I have officially hit rock buttom. I just pressed the bell on this house. I should be home, working on my machines, gathering data and preparing for the next competition. Instead, I am stuck here, meeting with a rabbit!

When Cream the rabbit came to us after a competition and asked to teach her how to ride an extreme gear, I told her no.

There was no way in hell any of us would waste our time with that. And what does Jet do? He talks with her and tells her that he will see what can be done?! And then, he orders me to take the role!?

What the hell?! Does he has any idea how painful this will be?! She even says that she thought it was a bad idea, since her mother wants to meet her teacher in person. I know I don't look exactly like a criminal but I seriously don't know what she will think. After all, I am an extreme gear racer. An expert on an illegal sport. Why would the mother let her do it in the first place?!

This can only end as a disaster. I added a long sleeves white jacket to my usual get up, with the zipper up, so I am not showing much skin. Hopefully this will help the first impression.

"Sonic and his crew were nobodies in extreme gear racing, yet in less than a month they outmatched us! This girl is part of his gang. Better keep an eye on future talents." Future talents my ass! OK, Jet was not wrong, but there is no way in hell this girl that barely knows how to clean herself can become a great racer that quickly.

Either way, I already accepted this, so the sooner I finish this, the better. *Crook.* The door opens. I try to suppress a sigh.

"Good evening." I say. In front of me, was an adult version of the tiny rabbit.

"Good evening." She offers a bow and I return it. I feel like an idiot. "My name is Vanilla. You are the teacher, I suppose?"

"Correct. My name is Wave the Swallow. My pleasure." I try to be as polite as possible. Even offering my best smile.

"My pleasure too. I am glad you accepted this dinner with us."

"Wouldn't have missed this." I lied. I really don't want to be here.

"Excuse me, but did I hear an edge?" Dammit. Did I screw this already? How do I manage this?

"Well, I don't mean to be disrespectful, but this dinner is not... all pleasant." I play around with my neck.

"Of course. You have to understand. The world is a very dangerous place, with lots of people that can fill her of bad habits. I let her have friends and all, but I worry about what could happen to her."

That, is something I understand too well.

"I understand. She will be fine."

"Thank you. My daughter has been through enough already." She says, but her body still looks tense. "Come in." She says and I do as ordered. Two steps into the house when I see a black blur come our direction. It sent a lot of air which forced me to cover my eyes. But I wish I hadn't pushed away my hand. A cold machine gun was aimed at me at point blank range.

...Fuck. What is with this welcoming?! A mostly black with bits of yellow and blue eyes is the one pointing at me with the weapon.

"Wait Gemerl" Oh, thank God. Cream came at the best of times. She came running down the stairs, in a panic.

"Gemerl, what are you doing?!" Vanilla is also surprised, but... they know the robot? Is it like their guardian?

"What is she doing here?" The bot demanded.

"I invited her over." Cream intervened.

"Are you nuts?!" Funny, unlike the girls, this guy doesn't even try to be polite.

But before anything else could happen, Vanilla grabbed the bot from the sharp tip on his head. He twitched a bit when that happened, I would like to think in pain, but that would be delusional. "She is our guest. And you are going to be nice to her." She is still somewhat calm.

"But." Gemerl could not finish as Vanilla just glared at it. The result: even I had a shiver run down my spine. I don't know what happened. It was just... creepy. "G-got it." Even the robot is uneasy.

"Now, come with me." Vanilla said, pretty much draggin the bot away. Now, Cream and I are alone.

"Goodnight Wave. I, wasn't expecting you." Cream told me.

"Didn't want me nearby?!" I almost snapped. Hey, I got a gun to my face a moment ago. I am not gonna sugar coat it.

"Sorry, I didn't mean that. It just that you are the mechanic. I know you are the busiest of the three. I expected either Storm or Jet honestly."

"Thought so too." It is all I say as I walk in. For now, I just observe the house. It is a nice and cozy home, but also simple. Nothing here to steal. At least, monetary speakin, as I see something rather interesting.

But, it raises way more questions like answers. Why the hell would Tails leave his journal, with words bold and written on the back of a binder, indicating that it's his, in the house of a stranger?

"Is something interesting over there?" Shit.

"Nothing. It is just so clean. It is nice." I am pretty sure I dodged that.

"Your partners are all males, right?" I look at Vanilla. "They tend to be less clean than women."

Keep it together, Wave. Plan this properly.

You are obsessing.

No, I am not.

And with the little worthless fox.

I am not!

Who sends a spy bot to someone if they are not worried, threatened, or worse.

That was to answer a question. I got over it.

Says the girl that just took the time to make a replica of the fox dairy, just so that they didn't realize it was gone!

Shut up me! God, I can be such a bitch, even with myself.

Do you even realize the massive risk this will turn into? They had a robot! Do you think it won't notice it is gone?! And what about Vanilla? Heck, Shorty himself might come back for it.

To that, I open the stupid binder on the last page. And, thankfully, the last date is from at least ten months ago. Now that I notice the pages... they seem to be of different notebooks, pierced at the end and introduced in this binder.

The date is from around the time the war with the Black Arms, around four months before I met the Eggman in person.

April 30, 2005.

I tried to shoot Shadow...

What the fuck?!

I had a Black Arms laser gun, he was distracted. I really thought I could take him down. I just thought, that he was not necessary. Or that he was more trouble than he was worth it.

He has turned against us so many times, he had sided with Eggman twice and now he sided with this aliens.

Is, is this for real? I had heard that the Shadow joined the Black Arms but I always thought it was a rumor, a lie, someone trying to ruin his image. I never thought he was a saint, but this?

I pulled the trigger. I thought it would hit him. Should have known it was naive. He easily dodge it. I think he would have pulverized me had Sonic not distracted him. God, how could I let that happen? God What was I thinking?

... I wanted to take away his life.

What is going on? What did Shadow do to put him like this? And why did the hedgehog trust the aliens? I went back a few pages for more info.

April 23, 2005.

The war continues, with G.U.N. soldiers everywhere. It is bad enough that the aliens are everywhere, destroying cities, but even G.U.N. is giving us no room to breathe. Everyone, and I mean everyone wants to kill us!

For Chaos, we are the good guys. We helped save the world several times! We have done so much for everyone!

But all of this is Shadow's fault. Can he choose a side already?! "I want my memories. I can't trust anyone blindly." He says. Why can't he just believe us?! Sonic has been helping him, even when everyone else attacks him. Why can't he just believe him?! Oh, but the freaky alien with one eye word is trustworthy.

Sonic tells us that we must help him, no matter what, that he will take the right decision at the right time. But I... I am starting to doubt it. He let so many people get hurt. He hurt some himself. Not to mention the casualties and his past atrocities.

Heck, chances are he is going to lose his memory again in less than a year and we will go through this hell ALL OVER AGAIN! This is like the fourth time!

I just want this to end...

...Damn, I can tell this upset him more than I ever did. And that's just by looking at his writing get messier and messier at the end. Also, fourth time? How severe is his amnesia problem? But in the end, Shadow stopped the aliens. I wanna know but it seems he has that info in a newer diary or something.

... Dammit. I am very curious now. What other little things are hidden in here? But where do I start? Should I go to the beginning? Probably for the best.

So, I just do that. And... it is just numbers? 23 8 25? He wrote... Why... He coded it. Must have had problems with people reading it. Huh, maybe he left this with the rabbits for that very reason.

According to the year... He was about 5 years old when this was written. Let's see...

March 13 2002

Why? I just build a turbine. A mini one. It was made from scraps! Trash that the other orphans tossed! Oh, but now that it is useful, they feel like breaking it again. Why? I never did anything to hurt anyone!

Except do something useful and upset the envious children... I had to deal with it... Dammit, my problems were different, but it hits close to home.

The next few days, it just rutinary things. He builds some stuff, he got in trouble with the other kids, those kids accused him to the owner of the orphanage and got him in trouble. But then...

May 23 2002

I was saved by a blue blur. His name was Sonic the hedgehog... Miss Fair said he was only a myth, but he was real! He was moving so fast! I wanna meet him again!... What would he think if that happened? He would probably be disappointed or maybe not notice me at all. I am... not special. Really, I bet he would find any other kid interesting.

Huh. So he just met Sonic when he was still in the orphanage. Wait, does Sonic has the legal capacity to adopt anyone? Reading on.

May 28 2002

Oh my Chaos! My Chaos! Everything turned out so perfect! Every fiber of my being was in war because Sonic had this neat airplane, and I wanted to see it and break it apart, then put it back together. But I also knew that messing with other people stuff without their permission is incorrect.

In the end, my bad side won... I went and started tinkering with the vehicle. And, then he just appeared behind me. God, I was so afraid at the moment. Considering how he destroyed those robots, I thought I was in danger. Strangely enough, he was super nice and even said that he wanted a partner. Goodness! He asked me if I could acompany him.

HE ASKED ME TO ACOMPANY HIM! Nobody had ever asked me to join them. I was the last getting picked up in games. I was the last to eat, to play with the toys. I was never chosen... but he chose me... Oh ho. What if I am not good enough?! I mean, he is in constant danger and much else. Why did he chose me?! I am a five years old kid!

So, now you are gonna complain about getting an older brother that is taking care of you?! What a crybaby... Well, baby is rather appropiate. Nothing interesting so far.

June 5 2002

Sonic... is kind of a pig... Ok, I said it. Well, I wrote it but still. Like, I only get him to help me tidy up once every other week, with me doing most of the cleaning. This place has half eaten chili dogs and their packages everywhere. It is a small place, so... But still, it is way better than the orphanage.

When I need him, he defends me. He supports me. When I am thinking negative, when I think I can't trust myself with what he asks me... He says to trust him because he trust me... It sounds sooo... silly. But it works. He trully is inspiring. How I hope to become like him?

Boring. I flip the pages... Going on and adventure to stop Eggman's death star... Catching Sonic while he was falling from outer space with the plane... Going to the little planet and time travel?

January 7 2003

What a crazy... How much time were we there actually? It's just we went to the distant past and the distant future while we were on the little Planet. We... got to see what Robotnik would achieve if he is left alone. The world turned completely unnnatural, filled to the brim of machines, as if they grew and expanded like a forest. That is Robotnik's plan: moving like a virus and getting rid of all nature in the world. It was also gorgeous to see that balance of nature and machinery when we stopped him.

Also, I got to meet Sonic's fangirl. Amy Rose... What a weird girl. She even had the same hairstyle as Sonic.

"Pffffffft. WHAT?!" I scream with a laughter. "She had the same hairstyle as Sonic!" I repeat with amusement and laughter again. She looks so stupid in my mind. OMG. And I thought that crazy fangirl couldn't do anything crazier! I calm down a bit and think that it is not usual to be this happy when I am proven wrong. Reading on.

She is soo energetic. She refused to let Sonic go. I think she idolizes him more than I do: Sonic, had to fight a robot, with the girl on his back... because she refused to let go.

I laugh again.

I... couldn't make this up even if I tried.

See, I bet Shorty was laughing.

She... is kinda... I don't know. It feels like she can light up a room. The way she smiles, the light on her eyes, her contagious happiness...

Wait a sec... The rest of the page is a laundry list of things describing the girl. And it actually continues on the next page. First time he does that too, every other day was condenced into one page.

Wait a sec... Amy was Tails' first crush?! I reread it... Yeah, this is what a kid with a crush thinks like. I couldn't make this up, even if I tried.

Reading on...

April 10 2003

I couldn't believe it was possible. Super Sonic felt invincible, untouchable. And Knuckles just punched the power out of him.

What? Is he referring to the red, idiotic one? Someone else from the Knuckle tribe?

Also... Super Sonic? I had only heard about Super Shadow, who single handedly stopped the alien invasion. If Sonic can become so powerful...

And Knuckles just... punched the powers out? What? How?! I mean... he was strong and was capable of hitting Storm on his board, so he isn't completely incompetent.

But if anything... he was the weak link of the trio. Sonic was much faster and just about as strong, and Tails is the mechanic (for as much as I can't stand thinking that). He doesn't...

Add anything important? Do you need to be reminded about how wrong you were about the fox?

...Goddammit. It is just like with Tails. I have nothing on this guy. Not even rumors. I know about the Master Emerald and that he is supposed to guard it, but... what else?.. The master Emerald has a connection to the rest of the gems (obviously), but what else? What makes it particular?

Knuckles the Echidna. Eggman might have tricked the red anthro into cooperation, but he was crazy smart.

What? Like, are you serious? This feel like a joke.

He had so many traps hidden left and right. We just kept triggering one after the other!

...I have lost the very little respect I had for both of you. The Echidna was so easy to trick and he tricked you two?! I mean, tricking them was not that hard either. I don't know anymore.

It was good we managed to help him get the giant Emerald back. What was even weirder, was that weird mural on the underground cavern. It, literally had a blue hedgehog, surrounded in a gold aura while fighting a giant robot that stole the Master Emerald...

Was he high?

I don't believe in destiny, but how many hedgehogs with super powers that can turn gold are out there?

Two with Shadow and counting... Although, does that mean that Amy can turn Super too? Need more data.

And the chances of this thing being so exact... It... can't be coincidence, can it?

Just like I thought, it is too much coincidence... Although, what does this mean? Shorty, you are giving me a lot of homework from this reading session.

Are you going to make this an habit? Like, multiple sessions?

Goddammit me. No. Concentrate. Read as fast as you can. Only important stuff.

Going the four (Amy, Knuckles Tails and Sonic) on an adventure, meeting Cream the rabbit, Eggman putting Sonic some slow down shoes (I skim this one, but Tails has no details on the adventure), Tails confessing to Amy... Tails confessing to Amy.

That is not important.

A quick skim through this one.

That is not important.



It, takes me more will power to ignore this than I will ever admit. So tempting.

Going to another dimension... What? This even has two sets of dates.

October 22 2003/ September 1 1998

How, did this happen? Eggman had kidnapped Cream, had a Chaos Emerald and we were about to infiltrate his facility. Nothing new... That felt insensible...


But then, there was this massive light that engulfed his entire facility. When I came to it, I was alone. It took me a couple of days, but I finally reunited with Sonic and eventually, the rest of the gang.

We are living with the Thorndikes, a rather rambicous family. But they are nice. They offered us home, food and their time. I am spending time with Chuck the most, who happens to be a good mechanic and an extensive provider of goods.

Lucky bastard. This one is actually two pages long.

They even gave me materials to continue my journal. But... We know that Eggman is in this dimension too. I... can't help but think he has lost some of his edge, but he is still so unpredictable and dangerous.

If they get hurt because of us... I don't want to even imagine. Sonic is incredible, but he is too inmmerse in exploring this world... He usually comes just in time to save everyone... But if he can't...

Then stop crying and man up... Yeah, even for me, that was uncalled for. I don't discriminate because of age, but he is a 6-7 years old boy on the paper, so it is understandable. Or more now that he did mention time traveling. Can't be that much though.

April 15, 2004/ February 27 1999

I... My God. That went so wrong. Eggman had all of them. All Chaos Emeralds to power his robot. That beat down... Even now I feel shivers. I had never seen such pain and weakness in Sonic. We only made it out with a miracle. I am just... so scared. I don't think I will sleep tonight.

What? What happened? Why is he so afraid? All the previous pages go with a normal, at ease pace and writing. He usually had much else to say. I notice the binder shake, and it was because my hand is restless. What? I just read what Shorty wrote. He is a younger kid than me, of course he is going to be afraid of smaller things.

You almost let Eggman put his hands on the Emeralds and the Babylonian treasures.

... Dammit. Reading on.

July 13, 2004/ May 16 1999

Eggman threw a nuke at the city. The size of a skyscrapper.

That is one heck of a headline.

And I deactivated it.

I blink twice.

I managed to save it. Not Amy, not Chris, not even Sonic. I went to the giant rocket, with my palpitations ranging on my ears. My heart on my throat. But I did it. It felt so good. But why my legs still feel like jelly?

I chuckled at that, but it is sincere.

But I did it. And, it feels like only I could have done it. Or at least, it was thanks to what makes me different that I made the difference. A hero. That is what people started calling me. It feels great.

Had a little ego boost there, Shorty? But... I guess you are not all that useless after all. A giant nuke. Not too shabby.

July 15, 2004/ May 18 1999

The water God Chaos. I don't understand why Eggman constantly messes with these monsters. He powered him up and, boom, the Monster betrayed him. It serves him right, but dealing with a giant water monster that drowned an entire city was troublesome. If Super Sonic didn't appear again, what would have happened?

It is strange... I am nowhere as afraid or upset as other times. Am I getting used to all this action? I hope so, because something tells me it is only going to get crazier.

No comment here.

November 12, 2004?/ September 07 1999

Shadow the hedgehog. What an enigma. Just like Sonic, he had the capacity to use Chaos Control... No, in fact he was far better than him. And Eggman... How could I have been so stupid? You had one job: trick the scientist. But he outsmarted you and almost killed Sonic, again. That is becoming too much of an habit. Suddenly, it doesn't feel like he lost his edge at all.

I might have won in the mech battle, but it was too close. The giant lizard Monster, the giant Space Colony Ark almost crashing on the planet... Everything was too close. I don't understand Shadow. Why did he joined Eggman? Why did he then joined us in saving the world? It is true that he doesn't feel evil or mad. Just sad. What happened to you?

Wait, the Space Colony Ark was the space station from where the alien shot the world, so why was in that world? Tails mentioned teleporting to another dimension, so did it teleported with them? Was it there? Also, Shadow was there? From what it seems, Shorty met him there, so... And what are with this dates? 2004 was around the time there were two Eggmans: One with red Clothing and one with Black. So they were here, but it says he was there... Fuck it. At this point, this is his secret fanfic or something.

I flip through the pages, until I notice a page with messy writing.

December 15, 2004?/ October 12 1999

What is their problem?! They had figured out Emerl, they knew how to stop him, so why did no one do anything about it? Why let Cream fight him?!

I am sorry, what?

Emerl... he was everyone friend. We all cared for him. But Cream was the closest. Heck, she is the youngest of us. Younger than me! Why did you let her destroy him? I demanded an explanation, but Sonic just said I would understand later. Are you crazy?!

Emerl... He is probably an earlier version of Gemerl (real clever naming right there, idiots). And, they let Cream destroy him? That, doesn't make much sense... I start to feel dizziness, acidity reaching my throat.

A robot is hackable, so Eggman probably did something. So they had to fight the robot... Why let Cream? Heck, how can that little girl defeat a robot that was beating Sonic?

Keep an eye on new talents.

Maybe watching the Rabbit won't be boring after all.

I need to continue onward.

January 31 2004

What the fuck? January 2004? Did he time travel? Wait, I have heard of this. Different dimensions travel at different time, so...

Sonic came on the nick of time, as always. I was fighting Eggman. I struggled, as always. I tried to be the hero, tried to stop him. But I failed... but I don't feel mad at myself. Even without my hero, I jumped into the feud. I wasn't thinking, I need to stall him, make time for Sonic's return. I thought that I would confront him and that I would stop him until my last breath. Of course, I didn't achieve that, but I did not feel like it was a waste or just a stall. I feel like, I have gone somewhere.

Nothing interesting.

The next several days are him just... working on his machines, nothing interesting... other than finding that he sort of had a crush on me or something, apparently.

March 16, 2004

Wave the swallow. It is rare to see a woman in the scientific world, no sexism intended... Why do I clarify that in my own journal? Anyway, she is a purple swallow thief. She and her team uses special boards called extreme gears, which permit even the user to reach Sonic like speeds. And the thing is... she is the head developer on this area.

Everyone follows her example, her designs and try to improve on them, but she just improves herself time and time again. She is a thief, she is mysterious, but can't help but admire her work.

And we know how that went.

With you obsessing with him.

I am not obsessed! Flipping on... And I stop when I noticed a very weird peace of paper.

The paper was destroyed, not as if it was cut into several, exact pieces by a machine. But rather, as if someone grabbed the paper and ripped apart several times, rather thoroughly. But then, it was pasted back with invisible tape and put back together almost perfectly. And this trend continues for a while...

July 25, 2004

Metarex. That was what Cosmo called them. Sonic fought him with the emeralds, and still thought it was necessary to send the Emeralds to space just to make sure they didn't get them.

...That sounds retarded.

I will admit, not his best plan.

Oh great, guess you are developing some common sense. Or were...

This girl Cosmo, she informed is that they stole the planet egg of our world. The source of all life. She also mentioned that our world was taking more time in disappearing, for whatever reason. But that eventually, our world would die. But I have the means to chase after those monster.

Now that I think about it... these dates make sense. There was a month long period of shortage as animals and crops died and the water turned undrinkable without any clear reason. We survived fine, but required some resource management. Studies suggested that it started at least three months before it was noticeable, so we prepared. So this Metarex were behind that?

Powerful enough to defeat a super, and with the technology to steal a planet full force. You guys have dealt with some insanity.

Day 65 in Space

Must have realized his date thingies are never acurate.

Cosmo and I split up from the group. Cosmo was so afraid. I... had to be strong. I was afraid too. But I am used to this. And, she wasn't as helpless as she think she is. I was bleeding and, without a second thought, she ripped a part of her dress and patched me up, and it felt so... nice. So warm and caring. If I was able to keep my stuff together was thanks to her own influence. My first reaction to blood was nowhere near that smooth... Oh God, has she seen blood before?

She lost her civilization, but how close was she to the carnage? How much horror has she seen? She is too calm at most of our situations, not like someone without experience. I... don't want her to keep suffering. I... will protect you Cosmo. That is a promise.

And that, represents the start of Tails obsessing with that Cosmo girl. Thinking of protecting her, noticing little things like a twitch on her eyes when she is happy, a party with the help of the Chaotix. Heck, he even talks about the smell of her hair, which doesn't sound creepy at all. And, if this dates are correct... They spent almost a year together. But the environmental crisis lasted just four months... Time traveling again?

But then... well, if his writting was messy with the aliens and Shadow, it doesn't even compare to this one.

Day 342 in Space


You are not gonna win. I will destroy you. Every single last of you Metarex will be destroyed. Your link to Cosmo will be severed and she will be free. She will be happy. I swear it.

...Fuck. He is intense in this one. What did they do to her? Sever her link? What, were they psychics or something? I really hope he gets into more detail. Anyway...

I flip to the next page but it is blank. And the only thing on it is a dried out pink petal, stuck with tape too. Weird. And... the next... and the next... and the next... At least a month of this... What happened? I mean, one day he was in cloud nine for the girl, the next he is furious and now... he doesn't even write down. Heck, what happened with these ripped apart pages? Was it someone else? But why? There isn't any incriminating information in this. It is mostly just Tails talking about...

Fuck... Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. She... died, didn't she? She was close to their gang, so if she was still around, I would have already seen her by now. And if she was just away or something, Shorty wouldn't have... depressed up so harshly. This petals must have some sentimental value to the girl.

"WAVE!" I jump on my bed. It was Jet.

"What?" I answer.

"Get up. Breakfast and then training."

"In the middle of the night?" Did he hit his head? Ever since he lost to Sonic, he has been a lot more demanding with his training. But this is getting ridiculous.

"It is already morning!"

I am sorry, what? I go and pull the courtain. And just like he said, it is already morning. "Son of a b."

A.N1: Hey people... This little chapter was a bit of a pain to structure: I wanted the X dimension to be part of the structure, mostly to set up the idea that Sonic gang is older than records say, mostly just to cheat on the age gap (since Wave is 10 years older than Tails).

But that meant that SA and SA2 happened in Chris world, which meant that all that research stayed in the other dimension, so Sonic's world would not know anything about the Space Colony Ark or its history. That also meant that the aliens were in both dimensions, as well of Gerald, that Gerald got the emeralds to the X dimension, the GUN General should not know about Shadow or even be familiar with Maria without some insane series of coincidences and the list just goes on...

Long story short, it was plot hole after plot hole. There are other cannon hops through dimensions like in Sonic Rush Adventure and the Dark Chronicles, where I could have add the amount of years I wanted, but felt better this way.

It is not like Sega has an official timeline or anything. Anyone who actually knows, you can tell me. I might even consider changing things here a bit.

A.N. 2: So, I know I upload this together but the other side is gonna take a while. So, conform with this for now. I will get to that, but with the quarantine, I only wanna play some RPGs I had there, catching dust, so no promises for anything new soon.