Um, I'm really not even sure where this story is going. I started to write it and that was about it. No planning, no preparing, so even I'm not sure what's going to happen yet.

And sorry for not updating, I've been busy with FF7.

Pairings: Yami/Marik/Bakura, rest is unknown (I dun think I'll be pairing Malik with Ryou though. . .)

Alternative Universe, crossover - Gundam Wing, but they're just normal (or almost normal people), probably a few others now that I'm so addicted to FF7.

Warnings: Angst (damn it! I need a plot!), unknown as of now.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I'll answer them the best I can. . .I haven't really planned this fic out very far, so any suggestions would be great! I want to keep this real though, no magical beings or stuff like that.

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Blind Silence - Chapter Two

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Crimson eyes slowly fluttered open, Yami's internal clock always got him up the same time every morning. . .whether he wanted to sleep in or not. Since it was currently Thursday, today was a not. Carefully he crawled out of the bed and stretched, yawning as he did so. He didn't mind getting up before anyone else; it gave him time to think. Crimson glanced down at the bed. And time to admire.

Bakura and Marik were curled up, Bakura having slept in the middle that night. The younger man's arm moved to try to find Yami's body, when it came in contact with nothing though, he moved and wrapped his arm around Marik. Yami smiled to himself as he gently sat on the bed where he'd been sleeping and he tenderly brushed a few strands of Marik's hair out of his face.

Yami and Marik had been friends since they'd been kids. They'd only became more in high school. In the tenth grade, Bakura had moved to the school and the three of them had gotten close. It wasn't until after high school that the three of them had gotten together. It had been the best mistake any of them had ever made.

Graduation was a big thing to most people, to Yami and his friends it just meant getting out of high school and for some, away from home. Of course they had celebrated with their classmates and someone had spiked the punch, leaving practically all the graduates drunk. The three had made their way to Yami's home where he lived with his grandfather behind the game shop his grandfather owned.

Nobody could remember what or who had started it, but soon Marik had confessed that he was in love with Bakura, not just Yami. Yami had confessed that he too had taken to Bakura. Bakura - who had been the most sober out of the three of them because he hated the type of punch that had been served at the dinner - had thought that his friends were teasing him. Finally, it had ended up with the three of them sleeping together, and in the morning, after bottles of pain relievers, hangovers and curses, Yami's grandfather had forced them to explain.

Solomon Motou was a wonderful grandfather - still was - for he had raised Yami himself. And he hadn't made them explain to him why they were all sleeping together after it had been apparent of what had happened, but he wanted them to explain it to each other. The kind old man had always been able to read people as if they were an open book, and his grandson and his friends were no different. Solomon had seen what was between the three of them, and he would not let them pass it by.

Yami loved their little family - and though it wasn't tolerated every place, where they lived it was. He smiled to himself as he gently kissed both of his sleeping lovers, then he quietly left the room to start making breakfast. Yugi had school and it was Yami's turn to take Ryou to work. Before he went downstairs however, he stopped in front of a closed door and carefully he opened it and looked inside.

A nightlight lit the room dimly, but enough to satisfy any fears of the dark. As expected, the bed on the darker side of the room was empty and the bed nearest to the light was occupied by two bodies instead of just one. Seeing that both of his boys were sleeping peacefully, Yami closed the door again and continued his way downstairs.

After scrambling some eggs and making a fresh pot of coffee, Yami poured two glasses of orange juice before going back upstairs and into the kid's room to wake them. The two had not moved from when Yami had last peeked into the room and he smiled at how Yugi had protectively wrapped his tiny body around Ryou's even tinier body. Carefully, he sat on the edge of the bed and watched them sleep.

He hadn't realized that he was being watched until an arm slowly wrapped around his waist and a kiss was planted on the back of his neck. "You know, I'm beginning to think you have a fetish for watching people sleep." Bakura chuckled lightly.

Yami snorted softly, careful not to wake Yugi. "I can't help it. They look so innocent when they're asleep." He whispered, gently caressing Yugi's pale cheek.

Marik laughed quietly, "We all know they are anything but when awake." He teased as he came up beside the two. "We certainly are lucky, aren't we?" He sighed as he smiled down at the two.

"Extremely lucky." Bakura agreed and they were all silent for a few moments. "You know. . .we're going to be late for work if we just sit here." He reluctantly admitted.

Yami sighed, knowing that Bakura was right, but before they did anything, Yami spoke. "We should tell them tonight."

"You sure?" Bakura wondered only to have Yami nod.

Marik gently shook Yugi awake; the boy blinked sleepily then looked up and smiled tiredly. It wasn't unusual that he'd wake up to find all three of his father's there. Marik grinned back, "You want some breakfast?" He asked and Yugi quickly nodded, abandoning his post of protecting the still sleeping Ryou, for food. The small boy jumped into Marik's arms and the older man laughed as he caught the child and then smirked in Bakura's direction. "You think we could beat the old man to the table?" He asked Yugi and the boy giggled and nodded eagerly as both Marik and Bakura took off, Marik carrying Yugi.

Yami chuckled to himself as he heard Marik's cry of triumph. Sometimes it was hard to figure out who was really the kid. Turning back to the bed's last occupant Yami lay down where Yugi had been as he gently ran his fingers through Ryou's amazingly soft hair. The boy moved slightly, cuddling closer to the touch and Yami smiled and tenderly kissed the boy's forehead. Slowly, Ryou's eyes blinked open and they focused on Yami.

It had taken awhile for Ryou to get used to having people around him. He had always been alone while in the care of his father because the man had always been too drunk to remember he had a child to take care of. At first when the boy was shaken awake, it would startle him. If he was in a deep sleep, it still startled him.

/ Hungry? / Yami signed.

Ryou nodded as he rubbed sleep out of one of his eyes, Yami smiled as he picked the five-year old up and carried him out of the room after shutting off the nightlight. Ryou rested his head against Yami's chest as he let the man he now called 'Papa' carry him down the stairs. In the kitchen they found Yugi already sitting down and eating while he watched Bakura and Marik fight over the comic section of the newspaper.

Yami rolled his eyes as he went over to the table and set Ryou down beside Yugi before he went to the stove and grabbed the frying pan with the scrambled eggs in it. By the time he returned to the table, Marik had won the newspaper and Bakura was pouting. "Hello." Yami said to the two, "Have either of you seen my lovers? They're about so tall and very mature." He smirked as Bakura glared at him.

Marik only shrugged as he continued to look through the paper, "Nope, sorry, haven't seen them." Yugi snickered into his breakfast. Marik grinned at him and winked.

From there breakfast went smoothly and Yugi quickly got ready for school. When he'd dressed and grabbed his backpack, he and Bakura left the house after saying goodbye, from there Bakura would arrive at 'The Dungeon', which was a game shop that mostly specialized in Dungeon Dice Monsters, the owner of the store, Duke Devlin, was also the creator of the game. Of course Bakura always brought home anecdotes on how people had mistaken the shop for a bondage house.

Marik yawned as he also got ready to leave the house. He picked Ryou up, who was still in his blue and white cloudy pajamas, and kissed the boy's forehead. "You have fun today and don't let Yami bore you too much." He signed with one hand as he held Ryou with the other.

Grinning Ryou nodded and wrapped his arms around Marik's neck for one last hug. With that, Marik set Ryou on the floor and kissed Yami goodbye and he was out the door, heading over to the museum where he worked with his sister in the building dedicated to Egypt and its history.

Yami smiled as he held out his hand to Ryou. The small boy took it and then looked up, "We'll get dressed and then go. Seto wanted to see you before his meeting this morning." Yami explained as they went up the stairs.

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To be continued. . .

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