Hi. I'm Ronnlee Morris. I received a phone call from Pinocchio. He wants me to be his godfather for his baptism. The reason is because I told him that he's my favorite character."That would be awesome," I cheered. "Please come to Tuscany by tomorrow morning," Pinocchio informed. The next day, I was already packed and headed straight to the San Diego airport. By the time I arrived at Tuscany, I decided to eat some pasta with Pinocchio for lunch. "Do you cook your own food?" Pinocchio asked. "No, my mom does," I answered. "What's your nationality?" Pinocchio questioned. "I'm filipino american," I replied. "My parents are filipino but I was born and raised in the United States," I continued. "Where in the United States were you born?" Pinocchia jumped in. "I was born in Kern City,California but I grew up in San Diego," I responded. Pinocchio then started talking about meals like adobo. A few hours later after eating, we went to church. The priest spoke his recitation and touched Pinocchio with holy water. After his baptism, we ate dinner at a pizzeria. We ordered one cheese pizza and one pepperoni pizza. "What's your favorite pizza company?" Pinocchio asked. "I like Little Caesar's," I replied. "What's yours?" I asked back. "I like Totino's," Pinocchio answered. "I like their pizza rolls," I added. We then went to an arcade and played some games some nights before I flew back to San Diego. I mostly played Marvel vs. Capcom and basketball. I played Megaman and Hulk. Pinocchio and Pinocchia mostly played Pac-Man and Jurassic Park. They simply took turns playing Pac-Man. Pinocchia was shooting more dinosaurs than Pinocchio but Pinocchio definitely liked that. It was just so adorable to see Pinocchio and Pinocchia playing together. I kept a digital photo on my phone of Pinocchio being baptized and showed it to my mom. I officially became Pinocchio's godfather.