They quietly arrived at number 4 Privet Drive and Harry felt a rush of adrenaline when he saw the house before him. Voldemort gripped his arm painfully as he steered him toward the front door.

"Alohamora," Voldemort said. The door opened with a click and Harry walked inside, Voldemort close at his heels but no longer touching him.

The Dursley's were just sitting down to dinner in the kitchen. Uncle Vernon came forward angrily when he heard the sound of wood scraping the floor.

"WHO IN THE BLOODY HELL THINKS THEY CAN JUST WALK INTO A MAN'S HOME?" Uncle Vernon bellowed before stopping short of the two people coming toward him. "Is…is that you, boy?" Vernon asked falteringly as the shadowy figures made their way into the lighted kitchen.

Vernon slowly backed into the room as they advanced, a hand reaching out to lean on the doorframe as his face slowly turned from a raging purple to white. Petunia poked her long neck around the corner to see what was going on and let out a soft shriek when she saw Lord Voldemort towering before her husband. Harry sauntered slowly forward, savoring the fear in his family's eyes. These people who had treated him like dirt his entire life. In a rush of rage, Harry went to reach for his wand, but realized that Voldemort had not provided it to him and he looked over at the Dark Lord, questioningly. He only shook his head. Harry scowled. Weren't they here to torture his horrible family? he thought frustratingly.

"You are still underage, Harry," Voldemort said consolingly. "We do not want the Ministry coming here tonight. But as I said before… there are other ways." He smiled evilly before turning his snakelike face upon Mr. Dursley who stood frozen with fear. His family huddled behind him. Dudley had not moved a centimeter since laying eyes upon the hideous face of Lord Voldemort. Petunia's eyes began brimming with tears at the realization of who must be standing before her.

"Muggle," Voldemort said, addressing Vernon in a commanding voice. Vernon shook with fright, his mustache quivering, as the horrid snake-like face turned to him. "You have committed a terrible crime—you have tormented a wizard.

"You will be punished for your deeds," Voldemort said. With a burst of surprising speed and agility, Voldemort threw a small dagger coated with a glowing blue substance directly into Vernon's side. He fell, gasping and covered in thick red blood.

"VERNON! NO!" Petunia screamed shrilly. Dudley turned sheet-white. His legs must've given out because he started to slide slowly down the kitchen wall.

Uncle Vernon grunted painfully as he pulled out the small blade — Petunia rushed forward and dabbed at the wound with a flowery kitchen towel. The wound did not look fatal and soon, Petunia was stemming the blood.

"Stand up, Muggle," Voldemort commanded—and like a marionette on a string, Vernon Dursley sprung up straight, his eyes glowing light, bright blue. Petunia fell back in shock at the suddenness of her husband's movements and screamed again when she saw the glowing blue eyes.

"Silence, idiot woman," Voldemort cried. He turned to Harry, "Some potions can carry charms and enchantments," he explained. "This particular one is quite similar to the effects of the Imperius Curse. Go on and give it a try."

Harry looked at Vernon, and said without hesitation, "Punch yourself in the face as hard as you can."

Vernon tightened his fist, swung heavily, and let out a muffled yell as blood fell freely from his broken nose. Harry nodded satisfactorily.

"What the bloody hell?" Vernon muttered in shock as he dabbed at the blood now trickling into his mouth.

"The best part is, they are aware of everything, but have no control," Voldemort said.

Harry had a jolt of inspiration and looked gleefully upon his uncle. When Vernon saw the red in his nephew's eyes, he felt true fear for the first time in his long and comfortable life. He was utterly terrified of his nephew.

"Uncle Vernon," said Harry. "I think I'd like it very much if you could take a look in the cupboard under the stairs for me?" All the Dursley's were looking at Harry in utter shock, Vernon's eyes full of fear behind the blue glow. He slowly made his way toward the cupboard, leaning his fat head inside. As soon as he had lowered his head, Harry pushed with all his might as his Uncle crashed forward with a painful yelp. Upside-down and pinned on all sides in what looked like painfully awkward positions, Harry slammed the door forcefully and although it didn't shut, Harry managed to close the latch, his Uncle's fat stomach oozing from the crack in the door as he moaned in agony.

Harry felt elated, vindicated, full of fiery-hot rage. He had never felt so alive! Was this what true power felt like? he thought. He could get used to this. Harry tried not to think too hard on the pillars of morality crashing down inside his mind and instead turned his attention to Voldemort. He noticed with an uneasy lurch that the Dark Lord was again looking at him with that hungry look in his eye. Voldemort, it turned out, was incredibly pleased. Perhaps Potter could be of some use to him after all.

"Ah, this must be your cousin, Harry?" Voldemort asked turning his red eyes upon the terrified pig-like boy trying impossibly to hide in the corner of the kitchen. Harry smiled.

"Yeah, that's Big D," he smirked turning also to look at his cousin. Dudley flinched but otherwise seemed quite unable to move or speak at all. Harry noticed with immense glee that Dudley's trousers were sopping wet, yellow liquid running along the tile floor.

"Horrible boy," Voldemort said, his voice full of icy menace. "You will pay for the harm you have bestowed upon this wizard."

Voldemort grabbed at Harry's wrist and wrenched open his palm, dropping in it some small, purple pellets. He took one from the pile and signaling to Harry what he should do, aimed the pill at Dudley and flicked it lightly into the air. After a sudden crack like a real bullet being fired, Dudley screamed and grabbed his arm. Harry saw there was a large purple welt spreading rapidly on the skin. With an awful laugh, Harry began to take aim at his cousin with the next pellet.

Petunia sprang into action as though she was just released from a body binding curse. She immediately ran forward and shielded herself between Harry and her son. Harry froze. Thoughts began pouring over him. It was as if time was repeating himself and he saw his mother Lily in place of his aunt before him, shielding he, Harry, from Voldemort — the very Voldemort who he now was with, torturing people and laughing about it. Disgusted, Harry lowered his hand and dropped the pellets onto the ground, tears beginning to form in his eyes. What was he doing? he thought confusedly. Why was he siding with Voldemort? Who even was he anymore?

Voldemort felt a surge of anger. The idiot woman was ruining everything, just like her sister. He shouldn't have brought the boy here so soon. He wasn't ready for this kind of revenge yet. Cursing himself, Voldemort grabbed hold of Harry, muttering, "Come on, boy. It's time to go."

Harry pulled away, certain he no longer wanted to go with Voldemort. Perhaps he could hold him off. Voldemort couldn't use magic here unless he wanted the ministry to arrive, and he definitely couldn't use magic on Harry! Harry realized with a shock. They were at number 4 Privet Drive! Voldemort couldn't harm him here! Harry nearly laughed out loud. How could Voldemort have forgotten about that?

In a fury, Voldemort swooped down upon Petunia and knocked her aside forcefully. He then pointed his wand at the fat muggle boy.

"Crucio," he yelled and Dudley's screams filled the house, echoing against his mother's. Harry bit his lip, not knowing what to do. He knew Voldemort wouldn't hesitate to kill Dudley, but Harry wasn't ready to give in either. How could he buy time until the ministry arrived?

Voldemort knew what the boy was thinking and had to spring into action before Harry realized the danger. With a flick of his wand, both Dudley and Petunia were whisked into the air, their limbs flailing grotesquely as they screamed. Voldemort brought them swiftly to the door and out onto the street. Harry, with a yell of surprise, scampered after them bravely.

As soon as both Harry's feet were on the sidewalk, Voldemort apparated to his side, grabbed him roughly by the collar and disapparated just as Harry glimpsed the first ministry official arriving on the scene.