Saturday with Girlfriend and Frog Girl

The sunlight shines through a window with the curtain almost open as the light shine on the bed with a young man making him groan wishing that the sun would go away and let him sleep some more, but knew he has to get up because he can't sleep in both day and night. Plus, he has plans for today with two special girls he knows.

The bedsheets of the bed got pushed toward the end of the bed showing the sleeping boy's appearance.

The boy round face framed by a short mess of fluffy dark green hair which sticks up at odd angles around his head, casting noticeably dark shadows onto itself. His eyes are large and somewhat circular, their irises the same green color as his hair, and are usually stretched quite wide, giving him an innocent appearance. He has a set of four symmetrical freckles in diamond formations, one on each cheek. He wears a pale white-blue shirt and dark blue shorts as his pajama.

The alarm clock next to the bed went off beeping loud, he moves his hand lazily pressing the button to turn it off, the young man started to wake up holding up his hand over his face to shield the eyes from the ray of the sun knowing it's a new day to start.

"Man, that was a good sleep." The boy said before letting out a yawn.

"You said it, Deku, sleeping with you is so relaxing." A girl's voice said peacefully.

"It's like hugging a body pillow made of flesh, ribbit." Another girl said making a frog sound.

"Yeah, glad you girls enjoyed it…" Deku yawned again.

Literally after five seconds his eyes shot open with tiny red veins and the sound of glass shattering from the background upon realizing that he isn't alone in his room, on his bed to be more specific.

He slowly turns to his right to find one girl rest on his right arm. She's a young woman of petite build, her skin fair and prone to blushing; she's always seen with a little pink mark on each of her cheeks no matter what her mood may be. Her eyes are large and round, their irises a warm brown, with rather thick upper eyelashes, two longer and more prominent ones protruding outwards on either side, and fewer but more individually pronounced lower eyelashes. Shoulder-length and about the same color as her eyes, her hair is bobbed and curved inwards at the ends, two longer clumps taking the same shape on either side of her face, and short bangs that reach roughly a quarter of the way down her forehead. She wears pink tank-top with one shoulder line is down and a black short as her pajama, her short is slide down a little almost revealing her pink panties. Breasts sizes: E-cup.

Deku turns his head to the other side to find the other girl resting on his left as she snuggles her face on his chest. She is also a young woman of a relatively thin build with notably large hands than any girls. She is very different than any other girls because her appearance is rather frog-like; she has a very wide mouth, which dips down a little in the middle just like that of a common frog, and oval-shaped eyes with large, black irises, their lower eyelashes visibly pronounced. Her hair is a dark sea-green color, and is very long, reaching all the way to her waist, the ends tied together at the bottom in a bow of hair. She has two shoulder-length clumps framing her face, and shorter bangs between her eyes, some of them partially swept to each side. Between her fingers are webbings and between her large feet. She wears a long sleeve light-green shirt and pants with cute pictures of little frogs as her pajama. Breasts sizes: F-cup.

"Holy Unexpected Wake Up!" Deku gasped, finding himself with two young and hot girls clinging onto him in bed.

"Deku, not so loud." The brown-haired girl moaned.

"Huh, sorry, but… I think it's time to wake up, Ochaco." Izuku said nervously as he shakes her to wake up.

"Aw, okay." Ochaco forced herself to sit up and stretch her arms out.

"Tsuyu, time for you to wake up too." Deku said, shaking the frog-like girl and she gets up rubbing her eyes a little.

"Good morning, Deku, Ochaco. And I told you to call me Tsu." Tsuyu greeted.

"Morning to you, I feel like I can survive school today from the good rest." Ochaco proclaimed, punching in the air a few times.

"Ribbit. I was a bit worried when you came home yesterday looking all worn out and fell on the floor after coming inside." Tsuyu remembered seeing Deku and Ochaco coming home together and Ochaco became too tried to walk anymore.

"Sorry, my boss from my part-time job made me work through the bone when we hit rush hour." Ochaco explained exclaiming.

Then suddenly Tsuyu shot her tongue which is long and fast past Ochaco narrowly touching the tip of her nose, which she jumps shock a bit, and caught a little fly that was buzzing near a wall on the other side of the room, she reattaches the tongue into her mouth along with the fly then she swallows it.

"Ribbit. Ribbit." Tsuyu pleased with the fly she ate.

"Sheesh, a little warning next time." Ochaco said, a little angry.

"Sorry, sometimes I can't control myself when it comes to flies since it is in my nature." Tsuyu stated.

"I guess that's to be expected being a monster girl." Izuku chuckled.

"Ribbit." Tsuyu blushed.

That's right, Deku is not kidding. Tsuyu Asui is in fact a monster frog girl.

Soon, the three made their way downstairs as Tsuyu starts making breakfast while Ochaco and Deku watch some TV in the living, and they saw the News about a certain subject that also involves Tsuyu.

"Good morning, all of Japan and the world too. Bringing to you today are the Demi-Humans pop idol band making everyone smile and their hearts pounding with their song." A News Woman announced.

"That's right, today also marks the Third Year Anniversary of the discovery of the Demi-Humans and the peace that has brought us all together which also lead to the "Inter-Species Exchange Program" Bill that we know today. The Bill was enacted to allow interactions between humans and none-humans species that until recently we're kept secret by the government." The News Man said.

"In the past three years, the world has gone through a major change accepting the Demi-Humans as one of our own and like they were a part of our society in the first place, living out their everyday life with everyone." The News Woman excited.

"Maybe the world the hasn't changed after all." The News Man chuckled and Ochaco change the channel.

"Man, I can't believe it's been three years since all the monsters that were consider legends to be actually true." Ochaco said.

"Yep, my family and friends were pretty shocked about it when they heard the government have deiced to let the world know about us, but we quickly grew a liking to it because most of it didn't like hiding in the shadows anymore." Tsuyu explained as she finished making the breakfast and sat down on her chair. She also wonders how her family is doing since she moved out.

Ochaco and Izuku join Tsuyu at the table and began eating the breakfast which was very good when the food entered their mouths.

"Hmm, great as always Tsu!" Ochaco smiled, giving the frog girl a thumb up.

"Thank you, it always helps learn this stuff when my parents weren't always home." Tsuyu nodded.

"Well, I hope you don't mind having a another joining you this morning." A woman voice whispered into Deku's ear that made him jump nearly off his chair.

"Huh? Miss Shimura?" Ochaco surprised.

The woman known as "Miss Shimura" is a beautiful woman with a tough demeanor. She is a fairly tall woman of slender yet voluptuous frame, and at the same time she's well-built. She has fair-skin, and has a small mole below her bottom lip, centered to the right, and sharp, intelligent eyes with quite long eyelashes. Her hair is dark and straight, kept shoulder-length with the exception of a clump of short bangs hanging above her forehead, and was usually styled in a half-up-half-down bun. She wears a black business suit consist of a buttoned shirt with a red tie, black skirt that goes down to her knee, dark brown pantyhose, and black high-heels. Breasts sizes: G-cup.

"Good morning to you all, and how are my two favorite hosts doing?" Miss Shimura asked as she pulls down her sunglasses.

"Huh, w-we're doing great, Miss Shimura." Deku greeted.

"And didn't I tell to not be so formal, it makes me feel old, so call my Nana." Nana reminded the too.

"Sorry, it's kinda hard to be friendly with an agent of the Inter-Species Exchange program, especially one who is Deku's Coordinator." Ochaco chuckled nervous.

"I still don't get why would you call yourself "Deku" since it means "One who cannot do anything" instead of being called by your name Izuku Midorya." Nana said.

"Well, I did hate it at first but when I first met Ochaco who changed my view of the name allowed her to call me that." Izuku explained.

"All from one complimented of a single girl who later became your girlfriend. Life is full of surprises as they say." Nana commented as she drinks her coffee and Ochaco blushes and giggles.

"So, do you have any plans for today?" Nana asked.

"Well, I was thinking that we could take Tsuyu out like going to the mall." Izuku suggested.

"Oh, that's a great idea! It's been three whole weeks since she moved in and I got today off from my part-time job!" Ochaco excited.

"Ribbit. Thanks, I appreciated, Deku." Tsuyu thanked.

"That sounds fun, but just remember the important rule of the Inter-Species Exchange Program Bill that you are not allow to harm any of the Demi-humans including the one who's living with you nor can you interact with them in sexual activates such as having sex." Nana reminded.

Suddenly Deku blew a raspberry of his milk while Ochaco and Tsuyu's faces turns red of embarrassment.

"M-M-M-Miss Nana, please! We were raised to follow the rules, and we graduated from high school too!" Ochaco stuttered.

"Alright, I best be getting to work." Nana said as she gets up.

"Here, I made it to-go for you." Tsuyu offered Nana a small box.

"Aw, thank you. I'll be sure to enjoy it." Nana said taking the small box and walk out the door.

"So, when are we going to the mall? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked.

"How about in the noon? That way we can have lunch their and see if there are anything we need while we're there." Izuku suggested.

"Cool, I actually wanted to see if we can get some new stuff consider our house is MUCH bigger than before." Ochaco pointed out.

"(She's right, our house has been through some major modification when Tsuyu. It's almost like they're expecting to have more monster girls move in.)" Izuku thought getting a weird feeling about it.


"Ribbit. Wow, this mall is bigger than I imagine." Tsuyu commented as she with Deku and Ochaco are walking, as it's said in the Inter-Species Exchange Bill that the demi-human cannot go outside without their host by their side.

"Yeah, it's really special that they almost have everything you'll need for a year or more!" Ochaco concurred.

While they made their way to the food court, Ochacho notice some people are looking at them with strange looks in their eyes though she knows better they're actually looking at Tsuyu because of her appearance as one of the Demi-humans. Despite the peace settle between humans and the Demi-humans, there are still few from both sides that don't agree with this change as they fear each other for something they can't understand, which is stupid in Ochaco's opinion.

They went to the food court as Tsuyu wanted to try something new for a change like wanting to try meat just this one time like a hotdog, but when she took her first bite she ran, or hop in her case, for the bathroom and threw up in the toilet as Ochaco comfort her for support. Apparently, even some half-human monsters don't always eat meat like humans do and the two hosts learned that the hard way. So, they got Tsuyu a nice bowl of salad and a glass of water as Tsuyu didn't want to ruin lunchtime for them.

After lunch, they gone to some stores like furniture and some clothes as Tsuyu needed to buy some consider the clothes she has are not much and wanted to get some new ones that will help fit with everyone and wanted to see if they look cute on her for Deku as he waits outside.

"Hey Ochaco, can I think you something? Ribbit." Tsuyu asked.

"Sure, what's up?" Ochaco asked back.

"It's been bothering me for a while, but are you in college or something?" Tsuyu asked curious.

The question made Ochaco feel sad as she mentally gasps, she knew Tsuyu would catch on to that consider they're old enough to go to college.

"Well, you see… we did had plan on going to college after graduating high school, but when we did…" Ochaco paused for a moment.

"Ribbit. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to." Tsuyu said.

"No, it's okay, it just something Deku doesn't like to talk about much. You see, his dad died." Ochaco revealed making Tsuyu silently gasps.

"It was the day after the ceremony, his dad had a disease in his hear that couldn't be cured. Spent his last day with his family and he died in his sleep, it hit Deku really hard more than his mom. He didn't want to go to college anymore because it where his dad went when he was his age, he thought going there would be painful memories of that day." Ochaco said.

"Oh, I guess it's not easy getting over the death of one's love ones." Tsuyu said, feeling sad on the inside.

"Yeah, he spent most of his time moping in his room for months. So, I had the selfish idea about moving away to another town and start a new life with me because I wanted to help him move on and maybe some day visit his dad's grave when he's ready." Ochaco explained.

"I see, it's never easy to move on from painful stuff, but it's important to honor the dead to remember them. Ribbit." Tsuyu stated.

"I know, right? That's what I've been telling Deku for a year since his dad's death. And slowly, but surely Deku is getting better then you came along." Ochaco mentioned.

"Ribbit. You mean when Deku entered the exchange program?" Tsuyu asked.

"Yep, but to be honest he thought it was about going studying in a different country." Ochaco giggled and Tsuyu giggles too.

"How'd he got that mix up?" Tsuyu asked.

"He's been asking himself that, but after getting to know you he went with being your host." Ochaco said.

"You know, I've been rejected by four hosts because of what I am. I almost thought Deku was like them, but he proven me wrong and showed my compassion treating me like a person. I was so happy!" Tsuyu smiled almost bursting in tears. Remembering how she met Deku and Ochaco that day three weeks ago.

"(Aw, she cherishes that day. It would be nice to share her with Izuku.)" Ochaco thought, mentally saying Deku's real name.

Once the girls finished shopping, they went to see Deku if there's anything else he wants to do.

"DON'T YOU DARE MOCK TSU?!" Deku shouted in rage as he punched a tall dark-skin man in the face sending him and his girlfriend flying a dozen feet crashing into another store across from here.

Both girls are shock with their eyes widen upon seeing Deku just landed a punch to a guy probably for saying bad things about Tsuyu from what he just shouted about.

"Huh, Deku… is everything alright?" Ochaco asked nervous.

"Yeah, nothing to worry about." Deku said, despite his hand that he used to punch is bleeding a bit.

"Deku, you didn't have to do that. Come on, "Hero" let get you patch up." Tsuyu said as they decided to call it a day and went back home while ignoring the shocking witnesses.

KO a new story is born and hope you all enjoy it!

This is a crossover story of My Hero Academia and Monster Munsume where Deku will get his own monster harem and maybe a few human lovers too if that's okay with you guys. I also need some ideas from you guys for what kind of monster girls should the female characters from the Hero anime would be like with Tsuyu being a frog monster, obviously. I have some ideas, but I would like to see what you guys think.

KO comment, favorite and follow through of how this new story will go!