Assassin of Chaos – Hollow
Disclaimer: I do not own the Percy Jackson series, all rights belong to Rick Riordan
Chapter 1 – Peace and Prosperity?
3rd Person POV
It had been a year since Gaea was defeated and the second giant war was won. The war had left its toll on everyone who was involved, some people managed to hide what impact it had on them, but others were not so capable and struggled to move on. These people would often group together to get through the days, each searching for something or someone to blame for everything that they had to endure.
The great heroes of the war were all granted partial immortality as a reward for their actions and sacrifices, with one Percy Jackson once again being offered godhood. After turning the offer down, he instead requested that Lord Hades and Lady Hestia be given thrones on Olympus as well as places on the Olympian Council in which they were forever grateful to the young hero. Hades now saw how powerful Percy was and respected it as much as anyone should, but he also knew that there were those who would not share this same view, the major one being Zeus.
Zeus did not like that there was a demigod so powerful as he saw the young hero as a threat to his crown. It is because of this that he actively sought any reason to punish and destroy Percy but always came up short due to the hero's natural kindness, ability to forgive and loyalty that he showed to everyone he met. Even though this task would be extremely difficult, the king of the gods did not give up and searched for any opportunity that he could use to get rid of the young hero, then a year after the war, he finally found one.
Percy's POV
There was peace at Camp Half-Blood after the war, any areas that were damaged had been rebuilt but not improved as everyone wanted the camp to remain the same as it was always a constant in everyone's life. Everyone got on with each other because of the experiences that they all shared and the friends that they all lost. I was extremely happy with my life right now because of the friends that I still had and the new ones that I had made, I became very close to Nico and Thalia having found that I could share anything with them, and they would also do the same with me. My relationship with Annabeth is fantastic and has flourished into more than I ever could have hoped for, I would spend most days staring into her beautiful grey eyes wondering how I was so lucky to have someone like her all to myself. I had decided that I would propose to her but first I needed to gain permission from her mother, the goddess Athena, and get a ring that would parallel her beauty if that was even possible.
When I travelled to Olympus to discuss this request with the Lady Athena, I was sent on a quest to prove that I was strong enough to take care of her daughter, which I thought was stupid considering I already defeated Kronos and Gaea, but I couldn't argue with a goddess, so I embarked on this quest as soon as possible. I couldn't let Annabeth know what I was doing as it would ruin the surprise so I asked Nico and Thalia to tell her that Chiron sent me on an urgent mission but also keep her busy so that she wouldn't be worried or try find me.
I wanted to complete this quest as fast as I could so that I could get back to her and hopefully start the happy life that I always wanted to have with her, and I hope the life that she wanted to have with me.
1 Month Later
3rd Person POV
The night was unforgiving this particular day, mist covered the floor of the surrounding forest and the only sources of light were the rays of moonlight that occasionally shone through the tree cover, as well as this, a cold, harsh wind blew through the air, seemingly forcing trees to shake and bow in its presence. It was now a month after Percy had left to complete his quest, everything at camp was the same as the day he left however, this night there was a young boy about the age of 17 running through the nearby forest being chased by a pack of 12 rather large hellhounds. This was not a rare occurrence for demigods as monsters found their scent enticing and would often hunt them until they were safe at camp, but it was unusual for a single demigod to gain the attention of such a large number of powerful monsters. He was screaming as loud as he could whilst simultaneously trying not to fall over the plants and roots on the forest floor, he hoped that anyone nearby would come and save him, unfortunately there was nobody nearby but that didn't mean that no one heard him.
In Zeus's Temple on Olympus
Zeus's temple was remarkable, well of course it would be, it was designed by Annabeth. It was much larger than any other temple on Olympus due to the god's need to be better than everyone else, it only came in second due to the massive size of the throne room that was constructed to host the entire Olympian council.
Zeus sat in his temple observing Percy as he completed his quest, he was getting even more irritated by the young hero.
Zeus's POV
It was infuriating watching that stupid hero of Olympus come so close to death but always escaping while he was on that pointless quest of his. I sent as much monsters to attack him as I could without gaining the attention of the other gods, but it was never enough, I found myself becoming even angrier as the days past and his power seemed to increase.
I needed to find a way to kill Percy without angering the other gods, especially Hades and Hestia who have now developed a fondness of the young boy thanks to that sickly selfless request to give them thrones.
Wait, what is that annoying screaming, probably just another demigod trying to escape a weak little monster while travelling to camp. Well, I have nothing else to do, might as well watch this puny little demigod die.
Zeus looked down upon the 17-year-old demigod but found himself shocked that he was being chased by a pack of hellhounds, large hellhounds at that. The boy did not appear to be very strong as he showed no more than the average amount of muscle a mortal would have and he wasn't very tall either, no more than 5'10. He definitely wasn't a son of Aphrodite, but he wasn't ugly, well not that ugly, he didn't have any chiselled features and was not fat but not fit. He had short, messy black but I could not see his eyes.
Who is this young demigod and how has he survived these monsters so long, he should have died long ago. Maybe he is the tool that I can use to rid the world of Percy Jackson, even if he isn't, I need to know how he has survived and how powerful he is.
In the forest
3rd Person POV
The demigod was now close to camp half-blood but not close enough, the pack of hellhounds were extremely close to catching him and he was tiring from the endless running he had to do.
"AAAAAHHHHHH, HHHHEEEELLLLLLLPPPPP" is all he could scream but he could feel his throat seizing up, he knew that there was no hope for him so he might as well give up now and get his death over and done with.
He fell over a tree root that he was now too tired to vault, in the same second the pack of hellhounds surrounded him, the largest one (not as big as Mrs O'Leary but somewhat close) began to stalk him whilst snarling loudly, as if saying how he was going to painfully tear the young boy apart. Just as it was about to pounce at the demigod, there was a bright beam of light that landed between the two and with a roar of thunder, all of the monsters surrounding them were diminished to golden dust.
The boy now looked up after being forced to turn away due to the intensity of the light that appeared out of nowhere, what he saw shocked him, literally shocked him as electricity was being given off by a large man dressed in a white robe with what seemed like a lightning bolt in his hand. He now knew that his suspicions were correct, that the Greek gods were real, meaning he is a demigod, but he still had no idea why this god would come to his aid.
3rd Person / POV of 17-Year-Old Demigod
The man turned to face me, making himself tower over me as if to say that you are nothing but dirt beneath my feet then he actually spoke with a voice that could make thunder erupt from the clouds.
"Do you know who I am boy?"
I was now kneeling and bowing my head, avoiding all eye contact with the god whilst I was shaking uncontrollably but I managed to speak, even if it was almost incomprehensible.
"I…I.. I think so.. yyyourree Zeuss.."
Thunder filled the sky and the almighty god laughed
"You are truly pathetic, how on earth have you managed to survive as long as you have, being as weak as you are"
This made me angry, beyond angry but what can you do when the king of the gods insults you, I can't exactly punch him no matter how much I want to.
Zeus stopped laughing and glared at the demigod, as if contemplating killing him there and then but instead saw the anger in his eyes, his sea green eyes, but he also saw something else, a need for power that he could take advantage of.
"Tell me boy, do you know who your parent is, your godly parent and I know that you have one otherwise those monsters would not have been after you"
"I… I don't kknowww.. My mmmother nevverr told me about my fffatherr.."
My anger was still present, but it was now accompanied with curiosity as to why the king of the gods was interested in me and asking about my godly parent. He also seemed annoyed for whatever reason.
"Stop stuttering, you weak little boy unless you want me to kill you just as easily as I did those monsters"
I now stood up and glared at the god, I knew that I wouldn't stutter anymore but not because he told me to, because I was made even angrier by his insults, especially being called weak.
Before I managed to speak again, Zeus continued with his questioning, slowly becoming frustrated by the boy's lack of knowledge.
"You must be the son of a powerful god to be able to survive this long with your lack of skill. Because of your eye colour, I assume that you are the son of my older brother Poseidon"
This both shocked me and didn't because of how much sense it made. I loved being in or near water and would always feel safe near it. I was suddenly curious as to how Zeus would know this.
"Why do you assume that I am the son of Poseidon. I have not spoken of anything that would imply this"
This seemed to make Zeus very angry as he took a step towards me. I instinctively kneeled again and bowed my head to show him the respect he demanded.
"You are smart to fear me boy, the only reason you are alive is because you are showing me the respect that I deserve"
The king of the gods now spoke whilst walking around me in a circle.
"I believe that you are the son of my brother because he has another son who has the same eyes as you. This son is known as Percy Jackson and unlike you, is extremely powerful and considered the Hero of Olympus"
Zeus said this deliberately to see what the demigod's reaction would be, he was not disappointed by what he saw. The boy was now shaking again but not out of fear, instead it was out of anger. Zeus now wanted to know what was going through his head.
The demigod stayed kneeled down, bowing his head but he did not intend to show any respect. He was still because of the new anger that he now felt.
I don't believe that I have a brother that is stronger than me, I am the strongest demigod that has ever lived, and I will prove it to everyone. I will destroy this, Percy Jackson, and show everyone that he is nothing more than a weakling.
"I am stronger than this Percy Jackson, I am no weakling, I will show everyone what I can do"
I now looked at Zeus and was once again curious, he was not angry, instead he looked like he had finally found something that he has been searching for. This would have scared anyone else, but I was now being fuelled by the anger that I felt.
"You are not stronger than Percy Jackson, no demigod has ever been as powerful as him, but I believe that you can destroy him using other methods. I will assist you with this because I want him gone more than anyone, but it must be done strategically"
Hearing this gave me the confidence to stand and face the god, now knowing that he would not kill me because he needs me. My assumption was confirmed when he continued to talk.
"I have now alerted camp half-blood of a large pack of hellhounds chasing a boy near camp. They will be here any minute to find you with this small knife"
He threw a dagger to my feet which I picked up and admired.
"They will see that you have killed the hellhounds and you will be seen as a powerful demigod. My brother will then claim you and you will go to camp half-blood, the home of demigods and Percy Jackson"
Zeus now stopped and stared at the demigod. He could see the anger and hunger for power in his eyes but was not afraid that he would become powerful enough to threaten his crown.
"Then you will do everything in your power to destroy the hero's life. You will turn the camp against him, take away his friends, even turn the gods against him with assistance from me. His fatal flaw is loyalty and seeing that no one is loyal to him will break him. But first, you must swear on the River Styx to be loyal to me for as long as you live"
A devious smile crept along my face as I thought of destroying my brother and becoming the most powerful demigod of all time. I must do anything in my power to not only destroy him but break him.
I agreed to the king of the gods plan and condition, "I swear on the River Styx to be loyal to you, Zeus, as long as I live.", thunder could be heard over their heads before he continued to speak "I will destroy everything that my brother has ever known and break him so that I will become the most powerful demigod to have ever lived"
3rd Peron POV
The two now stood together in the forest discussing their next course of action when suddenly the sound of running and clashing metal could be heard approaching them. Without another word, the king of the gods disappeared leaving the demigod alone, surrounded by the remains of the hellhounds with only a dagger in his hand.
A group of 10 heavily armoured teenagers entered the area of the forest the boy was located in and they all took a step back seeing how he had defeated the monsters without even being hurt. The person who was most intrigued by the boy was a girl with blonde hair and grey eyes who stared at him as if she found her next prey.
The girl then approached the boy and spoke, still holding her own weapon, which was also a dagger, because she did not know what he was capable of.
"Who are you and what happened here?"
The boy turned to face the girl and the group when a light appeared above his head which was soon identified as a glowing green trident. The girl and the rest of the group bowed their heads all saying, "All hail the son of Poseidon".
The boy then walked over to the group, acting as if he was better than every single one of them and explained what had happened, how he killed the 12 hellhounds with only his dagger, not Zeus. Then the girl spoke again.
"Excuse me, but what is your name?"
The demigod now turned to face the girl, not acknowledging the group anymore and answered her question.
"Aiden, Aiden Shaw, son of Poseidon"
Then they all walked back to camp, being on guard for anymore monsters that may be nearby whilst also listening to Aiden talk about how he has killed so many monsters during his life time, all of which were lies. He was also observant enough to notice the smile that the grey eyed girl had on her face when he spoke, not yet knowing that this girl was spoken for by his greatest enemy.