Cascading explosions rushed from his palms, filling the practice space he had been given for his free period. He was pushing himself to his limit, and then feeling out the physical backlash from there. Bakago felt the heat of the chemical reactions that burst from his hands, and glycerine sweat poured from his forehead. He shook his head, his sweat flying off of his hair like a wet dogs. He thanked his genes again for not making all of his sweat explosive. He watched as the bursts of light began to fizzle and fade, and he walked to the end of the large warehouse to check the measuring lines he had drawn into the ashen floor. This whole warehouse was his quirk playground, and he was thrilled to abuse it. Bakago had led the charge for class 1-A being allowed private spaces to work on their quirks.

"Society's eyes will always be on you, Young Bakugo, you have to be prepared!" All Might had chastised him when he came to him with the idea. He had heard a similar sentiment from Present Mic, and his frustration was bubbling up in his throat.

"I get it! I fucking get it! But we're observed every other minute of the day, I figured I could have some time without people breathing down my goddamn neck!" He had snarled back. All Might shifted his weight from foot to foot, but he still had dark unreadable eyes and that giant grin on his face. Bakugo was still uncomfortable with the former Number One Hero's new appearance, but he was comforted in the fact that he was mostly the same guy. Even if that meant he never really understood what was going on in his head.

"I see your point, but Aizawa has the final say." All Might left it at that, and when Bakugo pitched the idea to Aizawa, his home room teacher was warmer to the notion and gave it to Iida the Class Rep to put up for a vote for the class. What surprised him most were who voted for it. Maybe it was because he didn't really pay attention to his classmates much, but he didn't realize how many of those teamwork lovers wanted to go solo too. Todoroki made sense, he was just as much of a loner as he was. Yet everyone seemed a lot cooler with Mr. Icey Hot than they were with him. That Half-and-Half bastard! And yet Uraraka and Deku raised their hands to vote for his idea. Deku even praised him for the whole thing, and it made him want to vomit. The vote was close, with Kaminari ending up the tie-breaker. The Buzzbrain probably wants to hide his dumb face from all the girls. He had thought as the poll finished, but there was no point in crushing those that were giving him what he wanted, what he needed.

Bakugo hated being watched. He hated the feeling he got when their gaze burned on his back. Even when he stared them down, their seeing only grew hotter, more stifling. All their judgements and impressions piled up on top of each other, pressing their weight down on his shoulders. He was going to be a pro hero, the number one. And that comes with eyes, so many eyes. He liked it okay when they were obvious in their views. When he excelled at school and showed how powerful his quirk was, they all had a pretty similar look in their eyes. Shock, awe, and fear, all wrapped together. He can handle three impressions or less, anything more than that and he can't help but grind his teeth to dust. It was too easy to lash out angrily, bringing even more attention on himself. The endless cycle has gotten worse since he got to U.A. It was holding back his progress as a hero and that fact made him even angrier. He was the best, and this bullshit was just getting in the way.

When all of class 1-A worked together in class to improve their quirks, it always felt like he had to keep his rank as number one in the class. He couldn't make any missteps or misjudgements, only more firepower. Even when they had practiced their Super Moves, he never tried an idea that had any significant chance to fail. He just couldn't make that call because when his quirk backfires or goes the wrong way, it's pretty noticeable. A face full of explosions usually gets people's attention pretty well. He couldn't take risks like he could if he were alone, and although he worded it a little differently in his pitch to the class, it went over well.

He crouched down to observe the last streaks of black ash that branched out over the warehouse floor. That last blast hit the 738 meter mark. It was the farthest he's ever blasted, at least while practicing. He's pushed himself past his limits during fights over the past year, but never during practice. The spikey haired blond let out a sigh of relief. At least he was starting to move forward. He looked down at his watch and realized he only had around 15 minutes left to get showered, dressed, and ready for his next class. He screamed out a curse to let out the energy that builds up when he trains and ran to the small shower he had installed on the right side of his warehouse. Aizawa had them fill out work order sheets with their private warehouse needs, like certain terrains or obstacles. Bakugo didn't ask for too many obstacles or things to explode, he understood the force needed to break most any urban material at this point. Right now he was focused on controlling and strengthening his blasts. But a shower was something he needed, because smelling like noxious chemicals during the rest of the school day wasn't something he liked too much.

Bakugo threw his dirty gym clothes on the floor of the bathroom before hopping in the shower. He turned the water temperature up really hot and let the pressure massage his shoulders. The force of the explosions really tightened his back up, so this felt amazing. Just as he began to wet his hair, he heard a muffled shriek coming from the other side of the wall. He opened his eyes to look where the sound came from and that's when the whole wall exploded inward, a giant pink ball crushing the metal sidings of the warehouse and blowing the tiling of the bathroom way like tissue paper. The blast threw him back a couple feet into the wall behind him, but he managed to keep an eye on the situation.

The dust began to clear and that's when he spotted her. Ochako Uraraka's body was splayed over the pink ball, her face buried in the top of it. She was wearing skin tight yoga pants, similar to her costume, that were leaving little to the imagination as her butt poked up from her face plant position. His hormonal observation on this destructive scene made him remember his own predicament; he was naked. His eyes darted around the destroyed room for any sign of his pants or a towel. His piled up clothes were now under a pile of rubble and he usual kept his towel hung up on the now destroyed wall. His eyes caught view of a hand towel by the sink and grabbed it right before Uraraka began to lift her head up from the pink ball.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Pink Cheeks?" He screamed out to her, holding the hand towel to his crotch. His classmate looked up at him in a daze but a few seconds later turned completely red as she realized what she had crashed into.

"Oh no! Oh no! Oh no!" Uraraka screamed as gravity pulled the heavy plastic covered iron ball down and through the wall of her private warehouse space. She had just jumped on the ball to make it float again to stop it from crashing, but she hadn't made it in time. She managed to not let it keep moving through whatever was on the other side, probably another student's private warehouse. As the pink ball burst through the wall she wacked her head on it, making the world spin. She rested her head on it and tried to steady herself.

Uraraka wanted to be a heavy hitter in battle. She didn't want to have to be a support or some one only used for one utility. So after she got an idea from her parents construction company, she decided she would work with a 2 ton iron ball as a weapon. All the teachers were shocked when she brought it up, but they warmed up to it after she explained how she would use it.

"Crushing blows! I like it! Right, Aizawa?" All Might was immediately on board. He smiled widely and put a hand on her shoulder. His praise made her feel lighter than if she had used her quirk on herself.

"As long as you can handle it, letting one of those roll away could do a lot of damage, Uraraka." Aizawa warned her more after he allowed the commission to the support department to go through. She had to always keep the weapon within her awareness and be careful how she moves it. If she screwed up any of the trajectories, she could actually kill the people she wanted to save. The thought made her grimace as she thought about how this accident happened. She had tried to throw it forward and then activate its weight so it would fall towards the target dummies she had set up on the north side of the warehouse. But her throw wasn't forceful enough, even though the ball was in zero g. So when it fell it was way farther to the right then she anticipated. She had also been floating herself and so she had to free fall to catch up to the ball, but it was too late by then.

Get over yourself, Ochako! Just get up, apologize, and continue your practice. Most of the other powerful quirk users in her class have damaged their practice spaces before. It wasn't a big deal! She tried to lift her spirits as she lifted her head from the pink ball. Her eye were still fuzzy from the collision, but they quickly focused. She was in some kind of bathroom, a shower? There was a figure pushed up against the wall in front of her.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, Pink Cheeks?" the figure snarled at her. That gruff voice was all too familiar.

It was Bakugo. And he was naked.

She pressed her lips together to keep herself from squealing. The angry delinquent had a hand towel covering his junk, but it wasn't particularly large and she managed to see everything but his most private parts. She felt her face grow hot and nearly wanted to cover her face and run away.

"Oh, uh, Bakugo! I'm so so so sorry! I didn't mean to! It was an accident!" She babbled looking from one side wall to the other, trying not to look at her classmates naked body.

"Since when do you crash through walls, nerd? You could get someone killed. You're lucky it was me." Bakugo grumbled as he tried to stand up while keeping a good amount of cloth over his goods. His fit body dripped with water and glistened in the fluorescent lights. Her eyes traveled from his angry face to his shapely pecs over his six pack abs to the v-like shape that formed above his crotch where he was holding the hand towel. She darted her eyes away and back to his face and her face grew hotter. She noticed Bakugo's face turning pink too. He must be mortified. Anyone would be. She thought as she slid off the pink ball.

"This is something I've been working on during my private training period. You're right, it's too dangerous right now, that's why I have to do it alone." She tried to look fierce even with how hot her cheeks still felt. Bakugo needed to know that she was taking the training seriously, all her classmates had to know.

"Get better, and don't interrupt me ever again! This is fucking ridiculous!" Bakugo snarled back at her. They stared at each other for a moment before he snarled again.

"Leave! Get out, I'm goddamn naked, give me some space!" Uraraka jolted at the word naked and realized how rude she was being.

"Oh gosh, I'm so sorry. I'll report this to a teacher so it can get fixed right away." she shrieked as she activated her quirk on the pink ball and pushed it through the hole it punched in the warehouse. She was in the middle of her warehouse by the time she let out a breath of relief. She couldn't believe she demolished the class bully's shower and saw him nearly naked. She wondered what Deku and Iida would think, but the thought made her realize Bakugo might not want to hear about a bunch of rumors about him naked. He really wouldn't want Deku to know I'm sure. She mused.

The bottom of her gut felt strange though and she couldn't help replaying the view she had gotten in her mind a couple more times. She walked around in a daze for a few moments before she looked at her phone and realized she was going to be late to class. Uraraka scrambled into her uniform and sprinted back to class.