Disclaimer: First Chapter
Story Start!
"So... this is Kushina Uzumaki and Artoria Pendragon's son?"
A tall blue haired woman spoke to herself as she looked down from her spot, watching as Naruto and surprisingly to her Mordred, were walking after having killed 3 powerful familiars that failed to meet Naruto's standards. Anything unlucky enough to attack the two of them was met with a swift and painful death, with absolutely zero chance of successfully injuring either of the two fighters.
Mordred was dead, having been slain by her father, Artoria, of that she knew for a fact. She had been alive during those days, and everyone knew "King Arthur" as the 'Dragon-blooded' King who possessed within 'him' the blood, aka the core, of the Red and White dragons Ddraig and Albion. She herself knew that if there was a human either of those dragons would not fight, it would be the undefeated King. While Artoria's gender had been a closely kept secret during those days, to the dragons who had bore witness to the glory of the perfect king, there was no mistaking the scent of a woman.
Stranger still.
The child of Artoria and Kushina, Naruto, and the child of Artoria and Morgan Le Fay, Mordred Pendragon. The fact the two of them were standing together, when one was suppose to be dead, and the other was the last remaining of his clan, should be impossible. Then again, that just meant that the boy had inheritted his mother's Sacred Gear.
She grinned.
"Come on out woman, I know that you're hear, there is no mistaking the aura of a King, and you have the coldest aura I've ever felt." Mordred spoke as she looked towards where she was hiding. She blinked in surprise when she realized that she had been discovered quite easily, and the surprise of it was that with her skills in stealth, not even the Heavenly Dragons had ever sensed her before.
She had an idea.
Quickly, she darted to another hiding spot to test her theory.
Naruto picked up on her this time, and Mordred turned her head to look at her new hiding spot. She had been suppressing even more of her aura than before, to the point that none of her power should have been able to be sensed at all. Yet now not only did Mordred still sense her, but Naruto had also sensed her.
"There is no masking the aura of a King, if you hold that title, than come down here and face me like a warrior." Naruto stated as he looked into the trees where she was hiding.
She jumped down in front of him.
"Ah... I sensed a dragon, not a human." Mordred spoke as she was let down. She wanted to murder a drago... find a worthy familiar for her Master. Nope, she didn't plan on killing all familiars that Naruto found because she was more than enough of a summon, not at all.
"I am the Dragon King, the Chaos Karma Dragon Tiamat-"
"Like the Primordial Goddess of the Salt Sea, the Chaos Goddess Tiamat?" Naruto asked her with a tilted head, and she blinked.
"... You knew that off the top of your head?" Tiamat asked with a raised eyebrow. He even got the full title that the true Tiamat had down. She had taken her name from that very same Primordial Goddess, when that Goddess was killed by her own children. The Goddess that birthed the first dragons. "Yes, all dragons are descended from Tiamat in spirit, and I gave myself that name to show my status and power. I believe I have become worthy of the name." Tiamat made a nod of approval at her own self-given name.
She was the strongest of the Dragon Kings.
Other than dragons who were given the status of gods as well, and the Dragon of Dragons, there were no living Dragons stronger than she was to her knowledge.
"Yeah... yeah, that's good... Dragon King... having you as my familiar, would put me above even the dragons." Naruto looked at her with an analytical eye. She just raised an eyebrow to him, since nobody had ever actually tried to make her a familiar before. Sure, she lived in the Familiar Forest and she was not against becoming a familiar, nobody had ever once actually made this attempt before.
The strongest Dragon King was a title that tended to ward away the lesser beings.
"Oh, so you fancy yourself a King then?" Tiamat asked him.
This was amusing.
"I don't know, do you think I'm one?" Naruto asked Tiamat as he lowered his stance, already ready for a fight against her. She unleashed all of her aura, and put a crater in the ground underneath her.
Tiamat's eyes narrowed for a second.
She had unleashed her hidden aura, and all of the familiars of the forest started to run away from their current location. Her aura was enough that all that who sensed it felt some fear of her, those on her level and below her level couldn't help but feel the primal fear that came with facing a Dragon King when they faced her. She even scared those who were stronger than her with her anger, but she saw not a trace of fear in the eyes of the boy.
"Oh, this will be a good fight." Mordred got her sword ready.
Naruto took out his yo-yo.
"... You... you are very interesting." Tiamat stated when she looked at Naruto, and she felt the divine aura of the yo-yo that he was holding. It was impossible to mistake that aura, since she had felt it once before. She gave Naruto an odd look, and she looked even more closely at the yo-yo in his hand. "Ah... I see, so that is how it has to be then." Tiamat couldn't help herself but admit that this was more interesting than she originally suspected.
A devil wearing a cross.
A devil using that weapon.
"You're going to fight a Dragon King with a yo-yo, you've either got guts or are a fool-" Mordred stopped herself from speaking when Naruto's yo-yo started to glow golden.
Naruto grinned.
The shape changed and it lengthened.
"I've mentioned that I'm very good at Kendo, right? Do you want to know why I never use any weapons other than this yo-yo, and only fight with my fists?" Naruto asked Tiamat, and she crossed her arms.
"I don't really know you, other than your name, I don't know how you fight." Tiamat admitted for starters that she knew nothing of who Naruto was other than the fact that he was known among dragons who knew of his parents.
Mordred's eyes widened when she saw the yo-yo was different.
"You might not live, but for you will I unleash the treasure that I found on my one and only trip to my homeland. I will only ever use this in it's true form against those who hold the Title of King, and those I see as my equals!" Naruto stated to Tiamat as he held his weapon up above his head.
"That..." Mordred's eyes just widened further when the weapon was fully visible to her.
Tiamat just grinned.
She raised both of her hands up to fight.
"Very well, Uzumaki King, I will accept your challenge and combat you with my full power as well. Will the power of a Dragon King, or will the future King of Kings reign in this fight. Lets see what you can manage with all that confidence." Tiamat called out as she put all of her power into a single attack.
Mordred jumped as far away as she possibly could to escape what was about to happen next, knowing for sure that she would be destroyed if she got within the strike range of either of the attacks about to be launched.
"Now Dragon King, try and survive!"
"Very well Uzumaki King, I return your words, and face my ultimate attack! If you're worthy of that confidence you hold, then you'll survive!" Tiamat couldn't help but feel the mood change when she came face to face with something that she never imagined that she would ever see again. She gathered absolutely all of her magical power and condensed it so that she would cause as little harm to the forest around her as possible.
Anything less than this would be an absolute disgrace.
-With the Others-
A massive pillar of golden light fought against blue flames that pierced the sky, and shook the entire forest and all those who were in it. Not a single person in Rias' peerage was able to stay standing on their feet as they fell down to their asses. They felt a powerful holy light purge through the forest, and all of them couldn't stop the way that their skin crawled as if it they themselves were being purified.
The two forces weren't done.
The clouds in the sky were gone from view, but the two forces continued to wage battle for seconds.
"What is that!?" Issei shouted in primal fear.
He felt another source of fear deep inside of him that was not his own.
"I don't know... but... didn't Naruto go that way?" Asia asked as she got to her feet, and with eyes widened she started to run towards the direction where the light pierced the sky. She didn't care if every fiber of her being told her to run in the opposite direction.
Naruto was that way, she needed to be there for him.
"Asia!" Rias ran after her and made to grab her, to try and stop her.
The two powers in the distance stopped fighting each other.
-With Naruto-
Tiamat didn't know who won.
She knew that she was missing her left arm though, thankfully she could see where it had landed and it was possible to reattach it, and she had a deep gash that had nearly split her torso in half. She was coughing up blood in copious amounts, and the past few seconds had been all but a blur to her. Her clothes were nearly completely destroyed, with only scraps remaining, and she was in no condition to fight anything strong at the moment.
'Amazing...' Thought Tiama ast pushed herself back to her feet, having been knocked away from the blast and forced to take a knee.
Naruto was in even worse condition than she was.
He wasn't missing any limbs like she was, but to say his body was in better condition would be a lie as well. The weapon Naruto used was back to it's yo-yo form, and Naruto had put it away like he had before.
"You will not be my familiar."
"... I want to be your familiar." Tiamat stated to Naruto as she bowed to him. She had been forced to take a knee, while he had remained standing the entire time.
Naruto scoffed and turned around.
"You're stronger than I am, even using my families stolen treasure, I didn't beat you. I won't have a familiar who is stronger than I am, one day I'll defeat you. I can barely stand right now, so you win." Naruto stated to her as he started to walk away from her. Mordred jumped down from where she had escaped too, but her armor was severely damaged by still being too close to where the battle had taken place.
She had gotten pretty far away.
"You're admitting defeat, you can kill her right now?" Mordred asked with wide eyes.
"Tiamat, become my greatest rival when I become strong enough to tame you. Until then, just know that I'll grow strong enough that I won't need to use my stolen treasure's true form to do this to you-" Naruto caught something that Tiamat threw at him. He looked at the palm of his hand, and saw that she had thrown a tooth there.
She was missing one of her canines.
"It will grow back, but take my tooth as a sign that I, Tiamat, look forward to the day that King Naruto stands as King of all Kings." Tiamat grinned as she touched her hand to the ground and created a magical circle. She snapped her fingers and her missing arm came flying to her hand, and with that she teleported away.
Mordred didn't know what to say.
"If you had that weapon-"
"I don't know why this weapon was on my families island, but I will never use it against anyone who doesn't meet my conditions for using it. One day I will prove myself worthy of wielding it like it's original wielder." Naruto stated to her as he collapsed.
Mordred caught him before his knees could touch the ground.
"... That's fine, but somebody of your status should never fall to their knees in defeat." Mordred helped Naruto limp.
Naruto held onto her for support.
A single chicken.
There was a chicken standing nearby, having watched the battle and it was looking towards them with intelligent eyes. Naruto sighed to himself, before he pointed to the chicken. He didn't really have much of a choice at this point, since he just refused the offer of the strongest familiar to become his familiar. Until the day that he became stronger than Tiamat without the need for his secret weapon, then he would have to settle for something lesser.
"Hey... chicken, want to become my familiar?" Naruto asked with a roll of his eyes.
Mordred just laughed under her breath.
The chicken nodded it's head.
Mordred's jaw dropped and she looked at Naruto, as if expecting him to laugh at his own joke. After all the trouble he had gone through to find a super powerful familiar, he was settling for a stupid chicken of all things. When the chicken jumped on top of Naruto's head, and pecked his forehead gently, she sat down and rubbed her feathery breast against his forehead to sooth his battle wounds.
"... I've got the perfect name for you, you are my First familiar, and your feathery breast is very comforting. I don't know why, but I feel there isn't a name more suited to you than this one." Naruto grinned as the perfect name came to his mind.
Well, he found his familiar.
Better meet back up with the others.
Chapter End!
Please Leave Me Lots of Nice Long Reviews, But No Flames Please!
No, Naruto's weapon does not add to his Evil Piece value, since it's not part of his body or soul and can be stolen from him, so it was not included in the calculations.
I say this now, because I'm sure some will figure out what his yo-yo actually is, and will complain.