Love Affairs

Chapter one:

Yon-Rogg (Captain Marvel/ MCU)

He bowed his head respectfully, not meeting the Supreme Intelligence's (which took the form of his late father) inquisitive gaze.

"And this is the message that Vers gave to you? That she will return to destroy us and the war we have created?" His father snarled, the Supreme Intelligence detested all mention of the traitor to the Kree.

"Yes," Yon-Rogg confirmed with a nod of his bowed head.

"You have failed the Kree once," It said.

He was so nervous he almost forgot how to breathe. The Kree were his entire life, his whole being was dedicated to them and furthering their mission. To fail the Kree was a terrible crime in both his eyes and the Supreme Intelligence's.

"Vers came to find the truth, abandon the Kree and harm the Supreme Intelligence under your watch," The Supreme Intelligence hissed.

He could tell it was his father's voice, but he had truly never heard him sound so animalistic and vengeful- that was a quality bestowed upon his voice by the Supreme Intelligence.

"I have failed the Kree." Yon-Rogg felt his heart clench in his chest. Surely execution for failure to serve the Kree was imminent.

"Vers is of little concern at present. She will be hunted down and her execution will be broadcast for all of Halla to see, when the time is right."

"Is there any way that I could possibly-"

"Fool!" He was interrupted by a sharp hiss. "You should be grateful you are not dead. For your failure to properly manipulate Vers and extract her power, you should be killed. However, you are a fine warrior and the Supreme Intelligence has decreed that you shall redeem yourself."

"How?" He asked, his head snapping up so that his golden brown eyes met with the gaze of his father.

"Listen carefully. Our reports confirm that Vers has departed from planet C-53, and is number of galaxies away. A full scale invasion would risk her reappearance, but a team of a select few individuals would arouse no suspicion if they carry out their mission with the utmost secrecy."

"I am to go back to planet C-53?" Yon-Rogg asked with a frown.

"Not you, but a team of warriors that have never failed the Kree before." The Supreme Intelligence answered with a glare. "There is a girl on planet C-53 that possesses a unique power, one that can heal the damage that traitor Vers caused. The team will retrieve her, and it will be your role to ensure that she utilises her power in service to the Kree and stays as our asset."

"I will not fail." He answered.

"Failure will result in your termination. You have been a useful and loyal warrior in the past, ensure that you keep serving us."

"I am forever in the service of the Kree." He promised.

It was then that his eyes truly opened, and he was released from the Supreme Intelligence's mental illusion. The black wires slithered back down his body, receding into the tiles he was kneeled upon. He pulled himself off the floor, grateful for both the mercy of the Supreme Intelligence and of the chance to serve the Kree once more. He would not make the same mistake twice. Whoever this girl was would remain loyal to both him and the Kree, that he was certain of.

Yon-Rogg spent countless nights in his room in central Hala agonising over the girl's arrival.

How could he possibly turn her to their side if she had been kidnapped from her home planet? Perhaps this elite team sent by the Supreme Intelligence would be wise enough to erase her memory. But that didn't work on Vers, she eventually recovered hers. To prevent the same thing from happening, surely he would just have to mix in elements of the truth with the lies.

Two weeks after his initial meeting with the Supreme Intelligence, he was summoned, via communicator, to the main hangers on Hala.

"The time is now," He whispered to himself, striding confidently through the streets and reciting his code to the guard (composed of artificial intelligence) that stood outside the hangar.

The hangar itself appeared to be completely devoid of people. The only objects were the advanced shuttles, fighter planes and aircrafts in neat rows. He observed the hanger with confused eyes, glancing back down at his communicator as if it would tell him where the team were.

A hissing noise tore his attention from the communicator and towards a stationary jet at the far end of the hangar, its ramp descending to the floor below. He could hear the quiet murmurings of the team within get increasingly louder as he got closer to the aircraft.

A man, dressed in identical Kree uniform to Yon-Rogg, descended from the jet.

"Name." He stated, pausing in front of him.


The man nodded, "The subject will be removed from the jet momentarily and placed within your custody. Be warned, she isn't a quiet one."

"That is no issue." He answered.

"My team would not agree with you." The other Kree warrior stated. "Rook, we're clear to bring the subject out!"

"Finally!" Another man emerged from the jet, a long white scar running down his red face and down his neck. "Gotta tell ya, she put up a hell of a fight." The second man laughed, turning back into the jet and dragging the subject out with him.

"Hands off me!" She yelled.

Whatever Yon-Rogg had been expecting, she wasn't it. She didn't have the physique of a soldier, like Vers did. She didn't wear the garb of the warriors of planet C-53 like Vers did. Instead she was rather slim, with raven hair that cascaded down her back, an angelic face with an angry expression and had bright blue eyes blazing with fury, wearing a white sleeveless shirt and a ridiculously short green skirt. She shook her fists at the guard, although her hands were safely cuffed.

"I'm glad to get rid of you," The man with red skin growled, pushing her towards Yon-Rogg.

"Watch it, pal!" She retorted angrily, her body colliding with Yon-Rogg's, although she didn't pay him any attention.

"The subject is yours." The first man nodded, turning to walk out of the hangar.

The man with red skin glared at her, and she glared right back. He unholstered the weapon strapped to his thigh.

"Going to shoot me when I can't fight back?" She huffed.

He didn't say another word to her, adjusting the setting on the gun via his communicative pad, which it was synced to, and firing with a loud bang directly into her chest. A thin dart fired from the gun, planting itself in the well-endowed chest of the subject.

"That should shut her up for a while." The man with red skin smiled deviously. "The Captain was trying to stop me for the entire flight, it felt so good."

Yon-Rogg narrowed his eyes. "She's my subject now."

"Believe me, you'll thank me. And besides, I can't stand whiners."

With that, the Kree warrior exited the hangar, leaving behind Yon-Rogg and the unconscious subject leaned against him.

Yon-Rogg brought her into his arms, easily lifting her weight and holding her to his chest.

"And so it begins." He told himself, looking down at the serene visage of the woman in his arms.

He took her back to his room in central Hala, laying her body on the bed and checking her for any injuries that she may have acquired during the journey, although he doubted that the two Kree elite would have harmed someone so integral to the repair of the Supreme Intelligence.

He carefully removed the dart from her chest, tugging her shirt down slightly to get a look at the wound. He decided that it wasn't deep enough to be of any concern and wrapped the wound. Yon-Rogg watched her sleep in complete fascination.

Naïvely he had assumed that the girl would look like she was capable of possessing exceptionally strong powers. The woman tossing and turning on his bed certainly wasn't like that. She looked fragile and gentle, but from the way he had seen her resist the Kree elite that retrieved her from planet C-53, he knew that she had a fierce side which she would most likely display for him when she awoke.

His communicator beeped loudly, and he ripped his gaze away from the angelic face of the girl on his bed. It was a file from a representative of the Supreme Intelligence, detailing what little information was known about the girl.

She was eighteen, relatively young for an inhabitant of planet C-53. The way she attained her immense amount of energy was unknown, but it had been confirmed that it was she who possessed that energy. The report stated that a wave of powerful energy was tranced back to her residence, and that upon the Kree elite's arrival to take her to Hala, she resisted, utilising energy that came from her hands, which he noticed were still bound in the cuffs.

He closed the report, and strode over to her, pulling her hands gently into his and unclasping the restraints, which he noted were not standard issue and were probably made specifically for her capture.

It was almost sad to see a being of such incredible potential shackled, she was to be the saviour of the Kree, not their captive. If he were going to convince her to heal the Supreme Intelligence, then he would need to make himself and the rest of the Kree seem trustworthy.

Yon-Rogg frowned at the thought of how those Kree elite treated her. As if she were just a replacement part for a broken machine, as if she wasn't deserving of their respect. Surely that awful first impression they had made would not work in the favour of their race.

She tossed and turned more frequently as the minutes went by, her now free hands branching out and twisting his bedsheets. He knew it wouldn't be long until she awoke from the slumber she had been forced into.

He leaned over her face, observing her ever-changing facial expressions until she went still.

Her eyes opened.

Blue met golden brown.

She retreated backwards to the edge of the bed, as far from him as she could be. "Take me back, now! You can't just keep me here!"

He sighed. Obviously, this new environment that she had been violently placed into would not go down well.

"I need your help," He told her, weary of getting closer to her now that both her hands and temper were unleashed.

"You people can't just take me from my home and expect me to help you! I'm not some kind of genie!" She shouted, narrowing her pretty blue eyes at him and crawling closer.

"I'm sorry, I know it must be horrible to be dragged from your home and brought somewhere you don't want to be-" Yon-Rogg began sympathetically.

"And where am I?"

"Welcome to Hala, it is the home of my people." He said evenly, "We are in desperate need of your help."

She folded her arms over her chest. "So desperate that your people would not even bother to ask me for my help and kidnap me from my house?!"

"The ones sent to collect you were idiots," He scoffed.

"Why me?" She pointed aggressively to herself. "Why not somebody else? Anyone else?"

"A few weeks ago, we picked up on an energy source which traced back to you. We hadn't planned to even do anything about it, until our people were betrayed and our leader seriously injured." Yon-Rogg summarised. "We need energy to restore our leader so that our people may prosper once more."

She remained aggressive in her outward attitude, but he could tell that something within her had broken. Her blue eyes no longer contained the same level of fury they once had, and instead were flooded with empathy.

"I am Yon-Rogg and my people are the Kree," He introduced himself slowly. "We require your help, and we would be honoured if you gave it to us."

She clutched a fist to her chest. The last thing she remembered was being dragged from the shrine, kicking and screaming and now waking up in this foreign place. She was angry at heart, absolutely livid- but her heart ached to soothe the suffering here, it was her best and worst trait.

"My name is Kagome," She replied, "Will you take me home if I help your people?"

"As soon as I am able to," He told her, "I'm sorry that your arrival here was so distressing."

"What happened to your leader?" Kagome asked.

"Not long ago, my friend Vers betrayed us and joined the Skrulls, our enemy. With her, she took most of the energy from our leader, the Supreme Intelligence. The Supreme Intelligence is vulnerable to attack, and without it the foundations of Hala and Kree society would crumble. According to what little information we have about you, your power should be more than enough to reconstruct the Supreme Intelligence."

"How bad is the wound?" She furrowed her brows.

"The Supreme Intelligence is an artificial web fully integrated into our lives, it requires energy to run, and Vers destroyed almost half of the system."

She took in a shaky breath. "Damage like that would take a lot of energy to repair, and I've never even tried something like this before."

"The power we recorded a few weeks ago, your power, will be more than enough to resolve the issue," He said gently, sitting on the edge of the bed and meeting her gaze. "Please, Kagome. My people are relying on your power to save us from devastation."

"It would take me at least a week to build up that level of energy," Kagome told him slowly, noticing the hope shining in his enchanting golden brown eyes.

"Anything you need you are more than welcome to have," Yon-Rogg told her quickly. "Our Supreme Intelligence can last for another week, but not for much longer than that."

"I'll help you."

"You have no idea how grateful I am to you, Kagome."

Yon-Rogg put a soft hand on Kagome's shoulder, as she sat cross-legged on his bed.

"Meditation helps you control this energy?" He asked.

She nodded, a strand of her inky black hair falling over her face. He took a gentle hand to her face and tucked it behind her ear. She was gentle, and compassionate, but never fragile. She had a fierce streak that would appear at a moment's notice, as he and the Kree's elite had learnt the previous day.

"Kagome, I haven't the slightest idea what the Kree would do without you."

"Don't worry about it," She shrugged, "I just wish I would have been asked."

"I'm incredibly sorry," Yon-Rogg apologised softly.

"You weren't the one that snatched me from my house, those two soldiers were. If I ever see that red jerk again I swear I'll-" She began.

"He will be taken care of." He interrupted her. "Being so irresponsible with a task like persuading you to help us is horrendous."

"His complaining about me complaining was the real crime." Kagome huffed. "As if I didn't have the right to be upset!"

He shook his head in disdain. Somebody so important to the survival of the Kree should never have been treated with anything less than the utmost respect. They were fortunate that her nature was so forgiving and compassionate that she would still willingly heal the Supreme Intelligence.

With each passing hour, he could feel more energy contained within Kagome's small body and absentmindedly wondered how she did it. He checked up on her every so often, never daring to leave his apartment lest she abandon her promise to help the Kree.

It wasn't difficult for Yon-Rogg to like her, she was playful and seemingly fit in well with his life. He hadn't gone on a single mission with the Starforce since he returned to Halla, and with Kagome being his top priority it seemed that he wouldn't have to for the foreseeable future. Everything seemed to be going smoothly, save for the fact that the Supreme Intelligence wished for Kagome to remain with the Kree, when it was quite clear her objective was to help and then leave.

She arched her back, stretching after being in such a deep meditative state for a few hours. "Man, that's gotta be one of the longest meditation sessions I've ever done. My back feels awful."

"Is there anything I can do?"

"Nope," she shook her head, "I just need to stretch my legs." Kagome pulled herself up and off the bed, so that she was stood face to face with Yon-Rogg.

"Would you like me to take you into the streets of Hala?" He asked. Hala would be a sight to behold for somebody from a planet as technologically impaired as planet C-53.

She nodded eagerly, glancing back to look out of his window. "It reminds me of Tokyo, but darker, I guess. And the buildings are taller."

"Hala is where most of the Kree live, central Hala, here, is where Starforce members and those that represent the Supreme Intelligence live and work." Yon-Rogg supplied, holding the door to his room open so that Kagome could exit it and he could follow closely behind.

They made their way out of his apartment, and down a dark flight of stairs illuminated by green lamps. Kagome silently marvelled at everything she passed, the intrigue shown on her face.

He typed in a code to a keypad on the wall, and only a second later, the black door at the bottom of the stairs swung open, revealing a stone street.

Kagome stepped out onto the street, her eyes immediately going to the skies. The buildings towered over her, each one looking nearly identical- all imposing black buildings with windows that did not reveal what was inside. The streets were teeming with people, some young members of the Kree going to shop with their parents, some were Starforce members, dressed in the traditional Kree uniform, and others were simply there to spend time in Hala, the most treasured place to the Kree.

"It's beautiful." She whispered.

The way she looked at Hala with such admiration made his heart swell with pride.

"If you want to see the Starforce base, you are more than welcome to." A smile tugged at his lips as she nodded.

"So, are the Starforce your military?"

"Yes," He told her simply. "Normally there would be hundreds of aircrafts leaving and departing, but since Vers damaged the Supreme Intelligence so greatly, we have not been able to run as many missions as we would like to. There would be too much risk, if a Kree is to be shut off from the Supreme Intelligence and found by a Skrull, they would surely die."

"That's awful," Kagome clutched a hand to her chest as they turned left, walking through the busy streets, although the people cleared a path for them.

"Without the Supreme Intelligence, our people would die." He sighed, guiding her towards the outskirts of Hala, where the buildings were considerably smaller and much further apart, although they still maintained that sleek imposing look that the skyscrapers had.

"It'll take me a few more days to gather enough energy to heal your Supreme Intelligence," Kagome reminded him, "I've done better than I thought I would today."

"How do you do it? Holding such an incredible amount of energy would be overwhelming," Yon-Rogg frowned, looking concerned for the girl walking next to him. He told himself that it was because he couldn't let such a powerful asset to the Kree come to harm.

She shrugged. "I never used to be able to, sometimes I could barely get the energy to appear. Then I discovered that meditation could help me build up and store energy, and since then I've never really needed to try anything else."

"I-" He began, but was paused when he heard Kagome let out a frustrated growl.

There, emerging from the large campus of the Starforce base just ahead of them, was the red man that brought her rather unpleasantly to Halla.

"I'm gonna give him a piece of my mind!" Kagome glanced quickly to Yon-Rogg before setting off after the man.

He went after her, hesitant to intervene for fear of being the one her fury was aimed at.

"You!" She yelled, jabbing a finger at the Kree warrior, forcing him to stop in his stride.

"The whiner," The guy gave her a cocky grin and folded his muscular arms over his chest. "I was wondering when I'd see you again."

She glared at him, anger dancing in her blue eyes. "Listen here, buddy." Her finger landed in the centre of his chest. "You don't just get to drag me away from my home and everything I know to be your mechanic! Could you be more of a jerk?"

He looked imposingly down at her. "Yon-Rogg, I think you should have kept the restraints on her. She clearly doesn't know her place."

"She is not our prisoner. She is an esteemed guest of the Supreme Intelligence and you're the one that jeopardised the Kree by treating her with such disrespect." Yon-Rogg looked with disgusted eyes at the man.

The red-skined man hissed at him. "You are not even fit to be a member of the Kree. They should have given you a death sentence for what you did." The man pushed past him roughly, continuing in his walk down the street, leaving an aggravated Kagome and Yon-Rogg in his wake.

"What an arrogant jerk!" Kagome fumed, clenching her fists at her sides.

"I apologise for-"

"No! It's not you that's being stupid, it's him! You shouldn't be the one apologising." Kagome sighed.

Yon-Rogg exhaled sharply. "I believe I was about to show you the Starforce base."

"Yeah, you were." A smile broke out across her face as she looped her arm with his and allowed him to guide her towards the building, not noticing his shocked expression.

A day later, he kneeled before the form of his father once more.

"It will be only a few days before she will restore the Supreme Intelligence, correct?"

"Yes." Yon-Rogg nodded. "Despite that supposed Kree elite's mistakes she has still willingly decided to serve the Kree by doing this."

"Perhaps you are not a failure to the Kree, then. Rise, Yon-Rogg." It commanded.

He did so, trying to ignore the pain as he met his father's gaze, knowing that it was not truly his father, but rather the Supreme Intelligence.

"Once the girl has restored the Supreme Intelligence, how will you get her to stay?" The smile on his father's face looked out of place, twisted and entirely unnatural.

"I will offer her the chance to stay here, and I will see to it that she accepts."

"If she refuses, she will be eliminated once her usefulness to the Kree has expired." It said emotionlessly, as if taking a life was as mundane as deciding what to have for breakfast. The Supreme Intelligence was older than Yon-Rogg would ever know, and had undoubtedly performed an uncountable number of executions.

His heart clenched at the thought of a girl as sweet and gentle as Kagome was having her life extinguished simply because she decided she wanted to return home. It was in that instant, that Yon-Rogg began to have his first ever doubts about the Supreme Intelligence.

"Kagome?" He called out, looking for her in the main body of his apartment before entering his bedroom and finding her once more in a mediative state, her legs crossed, her back straight and her hands settled gently on her knees.

She didn't respond, and he didn't expect her to. As he looked at her in this vulnerable state, his heart began to ache.

He felt the strange urge to protect her from the Supreme Intelligence. She had been through an awful journey to Hala and agreed to help the Kree out of the kindness of her heart. He doubted that she had a shred of evil in her body. Quite the temper, perhaps, but never anything evil. The thought that she would assist the Supreme Intelligence and then be repaid by getting a death sentence unsettled him deeply.

She was much too gentle and compassionate to deserve such a thing.

But even as he looked at her, his traitorous thoughts reminded him that his duty was first and foremost to the Kree and the Supreme Intelligence, not to this girl.

Her eyes fluttered open and she let out a yawn, gasping when she noticed him.

"How long have you been there?" She exhaled, putting a hand to her chest.

"I just got back from my meeting with the Supreme Intelligence."

"Oh? What's its condition?" She asked, leaning forwards, curiosity shining in her enchanting blue eyes.

"Eager." He said wryly. "You look hungry. Allow me to introduce you to Kree food." He gave her a smile, offering a hand to her, which she accepted, and pulling her up and off his bed.

Precisely eight days from her arrival on Hala, Kagome emerged from Yon-Rogg's room and entered the main room of his apartment, where he was sat on the floor, surrounded by foreign weapons.

"Kagome," He greeted her with a half-smile.

"Woah, what're those?" She looked upon his myriad of weapons with intrigue.

"These," He gestured to his gauntlets, "Are Magnitron gauntlets- they're normally attached to my Starforce suit, but they need repair after Vers and I fought."

"But what do they do?"

"Anti-gravity," Yon-Rogg answered with a shrug.

"Cool!" She beamed. "I think today's the day!"

"Today's the day for what? For you to finally admit Kree food is better than human?"

Kagome gave him a mock glare. "I would never say something like that. You haven't lived until you've tried oden!"

He shook his head. "Denial doesn't look good on you."

She gave his shoulder a playful whack. "I'm not in denial, I'm right! And what I meant was that today is the day that I finally have enough energy to heal your Supreme Intelligence!"

It felt as if his world had stopped completely, all colour drained from his face.

"Yon-Rogg?" Kagome kneeled in front of him, her concerned blue eyes looking into his. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," He snapped out of his stupor quickly, trying to pretend as if he never faltered in his dedication to the Supreme Intelligence.

"Isn't it great?" She smiled widely, "Your people will be okay!"

"Truly wonderful," Yon-Rogg whispered, not meeting her eyes.

"Should we go now?" She asked, glancing out of the window, noting that it was still light in Hala.

He nodded, standing and pulling her up with him. "You have saved my people." He whispered. He should have been happy- he had managed to get the subject to agree willingly to restore the Supreme Intelligence. But whenever he thought about it, the threat that the Supreme Intelligence had made was the first thought in his mind. She deserved to be safe, to have the full protection and have the Kree be in debt to her for her services. But the fact that they planned to kill her if she didn't stay their asset forever made his stomach plummet.

"Not yet," Kagome reminded him. "What's the Supreme Intelligence like?"

"It takes the form of the person you admire the most, it can be extremely straightforwards and inconsiderate at times, but it is artificial intelligence, so it would never understand human emotion." Yon-Rogg explained. "The Kree would fall without the infrastructure it gives us."

"I get it," Kagome nodded, internally relating it to how her phone doesn't understand feelings. "Shouldn't we get going?"

"Yes." He said simply, telling himself it was best to serve his people first and unpack the useless emotions plaguing him later. He took her hand in his, savouring the feel of her warm hand pressed into his, and led her down the flight of stairs as he had when he first took her out into the streets of Hala, and onto that same road.

There were twice as many people as there had been the last time she had ventured out into the streets. Most of the people were dressed in dark clothing, mirroring Hala's colour palette.

"The process of meeting the Supreme Intelligence is strange, but you have to not let it get to you." He told her quietly, casting a glance at the bustling people. "It doesn't approve of emotion of any kind, we are taught to ignore our feelings to better serve the Kree. Even though you're not one of us, it'll probably still expect that."

She nodded, "I'm sure I'll be fine. All I got to do is pretend to have a icicle up my ass, right?"

"Right." Yon-Rogg chuckled.

Kagome was kneeling on the orange tiles of the Supreme Intelligence's headquarters, feeling a mild streak of panic run through her. There were guards positioned at every entrance and exit, their imposing heavy-duty weapons mocking her. Yon-Rogg was the only familiar face among them. As black, thin, wire-like things ran up her legs and over her arms uncomfortably, her eyes met his.

A strange mix of panic and determination that Kagome was well accustomed to were present in hers.

Concern flooded through his.

His worried visage was the last thing she saw before she threw her head back and everything went completely black.

A flash of light quickly replaced the darkness, her surroundings coming into focus. The room itself looked like it was made out of mirrors- there was completely no variation in the environment as far as the eye could see. From above, soft rays of light shone down from the heavens, pooling not just around her, but also around other areas on the strange stormy floor. Kagome looked down at her hands in confusion, recognising them as hers.

"Lady Kagome, we have been waiting for you."

Kagome spun around, finding herself directly opposite a woman she never thought she would meet. The only time she had ever met her was in death.

Her long dark hair descended past her waist, her kind brown eyes looking into Kagome's blue ones. The symbol of four lines in a plus shape on her forehead only further confirmed to Kagome who this woman was.

"Lady Midoriko!" Kagome gasped, looking the woman up and down with wide eyes. She instantly felt foolish saying that name, her thoughts reminding her that this was not the legendary priestess back from the dead, and was merely a computer-generated impersonation. "You're... the Supreme Intelligence, aren't you?"

The Midoriko look-alike nodded her head. "Welcome, Lady Kagome. It is most pleasing that you are here. We are extremely pleased that you would restore us."

"For the safety and survival of your people, right?" She asked. Although she knew this wasn't truly Midoriko, she couldn't help but wonder if this was how she had really talked and carried herself.

"Precisely. Vers was an incredibly powerful member of our Starforce and we trusted her immensely, but she betrayed the Kree and damaged the Supreme Intelligence, weakening our systems and leaving us vulnerable to attack. She has promised to return and destroy the Kree, and with the current condition of the Supreme Intelligence it is very likely she would succeed."

Kagome felt her heart clench at the thought of the Kree being destroyed, but did not comment on it.

She took in a deep breath. "Why not just ask me instead of dragging me here?" Kagome asked the question that had been bugging her since her forced arrival on Hala. She was more than willing and capable of helping, but the brutally unkind action of tearing her away from her home nagged at her.

"Emotion is unpredictable." Midoriko supplied monotonously. "Especially in residents of planet C-53, such as yourself. Planet C-53 was Vers' home before she joined the Kree and betrayed us for our enemies."

Kagome nodded, understanding what Yon-Rogg had told her about the Supreme Intelligence having no comprehension of emotion. She thought it was sad that it would never be able to truly connect with the Kree. A leader that tells you to repress emotion simply because it cannot understand it would be horrible. Kagome resisted a shudder at the thought of having to act like Sesshomaru all the time.

"I will restore you." Kagome said, the energy that had been building for the previous eight days was closer to eruption than she had thought.

"You are powerful, Lady Kagome." Midoriko nodded once more. "Your service to both the Kree and the Supreme Intelligence is appreciated and noted."

She nodded, feeling the pent up energy writhe within her, begging to be released. She stepped towards Midoriko's body and put her hands gently on her shoulders. "This could hurt-"

"The Supreme Intelligence does not feel pain." The scoff sounded foreign coming from Midoriko's mouth. Kagome had always thought of her as mild-natured, unable to do any wrong or cause even a hint of offence or hurt.

Kagome ignored the comment, closing her eyes and blocking out the Supreme Intelligence's appearance to push her energy out.

Although Kagome couldn't see it, pink light shone from her palms, bathing both her and Midoriko's forms in pink light that danced around the mindscape in small particles that gathered in their most concentrated form at Kagome's hands.

It didn't hurt her, but it was strenuous to call this amount of energy out of her body. In fact, the last time she had attempted a feat like this was the day Naraku was slain. That, like this task, required an immense amount of power that Kagome, with her lack of training, struggled to control and manipulate in the way that she desired.

Midoriko made a satisfied noise. "The systems of the Supreme Intelligence are fully restored, energy is at maximum capacity."

Kagome dropped her hands from the Supreme Intelligence's shoulders and stumbled backwards. Fatigue had already begun to claim her, her limbs becoming heavy and standing up being her biggest challenge.

"The least you could do is say thank you," Kagome murmured, pressing a hand to her spinning head before the dizziness overwhelmed her completely and darkness consumed her, claiming her once more.

His heart thundered in his chest every moment she was in the mindscape.

Kagome was much too full of emotion for the Supreme Intelligence to approve. He clenched one fist at his side, trying not to let his aggregation show. His eyes travelled down to her hands, which were resting on her knees, in fascination. He had only ever seen something like this when Vers attacked the Supreme Intelligence. Soft pink light came from her palms, as did smaller particles of that energy, which drifted upwards end ventured up her arms.

The lights lasted for a few minutes, and suddenly ceased.

Kagome's eyes remained closed and her body fell backwards, sprawled out on the orange tiles. He walked towards her, ignoring the questioning stares of the two Starforce members guarding the Supreme Intelligence's headquarters. Yon-Rogg pulled Kagome's limp form upwards and lifted her to his chest, tucking one arm under her knees and the other under her back.

He gave a respectful nod to the guards before swiftly exiting the Supreme Intelligence's headquarters, and emerged onto the street. People recognised him- the highly decorated commander of the Starforce with only one glaring blemish on his record. Those that did not know the story of how he survive Vers' brutal attacks were impressed with him, thinking that he had somehow managed to hold her off long enough to return to Hala, and parted like the red sea for him out of respect.

Those that did know the circumstances surrounding his return to Hala from planet C-53 tolerated him far less, and threw him dirty looks. He knew what they were thinking. That he was un-Kree like and unfit for his title.

But he wasn't paying any attention to the people in the streets. No, his mind was focused on the human unconscious in his arms. The first thought that popped into his head was that perhaps the Supreme Intelligence put her in this state because she caused it some offence or told them she didn't want to stay with the Kree forever.

The instant he returned to his apartment, he lay her on the bed and checked her for injuries, noting that there was a light bruise on her chest from the dart delivered by the Kree elite eight days prior.

She seemed to be in a deep, peaceful slumber, never once stirring or even showing the slightest signs of movement.

Yon-Rogg sat down on the bed next to her, worried. He was worried not just for her, but that her bubbly and compassionate nature was affecting him more than it should have. She was, after all, just a way of restoring the Supreme Intelligence to its former glory. But if that was the case then why did the thought of her coming to harm make him question his loyalty to the Kree? She was supposed to be just another mission, another asset for the Kree. But in a very short span of time she had shifted his views. He used to be devoted entirely to the Kree and their goal. Now, he was questioning everything.

If the Supreme Intelligence was willing to harm Kagome, who in Yon-Rogg's eyes had never done anything but be the purest being in existence, then how far was it willing to go to achieve total Kree domination of the galaxies?

She didn't seem like she was waking up any time soon. As much as he wanted to stay with her for longer, he decided to train to release his pent up frustrations. Within an instant of him pulling his Magnitron gauntlets over his hands, objects in the room began to float, lifting a metre or so off the ground before crashing loudly back to the floor.

He had always been told that emotion was a terrible thing to show.

So, he buried those warm feelings deep down for the time being, and forced himself to focus on recalibrating his weapons and sharpening his senses.

Kagome slept for a grand total of three days, before waking up in a daze.

"Yon-Rogg?" She groaned, clutching a hand to her head and sitting up on his bed.

He was by her side in an instant, rushing into his bedroom. "Kagome, I see you've finally decided to wake up."

"What do you mean finally? How did I get here? Wasn't I just with the Supreme Intelligence a second ago?"

He shook his head, a small smile on his face. "You've been out for three days. It took five of us to carry you back here."

"Very funny." She narrowed her eyes at him. "For real, three days?"

"Yes," He nodded with a sigh.

"Hey, did I do alright? Is your Supreme Intelligence or whatever healed?" She asked, mock anger dropped from her visage in lieu of genuine concern.

"It is," He said softly, "How was it?"

Kagome shrugged. "Tiring, apparently. The Supreme Intelligence takes on the form of whoever you respect the most, huh?"

In her mind, it being Midoriko made perfect sense. While she indeed respected other people, there was nobody she admired as much as the legendary priestess that battled for seven days and seven nights to save humans, accidentally creating the sacred jewel in the process.

When she really thought about it, it seemed manipulative to her. You were far more likely to take orders from the person you admired the most than a computer screen. Perhaps that's why it did it. Using the face of a loved one against you to persuade you to abandon your emotions and follow the Supreme Intelligence's orders without question. She could never even consider blocking out her feelings. It would be torture for her, yet for Yon-Rogg and the rest of the Kree it was a commandment.

Something about that Supreme Intelligence seemed off to her. It could have been the cold attitude it displayed or the simple lack of thanks for her services, but something rubbed Kagome the wrong way. Either way, it was done now. The Supreme Intelligence was healed and the Kree were saved.

"I can't thank you enough." Yon-Rogg smiled, forcing himself to say those words. Dread nagged at him, the constant thought that Kagome could be killed for wanting to be a free person rather than the Kree's asset plagued him incessantly.

"I'm just happy that your people will be safe now." She smiled, bringing a hand up to her face as she yawned.

"Even after three days worth of sleep you're still tired?"

"Hey!" Kagome protested. "It took up a lot of my energy. It was tiring using that much power in one go! I'd kinda become used to having so much power all the time, now it just feels like I don't have any. At least until I meditate again, but that hurts my back and my legs."

"Kagome?" He said hesitantly, putting a hand on her shoulder.

She turned to him slowly. There was now a serious and sombre tone to his voice that hadn't been there before. "Yeah?"

Yon-Rogg took in a deep breath, his golden brown eyes, full of concern, met her blue ones. "Would you consider staying on Hala for a while longer?"

Kagome thought about it for a moment. Her family would be worried. But... her life outside the Feudal Era, without the sacred jewel or a land with roaming demonic entities, had become awfully boring. It was quite the shock for her, going from battle back to high school and being expected to act as if it had no effect on her.

"Sure," She nodded. "If you can let my family know I'm safe, I really don't want Mama to worry."

"Of course." He said quickly. Contacting her family was a small price to pay for both her company and extending her life.

"Besides," She nudged him playfully. "You'd miss me if I left."

"I'm not sure I would," His lips twitched upwards.

"Denial doesn't look good on you," Kagome used his very own words against him.

A few days later, Yon-Rogg entered his apartment, dressed in his Starforce uniform, having just received the full mission report of a fellow Kree commander that was sent to make contact with Kagome's family on planet C-53. The Supreme Intelligence was practically willing to authorise any mission that would help further their goal of making Kagome their asset.

"Kagome?" He called out, his eyes scanning the room for her form.

"Here," She called back, sauntering into the main room of his apartment from his bedroom.

"Are you busy?"

She rolled her pretty blue eyes. "Am I ever?"

"I'll take that as a 'no' then." Yon-Rogg sighed. "Contact has been successfully made with your family and they are now aware of your situation."

"Oh, goodie." Kagome laughed. "Mama'll be thrilled I'm in the middle of space with a bunch of aliens that kidnapped me."

"If I was your mother I'd be elated if aliens came and took you away." He chuckled.

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean?" She flushed, folding her arms over her chest indignantly.

He didn't respond, preferring to flash her an arrogant smirk.

"And what's up with the outfit?" Her eyes travelled down and back up his body, before settling on his face.

"Ah, Starforce business." Yon-Rogg answered vaguely, with a dismissive wave of his hand.

Kagome raised her eyebrows. "Keeping secrets isn't nice, you know."

"Since when have I ever been nice?" He retorted.

She tapped a finger against her chin in thought. "Well, there was that time you carried me all the way back here after I healed the Supreme Intelligence, I'd say that was pretty nice."

"That wasn't just me, there were four other people helping lug your body back," He teased.

"There wasn't and you know it," Kagome prodded an accusatory finger into his chest.

He shook his head. "I've just been offered a mission to a remote planet, E-74, for information extraction on behalf of our allies."

"Does that mean you're leaving me?" She frowned, her full lips changing from their smile to a childish pout.

"You wouldn't let me leave, you'd miss me too much." Yon-Rogg said with a half-grin. "You could come with me, if you want. It was supposed to be a solo mission and I was considering turning it down, but if you came with me I wouldn't have to."

Her blue eyes flashed with curiosity. "What exactly is this mission?"

"Our allies, the Accusers-"

"That's a pretty scary name," Kagome interjected.

"They're pretty formidable people." Yon-Rogg replied with a nod of his head. "The Accusers have found people with information they want. These people are willing to sell their information to the highest bidder. They hate the Kree and the Accusers, so it is important we don't give away our identities when interacting with them. We just buy our information and leave- maybe we can take a look at the nearby planets."

"Sounds great!" Kagome said excitedly. The galaxy was a big place- the thought of having more planets to explore and therefore more adventures to have made her heart swell with glee.

"So you'll come with me to planet E-74?"

"Is that even a question?" Kagome rolled her eyes. "When do we leave?"

"I think tomorrow will be good enough, don't you?"

"I can't wait!" She squealed, wrapping her arms around him.

He couldn't help but wrap his arms around her in return, relishing at the feel of her pressed to him.

"How does this thing even work?" She prodded the communicator built into the Starforce uniform with some suspicion.

"It's not difficult," Yon-Rogg sighed, grabbing her hand so that she could no longer mess with her suit, and guided her through the streets once more.

She took in Hala once more- the busy people of all different alien species and origin, the towering buildings and the prominent green and black colour scheme that was repeated in everything the Kree did.

He paused in his stride at a black wall, with a mechanical-looking box adjacent to it. He quickly recited a code, the wall opening with a 'whoosh' to reveal the inside of the hangar.

"What was that?" Kagome was looking back over her shoulder at the artificial intelligence.

"The guard," He answered, "It's just an A.I."

"Just an A.I," She did a terrible impression of him, making his voice far too high. "You know, back on Earth, we have humans to do guard work."

Kagome turned her head, her eyes widening considerably as she looked around the hangar.

The last time Yon-Rogg had been here was the day that Kagome arrived, kicking and screaming, on Hala. The hangar had been completely empty then, but now it was teeming with Starforce members returning and departing from and to missions outside of Hala.

Sleek black jets and fighter planes were lined up in soldier-like rows, with the occasional one missing.

"This one's ours," He flashed her a grin as the ramp of a high-tech jet descended. Kagome walked up the ramp, surveying everything inside the small ship with curious eyes. She quickly found the controls, her fingers lightly brushing against them.

"You'll launch missiles if you're not careful," Yon-Rogg said as the ramp began to close. "It's quite the journey to planet E-74, buckle up."

Kagome sat in the chair next to him at the front of the aircraft, the seatbelt crossing over her body in an 'X' shape. "How long a journey are we talking here?"

"Fourteen hours," He replied casually, flipping a few switches and adjusting some of the controls with ease, as if he had been doing it for his entire life. He probably had been.

Kagome groaned. "Too long."

He shook his head, "We're clear for takeoff."

The force of the plane leaving the ground and surging into the air sent Kagome further backwards into the leather pilot's chair.

"At least I'm in a seat this time," She grumbled to herself, white hot anger flashing through her as she thought about her journey to Halla. "That red jerk just slapped some cuffs on me and left me to float about!"

"And I take it you weren't thrilled about that?"

"Of course not!" She roared indignantly. "They just left me there! As if it wasn't rude enough to just snatch me from my house and push me into a ship they left me to float about back there for hours."

Yon-Rogg sighed. "And yet you survived."

"And now I'm here to annoy you."

"I'm bored!"

Kagome had long since abandoned her seat by Yon-Rogg, deciding that floating around the ship with her hands free would be much more enjoyable than being confined to a chair.

"And you think I'm not?"

She wrinkled her nose at him, flying slowly to float just behind him and anchor herself to him by putting her hands on his shoulders. "How do you do this all the time?"

"I spent the entire journey checking our weapons and keeping updated with the battles. Undercover work is something I haven't done in a while." He admitted, "You may want to sit back down now, we're entering planet E-74's atmosphere."

"Finally!" She cheered, floating over to her seat and buckling herself back in.

"We'll be landing on the outskirts of their civilisation, and then we'll work our way towards the informants."

"What kind of information are we even looking for?" She asked, clicking her knuckles.

"Information on powerful artefacts that the Accusers want," Yon-Rogg supplied. "If we are asked, we are humans from Terra."

Kagome cocked an eyebrow. "Where's that?"

"Another name for your planet, planet C-53. Only Kree refer to planets by letter and number, the rest of the galaxy give them names." Yon-Rogg explained with a shrug. "The only planet we have given a name is Hala."

"Go figure," She rolled her eyes. As they descended through orange and yellow clouds high in the bright blue sky, Kagome could see a city, built in a circular shape with high walls surrounding it and even higher skyscrapers inside.

The plane landed smoothly on desert sand outside the city, sand dunes surrounding them for miles, with the only civilisation being the booming circular city.

"That wasn't so bad, was it?" Yon-Rogg said.

"Fourteen hours is a long time." Kagome shrugged.

"Apparently our disguises have been left in the back of the jet-" He began, pausing as Kagome bolted out of her seat to go look for said disguises. It didn't take her long to find them and she wondered how she didn't notice when she was flying around earlier. There were two separate black bags- one labelled 'Commander Yon-Rogg', and the other simply labelled 'Kagome'.

Kagome picked up her bag, quickly rifling through it and eyeing the garments in annoyance. "Oh, come on!"

Half an hour later and Kagome was wearing a black skirt even shorter, if possible, than her old green school one, paired with some boots and a lacy black shirt.

"I'm going to be having a few words with whoever thought this was okay," Kagome fumed, her fists clenched at her sides.

Yon-Rogg laughed at her, lounging in his seat dressed in a black muscle t-shirt and jeans. "Isn't this what people on planet C-53 wear?"

"Some of them, maybe!" Kagome exclaimed. "But not me!"

"I think that you're worried because you don't know how to walk in those." He eyed her heeled boots with a smirk on his face.

"I don't think you know how to walk in these either!" She huffed. "If you want to swap outfits I'm all for it."

"Somehow I don't think it'd look as good on me as it does on you."

Kagome blushed, folding her arms over her chest and looking away. "I'm ready to leave if you are."

"Let's go, then." He nodded, standing up and walking over to the back of the ship and pressing a button, the ramp descending a few seconds later.

"That sure is a lotta sand," Kagome remarked, making her way down the ramp and into the sand, her feet sinking uncomfortably into it. "Oh man, I can already tell there's gonna be sand everywhere after this."

"We get into the city via those gates," He pointed at a pair of iron gates, guarded by two men dressed in all-silver body armour, that seemed to be the only entrance to the booming city.

She nodded, wondering what type of place this is- perhaps it was like Tokyo, or New York, or even Hala, where aliens of different races were all united under the Kree.

"We meet with our informants at the Dibyre Club on the outskirts of the city." He supplied. "I don't know what planet C-53 is like, but here on planet E-74, it is far from tame."

"Oh man, is that why I'm dressed like a prostitute?"

He laughed, "Perhaps."

Kagome groaned. "Next time you get to be the prostitute. I can barely walk in the sand with these heels!" As if to prove her point, she slipped, her face nearly colliding with the fine sand. Strong arms wrapped around her, pulling her up and making her face him.

"Maybe you just need more practice?" He suggested with a raised eyebrow, forcing himself to release her and let her stand on her own, as much as he wanted to keep holding her.

Kagome huffed, looking away and continuing on her trek across the sand, Yon-Rogg following closely behind her.

"Remember, we're from Terra." Yon-Rogg reiterated, as they began to come within the vicinity of the gates and the guards stationed beside them.

Kagome looked up at the guards, giving the one closest to her a small smile, which he returned with a stern glare. She narrowed her eyes in return.

They wore full silver body armour, reflecting the light of the sun. The one that had glared at Kagome was clearly the younger one, with pale skin, messy brown hair that came to his shoulders and a rather agitated expression on his face. The other guard simply looked like the colour beige personified: completely boring. He looked fed up with his job and like he would leave the second he got the chance.

"Identification." The other, older guard demanded monotonously. Kagome had never seen someone look so bored in her entire life.

Yon-Rogg held up a piece of paper to the guards, which the older one nodded at, turning to open the iron gates with a loud creek. Yon-Rogg took Kagome's hand in his and brought her through the gate after him into the city.

"What was that?" Kagome asked, looking at the piece of paper he was stuffing carelessly into the back pocket of his jeans.

"Forged identification, to get us in here." He replied, turning his head away from hers to survey their new surroundings.

"Ah." Kagome nodded. She too looked at the city. The buildings on the far side of the city were huge, with flashing billboards on them in a language that Kagome couldn't understand, most likely the language of the inhabitants of this planet. This side of the city, though, had smaller buildings with far less floors on them, most only being two stories tall at most. There were still flashing lights on these buildings, advertising what each one sold.

"That's where our informants are." Yon-Rogg nodded towards a building, one without a second floor. It was made of grey bricks, with small windows that were made of coloured glass- their chosen colour being orange. There were two neon orange signs illuminating the street, the first being one of a drink and the second being one of a woman's silhouette with her hands placed on her hips.

He released her hand to push open the door, made entirely from a lightweight opaque orange material. He held it open for her, allowing Kagome to enter the Dibyre Club first.

The music was blaring loudly, already making her wince. She had not heard it from outside, and it was impossible to ignore it while inside. The heavy bass made her head pound, and she pressed a hand to her head before trying and failing to block out the music by simply pretending it wasn't playing. The main colour scheme of the Dibyre Club seemed to be blue and orange, with blue and orange lights flickering on and off constantly. To her left was a bar, a man behind it with scaled green skin, or so she presumed. It wasn't easy to determine the colour of anything with the lights changing colour and flickering.

There weren't many people there, with only a group of about five human-looking individuals on what Kagome thought was the dance floor. Around the edges of the club were booths, mostly uninhabited. What really caught Kagome's eye was the end of the club. There was a raised platform, with twelve women frozen in their position on it. Three of those women were chained to the ground like dogs, with a spiked collar around their necks and wearing very little clothing.

"Our informants are there." He put a hand on her back, guiding her towards a booth with two men sitting down, their faces concealed by holding menus to them.

The man sat opposite Kagome lowered his menu and set it to the table, revealing his face. His skin was yellow, with deep crevices all over it and what Kagome assumed to be a healing wound across his neck, with some black stitches holding it together. His dark eyes roamed over Kagome's body and towards her male companion. The second man lowered his menu, his skin being a deep pink colour. He ran a hand through his dark brown hair, which reached his cheekbones. This man had a more calm look on this face than the other, who simply looked angered.

"The whore leaves." The first man tilted his head in Kagome's direction, his gaze focused on Yon-Rogg.

"She's with me." He replied smoothly.

"I'm not a whore," Kagome bit out, narrowing her eyes at him, fury raging within her. In all honesty, she looked like she was going to lash out and beat the man into the ground for his comment.

"Feisty," The pink man remarked, smirking at Kagome. "She can stay."

The honey-coloured man looked to his associate in distaste. "Fine."

"Onto our business," The man smiled. "You can call me Perfuga and my friend here is Lucrum." He gestured to the yellow man.

"You want our information on the Infinity Stones, yes?" Lucrum said.

Yon-Rogg nodded. "Yes."

"Forty thousand units," Lucrum demanded. "Nothing less."

Yon-Rogg didn't even bat an eye at the absurdly high amount. "Fine. The units will be transferred to your account."

"Now, if you will." Perfuga drawled, glancing back at Kagome. "What's a pretty, fiery little thing like you doing here, on Yakarre, in the Dibyre Club of all places?"

"I've already told you, she's with me." Yon-Rogg repeated, pulling out a device that reminded Kagome a lot of the confusing communicators, to transfer the units to Lucrum. Lucrum did the same, eagerly awaiting the units transferring into his pocket.

Yon-Rogg looked at his communicator with a frown, his head quickly snapping upwards so that he could meet Kagome's questioning gaze.

"Perhaps you're not a regular whore, you're a Kree whore!" Lucrum snarled, standing up with his fists clenched.

'You've been compromised. Abort mission.' The message from the Accusers flashed on the screen, although it was too late.

Lucrum reached for the blaster holstered on his hip, Perfuga standing up beside him, a smug sneer on his face.

Kagome reached immediately as Lucrum fired a blast, throwing herself and Yon-Rogg to the ground to avoid getting hit. They both stood up quickly, and she turned around. The chair she had been sat on seconds ago was missing a large chunk of the cushion, the smell of singed wood and leather reaching her nose.

"Did we get the units from those Kree fuckers?" Perfuga growled, now equipped with his own blaster and aiming it squarely at Kagome.

"No! Damn it!" Lucrum cursed, firing another shot at Kagome, who stumbled backwards, a glare on her face.

"We need to go," Yon-Rogg grabbed her by the arm, pulling her towards the orange door of the Dibyre Club desperately. "We're out armed."

More shots rained down at them. These weapons were nothing like the ones that Kagome had seen before. They fired pure dazzling white energy at their target, annihilating everything in their path. The women that had once been standing perfectly still atop the platform were now running, hiding and the three chained down were trying to escape, attempting to pull their chains from the ground or take off their collars.

Lucrum hissed something to Perfuga, who nodded back, and rushed forwards, shooting rapidly at Kagome and Yon-Rogg, who were just reaching the doorway. There were no objects to take the hit for them this time, nothing to hide behind or use as a shield.

Kagome's entire world seemed to slow down, as she raised her arms in front of her in a protective 'X' shape. Power flooded out from her, an intense pink glow encompassing her arms. The energy blast hit, the white and pink energies dancing together for a split second before Kagome lowered her arms and both were gone, leaving behind just her, standing at the door to the Dibyre Club looking down at her arms, confused but awfully impressed with herself.

Yon-Rogg pulled her closer to him, practically forcing them both out of the door. They sprinted down the street, the occasional blast of white energy soaring past them.

"Pretty cool, huh?" Kagome smiled at him.

He didn't reply, simply pulling her towards the iron gate that they entered the city through. The guards gave them puzzled looks, before opening the gate and with a loud screech.

They rushed through the desert-like environment, Kagome not even bothering to complain about the sand or how she was about to fall over. They made it to the jet, the ramp lowering instantaneously. They dashed on board, Kagome quickly looking over her shoulder to see the two informants pursuing them, with an additional five people, all dressed in royal blue clothes with black body armour and silver helmets.

The ramp closed behind them.

"If I were you I'd sit down, it seems like we're going to have a rough takeoff." Yon-Rogg bit out, sitting in the leather pilot's chair and flipping numerous switches, before taking the controls of the plane in his hands.

Kagome sat down beside him, constantly glancing at the chaos. The men had began to surround the ship, all pointing their weapons at it threateningly. She could barely hear one of the men in blue yell 'surrender.'

"Pathetic." Yon-Rogg scoffed as the ship began to leave the ground, sand swirling in the air from the wind created by the ship.

"Let's get outta here before it gets any worse," Kagome groaned as the ship went higher in the air at a very fast speed. "Do all your missions go like this?"

"I think it may only be because you're here," He drawled. "Of course they don't all go this badly. We'd been compromised from the beginning, I believe."


He sighed. "We were probably found out by some spies that knew the Accusers would be sending a representative. Next time I get offered a mission, you're not coming with me."

"What?" Kagome snapped, turning quickly to look at him, her fists already clenched.

"You haven't been trained and you could have been injured." He breathed unevenly- it had been a close call, if not for those strange abilities of hers that the Supreme Intelligence so desired, then she would undoubtedly have died.

Her eyes softened. "But I wasn't injured. I'm fine, we're both fine."

Yon-Rogg flipped another two switches, one turning the artificial gravity on and the other putting the ship on autopilot. "That's not the point."

"And what if I wasn't here and you were injured?" She turned his own argument onto him just as easily.

He didn't respond, merely staring straight ahead and into the cosmos before them. Kagome huffed, quickly unbuckling her seatbelt and striding over to him. She put a hand under his chin and turned his face to make him look at her.

"I don't know what I'd do without you." She admitted in a whisper. And truthfully, she didn't. As much as she despised being dragged off her planet and into the middle of space for god's sake, she was thankful that it happened. Her life on earth had been steadily losing meaning to her with her travels to the Feudal era having ended, and she found herself constantly looking for purpose. She was thrilled to help when she had the opportunity to, even if she didn't show it. And even when she had completed her task and healed the Supreme Intelligence, he offered her purpose by taking her on a mission.

Yon-Rogg's heart started beating all too fast for his liking. He was never supposed to have feelings, lest he be anything but the perfect Kree soldier. This beautiful, compassionate woman from C-53 had started as just a way to earn back the trust of the Supreme Intelligence. But his traitorous heart found her to be so much more than a mission. Before, he wouldn't have batted an eye when the Supreme Intelligence said it would kill someone for going against its wishes. But when that person was Kagome, he found himself full of anger at the thought of her being injured, or worse, killed.

"I'm sorry, for everything." He replied quietly.

"You don't need to apologise," She shook her head with a smile.

Yon-Rogg found himself unable to meet her gaze. "I do. I put you in danger the second I accepted the mission to persuade you to heal the Supreme Intelligence." He took in a deep breath. "It could have killed you if you tried to leave or defied it."

Kagome merely looked concerned. Stranger things had happened to her than some artificial intelligence having a secret agenda.

"I never realised until," His mouth went dry, "It said it would kill you if you tried to leave. So, I tried to make you stay."

"You just wanted to protect me." She whispered, a sincere smile on her face as she looked down at him.

He stood up, sliding his hands down to Kagome's waist. "Perhaps Vers was right. The Supreme Intelligence has become distorted and lost the moral compass it used to have. It wanted to kill you, and you did the Kree a great service." He seethed. The second he touched her, he stopped caring about how un-Kree like he was being and began to further open himself up to the notion that the Supreme Intelligence was not, in fact, benefiting the galaxy in any way. The fact that it would kill the kind and caring Kagome was a testament of that.

She blushed at the feel of his hands against her body. "Yon-"

"I don't want you to go back there," Yon-Rogg interrupted her. "I can't let you be there knowing you could die."

Kagome rested her head against his chest.

"I'd really rather you not die."

"I'd really rather you not die too." Kagome laughed into his chest.

"I like you too much to let you go back there." He sighed.

Kagome looked up at him, blue eyes meeting golden brown. "I like you too, dummy."

Yon-Rogg looked down at the woman in his arms with warmth. "Then I think we should leave the Kree, I doubt they'll even miss us much since they're focusing on finding Vers. With any luck they'll think she killed us."

"And where would we go?"

He gave her a smirk. "Planet C-53 sounds good to me. Maybe I'll even try your precious oden, though I don't think it can compare to Kree food." He released her momentarily, quickly removing the tracking chip located in all Kree spacecrafts and crushing it between his fingers, before once again wrapping his arms around Kagome.

"Really?" Happiness shone through her eyes. "It's far better, trust me you'll see."

"I doubt I'm wanted on planet C-53, but-"

"I'll protect you." Kagome promised, pulling his face down to hers to meet his lips in a passionate kiss.

And so, Kagome Higurashi moved onto her next adventure.

Author's Note: 11,853 words. Damn, I've been wanting to start an x-over fic for a while, and was super inspired by Captain Marvel to write this. I have a few ideas for future chapters but nothing concrete yet. Please suggest things that you would like to see in the future; like characters, prompts/ just general requests and I'll probably write it! You can request in the comments, or DM me on here or tumblr (Con-fection). I love getting feedback so please let me know what you think! Yon-Rogg is really tough to write, especially without a Captain Marvel script to take inspiration and character analysis from, so I had to write just from memory! Eek!

Please review and request! Love ya!