Ochaco Uraraka of class 1-A. "That is great" thought Ochaco… "It has been 45 minutes and I haven't written anything but my name. She put her face down on her desk and sighed. "Mr. Aizawa gave us the whole first half of class to start working on the hero studies essay and the only thing I can think of is Deku and our conversation from earlier." "Alright Class" Mr. Aizawa said "we are is out of session, please make sure to have at least one page ready for your hero studies essay tomorrow. I will choose a few of you to read yours out loud so plan ahead." "Great" thought Ochaco.

Deku, Ochaco and Iida were all walking back to the dorms together. "I am so excited to keep working on my essay" exclaimed Deku. "Yeah but are you nervous about reading it aloud in class?" Asked Ochaco. "It is essential for hero's to be able to speak in public. I am nervous but it is an important part of becoming a hero" explained Deku." Ochaco thought to herself…"He is always so positive, and that is what I love most about him." Iida started moving his arms rapidly as he always did when he was excited exclaimed "yes Midorya you are so right very important to know how to handle speaking in public as a hero, why didn't I think of that?! Wonderful observation!"

Ochaco loved walking home with Deku and Iida it was always a pleasant walk back to the dormitory. They were her best friends and well… Deku was more then a friend. She had realized that she has had a crush on him for quite some time; But she always tried to push those feelings aside because she knew deep down in her heart that Deku was only interested in one thing. Becoming the number 1 hero like All Might. Besides that she also needed to focus as well. She promised her parents she would become a pro to help them out and that meant so much to her.

Once Ochaco was back in her dorm room she prepared to work on her essay… but then her thoughts again went to her conversation with Deku from before class eairler that day. They had been walking to class alone. Iida had gone to visit his brother at the hospital and would be arriving late that morning. They were talking about their passions to become pro heroes and their usual studies. Then out of the blue Deku asked Ochaco if she had ever planned to get married after she became a pro. She blushed at the thought of marriage. She answered him saying "Well… yes only after I have become a pro." Deku told her he wondered why All Might never got married. He mentioned that he wondered if it was to protect the feelings of those that he loved. He recalled that many pro heroes didn't get married because they might get hurt or die in the line of duty. Ochaco had repeated that conversation in her head throughout the day. She had such strong feelings for Deku. Even if she confessed to him how she felt, would he even want to be with her? She knew how kind he was and how he always put others before himself. Would he purposely avoid being with someone to spare them the worry about him being a pro?

She eventually got one page of her essay done. It wasn't her best work and she had stayed up too late proofreading and rerunning her conversation with Deku in her mind over and over again. Finally she drifted off to sleep and before she knew it her alarm was going off.

Katsuki Bakugo always the early riser, he usually went to bed before anyone else. Many of the other students loved staying up late to hangout in the common area of the dorms. He avoided that. "Fuck I am so tired" he thought to himself. Katsuki was walking to school early to avoid talking to anyone. Mostly because everyone always seemed to piss him off. Deku was always showboating with his vast knowledge of quirks. He tried to be more friendly with him since learning of All Might's secret with his rival; however he still hated that damn nerd and wanted to surpass him even as the chosen one. Iida was always pestering him to sit up straight in class. Kirishima was really his only friend and even he annoyed Katsuki. Ochaco was also walking to class early. She wanted to make sure to proofread her essay once more before class, incase she was called upon to read hers aloud. She was reading as she walked and drinking some hot tea when she suddenly bumped into someone. "YOU IDIOT" screamed Katsuki. Ochaco looked up to her horror. She had bumped into Katsuki and he was now covered in green tea and honey. She immediately blushed with her eyes wide and started apologizing. He sighed and said "why were you not watching where you were going eh Ochaco?" Well….I….I..don't know." She said quietly. "Your just like that damn nerd Deku?! Aren't you. Studying all the time?" She blushed when he said Deku's name. "Why the hell are you blushing?" "NO REASON" she said as she ran away from Katsuki.

Katsuki pulled out his phone and texted Kirishimi. "Hey tell Aizawa I will be late. I had to go back to the dorms to get something." "K, dude you got it!" Kirishima said back. Katsuki started walking back to the dorms. "Damn that Ochaco" he thought to himself. "She spilled tea on me and then ran off, stupid girl." He squeezed his fist and his brow furrowed a little. "She is lucky she is cute. If it were anyone else I would have blasted their ass to the moon. FUCK"

Ever since the sports festival he saw that Ochaco was stronger than his first impression of her. He always had nick names for everyone in class. He used to call her Angel face because she was cute and floated around like a little angel. He respected her more now that he knew she wasn't just a weakling. He rarely called anyone by their name. Ochaco was a rare exception. Sure there were many capable girls in class but she was different. Her determination and strength was really surprising to him. Usually cute girls like that were not into fighting and strength training. She was always clever too. Which at times reminded him of Deku. Katskui wondered to himself "Why did she blush when I mentioned that idiot Deku?" He pondered this while walking back to the dorms. Once there he quickly changed and headed back to class.

"Bakugo nice of you to join us" said Aizawa as he strutted into class. He quickly sat down. "Whatever just keep going with the damn lesson would ya?" Mineta was picked first to read part of his essay. He had decided to write about female heroes. "What a damn pervert" thought Katsuki. He too had appreciation for the female form. He was a guy after all but Mineta was always a creep about it. Eventually Mineta started to drool while reading his essay. "Stop drooling you gross little dumbass" said Katskui. Mr. Aizawa decided to move on from Mineta's perverse essay. Deku was next. Katsuki slide his hand into his bag and pulled out his headphones. He wanted to tune Deku out. Hopefully Aiwaza wouldn't notice. He was always half asleep anyway. While Deku was reading his essay, Katsuki noticed that Ochaco was staring at Deku and blushing again. "What is up with her and that damn nerd" he thought. "Still can't believe what that idiot did this morning." He gruffed and changed the song he was listening to. Eventually class let out. He was glad he didn't get called on to read his paper. He had left it in the dorm when he went back to change earlier. "Damn that Ochaco" he grumbled to himself as he was leaving the classroom. "I really should give her a piece of my mind" he said as he clenched his fists. "OY OCHACO" "I need to talk to you c'mere". Deku and Iida looked at Ochaco like she was an alien. "Is Kacchan upset with you Uraraka?" asked Deku nervously. "Probably" she said. "I should go apologize, but don't worry Deku I can handle Bakugo. I'll explain later and text you."

Ochaco felt so embarrassed that she had spilled tea all over Bakugo and ran off. It was like the time she was alone with Deku at the mall and ran away when she got nervous. She hoped Bakugo wouldn't mention her blushing. "I'll just apologize and try to avoid the subject of Deku" she thought to herself as she walked over to Bakugo. He was leaning against the wall with that wild angry look in his eyes. "FIRST OF ALL—" he started to say as she interrupted him. "BAKUGO I AM SO SORRY, I WAS HAVING A BAD MORNING AND I WAS SO TIRED AND I DON'T KNOW WHERE MY HEAD WAS AND—" he put his hand up to her face. "Slow down jeesh. Why were you reading and walking at the same time someone with zero gravity should be a little more coordinated?" "I know you are more coordinated then that Ochaco." She bowed her head and said, "I know." "What can I do besides say I am sorry?" Katsuki put his palm up to his face. His teeth were clenched together. "I guess it is ok this time you idiot, be careful next time." He looked up and saw her eyes. She was fucking cute when she was flustered, he thought to himself. She started to walk away and he grabbed her arm without thinking. "Do you know how to get tea stains out of a white shirt?" "The least you could do was try to clean my uniform for school since you ruined it." She pulled her arm away defensively and looked him up and down. "I guess I should she thought." Then she said "I'll come by your dorm later to pick it up Bakugo." "Thanks" he muttered. She smiled and walked away.

Later that night Ochaco went by Katsuki's dorm room to get the shirt she ruined. She had no idea how to remove stains from a white shirt but figured she could call her mom and ask for help later. Katskui was reading and listening to some music in his dorm when he heard a knock. "Hey Ochaco come in I'll get the shirt." She went into his dorm room. She had never seen it before. Back when they had the dorm room contest, he was asleep and never did participate. There were a lot of posters but nothing out of the ordinary. With as mean as Katsuki was she thought his room would be more messy and scary, much like his personality. However it was pretty normal and clean kept. She was busy looking around the room when he asked her "So what's with you blushing around that damn nerd Deku?" She turned fire engine red. "No reason at all. I just—" "Oh please don't tell me you like that weird little runt" he laughed. All she could do was hold her head down. She was so embarrassed. Her eyes started to well up. He bent down to look at her. "WHOA don't start crying and shit" "Honestly you could do better Ochaco." She just stood there not moving. Katsuki put his hand to his face and sighed. He was never good with people that were crying. He could tell she was embarrassed beyond all reason. So he just pulled her close and put his arm around her. "Your secret is safe with me you idiot. I won't tell that shitty nerd anything." Ochaco stood there awkwardly. When he pulled her close, he could smell her hair. It smelled sweet. He pushed her away and handed her the shirt. "You better go clean that shirt, Angel Face." "Uh right—better go" she exclaimed and quickly ran off still embarrassed.

"Fuck, why did I call her Angel Face?" Katsuki thought to himself. "Damn nerd doesn't deserve a beautiful girl like her." He plopped down on his bed and tried to start where he left off in his textbook." He put the book over his face, eventually and fell asleep dreaming. He dreamed about Ochaco trying to wash his shirt. She got her shirt wet trying to clean his and you could see her bra through her wet uniform top. "Oh Katsuki I just can't get it clean" she cried and fell to her knees. I knelt down to her and he could smell her sweet smelling shampoo again. He went to touch her little round face when he heard a loud clap. Startled he had woken up to his book falling to the floor from his face. He thought about how he had dreamt of Ochaco. He felt his face get hot. "DAMMNIT" he yelled and threw his pillow across the room.

Ochaco certainly didn't think she would be spending her weekend trying to get tea stains out of Bakugo's school uniform. Her mother told her to use vinegar. It didn't exactly work. The shirt looked the same as it did. She was frustrated. Ochaco leaned up against the washing machine in the dorm laundry room. "What am I going to do?" Bakugo will be SO MAD. Quickly she pulled her phone out and texted Deku. "Remember how I told you that I spilled tea on Bakugo and ruined one of his uniforms?" "Is Kacchan still upset? What ended up happening?" Deku's text read. Ochaco told him she had tried to clean it for him, but it is still stained. "He is going to be really angry Deku." "Don't worry Uraraka, if you want, I can be with you when you give the uniform back! I am sure if you explain nicely to Kacchan he will understand. He might be a huge jerk, but accidents do happen" Deku texted back cheerfully. She sighed and texted him back saying she would be ok. It was her mess so she would take care of everything but thanked him for being so supportive. Ochaco clicked her phone shut and laid it down on the counter in the laundry room. Eventually she finished the rest of her laundry and decided to head back to her dorm to think of how she was going to give Bakugo his uniform back. She thought of paying him for a new one; however she didn't have the money and certainly didn't want to ask her parents.

It had been a few days since Ochaco had ruined his uniform. Most of Katsuki's clothes were dirty. He had gotten behind on Laundry and was hoping she had gotten his uniform clean. He really wanted it back before class. He decided to go looking for her. Honestly he had never bothered to get any phone numbers from his classmates, except Kirishima and Denki since those two dummies always wanted to hang around him. He wished he could jest text her. This was really beginning to be a pain in the ass. Finally, he had tracked her down. Ochaco was standing by the elevator. "HEY OCHACO. I NEED MY STUPID UNIFORM BACK!" She got nervous and hopped into the elevator, pretending to ignore him. He managed to make it into the elevator with her. "You trying to ignore me dummy?" he gruffed. "Not exactly" she responded. "I haven't figured out what to do. Your uniform looks awful and I don't have a way to pay you to get a new one…" she sighed. Katsuki got upset and punched the wall in the elevator. Suddenly the elevator stopped and made this awful screeching noise. "Bakugo what did you DO?!" she exclaimed. "Shiiit" he thought. "Shut up would ya!" "Just give me a damn minute to think." His idea was to keep punching the wall and pressing the buttons, which did not seem to help matters. "I think we are stuck" Ochaco sighed. "DAMMNIT" yelled Katsuki punching the wall of the elevator.

After a while he had calmed down. He still looked upset as always, but at least he wasn't screaming and cussing up a storm. Ochaco asked him "Are you done complaining?" "Can we talk rationally and come up with a plan?" "Fine" is all he responded with. They first tried to use her Zero Gravity quirk, but it didn't work. They could feel the elevator move but it didn't go up or down it just seemed to wiggle, and they were not sure what floor they had gotten stuck on. They might have even been in-between floors. Katsuki suggested he could blast a hole in the door but Ochaco said that they shouldn't damage the elevator anymore. Eventually they decided to wait it out. Ochaco was exhausted from trying to use zero gravity. Surely someone would notice and get one of the staff members to figure out what had happened. Katsuki wished that she would just let him blast a hole in the elevator. He hated sitting there waiting. A hero should be able to figure his way out and not sit there helplessly. Ochaco was so sleepy…she started to doze off and fell over on to Katsuki's lap. He grimaced and started to push her off… but he noticed how sweet she looked while sleeping. He was a jerk but somehow he kind of liked the idea of her laying there. He watched her sleep for a while. She smelled so good and Katsuki started to feel his stomach turn to knots like when you are excited about something. That is always how he felt going into a battle. It was nice. She kept mumbling in her sleep. He laughed at the weirdo girl sleeping in his lap. She must have been dreaming. She said Deku's name a more than a few times which caused Katskui's eye to twitch. He thought about waking her up, but he couldn't move. He didn't want the feeling of excitement to go away. It was like when he first mastered his signature move AP Shot, he felt like he was the fucking king of the world. "I should try to change her mind about that damn nerd. She doesn't need to be with someone like him, he would only drag her down" Katsuki thought to himself. "He is probably too dumb to notice anyway." Ochaco started squirming around like she was having a bad dream. "I can't get it clean Bakugo. I am sorry" she said softly. Katsuki tensed up. He thought of that racy dream he had about her a few nights ago. He looked down at her chest. His face got hot and he suddenly shoved Ochaco away from him. She sat up and rubbed her eyes and just then a whirring sound started. The elevator started to move up. Iida had noticed one of the elevators was not functioning properly and had notified the teachers. When the doors opened many of their classmates were standing around wondering who was in the elevator. Mina teased Katsuki and Ochaco. "Look at your messy hair girl!" "Just what exactly were you and Bakugo up to in that elevator?!" Deku looked at his friend Kacchan. He noticed he was blushing which never happens. Katsuki was also quiet. He didn't yell at anyone. Ochaco explained to them she fell asleep after exhausting herself using her quirk trying to get the elevator to move. She told the teachers that she didn't want Bakugo to have to damage the elevator to get them out. It was her fault they got stuck. That wasn't entirely the truth since Katsuki was the one that punched it and made it get stuck. He wondered why she didn't tell the truth.

The teachers directed the kids to go back to their dorms. Katsuki ended up with a 3 day house arrest from Aizawa for busting up the elevator. Ocacho felt even worse. "I have really messed things up for poor Bakugo." "Maybe I should go talk to him." She started thinking of ways to make it up to him or pay him back for the uniform.

On the third day of his house arrest she decided to go talk to him. Ochaco knocked on his door. To her surprise he opened it shirtless. He had been strength training since he had to miss class. "What do you want now? Haven't you done enough" he barked at her. "I was just coming to apologize for the millionth time you jerk!" she turned to walk away. He was impossible sometimes and the whole situation was frustrating. Without thinking he grabbed her by the arm like he did once before. "Wait" he said. She stood there with her back to him. "What..." She said sternly. "Just come in here and let's talk" he said.

She hesitantly walked into his room. He shut the door behind her. Really the nerve of him. She honestly couldn't stand it sometimes. He sat down on the edge of his bed. "Listen I know your fucking sorry." "I need to tell my stupid Mom about my ruined uniform." "And is that bad?" asked Oachao. "If you think I am an asshole, just wait until you meet my mother…" he laughed. "What do you mean meet your mother" she had questioned him. "Well it was your fault. Not mine and I want you to explain that to her." "She thinks I am reckless, and I have a bad attitude" he said. "Pfft.. wonder where she got that idea" Ochaco started laughing. Katsuki pushed her up against the wall. It took her by surprise. She stared him down and said "backoff Bakugo I am not afraid of you." He stared at her with a sly smile. She crossed her arms and he looked her up and down. "Seriously do I have to meet your mom Bakug—" before she could finish her sentence, he leaned in closer to her face while he still had her pinned to the wall. "Wha… what are you doing?" she stuttered. "Nothing…I just think you are really fucking cute when your mad angel face" he whispered few inches from her face. She turned fire engine red immediately, her eyes got wide. "WHAT?!" she screamed. He then turned around a laughed. "Thought you weren't afraid of me." He laughed again. "Don't worry I know I am not your type Ochaco. You're into that shitty nerd." "I was just messing around." He handed her his phone. "Put your damn number in here…we will make a plan to go see my Mom and YOU can tell her how you fucked up my school uniform." She quietly added her number and awkwardly left his room.

He shut his door. "Man, that was so close…why did I fucking say that to her?" "I am a damn idiot but that'll teach her to mess with me."

Katsuki layed down on his bed and thought about how close he was to her earlier when he teased her. He started thinking about touching her soft round face…kissing her…holding her close her with her scent surrounding him. He felt his face get hot. "She can do better then that damn nerd." The more he thought about it during the night, the more he wanted her in more ways than one. Deku didn't deserve her. He had All Might's power and he shouldn't get everything. Katsuki decided he wanted to make Ochaco Uraraka his and he was going to use this situation to his advantage.

Ochaco couldn't sleep. She kept thinking about the stunt Bakugo pulled on her earlier that evening. This past week has been the most she has interacted with him besides their fight at the sports festival. Sure, he was mean, but he was very handsome and strong many of her male classmates were. She started thinking about what he had said. Her face got red again. Ochaco shook her head. "Why am I thinking about crazy psycho Bakugo." She had a crush on another boy that was sweet and kind but couldn't understand why she was thinking about this mean-spirited boy who had teased her and called her cute.

Katskui barely slept. Same for poor Ochaco she was so tired she could barely make it through Aiwaza's lecture on providing safety for citizens. She started to doze off when her phone vibrated. She peeked at the message and it was from Bakugo. "Hey Angel Face when are we going to visit my Mom?" "When were you thinking of going…" she replied. "You free tonight?" he sent back. She thought that it would be better to get it over with as soon as possible. Thinking more about it Ochaco started to wonder if he was flirting just to bother her…because she said she wasn't scared of him…" Maybe he is just messing with me" she thought as she finished writing down some more notes on the lecture. She decided to reply that she was free. The sooner the better and she can finally stop worrying about Bakugo and focus more on her studies. It was bad enough that she day dreamed about Deku so much lately. Now she had problem child Bakugo to deal with. "I need a break" she thought to herself as she continued trying to take notes on lecture.

Katsuki was waiting outside class for Ochaco. He leaned in close to her and said "do you need to get anything before we head out?" with a devilish smile on his face. "No let's go so we can get back before curfew" she replied. Katsuki was trying his best to be nicer to her. "Damn this is hard." "If I want her to even look my way I need to be nice to her like that damn nerd Deku." They walked to the train station. "So how far do your folks live from Campus Bakugo?" "Not too far we should be there soon."