Carlisle believed he has never run this fast before. Edward was usually the fast one, but even he had a hard time keeping up. Carlisle didn't like the situation and had a bad feeling. He found comfort that Esme was with Emmett and Rose but he feared their safety being in the castle. The fear of losing his children, wife, and unborn child fueled his adrenaline, and he began to run faster.

After running for an hour, they came to a cliff.

"Carlisle, maybe we should have flown. We can't run on the public road and we risk being seen if we do. "Jasper said, once they all stopped running looking over the cliff.

Looking down, the cliff vanished beneath the crashing waves of the North Atlantic. His mind flashed to when he first found Esme after she jumped off a cliff, just as high as this one. She was all bruised and broken. He felt his heartbreak again as the image flashed in his mind.

"Carlisle, you need to calm down," Edward said, standing next to his father, his own heartbreaking, looking at his mother like that, through Carlilse's thoughts.

Silently, Carlilse turned around and walked ten feet away from the edge of the cliff.

"Carlisle?" Jasper asked all eyes on Carlisle.

After taking an unnecessary deep breath, before running full speed off the edge of the cliff. He watched the water, speeding closer to him, the air wiping through his hair and clothes. Suddenly he was plunged into the icy cold water. He was never more grateful to be colder than ice.

Once he was fully emerged in the water, he heard a loud crashing sound from above him. He watched as his children followed him into the water, their bodies hitting the water at impossible speeds. When they were all underwater, Carlisle took a look around, making sure they were all together, before pointing forward and swimming as fast as he could in that direction.

He knew deep down Jasper was right, the safe easy option would have been to fly, that would have been Esme's choice. But the flight would have taken too long, they would have been too late, for all he knew, they could be already.

He felt a body slam against his own, looking over he saw Edward, shooting him a sympathetic look. Nodding, Carlisle did his best to clear his mind and not to think so negatively. He felt his body relax slightly, turning his head towards Jasper, silently thanking him.

An hour later, Carlisle, Jasper, Alice, Edward, and Bella emerge from the water, their clothes dripping and drenched.

"Okay, I think we should…" Before Alice could finish her sentence, everyone watched as Carlisle shook his entire body like a dog in milliseconds, getting rid of all the water off on his body.

He heard a sharp inhale behind him. Turning around, everyone was staring at Alice. Taking a couple of steps forward to get closer to his family, he watched Alice's face, though it was as still as a statue and blank, he could see the concern in her eyes.

"Esme.." She whispered coming out of her vision.

"Let's go." Carlisle said, turning back around, he set off running, his eyes on the Volturi's Castle.