
The two lovers instantly fell asleep in each other's arm and they didn't have a care in the world if someone was listening but Naruto was probably going to regret that tomorrow when a certain grey-haired ninja brings up the events that played out.

Italics means someone is thinking or having flashbacks or singing

Bold is bijus talking or someone who deepens their voice

Kumiho: Heyy~

Mei: Heyy~

Shukaku: Heyy


"Father." The door slowly creaked open and revealed Fugaku and Mikoto. "I don't want to participate in a death match with my son." Itachi slowly walked closer to his parents "I aligned with the other side." Silence once again took the room. Itachi staggers to straighten his body "Father, Mother...I..." "We already know Itachi." "Itachi, promise me this." Itachi slowly brought his sword closer "Take care of Sasuke." "I will." A tear slowly fell from Itachi's Sharingan and his sword soon began to rattle in hesitation. "Don't fear it. This is the path you've chosen. Compared to yours, our pain will end in an instant. Our philosophies may differ, but I'm proud of you." Tears began following onto Itachi's fist and once again, hesitation took control. "You truly are a kind child." The blade soon was raised and with two rapid succession strikes, both Fugaku and Mikoto was dead.

"Mom, Dad!" Naruto instantly woke up panting, sweating, and his eyes started hurting which resulted in him grabbing them in agony and this startled Kaguya greatly as she woke up with her eyes widen "Na-Naru, it was just a nightmare, calm down. Shhh, I'm here." Kaguya hugged Naruto tightly and tried to calm him down with a soothing voice "I-It w-was I-Itachi. He killed them..." It felt so real, was it because of the Sharingan? Or was it because Naruto has Itachi's blood running through his body? "Naru, it's okay. I'm here for you."

Naruto couldn't understand what was happening. He didn't know what to think of that nightmare. All he knows is, he just wanted to be near no one besides Kaguya. At this point, she seems like the only one who could comfort him since she's been through something similar. "Naru, I know how you feel. Trust me I've been there, I know what it is like to lose family. I was both my sons." Naruto slowly moved out of the hug and looked at Kaguya "I'm sorry...I didn't know." Naruto soon felt bad now just for making Kaguya bring something up that she probably wanted to forget. "It's okay Naru. Let's just forget about it. I don't this day to be ruined. Now go back to sleep." Kaguya soon covered herself back up with the blanket and laid back down leaving Naruto confused "Hey Kaguya, question. Why are you naked and why are our clothes on the floor?"

Kaguya turns over and looks at Naruto with a sly smile "You don't remember? Well, maybe I should jog your memory." Before Naruto could respond, Kaguya jumped onto him and began to kiss him. Naruto didn't know what to do. He didn't know if he should go along with it or if he should make her stop?

Memories started to overflood Naruto's mind and everything from last night started to come to him. The sex, the moaning, the pleasure, and the love. In that very instant, Naruto remembered everything.

As Kaguya kept kissing Naruto, she felt him get harder and she started to get poked on her thigh. "Oh? It seems you're hard?" Kaguya couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Even though she and Naruto slept together, she still loves him greatly and just him staring at her makes her embarrassed, but him seeing her naked? It's just too much.

"Hey, Naru, you think we have enough ti-" Before she knew it, Naruto was on top of her but something was wrong. "Naru?" Naruto's hair was covering his eyes and he was pinning Kaguya down "Why?" Naruto asked "Naru? What's wrong?" Naruto didn't know what to think now. Before Kaguya acted somewhat like this, a couple of days she wasn't acting like this, but now, now she's acting like this.

"Why are you acting like this?!" Kaguya was starting to get worried, this was not the Naruto that she fell in love with. Well, he is but he was different. "Naru yo-you're scaring me." Kaguya being a goddess, could handle Naruto but she wanted to see if this was an act, but a goddess being scared? That's never going to happen. But don't get her wrong, Kaguya is getting scared but this was Naruto. Her lover, a lover that was supposed to protect her. But now she's starting to doubt if Naruto is ever actually going to be her ideal lover. "Scaring you? Scaring you?! You're scaring me! You're changing! I don't even know who you are for fuck sakes! I don't even know if I gave my first to the women that I love or if I gave it to someone who wants to just wants me for sex!"

Kaguya was baffled. Being accused of being a stranger by the one you love hurts especially if you just got done being intimate. But not only was she baffled, but she was also hurt. She felt like crying and getting away from Naruto as fast as she could. "Sex? Sex?! Can't you see that I love you?! Why does it matter to you so much! I love you just for you! Just because I like to indulge in lust doesn't mean that I want you for sex! Do you know how hard and boring it is to keep up my goddess persona?! I had to keep it up ever since I fucking arrived here! I just want to be me and love you the way I want to love you!"

It may not seem like it, but this couple was going to be in for a very, very rude awaking. But back to the argument, Naruto was speechless. He didn't know what to say so he just got off Kaguya and made his way to the closet "So that's it? Nothing? You're not even going to say one goddamn thing?" Naruto just put clothes on and stayed silent which made Kaguya get angrier "Naruto, I don't want to have the same outcome we had four years ago, so answer me! At least say something!" Kaguya was actually starting to get very aggravated that her lover was not responding and that was just starting to piss her off. "What the fuck do you want me to say?! This is too much for me to understand! I just gave you my first and now you're telling me this was all an act! What am I supposed to say?!"

"I don't know! Maybe an 'I'm sorry Kaguya, I just didn't know that you love me this much' would be enough!" Kaguya screamed "Well I'm sorry, I have too much on my mind. One minute I killed someone and next I'm being intimate with you! That kind of creeps me out." Killed? More like murder. Naruto killed that person in cold blood. "K-Killed? Naru what the fuck did you do?! What do you mean that you killed someone?!" Naruto couldn't believe that he just said that. He couldn't believe that he just told the person that he loves that he murdered someone. "Please just forget about it. I don't want to talk about this anymore alright? I'm sorry for screaming at you. I accept you just the way you are. So please, don't ask."

A small smile soon arose on Kaguya's face "You accept me the way I am? Prove it then." Kaguya has a sly smile and got out of the bed and walked towards Naruto with no clothes on "W-What?!" Naruto started moving backward in fear of what was about to happen. "Why are you moving Naru? C'mon, prove it." Naruto couldn't respond, he could only keep moving back. Kaguya kept that sly smile on her face as she kept walking towards Naruto.

Naruto was soon up against a wall again but this time, they were in the living room. The windows were see-through and anyone could see, that was a problem for Naruto but for Kaguya, she could care less. "Naru...I want you~ Please..." Naruto could feel Kaguya's warm breath and that made him blush brighter. But Kaguya begging for him? That made him feel weird. "" Kaguya soon kissed Naruto as so did he. The kiss was not a normal lip against lip action. Kaguya wanted Naruto. She wanted what happened last night to happen again and this time, this time she wanted to do it longer, so she initiated it by sticking her tongue inside Naruto's mouth and started exploring it which was making his mind go crazy.

The position the two were in, comprised of Naruto being against the wall with Kaguya naked pushed against him with her knee in between his legs. To people outside, it would seem like foreplay but Naruto knew that this was going to be so much more than foreplay. "Mmmmh mmmmh mmmhmm ahh. Naru, I never knew you were such a good kisser. Why have you been holding out ahh-" Before Kaguya could finish her sentence, Naruto quickly kissed Kaguya back and during the kiss, they both started to moan in the kiss and began to move around the room. Naruto soon picked Kaguya up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and began to kiss while moaning frantically.

"Naru...c'mon...put it in me." Naruto was just about to take off his clothes but they were interrupted by a knock on the door. "I-It's probably just a random, come on Naru...I can't wait for it any longer!"


A quickie. Quickie meaning a short time of two people engaging in sexual intercourse. Kaguya probably doesn't understand what that means because she told Naruto she wanted to have one but instead of having a 'quickie' they had sex from eight in the morning to two in the afternoon!

"Naruto, you're late. It's your first time back and you're already late." Sakura explained "Bu-" "And Kakashi is here to so don't use that excuse." Naruto began to look around the training ground trying to find his sensei but he couldn't. Naruto was just about to say something until someone else spoke "Naruto, I'm so proud of you!" Kakashi instantly put Naruto in a headlock and began to rub his head. "Ka-Kakashi-sensei what are you doing?! And why are you proud of me?!"

"You finally got laid! My student finally got laid!" Naruto's face soon turned red as those words left Kakashi's mouth and Sakura? Well, Sakura just looked at Naruto like he was crazy "W-Wha-! What the fuck?! How the fuck do you know that?!" Naruto swept his foot under Kakashi's leg and made him trip and quickly got away from Kakashi "Hahaha, well I was walking by your apartment and I need to talk to you so I went and knocked but then I heard 'I-It's probably just a random, come on Naru...I can't wait for it any longer!'" Both his students were blushing and both had nose bleeds. Naruto felt so creeped out that someone knew what he had done no less than twenty-four hours ago, he didn't feel disgusted, he didn't feel weird, he felt creeped out. His sensei, Kakashi Hatake, only has one hobby. Reading porn.

Now if he could, Kakashi would gladly watch Naruto in the action. "Sta-Stay away from me." Kakashi got off the ground and looked at Naruto with an eye smile, Sakura was just confused she didn't know if Kakashi and Naruto were just acting or if it was real. She look towards Naruto with an explanation look, Naruto took what she means and quickly began to explain in embarrassment "L-Last night, I uh, I had an intimate moment with K-Kaguya and we happen to have another one this morning..." Sakura instantly blushed and slowly look at Kakashi who is giving her an eye smile "Y-Y-Your w-were wa-wa-watch-watching them?!" Kakashi was just about to say something but was instantly stopped by a strong punch that sent him flying into the forest behind the group.

"And you," Sakura looked to Naruto with a murderous face which made him go pale "You shouldn't be having sex at your age you pervert!" Sakura's fist was mere inches from connecting to Naruto's face until a strong current of wind made her fist took a far left which she ended up falling.

What Naruto saw was Sakura being flown beside him and then after that, everything went black as a pair of hands covered his eyes. "Wha-" "Guess who~" Before Naruto could say, his left ear felt warm and a bit wet which instantly made Naruto guess "K-K-K-K-Kaguya?!" Naruto immediately tried to get away from Kaguya but due to her superior strength Naruto couldn't move that much, but somehow, some inexplicable way, he fell on Kaguya with his hand on top of her breast which made her smile at him "Wow, Naru~ I never took you for the type to do this. I think I like it!" Naruto was already embarrassed already but now with Kaguya here and laying on her just takes the cake.

Sakura was conscious during all of this too and she was listening and she felt so uncomfortable. Kakashi on the other hand, he was just watching from the bushes from afar and boy he was enjoying the view. "But you know Naru...I don't always enjoy being on the bottom. Some times," Kaguya, in the blink of an eye, flipped the positions that both she and Naruto was in "I like to be on top." Kaguya now had Naruto's hands pinned down with hers on top of his and she was now staring at him with a serious face "Naru, be honest with me." Naruto hesitantly nods. Kaguya was never like this and that was scary to Naruto. "Do you...want to do it here?"

Sakura couldn't take it anymore and she passed out but she never got up from the ground and that makes you wonder. Did she want to listen to Naruto's 'intimate conversation' or did she want to see what kind of women Naruto was seeing? Kakashi on the other hand, he was enjoying the view. "W-W-W-W-W-W-WHAT DO YOU MEAN 'DO I WANT TO DO IT HERE?!' ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Kaguya gave Naruto a sly smile and nodded "No, I'm perfectly sane but I'm just suggesting doing it here. You don't want to?" Naruto nodded making Kaguya sigh and get off of him "You're no fun Naru, but I'll allow it this time."

As Naruto stood up, he look at Kaguya "So why are you here anyway? I don't think I've ever seen you around here." Kaguya looks to the bushes where Kakashi is and she looks directly into his eyes making him flinch. Kaguya raises her hand and aims it towards Kakashi's position and shoots a wind slash which rips apart the trees surrounding Kakashi making him visible "Ka-Kakashi?!" The grey-haired ninja waves at his student with an eye smile "He was watching everything. I don't care if people hear our conversation. But," Kaguya started walking towards Kakashi and when she was inches away she stared right in his eyes "When they know what we do, then that just creeps me out. Do you think I didn't know that it was you that stopped by? I could care less if you talk about it but don't make Naru feel uncomfortable because if you do," Kaguya then sent another wind attack to a tree making Kakashi get into a defensive stance. "Then I won't hesitate to kill you."


Black cloaks with red clouds are worn by the most notorious criminals. These criminals are the most dangerous ninjas out of the elemental nations and during the Third Shinobi War, that's when the Akatsuki was created. The Akatsuki is a group comprised of al rogue ninjas that are S rank or higher and they are known for some of the strongest ninjas that could go head to head with the Kage.

"Lady Tsunade, is there something wrong?" Shizune asks making Tsunade look to her "I have a bad feeling right now. Get Team Kakashi, and Team Gai here now."