I do not own any of the characters from this amazing show. They are creations of Thomas Astruc, Jeremy Zag, Wilfred Pain, and many more. I have created
new characters for this fan fiction only.
I was inspired by Remasa to write a fanfiction in the murder genre, I would like to thank her for her guidance and help.
Also thanks to my friend AmericanDemiGod for supporting me.
A special thanks to my beta reader, One, for helping me with all the mistakes, I wouldn't have been able to write it without One's help.
This is the first time I am writing a murder mystery, just thought to give it a shot.
Please feel free to write anything you want in the reviews and PM, I don't mind criticism either.
Chat Noir's Naivety
Chapter 1 - Hotel Le Grand Paris
"Why? Don't you trust me?" Chat Noir said as he and Ladybug stood on the topmost floor of the Eiffel Tower.
"I do…but…" Ladybug's voice trailed off.
"What's wrong about revealing our identities?" asked Chat Noir.
"There is a lot of danger in doing that," said Ladybug.
"But, we'll be together. What can possibly go wrong?" Chat Noir inquired.
"Chat please…" Ladybug closed her eyes with frustration.
"You know who Rena Rogue and Carapace are," Chat Noir kept on pressing the point, "And everyone in Paris knows who Queen Bee is".
"But that's a different story, it's not their miraculous that the super villains are after, it's our miraculous," Ladybug tried to reason.
"I hate secrets," Chat Noir muttered.
"Fine, then you can go on complaining, you'll only regret it later. Try to understand that this is not only about me, but this is also about you as well. You'll also be safe if I don't know who you are. And believe me, keeping secrets from you is the last thing I want to do, but I don't have a choice," Ladybug said as she swung her yoyo and flew away.
The streets of Paris were filled with shadows cast by the evening sun. Chat Noir remained on the rooftop, recollecting his feud with Ladybug. He felt a bit guilty about going a bit overboard and for starting this heated conversation. He made up his mind to apologize to Ladybug that night at Hotel Le Grand Paris.
Marinette looked out of her window as the sun sank lower in the sky, the light of day drained away giving way to the velvety dark of night. She had already given the miraculous to Alya, Nino, and Chloe for the 'Heroes Appreciation Event' at the Hotel Le Grand Paris. It was Chloe's idea that all heroes should be together for a social event and her father, the Mayor agreed. Marinette knew for a fact that Chloe was merely attempting to divert all the attention on her as Queen Bee. She dreaded the idea of attending but decided that the other heroes, Rena Rouge, and Carapace needed their fair share of attention as well. She remembered Alya telling her that Rena Rogue and Carapace had saved Paris and yet no one had appreciated them. However Rena Rogue was not willing to go without Ladybug and thus Marinette eventually made up her mind to attend the event.
But now she was skeptical of attending the event, especially after her feud with Chat Noir. But, a promise was a promise, and she had promised Rena Rogue to be there.
Marinette transformed and went to the Intercontinental Le Grand Hotel, to find Rena Rogue and Carapace waiting for her. The reporters were jam-packed and Ladybug understood that having more heroes definitely caught the eye of the public and the media. They entered the entrance hall and found decorated with balloons and flyers. The press was inside as well with Nadja Chamack leading them.
"Ladybug", said Queen Bee as she went towards her, giving her a somewhat uncomfortable hug. Ladybug could have sworn she now realized how uncomfortable Adrien would often feel when attacked by Chloe's hug.
"Hi, Cho...I mean Queen Bee," said Ladybug. She was definitely not in a mood to talk or offend anyone.
"You came, along with these two…" said Queen Bee as she stared at Carapace and Rena Rogue.
"Ah! Ladybug. So glad you could make it," said the Mayor.
"Good evening, Mayor Bourgeois", said Ladybug.
"Where's Chat Noir?" asked the Mayor.
"Never mind him, introduce us to the distinguished guests", said Chloe.
"Of course, Ladybug, Carapace and Rena Rogue, I would like you all to meet the people who have been invited for the heroes' event, in light of their remarkable dedication to their work," said the Mayor as the four superheroes walked towards the center of the hall.
"First, as you all know Gabriel Agreste, the best fashion designer in France," the Mayor introduced.
"It's wonderful seeing you here, Ladybug", Gabriel greeted. He had not the slightest inclination of attending the event, since his public appearance at the Grand Palais. He had however decided to attend the event when he heard about the superheroes who would be coming. Hoping to carefully observe his nemesis, he decided to take this opportunity to bombard questions at Ladybug about her life other than her superhero work and record her voice with a tape-recorder and have it analyzed. Of course, in order to be extremely cautious as to not arouse suspicion, Gabriel Agreste had spent days racking his brains to come up with appropriate questions that would link her civilian life to her superhero life.
"Ladybug, tell me…" he was cut off by none other than the Mayor himself.
"I'd like you all to officially meet my wife, Audrey Bourgeois", said the Mayor.
Greeting the fashion critic with the extremist amount of curtsy they could generate, the superheroes heard a loud noise in the distant background. Chat Noir had arrived. Ladybug felt uncomfortable and decided not to say a word to him and glanced to the other side, ignoring him. Chat Noir had his eyes glued Ladybug as he approached the center of the hall where everyone was gathered. He did feel guilty about what he had said earlier, he knew he didn't mean to start an argument with the only girl whom he loved. It was merely a slip of tongue owing to the level of frustration he had been experiencing. In the deep corners of his heart, he truly wished to know who she was, but he knew that keeping her happy and respecting her wishes should be his top priority. He had realized that Ladybug wanted nothing more than to keep him safe which was why she insisted on them keeping their identities a secret. He had been practicing his apology speech in his mind for the past three hours.
"Chat Noir, how good of you to come," the Mayor said.
"Thank you," said Chat Noir. He wasn't his usual self tonight. He was in no mood to make puns or flirt with Ladybug.
"And now this is Clara Pierce, she is a renowned delegate and has participated in many of the UN press conferences", said the Mayor introducing the superheroes to the blonde.
"This is Wickmayer, the renowned French Doctor. This Yuri Martin, he was invited tonight for his excellent services in the rehabilitation center. This is Célia, a renowned French actress and singer. She has won numerous awards in the film industry and has been invited for her services to the performing arts and finally, this is Louis Raymond, a renowned novelist whose stories revolve around crime," said the Mayor has he finished what would be called a long introduction.
"This is Ladybug, as you all know, the beautiful super-heroine who always saves the day. Chat Noir, her most trusted partner. Rena Rogue and Carapace and this is…" the Mayor was still talking as he was cut off by Queen Bee.
"Queen Bee, I am Queen Bee, Ladybug's BFF, we both are super close and I am most loyal to her", said Queen Bee as she finished.
Ladybug and the other heroes thought it best to remain silent. The other people nodded nonchalantly, while Audrey Bourgeois was least interested. Gabriel Agreste began to wonder how an intelligent girl like Ladybug could have given a miraculous to someone like Chloe. He stopped in his thoughts as he realized he was praising Ladybug!
"Now, the event is about to begin, so shall we be seated?" asked the Mayor as he escorted everyone to the platform. Nadja and the media came forward as ready as ever to record the ongoing speech which was to be delivered.
The Mayor did talk a great deal and spoke about the contributions of all the attendants, though making sure that Audrey would have prior importance. Audrey and the rest of the people had already stated that they weren't interested in giving any speech. This being the case, the Mayor invited Ladybug to come forward and give a speech. Chat shifted back in his seat. While Gabriel Agreste took out the tape-recorder from his coat, ready to record Ladybug's voice in the hopes of getting to analyze her voice, he knew that in order to do so, she would have to talk for a great length. He had never thought of doing this before. He had several footages of her speaking after an Akuma attack but she never really spoke more than a few sentences. She never attended any other events or functions and her interview with Nadja, before Nadja was akkumatised into Prime Queen, had been removed from the net and Gabriel couldn't use his power to ask for the footage as it might arouse suspicion. When she was in his home, it would have been impossible as he was busy transforming from Gabriel to Hawk Moth and back to Gabriel. The tape recorder was at the edge of Gabriel's sleeves. Now, was the moment, the golden opportunity to do so.
Soon the hall echoed with cheers from the media as Ladybug stepped forward to the mike.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, I am afraid I won't much to say tonight so Carapace would be filling in for me", said Ladybug.
Gabriel Agreste was taken aback. The tape recorder was at his sleeves and he wouldn't be able to push the stop button, not when the media was in front of him, it would be way too suspicious.
"Good evening everyone. Firstly I'd like to thank the Mayor for...", as Carapace went on, the media continued to take photographs and record his speech. Chat Noir tried his best to get Ladybug's attention but in vain. Rena Rogue and the others listened as Carapace went on. Meanwhile, Audrey and Gabriel showed the least interest. Audrey was busy fixing her nails while Gabriel Agreste was finding a hard time to switch off the tape recorder, he definitely didn't want to record Carapace's voice.
Luckily for Gabriel, Carapace's speech was short with the ending, "A special thanks to Ladybug for allowing me to be here".
He was received with applause and cheers from the crowd. Gabriel smiled thinking that the right moment to switch off the tape recorder and tuck it back into his coat had arrived as the media were to take a small break. However his anticipation was ruined as Queen Bee jumped up from her seat in all ecstasy and went towards the mike.
"Good evening, Parisians. I would like to announce that this occasion also marks one month since Ladybug and I have been BFFs. I was her number one fan and now I am her number one BFF", said Chloe as she went on spouting nonsense about her friendship and teamwork with Ladybug.
Ladybug having already made up her mind to not interact as much as possible this evening, sat calmly and sighed. Chat Noir had his eyes fixed on her at all times. The presence of his father at the same event didn't seem to bother him for he was present as Chat Noir and not as Adrien. His main goal was to apologize to Ladybug.
Gabriel Agreste, on the other hand, gave a mental slap on the forehead as Chloe/Queen Bee went on rambling about her and Ladybug. Knowing that if he had held the tape-recorder in his hand, the media would have taken notice, he had inserted it under his sleeve. It was now difficult to remove it in front of everyone in the media.
After talking a great deal, Queen Bee returned to her seat and Nadja and her team went to take a break. Gabriel Agreste sighed in relief as he removed the tape-recorder and tucked into his coat.
Author's Note - The characters other than the ones in the show are fictional and are not based on anyone. Clara Pierce is not to be mistaken for Clara Nightingale.