Disclaimer: First Chapter
Story Start!

"The Uzumaki are Living Contradictions, but you know this already, seeing as you are an Uzumaki."

Saber stood with her sword at her hip as she watched her Master sitting in a meditative stance across from an elderly Uzumaki, who was nearing his 600th year of life. While many believed the Uzumaki only lived to be around 200 years old, that thought was by nature incorrect. Apparently, the lifespan of an Uzumaki had limits on it that could actually be extended.

Uzumaki tradition.

When an Uzumaki turned 15 years old, it was tradition for the Uzumaki to contact the current Guru Uzumaki, since Uzumaki lived a long time, the current Guru Uzumaki (when an Uzumaki became a Guru, they would give up their given name) would come up from the whirlpools and make an attempt at teaching the young Uzumaki about the secrets of their bodies and how they could one day achieve the use of magic.

"Of course I do, I've been one all my life..." Kushina was a young and arrogant girl, confident in all things that she did.

Saber smiled proudly at that fact.

"Then you know why Uzumaki can't use our magic then?" Guru asked Kushina with a teasing smile.

She paused.

"That, I don't know." Kushina shrugged her shoulders. She watched as the Guru reached out and touched his hand against the grass they were sitting on. The grass started to grow quickly, before the grass that he touched directly died and only the grass further away from where he touched stayed alive. "... Was that magic?" Kushina asked with a look of surprise.

Guru shook his head.

"No, the Uzumaki clan are Living Contradiction. Our emotions are constantly in conflict with themselves, we can do things normal humans can't, and sometimes can't do things normal humans can. The Uzumaki descended from the reverse, but took to the oceans and not the sky. Our magic does not naturally come from our bodies or our spirits, our magic comes from our connection to the Reverse Side of the World." Guru explained to Kushina the basics of what their magic could be considered.

It was everything and it was nothing, it existed in the world while in their bodies, but the second it left their bodies it vanished like it had never been there.

"You just used it though." Kushina pointed out.

"I did not, I simply channeled it through my chakras and into the ground. In this world, the 'Energy' of the planet is filled with hatred and malice... but the magical power of the Uzumaki comes from the Reverse Side of this World... it is filled with love and life, so powerful and condensed that it kills what it touches... it is a conflicting energy that is too powerful." Guru channeled the energy into the air itself, and Kushina watched as she was able to see natural energy conflicting with the way he released the energy in his body into the air.

The hatred of the world and the love of the reverse world were in constant conflict, and the air gave off a stench of death and terror before the two energies that were battling negated each other completely.

"... So, we can't use magic, even if we CAN use magic?" Kushina didn't quite understand, but she did understand.

The World itself hated the Uzumaki's magic.

"Long ago, the world was one with itself, neither was the energy loving or hateful, but one day the world sealed itself away into the side we live on, and the Reverse Side of the World where the Uzumaki were originally from. When we first travelled to this world, we were cursed with Contradiction and thus lost our ability to use our magic... here Kushina, channel your energy." Guru spoke as he gave Kushina his golden staff that had Uzumaki sealing symbols on it. She looked at it for a moment, and she puffed her cheeks out.

She tried her hardest, but she was unable to channel any energy into it at all.

Saber watched with a raised eyebrow.

"I can't, big deal... I'm not an adult yet, so of course I can't do it-"

"You're Root Chakra has not been unblocked, Uzumaki have exceedingly great fertility, but such long lifespans that we have no real use for breeding so our numbers are low. Rather, our sexual stamina is also so vast we are afraid of finding partners to except us... we fear our own survival, but seek it." Guru explained to her, and Kushina nodded her head, trying to understand what it was that she was suppose to be learning.

"There are... 7 Chakras... right?" Kushina had heard of them before when she was in Japan.

Saber nodded to her.

"For humans, the more chakras that they have blocked, the stronger their magic becomes in response as it gets more condensed in the body. The stronger their magic, the weaker their physical energy... but we are humans from the Reverse Side. Our Chakras are naturally blocked by our constantly conflicting nature, and because of that we are unable to use magic outside of our bodies. The more Chakras we unblock, the more pure the magic we can channel is." Guru reached out to Kushina and touched her.

The tip of his finger touched below where her womb was, the lowest party of her torso without quite touching her vagina. His finger glowed slightly, but when his finger glowed Kushina could see black marks appearing on his body. They travelled up his legs, went up his torso, but stopped at his heart.

Half of his body had the black markings.

"I, as Guru, have unlocked 4 of the 7 Chakras, before an Uzumaki can use Seals to Channel their magical power they must have unlocked 1 Chakra, the Root chakra. Now, wield the staff." Guru gave the staff back to Kushina.

When she tried to use it, the markings on the staff glowed might gold and her eyes widened in shock to the point she dropped the staff. She looked at her own hands in shock, she looked at her legs and saw black markings going up then. She lifted her shirt up and saw that the black markings appeared all the way up to the Chakra point that Guru touched and unlocked for her.

"Wh-what did you do?" Kushina was stunned.

Saber had both of her eyebrows shooting up in surprise.

"The Root Chakra is the Chakra of Survival, and can be unlocked the easiest. It is the Chakra that is unblocked when an Uzumaki trusts their life into the hands of another, and has magic run through that point." Guru told her, and she stood up.

Kushina channeled her magical energy, and the black lines ran up her legs and went all the way up to the point of her body that was unblocked. She could feel magical power surging through her entire body, but because she could now feel it surging, she could feel just how blocked off and limited it was.

"Saber, can I shoot magic at your face?" Kushina asked, and Saber looked at her in surprise when Kushina pointed her hands at Saber.

She had to know, and Saber was highly magic resistant.

"You can't, if an Uzumaki uses magic outside of their bodies before the flow is strong enough, the magic in our bodies will become corrupted by the World's Hatred and Malice far worse than that of any Senjutsu user." Guru explained to Kushina, who blinked and stopped doing what she was trying to do.

She wanted to make flowers grow all over Saber's pretty face, as a joke of course and not as an attack.


"We Uzumaki must unlock at least 3 Chakras AND learn Senjutsu before we could ever dream of using magic without being corrupted by the world's hatred. Even then, the effects are best used when we channel magic through Sealing Objects instead of through the air." Guru gestured for Kushina to sit down.

She did after a moment.

"... So... how do I unlock the rest?"

"The Root Chakra, the Sacral Chakra, the Solar Plexus Chakra, the Heart Chakra, no Uzumaki has ever opened more than these 4 Chakras, but after that there is the Throat chakra, Third Eye Chakra, and Crown Chakra." Guru told Kushina the harsh truth.

Kushina's eyes gained the spark of challenge to them.

"How is the Throat Chakra unlocked?"

"Truth, an Uzumaki must speak out loud their Ultimate Truth, the part of their character that they keep hidden from the world and from themselves. We are Contradiction, we love each other so dearly and have absolute faith in each other. The thought of one of our own being unloved, and hiding part of themselves away from the world hasn't happened. It's impossible for Uzumaki to find their Truth, because our nature is that of contradiction." Guru told Kushina, and she touched her throat.

"I'm afraid of falling in love, and abandoning my Servants our of love for a man."

Guru smiled at her.

"That is something you hide, but not something that is your Truth. This needs to be something that is SO deeply ingrained into who you are, that there is NOTHING else inside of you that contradicts it... because you still want to fall in love, don't you?" Guru asked Kushina, and she nodded her head.

She did.

"... So, no Uzumaki can unlock the Throat Chakra... because no matter what we say, part of us won't be telling the truth? Everything we say about ourselves is both the Truth and a Lie..." Kushina growled at her own body for being unable to be able to unlock the Throat Chakra.

"Good try though, but maybe focus on the Sacral Chakra next."

-Years Later-

'To think, that Naruto would be the age that Kushina was at when... and here we are.' Lancer thought as she was summoned, having been remembering the old days when she was Kushina's Saber, before the timeline split with her wish.

Now she was in the Underworld.

Lancer sat next to a sleeping Naruto, who was fast asleep in the a guest room at the Phenex Castle. She had summoned herself for Naruto, since she simply wanted to look at him while he slept.

She smiled and took her helmet off.

"... I'm sorry Naruto... I'm sorry couldn't be there for you, and I'm sorry you could never meet Kushina. She loved you with all her heart, not a day went by when she was pregnant with you that she wasn't worry about something happening during her pregnancy. When was even happy to give up all her bad habits to be a good mother." Lancer whispered as she reached out to touch Naruto, but her hand didn't get more than an inch away before she pulled it back and gripped it.

Lancer lowered her hand and touched Naruto where Guru touched Kushina, and she channeled her own energy through that point of Naruto's body.

She could feel his Root Chakra was still blocked, and she gripped her fist even fighter than before.

Naruto feared trusting others with his life.

She needed to find a way to erase his fear of opening his heart to others.

Chapter End!
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