Chapter 1: A new Guardian

A/N: to anyone reading this, I goth this idea from watching tow of my favorite movies and decided why not start a new story about them. I would like to know what you all think. Any feed back would be nice. NO FLAMES. Enjoy.

It was an ordinary day just like any other, Tooth was making her nightly rounds to collect teeth from the children of the world. She had gotten "back in the field" so to speak after pitch was defeated.

It had been almost six months, and Halloween was right around the corner. She didn't have a problem with any of the holiday spirits or seasonal spirits. In fact, she took a special liking to the spirit of winter Jack frost. She felt like she needed to protect him like a mother would protect her son.

Jack Frost was still a child after all. Even if he was an immortal one. He would forever be a sixteen-year-old boy.

Tooth was currently flying over a small town on the east coast when suddenly she heard someone scream. It sounded like a child.

Tooth immediately flew towards the sound of the scream and she came upon a small house. Another scream filled her ears and this time she knew it was a child.

With as much speed as she could Tooth flew up to the window and quickly opened it.

Once inside she immediately saw a boy no older than ten laying on the bed. Convulsing would probably be a better way to describe it.

With his back arched in pain he was screaming as loud as he could.

A moment later the boy laid still.

Tooth noticed a black energy flowing from the boy's eyes and mouth. It flowed from the boy to an open closet that was completely dark inside.

As soon as Tooth looked at the closet, she heard a low chuckle.

With the boy temporarily forgotten Tooth hurried over to the closet.

When she got there, she found it was completely empty except the usual items found in a closet like shoes and clothes.

Remembering the boy Tooth flew over to his bed. He wasn't moving and Tooth feared the worst.

She put two fingers on the boy's neck to try and check for a pulse and that's when her fear was fully realized. The boy was dead.

"I have to get to the pole" panicked Tooth. She flew as fast as she could and made it to the pole in record time.

North's workshop at the pole was the unofficial Guardians headquarters.

As soon as she got to the workshop she pounded on the large doors as hard as she could.

North was preparing toys for Christmas in a few months when he heard a loud pounding on the door. "Wonder who could be" asked North to no one in particular in that thick Russian accent?

North opened the large door and saw Tooth standing outside slightly shivering from the cold. Tooth what are you doing here asked North? "Was not expecting you".

North saw the panicked expression on Tooth's face. "What is wrong" he asked?

Tooth immediately snapped out of her panic, call the other Guardians we've got trouble.

Jack Frost was lounging in a tree that overlooked his pond in Burgess. The same pond he had drown in when he was human and the same pond where he became Jack Frost the spirit of winter.

Normally this time of year Jack would be in Antarctica where he had built a large castle, he called Frost palace.

Besides North had his workshop, Bunny had his Warren, and Tooth had her palace. So why couldn't Jack have his own palace?

After gaining his memories back from when he was human, Jack spent a lot of time at his pond remembering all the fun times he had with his sister.

All of a sudden Jack saw the northern lights flash across the sky and in that instant, he knew something was wrong. "Wind" he called, "take me to the pole". And just like that the wind picked him up and he flew to the north pole.

Bunny was in his Warren painting his eggs, he had some new designs he wanted to try out next Easter.

All of a sudden, a loud alarm started blaring all around him alerting him the northern lights had been activated. Without a second thought Bunny tapped his foot twice on the ground opening a tunnel to the pole and he jumped through.

Sandy was flying on his sand cloud spreading his dream sand to the children of the world when he saw the lights. Immediately he retracted his sand as quickly as possible and flew to the pole.

Bunny was the first one to the pole.

Jack and Sandy arrived minutes later.

Once inside the three Guardians could here tooth and North arguing.

"are you sure Tooth" questioned North?

There are only two people with that power retorted Tooth and you should not be accusing him you know he would never do something like this.

No one is accusing anyone Tooth I'm just saying we should consider the possibility replied North.

What's going on asked Jack, as the three guardians walked into the room?

A CHILD IS DEAD NORTH screamed Tooth ignoring the others entrance.

Jack, Sandy, and Bunny collectively gasped.

What happened asked Bunny?

Tooth thinks that Pitch is back so soon explained North.

He is back shouted Tooth.

Sandy was the only one to notice MiM trying to communicate. He waved his arms frantically and had symbols over his head trying to get the other guardian's attention.

Being tired of being ignored Sandy grabbed the nearest elf feeling a sense of dèjá vu and shook it violently causing the bell on its head to jingle getting everyone's attention.

What is it Sandy asked Jack?

Sandy pointed to the moon. Suddenly a voice entered all of their minds.

"Guardians there is trouble brewing, children are in danger and you will need more help this time. I have chosen a new guardian to assist you". And with that MiM was silent.

"Another Guardian" said Bunny shocked. "I wonder who it's going to be questioned Jack"?

"Not the groundhog, not the groundhog" muttered Bunny.

Suddenly MiM illuminated the picture of a spirit Jack had never seen before.

"Anyone but him" said Bunny raising his voice.

"Dang Bunny you've got a problem with everyone don't you" mocked Jack?

Bunny just glared at him.

Jack then looked towards North for an explanation.

North looked as pale as Jack.

"Are you alright North" asked Jack?

"He can't be a Guardian shouted Bunny" suddenly.

"I don't like it either Bunny but Manny says he can" replied North.

"You remember the Christmas of 93 don't ya, mate" argued Bunny?

"I remember" replied North.

Sandy and Tooth were to shocked to say anything.

Jack was confused he didn't know who that was or what the Christmas of 93 was. Getting tired of all the arguing Jack slammed his staff on the floor causing a gust of wind to blow through the room and froth to cover the floor.

This got everyone's attention.

"Who is that and what is the Christmas of 93" questioned the guardian of fun?

Bunny was still shocked, that mate, is the spirit of Halloween, Jack Skellington the pumpkin king…...