
Four years after XANA's defeat


POV Aelita

Before we had all went our separate ways after high school and headed off to college, we agreed that so long as we were able, we'd try our very best to get together around the anniversary of XANA's defeat. It was always a bittersweet time for me because it was also the anniversary of my father's death, so I was glad to be able to spend it with friends.

The six of us were walking to some fancy restaurant downtown. Odd had insisted and said his parents were treating us for some reason. Arriving at the restaurant, Odd talked to the host about our reservation, but for some reason Ulrich and Yumi stayed outside for a minute.

"Hey, could someone go get the lovebirds, we're being seated!" Odd called out, and Jeremy pokes his head out the door and told them to hurry up.

After being seated and ordering, we made small talk and reminisced about old times while we ate. After everyone was done eating, Odd stood up.

"Hello everyone, my name is Odd Della Robbia, and I've got a few things to say." He called out loudly to the whole restaurant. The rest of us looked at each other in confusion. It looked like even Sissi didn't know what was going on. "This is going to start a little strange but stay with me it'll be worth it." He had the attention of everyone including the staff. "When I was eleven, my grandparents passed away and left all their grandkids, including me, some money. Now don't go getting the wrong idea, I'm not rich or anything like that, but it was enough to do something cool with. The catch was that I couldn't touch it until I was eighteen, which at the time seemed like a real drag." He started walking around a little while talking for dramatic effect and was completely eating up the attention! "When I got a little older, however, I was glad that I couldn't touch it because I would have probably wasted it. I started wanting to do something important, like putting the down payment on a car, or using it for rent, or maybe even using it for school. But I also wanted it to be meaningful. I'll eventually get a car, I'll eventually pay off my student loans… eventually…" he rolled his eyes sarcastically and there was a chuckle through the restaurant, "and I pay my rent every month on time already." He stopped walking and stood right next to Sissi and gazed straight at her. She noticeably gulped and stared at Odd with eyes growing wider by the second. "Over the last three and a half years, I've realized that nothing is, or ever will be more meaningful," He extended his hand to her and helped her to her feet, "or important, as asking my Best Friend if she would be willing to share the rest of her life with me." I put my hand to my mouth in awe as he pulled a black velvet box out of his pocket and opened it towards her, displaying a beautiful rose gold ring with an intricate swirl pattern and a solitaire diamond. "I love you Sissi." He got down on one knee.

Will you marry me?

A/N: With this, the story is 100% complete and won't be touched again. I really hope that you liked it. If you did, leave a review or a favorite. If you didn't, don't sweat it, but still leave a review on things i could improve on. I always like improving.

Just so you know, I've got more in store for the 'What Came Next' continuity. next stop, college!