Pink Cutie Sliming in the House
It has been six and a half weeks, close to two months, since Miruko joined Izuku's home with the other and things are just as lively, if not more than usual, as everyone in the house is doing great. Izuku is out working at his part-time job at a manga/café shop while Ochaco stays at the house with the monster girls. Miruko is out in the backyard doing some martial art training of her own to make sure her legs don't go soft, Yu is in the living watching some TV while eating some rice crackers, Ochaco and Tsuyu are also in the backyard doing some yoga exercises stretching out their limbs.
"Ah, nothing like a relaxing day outside doing some yoga." Ochaco sighed peacefully.
"Yep." Tsuyu nodded.
"Hey Ochaco, I saw some pictures of you like a martial art class. You knew how to fight?" Miruko asked.
"Oh, yeah, I used to take martial art class with Deku and Kacchan back when we started at the final year of our elementary school." Ochaco said.
"I didn't think Deku would seem like the fighter type. Ribbit." Tsuyu surprised.
"He wanted to learn how to defend himself in case he run into some thugs in a back alleyway or some other places where he might get ambushed, Katsuki got the class with him because he didn't, in his own words: "Lose to a damn nerd in fist fighting!" and other things like that." Ochaco explained.
"Guess you can't be too careful of which place you might get attack from." Tsuyu commented.
"Okay, now you got me interested. Come spare with me." Miruko gestured Ochaco to come at her.
"Uh, but you're the better fighter and I don't want to hurt you." Ochaco worried also remembering about the rule both humans and demihumans aren't allowed to hurt each other.
"Don't worry, I think it'll be okay with just within our home and it just a little sparing match. So, come on, just show me what you go." Miruko said.
"You might as well go for it. She's not gonna let you go until you agree." Tsuyu pointed out.
"Okay, okay, but nothing serious, alright?" Ochaco said as she stands and assume her fighting stance.
"(Hmm, got stance. Now let see how she counterattack.)" Miruko thought smirked, also reminding herself to hold back.
Miruko charge with a straight punch to the face and Ochaco surprisingly dodge the fist even though it was a little faster than her, then the brown hair girl grab the wrist pulling Miruko in to grab the back of the neck with her other hand to slam Miruko down face first to the ground. However, Miruko react much quicker than that as she use he free hand to slam on the ground pushing herself up which also forces Ochaco to stumble back with her grip loosen and suddenly finding herself with her face on the ground with Miruko's rabbit foot on her head.
"Not bad, you definitely got the instinct of a great fighter. I can also tell you've been keeping yourself in fighting shape too." Miruko complimented as she helps Ochaco up.
"Thanks, though I think Deku would have lasted longer than me consider he's the better fighter combined with his analysis mind and all." Ochaco said.
"Does that also mean Deku has those strong-looking abs?" Yu asked curiously.
"Yeah, he's pretty awesome with that body is his." Ochaco admitted as her cheeks blush.
"Sounds like you want to bed with him fully nude and all." Tsuyu said.
"TSUYU?! Don't say that out loud, what if the neighbors hear that?" Ochaco worried blushing.
"To be honest, I always wonder what is like to have sex with a human. I'm sure a good experience I would love to enjoy." Yu imagined herself and Deku naked in bed together.
"Except we can't do that since the bill exchange still hasn't decided to go that far." Miruko reminded.
"Hey, I know the rules! I was just curious, okay." Yu growled.
"Girls, come on, no fighting." Ochcao said, trying to calm them down.
During the argument, Tsuyu hear a space travel theme coming from Ochaco's cellphone seeing the ID caller is Nana Shimura.
"Ochaco, Miss Nana is calling." Tsuyu said as she threw the cellphone which Ochaco caught it.
"Huh, I wonder what she's calling for?" Ochaco said and answer the phone call.
"Hey Ochaco, just checking on how are you and the girls doing." Nana greeted.
"We're doing great, just relaxing and Deku is at his job right now." Ochaco mentioned.
"I see, things sure are going smoothly for you two. Just make sure your Demihumans don't go outside without one of you with them and try not to cause a scene." Nana said.
"Don't worry, nothing bad is going to happen. I promise." Ochaco nodded.
Yu heard the doorbell ringing and went to check it out thinking it's probably something door-to-door sells men or girl scouts selling some cookies, but when she opens the door there is no one in sight.
"Uh, that's weird." Yu confused as she looks around seeing there is no person or Demihuman in sight meaning the doorbell ringing must have been a prank.
"Damn, can't believe I fell for the oldest trick in the book." Yu sighed as she closes the door.
"Was there someone at the door?" Tsuyu asked.
"Nah, it was probably a prankster or something." Yu shook her head.
"I'm going upstairs to-AAH!" Yu yelled as she trips on the first step of the staircase.
Yu wonder why she trip like that until she saw something on the staircase, feeling the strange substances on her face seeing the stretchy and slimy thing.
"Ew, Tsuyu! Did you leave your slime on the staircase?" Yu asked.
"Ribbit. First off: frogs do not make slime it is mucous, and second: I was in the backyard with Ochaco doing some yoga." Tsuyu explained.
"Whatever, just clean this up while I wash this off." Yu marched up the stairs while keeping her balance to not trip again.
Tsuyu let out a sigh and look down at the slime thing, she touch it with one finger and bring it up to her eyes to get a closer look at it, the slime appears to be pink meaning it couldn't have been hers because frog mucous are usually transparent. There was also one more thing about this mysterious slime.
"Hmm, smells like strawberry." Tsuyu sniffed the slime.
Outside the house, Izuku just return home from his part-time job feeling relieve that his work is done for today and reach for the doorknob, but he stop when he notices something on the one step to the front door seeing something pink on it. Izuku wonder if the girls were playing a game with pink paint, but his gut was telling him that this pink stuff is entirely something else as he'll worry about it later and clean it up.
"I'm home everyone." Izuku announced as he enters the house.
"Welcome home, Deku, how was work?" Tsuyu asked.
"It was good, there was this one costumer who just started reading manga and brought four volumes of a series." Izuku nodded as he takes his shoes off and notices the slime on Tsuyu's finger.
"What's that you for there?" Izuku asked, pointing at the pink slime.
"I don't know, Yu slipped on it and think it was me, but I reminded her that frog do not make slime though I'm more curious about where this stuff came from." Tsuyu wondered.
"I actually saw the same one on the front step. Were you girls playing a game?" Izuku asked.
"No, Ochaco and I were doing some yoga then Miruko asked her to do a little sparring when Ochaco mentioned about you guys being in a martial art club." Tsuyu answered.
"Did Ochaco get hurt?" Izuku concerned.
"Don't worry, Miruko was holding though I was surprise to see Ochaco was able to defend herself on the first strike." Tsuyu said.
"Well, between you and me… Ochaco can actually be scary when she fights for real." Izuku whispered.
(Bathroom, with Yu)
"Stupid frog girl and her stupid slime, mucous or whatever." Yu washed her face with some soap and water from the sink.
"She maybe Izuku's first Demihuman to live with him, I just don't get yeah the frog people have to be all slimy. I mean, sure Izuku likes her and all, I'm the one with the sexy body that can make any men spin their heads but there's Ochaco being his girlfriend and she does know him for the longest time." Yu talked to herself as she tries to find a towel with her eyes close.
"Here you go." A pink hand handed Yu a towel.
"Thanks." Yu said as she dries up her face with the towel.
Then she stop with her eyes widen upon realizing there's someone else in the bathroom with her knowing the voice doesn't sound like anyone in the house, she slowly turns her face to the left and there was no one then she turn to the right is where she made eye contact with a pair of black eyes and a pink face.
"Hi." The pink face girl greeted.
"AAAAAAAAHHHH?!" Yu screamed.
"Yu?" Izuku gasped and ran up the stairs.
"What was that?" Ochaco asked.
"Probably she found a spider in the bathroom or something." Miruko shrugged.
Izuku ran toward the door of the bathroom and immediately open the door seeing Yui is throwing some stuff at what appears to be a pink girl dodging the bathroom stuff.
"Get back! Back you demon!" Yu scared.
"Wait, I promise I'm not going to hurt you." The pink girl assured, but Yu wasn't listening.
Izuku was about to calm the giant girl down, but she accidently grabs him by the shirt and threw him toward the pink slimy girl and crash into her with his face between her cleavage as the fell on the floor.
"Ow…" Izuku groaned, and quickly realize that he's on the pink girl's chest.
"Oh hi, sorry if I came into your home unannounced." The pink girl apologized and unfazed of the human boy on her breasts.
"Ah! Get away from him!" Yu demanded as she walks over to them.
However, Yu's foot stepped on a towel that she dropped earlier and slip causing her to trip and her huge boobs press down against Izuku's head causing him to down and into the pink girl's chest like being in a jell-o.
"What the… are you a slime?" Yu asked shock.
"Yes, I am." The pink girl said proudly.
(Five Minutes Later)
Everyone is gathered in the living room with the pink slime girl sitting on the couch.
The girl has the appearance of a girl of medium height, possibly set a little more broadly as her whole body is color pink and her eyes are black sclera and light yellow irises, and notably long eyelashes below and around the sides. Her head is shape is like short "hair", fluffy and unruly She also has two thin, pale yellow "horns" protruding from her head, hooked squarely and leaning diagonally to opposite sides. She is wearing a yellow short-sleeve shirt, light blue shorts, and yellow rain boots that Ochaco gave her. There are also two long tentacles at the back of her head with yellow trips. Breasts sizes: F-cup (according the Demihumans, slime can change the shape of their figure however they want).
"My name is Mina Ashido, it's nice to meet you all." Mina greeted.
"Okay Mina, why are you here and in our house?" Ochaco asked.
"Sorry, didn't mean to sneak in, but my fluid was running dry and I needed to refuel myself." Mina chuckled.
"Well, it is a little hot out there today, but you could've just ask to come in." Tsuyu stated.
"I know, I know, but I was so excited when the slime species finally got the approval from the exchange bill to interact with humans and live with them. I just can't hold my excitement together!" Mina giggled.
"I guess that make sense, not all Demihumans were approved in the bill due to some of their nature and others just don't like humans that much." Tsuyu nodded.
"Yeah, it was just about two weeks ago, and I was one of the first slimes to leave our home to see what the human city is like." Mina mentioned.
"I heard slimes usually lives in caves or maybe some old ruins. Are you from one of those places?" Ochaco asked.
"I used to live with some other slimes in a ruined hotel that used to be a famous place for humans, I think that hotel was like 50 years old when it was shut down." Mina explained.
"If that's the case then you should be with some agents or escort you around." Izuku pointed.
"You mean the humans in black suits? Yeah, I think I was with them, but I was following this ice-cream truck as the humans called it and the next thing I know, I was in front of your house." Mina recalled what happened to the agents.
"(In other words, you ditched them.)" The girls and Izuku thought of the same thing.
"Anyway, I am surprises to see other kinds of Demihumans living under the same roof." Mina said.
"Well, that is the propose of the bill for all other Demihuman to coexist with each other along with the human. Although, there has been some trouble with some humans and Demihumans not seeing eye-to-eye which resulted into outbreak fights though they have been dealt with." Izuku mumbled on and on.
"Oh boy, he's doing it again." Yu sighed.
"I'm even more surprise that you are able to talk to use normally." Miruko pointed out. She once heard that slimes talk like little children.
"Believe it or not, I'm one of the few Rare Slimes in the whole world." Mina revealed.
"Rare Slimes, I heard about those. They can take on the appearance of a human almost completely even having the skin color." Tsuyu remembered.
"Yep, though I prefer my all-natural color to show off my cuteness." Mina winked at Izuku making him blush a bit.
"So, Mina, have the agency found you a host home to live in yet?" Ochaco asked.
"I'm not sure, the agents were going to tell me something, but I wasn't listening." Mina shrugged.
"And now that you ask, I think I want to live here with you guys." Mina smiled shocking the others.
"Seriously, but we just met, and I tried to attack you in the bathroom." Yu pointed out.
"And I forgive you for that, it was just a misunderstanding. Besides, you guys seem like more fun than I could ever have back in that crap of a hotel, so please can I stay!" Mina pleaded giving off the puppy eyes.
"I don't know, do we even have a room for a slime?" Ochaco wondered.
"I'm good with living in small spaces like a large container or a bucket." Mina said.
"We have a big bucket." Tsuyu mentioned.
"Well, if you got no where left to go then I guess it's okay for you to stay here. But you have to promise to clean yourself up with your slime, we don't want anyone slipping in the house." Izuku stated.
"Yeah, I promise. Does this mean I can stay?" Mina asked, doing the cute puppy eyes again.
"Sure." Izuku nodded.
"AWESOME!" Mina jumped onto Izuku as she slipped out of the shirt and shorts wrapping her body on Izuku's head.
"I got a home and it's awesome!" Mina cheered stretching her upper body up and her fists in the air.
"Glad you're happy and all, but would you mind getting off Izuku! You're suffocating him." Yu said as Izuku struggles to get Mina due to her slimy body and getting hard to hold his breath.
"Oops, sorry." Mina chuckled.
KO a new chapter is done and hope you all enjoy it!
Mina the cute pink slime has arrive in Izuku's home and became a new resident as well upon the first meet was a little 'slippery' in the bathroom, making the Midoriya home one more monster exciting life. Let's hope Mina doesn't try to make the whole house slippery and I thought of the next monster girl who likes to go green praying for mother earth.
KO comment, favorite, and follow through of how this story will go!