I just want to start off this Author's Note by thanking everybody who enjoyed reading this fanfiction. It really means a lot to me that there were people who genuinely enjoyed what I was doing here. That is why I am so sorry to announce that I will not be continuing to write this story.
The last thing I want to do is disappoint all you loyal readers, but I feel that this is the best and only real course of action I can take right now. To be perfectly honest, my heart just isn't in it any more. I tried, I really did, but I just couldn't bring myself to keep going.
What started as enthusiasm to bring two worlds that I love together turned to dissatisfaction as I kept going, no longer happy with the work I had done on this story. I kept going out of a desire to not disappoint the people that liked reading it, and it's tearing me up inside right now having to admit that I don't want to keep writing this. There has always been a sense that there was a lot that I was doing wrong with this story, things that I never addressed properly (like something as basic as having the RWBY girls adjust to their new environment and deal with the emotions of never seeing their families again), and I felt that I am just not confident enough with my knowledge of Bleach to turn this story into something truly unique, rather than just the anime with a few extra characters. That worked for some people, and I'm grateful, but I continued to grow unhappy with the work I was doing, especially after I started writing RWBY: Aqua's Mission, which so far has been entirely original content with the intention of making major changes to the events of RWBY canon. That story and how much fun I'm having with it has just made it more apparent how unsatisfied I am with this story. At the end of the day, I feel that you guys deserve a story that I can put my heart and soul into, and I just can't do that with this one anymore. I might re-visit this concept eventually in the future, but I will have to approach it with an entirely new plan of action and if it ever happens, it won't be for a very long time.
That being said, I myself would also feel incredibly unhappy if the work and framework for the story here went to waste and never continued, so instead of flat-out canceling this story, I am going to put it up for adoption. I feel in the hands of a more capable writer with a better working knowledge of the universe of Bleach, then the basic idea of Blake, Yang, and Pyrrha dying during the Vytal Festival and ending up in Karakura Town could be done the justice it deserves. If anybody is interested in continuing my work, then send me a Private Message and we'll talk about it. I hope that together, we can make this story truly something worth celebrating.
Once again, I am so sorry to disappoint all of you, and I am forever grateful to all of you for enjoying my work. For clarification, I will still be continuing RWBY: Aqua's Mission, and I'm currently hard at work on Chapter 10, so to those of you that follow it, look forward to that in the coming weeks.
Thank you guys for everything.