6:00 am. Wednesday. Republic City, United Republic

Citizens have already overtaken the streets moving in herds, scrambling to get to their destinations. One CEO (Asami Sato) can be found around this time cycling at an incredible pace in her living room on a stationary bike while reading through a large stack of documents with Steven Universe playing aimlessly on the TV in front of her. Believe it or not, that was the raven-haired woman's usual routine before work. Workout while reading documents and statements. Shower and occasionally checking her phone while brushing her teeth and applying her makeup. Make breakfast (usually cereal due to her lack of culinary skills) while working on more forms and reports. Then head out for work arriving fashionably on time. She prides herself on her business full of hardworking employees who act and dress accordingly and are already hard at work by the time she arrives at 8:00 am.




An umber hand finally slams her on the alarm clock effectively silencing it (and breaking it). "Fuck!" she opened one eye, squinted and hissed at the light streaming through the curtains, she always forgets to close them. She tilted her head just enough to see the bright alarm clock, that she did, in fact, crack the glass, has big flashing red numbers on it.

"7:00 am! Shit! I'm gonna be late!"

Without hesitation she all but threw herself off the bed and into the bathroom, slipping on her 'The Hiketeia' comic book in the process. She took an Olympic worthy shower, brushed her teeth and put on her pre-planned outfit all within 14 minutes. She took one last look at herself in the full body mirror smoothing out her grey suit and white button up. She tightened her tie and searched for her phone which she knew had to be somewhere. The one perk of having a studio apartment means there's not much space to lose things. Once she got her phone from under the bed, grabbed her wallet and satchel and was out the door by 7:19 am. Running three blocks to the local coffee shop wasn't ideal this early in the morning but if you knew her boss you would know how necessary it was.

Asami Sato is her name, owner and CEO of Future Industries and the youngest and possibly richest person on the planet. There are many words to describe Ms. Sato, young, intelligent, beautiful, wealthy, snarky, bitchy, apathetic, self-centered, well the list could go on forever. Most employees spend their time avoiding her, making themselves small so she doesn't notice them. Korra, on the other hand, doesn't have that luxury due to the fact that she's her assistant meaning she gets to spend every waking moment by her side, listening to her and taking her endless shit. But after three years she's grown numb to… her. The comments, the heavy workload, and the antics.

But that's not important right now, what's important is getting to work before her so she doesn't make my life even more of the living hell than it already is. When she entered the coffee shop it was, of course, overflowing with people. She was seconds away from going back home and making the coffee herself when she heard "Korra! Hey!" She made her way over to the barista cautiously avoiding the angry customers who've probably been there all morning.

"Here you go. Your regular lattes."

She let out a sigh of relief "You literally saved my life. Thank you." She threw in another "Thank you" for good measure and jog out of the coffee shop and into the busy streets.

Ok, it's 7:31 am I have two cups of coffee, a tight suit, dress shoes and 8 blocks to run through this congested city... I got this.

Taking off into a full-blown sprint she reached her work building in record time only stumbling in my dress shoes three times, tripping over two dog leashes and nearly getting hit by a taxi. Inside the building, the elevator was already open, so I guess this day isn't going to be so bad after all. She raced toward the doors and threw herself in just as it was about to close, effectively bruising her right shoulder and elbowing Baraz from accounting. "Everyone, ok?" she asked through short breaths receiving a few mumbled 'yeahs' some obviously more ticked off more than others. When the elevator arrived at the top floor she began speed walking toward the pearly gates of the main office, passing the secretary Ginger at her humongous desk.

"Cutting it close Korra".

"One of those mornings, Ginger!" Korra replied. "Thank you captain obvious" She mutter under quick breaths. Only seconds, moments away from reaching the doors, victory is so close she can taste it already. Just as Korra took a quick step on the main floor-

"SWEET RAVA!" was the only thing she could shout as my crisp white shirt got drenched with piping hot coffee.

An intern pulling a ridiculously heavy mail cart collided with her just as she walked in, consequently ruining her shirt and mood. She can distinctly hear that asshole Tahno say "Rub some dirt on it" through his laughter but she just ignored him, there are more pressing matters at hand. She quickly scans the office 'Bolin, no too buff. Mako, no too tall. Opal, no too frilly. Kuvira, no to scary.' until she looked a little more left 'Perfect!'

"Kai, I need the shirt off your back. Literally."

"You're kidding, right?" obviously finding my request ridiculous.

"Wolfbats, Fire-ferrets, this Tuesday, two company seats for your shirt. You have five seconds to decide. Five, Four, Three, Two, One" She quickly counted down from 10 while watching the entrance like a hawk.

8:00 am

The CEO glides into the building while on the phone with a client. Tahno wastes no time rushing to his computer, instant messaging the entire office "It's Here!". Every employee tried to flee to their cubicle, those who are unlucky enough to be in her path parted like the red sea. Or in Bolin's case hid behind a support beam as if she had the simian flu. But all of this obviously goes unnoticed by the raven-haired women striding through as if she owns the place (well technically she does). She walked through with her head held high (I mean of course she would she owns one of the highest grossing tech businesses at only 27 years old.) While workers pretended to look busy she focuses on her phone call. "Toph, the truth is all A-plus inventors do publicity. Zuckerberg, Gates, Jobs and…Toph! Can I tell you what else they have in common? An Initiative award." By the time the CEO reaches her office, she's putting her cell phone back into her purse. She doesn't even spare her employees a glance as she reached for the doorknob and made her way into her office.

Asami's office door flies open and closes shut and Korra turned immediately. Just a second sooner and her boss would've seen her struggling to fix her uncooperative belt. "Morning Ms. Sato" she blurted out before handing Asami a cup of coffee which the woman obviously ignores to sit at her desk. She can only huff in annoyance and sit it on her desk while smoothing out the creases in Kai's shirt.

"You have a conference call in 30 minutes."

"Yes. About the marketing of the spring releases. I know." She can tell she's completely disinterested in the conversation already and it only makes her wonder why she has me here in the first place.

"Staff meeting at 9.00am as well" but that goes ignored also.

"Did you call… what's her name? The one that's really angry all the time." she asked instead.


"Yes Lin"

"Yes. I did. I told her that if she doesn't get her documents in on time you won't give her a release date. Also, your immigration lawyer called. He said it's imperative-"

"Cancel the call, push the meeting to tomorrow, keep the lawyer on the sheets. Get a hold of PR, have them start drafting a press release. I got Toph to do Oprah." Asami shot her a shit-eating grin. "Wow. Nicely done." She admitted although she despises her boss's existence at times she truly does impress her.

"If I want your praise, I will ask for it," Her boss stated while reaching for her coffee and it takes all of her strength not to dump it on her as she made her exit.

"Who is... Who is Anyah? And why does she want me to call her?" Asami said as she turned the cup in toward my direction revealing the message on the cup the reads:

'Call Me! (010) 110-0101 Anyah'

"Well originally that was my cup."

"And I'm drinking your coffee why?"

"Cause your coffee fell."

"So, you drink triple, venti unsweetened cinnamon light soy macchiato?" she says with a raised eyebrow

"I do. It's like a festival in a cup." Korra retorted not giving her the satisfaction of being right

"Am I suppose to believe that's a coincidence?"

"Incredibly, it is. I wouldn't drink the same coffee that you drink just in case yours spilled. That would be... pathetic..." she tried so hard not to ramble but fail miserably, only being saved by the phone.

"Hello," a voice said through the phone and you instantly know who it is by the monotonous.

"Hi, Tarrlok." she could almost hear him rolling his eyes.

"When is Ms. Sato getting to my office."

"Actually, we're on our way right now." Right as she hung up the phone Asami was already up and heading to the door,

"Why are we going to Tarrlok's office?" Korra asked. Asami doesn't reply of course or decrease her speed enough for me to catch up and since she can't go long periods of time without me by her side she was forced to follow.

She rushed over to her desk and pull up the office employee chatroom.

Korra: 'The witch is on her broom'

She could almost instantly hear people scattering to their desks from inside the office. When they left the office all the employees were 'hard at work'.

Right before she could catch up to Asami she let her eyes rake over her body taking in her outfit. She wore a female power suit consisting of high heels, a black pencil skirt, and a matching jacket. Her eyes lingered at her rear for a moment before she shook whatever thoughts were creeping into her head. Sure Asami was a cynical woman but she still had eyes. I'm only human dammit.

"Have you looked at the proposal I sent to you."

"I read a few pages. I wasn't that impressed."

"Can I just say something?" she said ready to plead her case

"No," Asami replied almost instantly but she continues anyway

"I've read thousands of proposals, but this is the only one I've given you. There's an idea in there. The kind of idea that you used to create." She knew she shouldn't have added that last part but was already upset not to.

Asami turned giving her a once over before settling into a strong glare finally giving Korra her full attention. "Wrong. And I do think you order the same coffee as I do just in case you spill, which is, in fact, pathetic."

If she was any other employee she probably would've to shit her pants but she's spent way too much time with Asami to know she's not as cruel as she leads on. It's like she's always pushing people away by beating them to the punchline so she's never the joke but Korra sees through her. And after almost 3 years this became their routine, constant back and forth.

"Or impressive" she added with a smirk that she knew Asami hates.

Asami just rolled her eyes before stating "I'd be impressed if you didn't spill my drink in the first place. Now remember, you're a prop." she points out

"I won't say a word," she responded before entering Tarrlok's office.

She wasn't too sure why they were in Tarrlok's office but she's not surprised. Asami had a really bad habit of never telling her anything, even though it involves her presence. But she'd simply stand in the corner like she's always instructed to do -which is seriously frustrating, I have a degree by the way- and stand quietly. This time, of course, she doesn't mind it because she can barely stomach being in Tarrlok's presence let alone talking to him.

"Ah, Our fearless leader and her liege. Please, do come in." Tarrlok announced when they were clearly already in the room. Asami says nothing though. She looks emotionlessly around the room. Korra hates when she does that, she doesn't understand how Asami can just turn her emotions off. Asami stands for a moment staring at the new piece of furniture in the room.

"Exquisite breakfront. Is this new?" She says regarding the added piece of furniture in the back of the office.

"It is. Airnomad Regency Southern Air Temple Revival, built in 10BG but, yes, it is new to my office," Tarrlok says with a fake smile that makes her feel uneasy. But her boss, of course, doesn't budge only turning and saying "Witty... Tarrlok, I'm letting you go."

He just blinks, Once. Then twice before he says.


"I asked you several times to get Toph to do Oprah, and you didn't do it. You're fired." As if it was obvious. Korra sees it as her cue to close the office door for privacy.

"I have told you that is impossible. Toph hasn't done an interview in 20 years."

"That is interesting, because I just got off the phone with her, and she is in."

"Excuse me?"

"You didn't even call her, did you?"


"I know, I know. Toph can be a little scary to deal with…For you." she couldn't help but smirk from her corner "Now, I will give you three months to find another job. And then you can tell everyone you resigned, okay?" she finished before walking out with Korra right behind her. She doesn't spare a glance at anyone. She looked back toward Tarrlok office watching his mild break down through the glass.

"Give me an update?" Asami said

" Um. He's moving. He has crazy eyes." she said as she looked again only to see him pacing inching closer and closer to the door.

"Don't do it, Tarrlok. Don't do it." she distinctly hear Asami whisper when they were near seconds from her office. Tarrlok finally finds the nerve to say after bursting through his office doors

"You poisonous bitch!" *collective gasps could be heard from everyone except Asami obviously because she's emotionless apparently. only take a seat on top of the nearest desk making sure I'm out of the way for his breakdown knowing damn well Asami has the entire situation under control.

"Are you fucking kidding me! You can't fire me! We all see what you're doing here? Sandbagging me on this Oprah thing so that you can look good? We all know you're threatened by me! You are a monster."

"Tarrlok, stop," Asami warns but just by the look in his eyes everyone knew warning would go ignored.

"Just because you have no semblance of a life outside of this office, you think that you can treat all of us as your own personal slaves. You know what? I feel sorry for you. Because you know what you're gonna have on your deathbed? Nothing and no one." He said matter of factly

"Listen and listen carefully, Tarrlok. I didn't fire you because I felt threatened. No, you're fired because you're entitled, lazy, incompetent and you spend more time cheating on your wife than you do in your office. And if you say another word, Korra here is gonna have you thrown out, OK?" He takes a step forward ready to continue. "Another word and you're going out of here with an armed escort. And Korra will film it with her camera phone and she'll put it on that Internet site… What was it?"


"Exactly. Is that what you want? Didn't think so. Now I have work to do." She says coolly before continuing her journey with Korra right on her heel.

"Have security take his breakfront and put it in my conference room."

"Will do," she added while make a note in a planner.

" Also I need you this weekend to help review his files and his manuscript."

"T-This weekend?"

"You have a problem with that?" She says arching her perfect eyebrow

"No. I... it's just my grandmother's 100th birthday, so I was gonna go home and… It's fine. I'll cancel it. I'll just go to the next one... if she has one" she said defeatedly "You're saving me from a weekend of misery anyway, so it's... " She turned to see Asami already leaving.

"Good talk, yeah." she finish before making a beeline for her desk and dialing her mother's number. It doesn't help the fact that her mom hates her job almost as much as she does. She and her father all but begged me to stay home and take over the family businesses but this was her dream so she pursued it. She knows she doesn't get any vacation time and works more than an on-call doctor but she knows it'll pay off eventually.

When she eventually called the family was rightfully disappointed, her mom kept asking if there was any way she could come and it was honestly breaking her heart. In the middle of the call though Asami just so happened to have walked pass forcing me to pretend like wasn't taking a personal call.

"I'm sure that Dad is pissed-but we take all of our submissions around here seriously. We'll get back to you as soon as we can. Sorry." She tried to give a convincing smile.

"Was that your family?" She says with an arched eyebrow


"They tell you to quit?" She asked calmly

"Every single day," She noted with slumped shoulders.

Jinora came in charming as always "Excuse me, Ms. Sato, you're wanted in the conference room"

"OK," Asami turns and gives me a pointed look. "Come to get me in ten minutes. We've got a lot to do."

"Okie dokie." is all she say with a tight smile


"Varrick, Izumi"

"Congratulations on the Oprah thing," Izumi said with a pleased smile. She's always so calm and nice, she reminds me of a mother."That's terrific news." Varrick shouted as if I'd she wasn't a few feet in front of him.

"Thank you, thank you."

"Asami, do you remember when we agreed you wouldn't go to the Fire Nation Capital Book Fair because you weren't allowed out of the country while your visa application was being processed?"

" Yes I remember Izumi"

"And... you went to Fire Nation anyway?"

"Yes. We were going to lose Suyin Beifong to Cabbage Corp. So... really didn't have a choice, did I?"

"Well, seems the Earth Kingdom Government doesn't care who wins over Suyin Beifong " Varrick all but yelled

"We just spoke to your immigration attorney."

"Great. So, we're all good? Everything good?"

"Asami, your visa application has been denied."

"And you are being deported!"

"Deported?" Asami gaped

"And there was also some paperwork you didn't fill out in time."

"Come on! It's not like I'm even an immigrant! I'm from Ember Island, for Rava's sake. That's basically the Earth Kingdom. There's gotta be… something we can do."

"You can re-apply, but unfortunately for now you have to leave the country for at least a year," Izumi says while remaining impossibly level headed.

"OK. OK, well, that's not ideal, but I can... I can manage everything from a Fire Nation Colony…"

"No." Varrick interrupted but Asami keeps going

"...with video conferencing."

"Unfortunately, if you're deported, you can't work for an American company Asami"

"But it's My Company"

"Look, until this is resolved we're going to turn operations over to Tarrlok."

"Tarrlok…. Tarrlok-Tarrlok? The guy I just fired?" Asami said completely baffled and pissed

"We need a CEO"

"And he is the only person who has enough experience," Izumi said somberly

"You cannot be serious. I beg of you."


"We desperately want you to stay. If there was any way, any way at all-"

"-we could make this work"

"There is no way…"

"I am begging you," Asami said with her hands in prayer position ready to get on the ground and beg as if they could actually do anything about what's happening.


Once Asami left she stared out the window for while, completely pissed. This would've been her first vacation in a long time which she seriously needed but more importantly it was all for her grandmother. She hate disappointing her, she hate disappointing her family as a whole and at this moment she can literally feel my mother's sadness even though she's thousands of miles away. But she doesn't have time to dwell on it for too long because the ten minutes is up and she had to retrieve my boss. Once she reach the doors of the conference room she doesn't even to knock to convey 'urgency'. When she opened the door she could tell something was going down. Her boss's rigid body language was a dead give away especially because it a rare site.

"NO Asami" she could hear before she interupted.

"Sorry to interrupt-"

"What?!" a clearly agitated Asami says threateningly. She's not sure if she should just leave or not.

"Excuse me Korra, we're in a meeting." Izumi said

"Um... Wan from Ms. Winfrey's office called. She's on the line." She lied just like they planned.

"I know," Asami said just to get her to shut up

"Uh well...she's on hold. She needs t-to speak with you. I told her you were otherwise engaged at the moment." Asami then stops trying to verbally fight her and just stared at her, almost as if she was having a revelation… or taking a shit. She wasn't quite sure.

"She insisted, so…" She said trying her best to stick to the script but gave up when she realized her effort was pointless.

I mean it gives me more time away from her anyway.

"Sorry," Korra say before trying back out and get as far away from Asami who was just looking at her with her lips parted almost motionless. Until Asami actually said something that halted me in my tracks.

"Uhh.." She said which catches me by surprise because I've never in all her time at the firm have ever seen her boss stutter let alone be at a loss for words. To add on to her bosses odd behavior she whispers something that she couldn't decipher. She motions for her to come to her which she did, with extreme caution.

"Come Here" Asami whisper-yelled at her forcing her to speed over to her side not at all out of fear. While she made her way over to her boss with her hands deep in her pockets she turned back to the other two in the room and continued "

"My apologies, okay I understand. I understand the predicament that we are in. And umm… And there's... Well...I think there's somethingthat you should know." she said while closing the distance between them. "We're getting married," Asami said while giving her a light tap on her stomach. Everyone in the room just looked at her with wide eyes, including Korra who wasn't sure what she was even talking about.

Did she say we meaning, Wei from across the hall? Or maybe she's marrying Varrick? Or Izumi? But they're both married already. I still don't get it…

"Yup we're getting married," she says once again tapping Korra's stomach one more time but she;s still.. not quite understanding.

"Who's getting married?" Korra looked at her boss for answers. "You and I," she said without hesitation but she's still obviously confused.

"You and I are getting married! Yes," she says giving Korra a longing-ish look that makes her want to run away.

"We a-are..." is all Korra can get out, she didn't even finish the sentence when her… fiance interrupts. "Getting married! We are getting married."

"Yes," She added but she was about 99.999% sure her face said otherwise.

Izumi and Varrick just look at us in disbelief, especially Izumi who wasn't buying this crap. "Isn't she your secretary?" Izumi finally breaks the tension with a raised eyebrow.

"Assistant." Asami corrects

"Executive... assistant secretary." Korra corrected but Asami waves her off

"Titles. But, wouldn't be the first time one of us fell for our secretaries." she says with a chuckle"Would it, Varrick? So, yeah. The truth is, you know, Korra and I, we're...we are just two people who weren't meant to fall in love but we did."

"No." Korra wasn't even sure if she was trying to help her or not but she knew that line couldn't be further from the truth

"All those late nights at the office and weekend seminars."


"Something happened."

"Something….." her voice cracked

"Yeah. Tried to fight it and you can't fight a… can't fight a love like ours" she awkwardly wrapped her arm around Korra's broad frame and she thinks it might actually be the first time they actually had real physical contact

"So… Are we good with this?" Asami drops her arm "Are you happy? Because, well, we are happy. So happy." she says throwing in an award-winning smile.

Izumi who clearly isn't buying any of this dips her head with a small smile.

Is she laughing right now? Seriously?! You aren't going to save me from this madness?!

"Asami….. It's terrific" Varrick said a little louder than necessary. What he can't possibly believe this. Izumi Say Something!

"Just make it legal" Izumi said while gesturing to her wedding ring. You've gotta be shitting me "Legal? Yeah, well, then that means we...we need to get ourselves to the immigration office. So we can work this whole mess out. Right?" she doesn't wait for an answer "Thank you very much. We'll get right on that." Asami said on her way out

"Have a nice day" Korra added Fuck You All

When she made her way through the main area she can already hear the murmurs and whispers being passed through the cubicles. I'm starting to hate that damn office chatroom.

Kai looks up from trying to wipe a new stain off my already destroyed shirt to throw her a thumbs up.

Opal's giving her that 'you fucked up' head shake. She might be right.

Kuvira walks passed laughing hysterically "really? Her?" she said gesturing to Asami's office. Korra just rolled her eyes, speed walking to her boss's office.

She gently closed the door trying to act as calm as possible but she's seconds from spewing last night's dinner all over her boss's desk. Meanwhile, her boss is acting as if nothing just happened which is making her panic even more because she's not sure if I'm having a sick dream or something.

Asami's just…. Filing papers like she just didn't announce their betrothal seconds earlier. "What?"

"I don't understand what's happening." her voice cracks

"Relax. This is for you, too." … What?! How? How is this anything more than a selfish act made by a selfish woman who only cares about her own personal gain.

she clears her throat "Please explain"

"They're going to make Tarrlok CEO if I leave" So…

"So, I should marry you?"

"And what's the problem?" What's the problem? WHAT'S THE PROBLEM?! "Like you were saving yourself for someone special?" This little bitc-

"I'd like to think I was. Besides, it's ILLEGAL."

"They're looking for terrorists, not for CEO's." she can't be serious! Korra takes a deep breath


"Yes?" she says finally looking up.

"I'm not gonna marry you," She finally put her foot down.

"Sure you are." she says matter of factly "Because if you don't, your dreams of touching the lives of millions with your brilliant ideas are dead. Tarrlok is gonna fire you the second I'm gone. Guaranteed. That means you're out on the street looking for a job. That means the time that we spent together, the lattes', the canceled dates, the midnight Tampax runs, were all for nothing and all your dreams of being a vice president are gone. Don't worry, after the required allotment of time, we'll get a divorce and you'll be done with me. But until then, like it or not, your wagon is hitched to mine. Ok? Now get the phone" she said coolly, effectively lifting the foot Korra just put down.