to herself, deleting all of her files from her laptop, then destroying it completely before putting on a pot of coffee.

She then sat, facing away from the door in a high backed chair for the ultimate reveal. She was a bit of a drama queen, she wanted to make a big deal of this. It had been a long time since she had seen him, and she couldn't wait to see his face.

Tony had been easier to convince, he seemed ready to test out his new suit, Mark 6, in the world. when he had been informed that Steve Rogers, or Captain America, would be coming along he seemed less thrilled but still took on the mission. He arrived at the building, on the roof, and let Jarvis scan for life heat signatures.

Steve stood at the base of the building, looking up at it. He walked into the building looking like any normal person, bringing his cap down to conceal his face from the public.

When he had made it to the right floor, he saw a man dressed in a metal suit from head to toe, he rolled his eyes. This must be Iron Man, another person here on the mission from SHIELD.

He walked up to Iron Man who turned around and pointed his gun at the man, seeing that it was his partner in their mission, he let his hand reach out to shake his.

"You must be Captain America," Steve reached out his own hand and shook it, looking perhaps just a bit weirded out by the whole situation, but Iron Man just carried on not really seeming to care.

"All right, Cap, I'm getting Jarvis to scan the building for any potential problems we might run into, just follow my lead," Iron Man said, walking down the corridor, gesturing for Captain America to follow him. Tony walked in cautiously, but nothing came up on his scanners to tell him there was anyone there. Steve, on the other hand, was less thrilled about being ordered to follow a narcissistic playboy who up until a few months ago had been selling weapons of destruction.

They found that as they went down the corridor, there was no one waiting for them. No security seemed to be there, no one to protect the girl they were there for. Tony felt a pit in his stomach, it all seemed to easy.

He gestured at Cap to stop, a few metres from the door to the apartment, "doesn't it seem a bit weird to you that there is no security?" Iron Man asked, looking back at Captain America.

He nodded back in response, "yes, I don't have a good feeling about it," he said, then he continued, "what does Jarvis say?"

Jarvis had already told Tony that there only appeared to be one unarmed female behind the door. Tony seemed suspicious but went ahead and knocked down the door. When they were inside, they saw a very dingy apartment, a chair facing the window, with a girl sitting in it.

"Stand up and put your hands where I can see them!" Iron Man said to the girl, he heard a chuckle as she held her hands up and stood up but didn't turn around.

"Whatever you say, bro." She turned slowly around, and Tony seemed to be unable to speak, he looked at her confused, before removing his Iron Man helmet, and muttered one word.

"Cahya?" He seemed to be so shocked that he couldn't say very much else.

"Yep, would you like some coffee? I put on a pot." She said to him with a smile. Captain America meanwhile seemed to be confused by the interaction.

While Tony stood there shocked, Cahya put her hands down and went over to the coffee maker and poured some coffee.

"Milk, two sugars, Steve?" She asked, looking to Captain America. He just stood there awkwardly.

"Yeah, how did you…" She smiled again at him and handed him the cup which he accepted with a nod from Tony as a signal that it was okay.

He took a sip of the coffee and smiled.

"This is good coffee," he said quietly, not sure if this is what the mission was supposed to entail. He looked at Tony and then back to… Cahya? He thought that was what Tony had said. "So…" He had caused the two to break their staring contest and look towards him, "you two know each other?" He looked between Tony and her, and she smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, of course, I'm his sister," Cahya said, a matter-of-factly, but

Steve didn't seem to compute it very well as he ended up spitting out all of his coffee.

He pointed over to Tony, "h-his sister?!" He seemed genuinely confused and slightly distressed at the information.

"Yeah, did they not inform you of that before you took on the mission?" She asked, tilting her head and looking at Tony, he avoided her eyes on him and just stared angrily at the ground. Before anyone else could say anything, Tony stormed out, slamming the door behind him.

Steve was about to follow him when Cahya coughed to get his attention. "Aren't you supposed to be bringing me in?" He nodded, seeming to compute that he still had to do his original mission. He walked up to her and lead her out by the small of her back, probably not seeing the need for handcuffs as she was complying with him one hundred percent.

When they arrived at the jet, she turned to Steve, "sorry about all the fuss, I hope this wasn't too much out of your way." She smiled and Steve smiled back.

"Not too much out of my way, Ma'am." He replied, nodding to her.

"Please, call me Cahya, and don't be afraid to visit every now and then," Cahya said with a smile, then Tony came up next to her and put a hand on her shoulder. But not in that nice brotherly way, it was more like a 'you're under my control' way. That was the point of the mission, after all. He turned to Steve.

"Cap, I would be really grateful if you could keep her identity as my sister a secret. Thanks," he then turned and pushed Cahya onto the jet. Steve waved at Cahya as they flew up into the sky and then it was only Tony and Cahya left in the Quinjet, apart from the pilots of course.

Tony had not said a word to Cahya, his little sister, he instead got into a heated discussion with the co-pilot on the specifications of the Quinjet all the way to the Helicarrier, annoyed immensely by the whole situation that she had been put in, she just sat there silently thinking of ways she could kill her brother (in a sisterly way). When Cahya finally was at Headquarters, she wasn't really sure if she wanted to face Tony. It had been forever since she had seen him.

Then she was led off the Quinjet to the start of a whole different path to the one she was on merely minutes ago.