Okay, so I know I'm supposed to be working on Tamer. I'm sorry, but I had this idea a long time ago and just cycled back to Thunderbirds on my obsession cycle, so I had to write it. Among others I'm working on. So…just enjoy, I guess?

Oh, and I don't own Thunderbirds, not even the DVDs, which is shame honestly.

It had been Lady Penelope's idea, of course. The world wanted to know more about the family that had stepped up to save them, and after The Hood had outed the Tracy's as International Rescue, and the World Council had deemed them able to continue in their efforts, society had gotten all the more curious. The media had become simply insatiable, coming up with all sorts of outlandish theories and stories about what the Tracy family got up to on their private island, away from prying eyes.

So, in a bid to ease the family out of the shadows and back into the light, Lady Penelope decided that they should own social media. She set up Instagram accounts, and made sure that all five of the brothers posted to them. Kayo was left out of the social media, in an attempt to keep her business strictly need to know. Twitter wasn't especially important to the Tracy family, but they could definitely get behind posting photos. Scott had a tendency to post pictures of the sky, clouds and views from his 'Bird. Virgil posted pictures of whatever caught his fancy, from nature to food to random shots of his family. John posted pictures from space, and as such had a large following; not many people had access to the views that he did. Gordon focused on the sea, on marine life and the force of the ocean. Alan posted much like Virgil did, whatever caught his fancy, from space to food to his brothers.

But Instagram wasn't enough, and society wasn't having it. They wanted more. Pictures, the media said, could be contrived. And everyone knew that their heroes were rich, filthy rich. They most likely lived like kings in a palace on their island, waited on hand and foot by a multitude of servants. It's what made sense, after all.

So, Lady Penelope decided to up the game. If Instagram wasn't enough, and Twitter and Facebook weren't going to happen (because, honestly, it was hard enough to get them to have time for Instagram) then it was time to delve into YouTube.

The first video was a tour of the Tracy home, with Scott as the host. He looked bemused, one eyebrow raised as he met Penny on the deck at the end of the pool. "Why are we doing this again?" he asked, running a hand through his hair.

Penelope, out of sight, behind the camera, gave a small laugh. "Because the people want to know, Scott Tracy," she answered. "The world is convinced that the team behind International Rescue lives like kings on a fancy hill, and I mean to show them the truth."

"Kings, huh," Scott grunted, turning to look out past the pool and jungle to the sea beyond. "I suppose we do have a lovely kingdom then."

"A place in paradise?" Penelope asked, her voice soft. Scott shrugged, corners of his mouth turning down. The camera shook a little as Penny moved, and her hand came into the shot, resting gently against his arm. "Come now, Scott," she said warmly. "You're meant to be giving us a tour of your castle."

"Castle, right," Scott huffed a laugh and turned, spreading his arms wide. "This is the pool," he said, raising his eyebrows in jest. Lady Penelope laughed as well. "We had to have a pool, of course. We live in the tropics, for one, and Gordon is an Olympic swimmer, for two." This managed to explain the size of the pool as well.

"Of course," Penny murmured. "I also have a list of questions from your fans that I've complied, Scott, if you feel up to answering them."

"Hmm? Why wouldn't I feel up to it?" he asked, turning and making his way to the house, glass glistening in the sunlight. It was an impressive sight, all glass and stone and metal.

Penny smiled. "I know how you crave your privacy."

Scott shot her a look over his shoulder. "I live with four brothers, Pen. Four younger brothers. Not to mention Brains, Grandma and Kayo. There is no privacy."

"Hence the cravings."

He led her inside, to the kitchen. "This is our kitchen," he said, his voice a mix between amused and bland. Penny huffed and he shrugged. "I'm not sure exactly what they were expecting to see," he said. "It's just our house." He glanced out the window to the jungle outside. "Granted, in a very pretty location."

Penny stepped closer to the yellow counter, panning the camera around to take in the large, and yet modest kitchen. It wasn't fancy, like you'd expect to see in the house of a multi-billionaire, and actually had a bit of a retro vibe. It was clean, a few mugs drying in a rack next to the sink, utensils and dishes all put away where they belonged. There was a pantry off the far end, cut into the side of the rock wall. She knew the pantry was massive, as they had enough food stored for a long time, living on an island and all. She focused on the white board hanging on the far wall, near the bar that lined the window to the deck. "Want to explain the board?" she asked, pacing closer to show off the multiple colors and doodles that filled the white space.

"What, the chore chart?" Scott asked. He blinked, shrugging again. "Sure. We each have our chores for the week written on the board. It's color coded because we're weird, and Virgil sometimes draws all over the place and makes it hard to read, but whatever." One of the doodles was of Thunderbird Two squashing Thunderbird Four into a pancake and Scott had to refrain from rolling his eyes.

"Which leads us to our first question. Who does the laundry? Samson2121 from Pennsylvania wants to know," Penny grinned.

Scott raised an eyebrow, glancing at the board. "That's…weird. This week, it's Alan's turn to do laundry," he said, pointing to the red column on the board. "He's also in charge of dinner on Wednesday. Gordon has vacuuming, I'm in charge of dishes and Virgil has general cleaning and tidying. Next week we rotate." Scott sighed, not bothering to comment on the additions to the board that told of Thunderbird maintenance, Pod cleaning and Hanger/Silo organization. "We're each in charge of keeping our own rooms and bathrooms clean. And yes," he held up a hand to stave off the inevitable question, "we each have our own bathroom. We learned that lesson when we still lived at the ranch. That house only had two bathrooms and it wasn't fun for anyone at times."

"So, everyone gets their weekly chores, along with their expected ones, and a day for dinner?" Penny asked, seeking clarification for the camera. She already knew this.

Scott nodded. "Yes, although rescues sometimes throw things out of whack. And Johnny's chores tend to be up on Five, and he doesn't tend to be here for dinners in general. Grandma usually cooks when we're too busy," he grimaced, "but we've been working on that."

Penny nodded, panning the camera around again, to once more take in the kitchen and dining area. "So, this level is just kitchen and dining?" she asked. They hadn't actually focused on the large dining table near the back of the room, but it was there, in all its bright red glory. Very retro, but so very Tracy.

Scott shook his head, pointing down the rock corridor behind them. "No. Laundry is down that hall. So are the maintenance areas, and Brains' quarters." He frowned. "We told Brains that he could have a space in the main house, you know, with windows. But for some reason that man just wants to be in his cave." He shrugged again, looking a little baffled. "I just don't get it."

Penny laughed. "He is an odd duck," she agreed. "Okay, I doubt we need to actually see the laundry room. Even with the industrial sized washers and dryers. But I do have another question. From IWannaFly34 in South Africa: Do you keep the Thunderbirds on the island with you?"

Scott paused, throwing a completely incredulous look over his shoulder. "No," he said. It was a good thing that Penny had warned him about a few of the questions she would be asking. This one, specifically. "Where would we keep them? The basement?"

She laughed, her voice delighted as she continued towards the stairs at the back of the room, forcing Scott to keep walking. "Well, what do you keep in your basement?" she asked.

Scott paused again, his face scrunching. "I…don't know. Do we even have a basement?" he asked her.

"Why are you asking me?" she questioned back, sounding baffled. "And shouldn't you know if you do or not?"

They were standing in the middle of the stairs now, Scott just staring into the camera in confusion. "I mean," he drawled. "It would make sense that we have a basement. But…I've never actually thought to look for one." He shrugged it off. "I'll have to ask Gordon or Alan. They'd know."

"And why would they know?" Penny asked as they continued to climb the stairs.

"They're the ones that have thoroughly explored this place. They know every nook and cranny. We've only lived here for about seven years, actually," Scott said in explanation. They exited the rocky stairwell, stepping into a bright, open space. "Welcome to our living room," Scott said, once again throwing his arms wide. He glanced around and then did a double take to the sunken section of the room, frowning.

Penny followed as he paced to the edge, crouching down to gently place a hand on Virgil's forehead. The younger was sprawled across the couch, dead asleep. He was dressed in just his gray tank and a set of khaki shorts, barefoot with one leg wrapped in bandages and a splint around his wrist. His hair was mussed, his face pale and Scott, clearly, hadn't expected to see him sleeping there. "He okay?" Penny whispered and Scott glanced up at her before eyeing Virgil again.

He straightened with a sigh, crooking a finger and leading her away from the slumbering giant. "He's fine. Got caught up in a landslide yesterday. Saved the three kids though. And thirteen others." There was no mention of the lives lost during that tragic accident. He looked around the room. "This is our lounge," he repeated, gesturing. "We hang out in here a lot." Again, it was a very retro look. All wood and metal and stone. Fake plants, because holy cow they didn't have time to try and keep real ones alive. It was clean, but lived in. There was a book on the holo-table, a tablet lying across the desk. Sheet music sat on top of the piano, and Gordon had left his shoes by the balcony door. There was the staircase to the loft, and another staircase back behind them, leading to the next floor up.

"There's the couches and chairs, where Virgil is sleeping," Penny said, adding to the tour dialogue when it was obvious that Scott didn't exactly know what to say. "The table in the middle is a holodeck of sorts." She zoomed in on the six portraits on the wall, by-passing Kayo's quickly so that it wouldn't be focused on. "These didn't used to be of the boys in uniform," she stated, "But since The Hood outed them, they decided to change them."

She panned to the door. "This door leads to the balcony, which seconds as an awning for the deck down below. And here's a question of my own," she grinned. "Can you jump from the balcony to the pool?"

"Yes," Scott groaned. "But please don't, at the risk of giving me a heart attack. It's now against the rules to do so, under pain of cleaning Two with a toothbrush."

Penny laughed, quieting quickly when Virgil shifted on the couch. He really was a little to large to be lying there, but to each their own. "Okay, so balcony there. Behind me is the grand piano."

Scott leaned against said piano, allowing Penny to continue her little diatribe. "The piano belongs to Virgil," she added, grinning at Scott. It had once belonged to their mother but had been passed down to Virgil as he was really the only one that used it. "Maybe one day we'll get him to play for everyone."

Scott rolled his eyes. "Yeah. Maybe," he conceded. He pointed back behind the piano to the desk. "That's Dad's desk," he frowned again, face tightening as he gazed at the red stained wood. "Or, I guess, my desk now. I do a lot of the work for TI there. John does too, when he's dirtside." Behind the desk was a bookshelf filled with what looked like board games, and some souvenirs from around the world. Gesturing to the other end of the room, "And there's the pool table." A large, ornate thing that was clearly antique and yet still well loved. A motion to the loft above them. "And the mini-library. The big library is in the Round House, which was actually the house for the Kyranos when they lived here, but since her parents passed, Kayo has moved into the main house with us and we made their old place into a larger library."

"The Round House?" Penny asked, clearly asking him to elaborate. He led her to the large glass wall and pointed to the literally round house up at the top of the hill. "Ah."

"Yeah," Scott sighed. "The Kyranos were friends of Dad's and he gave them a job and a place to live. They took care of the grounds and meals when they were here, and Kayo practically grew up with us." Yes, he knew that he had just admitted that they had basically had servants living here at one point, but the Kyranos had been family, just like Brains and he wouldn't just not mention them.

"So why do you have a mini-library here, if you have a larger one up there?" Penny asked.

"Because it's a good ten minute walk up to the Round House either through the jungle or through the tunnels. And we all like to have a good book on hand, so we keep our favorites here. Virgil sometimes paints up there in the loft, when he doesn't want to stay in his studio."

"Which leads to our next question," Penny said after a moment's pause. "From multiple people around the world: What are all of your hobbies when you're not out saving lives?"

Scott blinked at her, pausing to gather his thoughts. "Um…well, we don't have a lot of downtime, to be honest," he said. "But when we do…from youngest to oldest, Alan likes to play video games, although he's also supposed to be doing his school work. He does like to experiment in the kitchen, which is sometimes fun and sometimes not so fun. He likes to build and tinker too. Um…Gordon swims, explores the ocean and beach and mainly just becomes a fish. He's also a prankster. Which…yeah." He grimaced again. "Virgil usually paints, plays music or can be found tinkering. He's our artistic one for all that he's built like a bear. John studies the stars. He likes to write papers in his free time. He also likes to cook. Although, to be fair, he's helping me run TI so…" He shrugged. "I'm usually working, to be honest. IR and TI take up most of my time if I'm not running herd on my brothers. But if I have time, I like to read a good book."

"And Kayo and Brains?" Penny asked.

"Brains hardly ever takes a day off, even when we beg," Scott said, rolling his eyes. "Although Virgil can sometimes get him to calm down. And if he has a hobby outside of his work, I don't know what it is. Kayo is…Kayo. She likes a lot of things and I'm not going to answer your question as to what."

"Smart man," Penny murmured. She pointed the camera towards a hall, partially hidden by the protruding fireplace. "So, what's down there?" she asked, and followed Scott as he started to walk that way.

"Virgil's studio, for one," he said, pacing down the hall to stop at the door. "I'm not going to go in, as this is his domain and we rarely ever cross it, but we can peek inside." He opened the door and she trained the camera inside, showing off a room filled with canvases, some finished, some halfway done and others blank. Papers were scattered across a desk, a keyboard set up against one wall and a large shelf system filled with paints and art supplies on another. Photographs and sketches covered one of the walls. She focused the camera on one of the finished paintings, a beautiful piece of birds in flight over a large lake at sunset. She just knew it had come from a picture he had taken after a rescue somewhere.

"He's very talented," she whispered. For some reason, this space seemed to require reverence.

"He is," Scott agreed, closing the door. He opened another, across the hall. "This is the gym, which should be a little obvious." There was gym equipment, hanging sand bags, a door to a bathroom, and couch all in this room. The room was painted a stark white in contrast to Virgil's messy studio, which had been painted a light green, where the walls could be seen. "We need to keep in peak physical shape, so having a gym was tantamount."

"Of course," Penny stated, moving down the hall to the next room.

Scott opened the door with a sigh. "This was supposed to be my office," he said, explaining the desk and multitude of filing cabinets and bookshelves. "I do most of my work out at the desk in the lounge, though, so this room is mostly just file storage, to be honest." It was a rather impersonal room, aside from the clutter, and he just shut the door and moved on.

Opening another door led to a room that had a bunch of couches, chairs and beanbags, as well as a projector aimed at a blank, white wall. The back wall had a bookcase filled with electronics. "We decided to have a theater room," he said with a shrug, "but it doesn't see much use. We don't have a lot of time for movies, and generally can't agree on something to watch anyway. We do use this room for video game competitions at times though, if we have enough downtime."

Okay, this was getting a little sad, Penny realized, with how much time the boys obviously didn't have. There was only one more room in this hall, though, and then the staircase up to the next level (although there had been two others in the lounge too). There was also the hidden door that would lead down to the silos and Thunderbird Two's hanger, but they weren't going to mention that.

Scott opened the last door, showing off a room that wouldn't have looked out of place in a hospital. There were three beds, and three sets of state-of-the-art equipment. The room was a crisp white, while all the bedding was a light blue. There was a bathroom off to one end, and a massive storage room next to it. On one of the walls was an artificial window, with a light that mimicked sunlight, since they had built into the volcano and didn't have access to natural light for this room. "Our infirmary, or med-bay, depending on who you ask," Scott said softly. "We're a little isolated out here," he said in way of explanation. "Not to mention our jobs. We tend to get hurt at times."

"How trained are you?" Penny asked, blinking away the tears that wanted to form. She'd visited often enough to know just how used this room was. "It's a question by IwouldbeSpidey in England."

"In…what?" Scott mumbled, a little confused. "Medical?" She nodded, the camera bobbing with her. "Oh." He paused for a moment, thinking. Absently putting away a roll of bandages, probably the ones that had been used on Virgil's leg, he turned to her and leaned against the counter that ran along the wall opposite the door, the one that had the artificial window. "We all started with basic EMT training, and John and I are still at that level. Gordon got some additional training in water-based rescue, and Alan is working towards Paramedic which is where Virgil is officially at."

"Officially?" Penny asked, eyebrow raised. Explain for the people, her gaze said. They need to know just how much of yourselves you've put into your chosen careers.

Scott shrugged. "Unofficially, he's on par with an ER specialist. He can handle just about anything short of surgery, as can Brains. Virgil has always been interested in medicine, just not enough to actually seek a job in it."

"Art, music, engineering and medicine," Penny said with an impressed whistle.

Scott grinned. "Yeah, he's our overachiever."

There was an off-camera scoff. "Of come off it," Penny groused. "Your whole family is filled with overachievers. I mean, really, there's you the decorated Air Force pilot, John the published Astronaut and Linguist of like twenty languages, Virgil who we've already covered, Gordon the WASP trained Olympic swimmer that somehow beat all the odds against all medical say, and Alan the sixteen year old race-car champion astronaut which is just ridiculous at all levels." She gave a large, exaggerated sigh. "You boys make the rest of the world look bad."

Scott was blushing, and he ran a hand through his hair, a little uncomfortable. "That was never our intention," he said. "We were just taught to always do our best."

"And then you took your best and decided to save lives with it," Penny said, her tone no longer exasperated, but somewhat loving instead. There was a heavy amount of respect there as well.

"Yes, well…" Scott let the sentence die, averting his gaze.

Penny took pity on him, giving a small smile. "Is there anything else on this level?" she asked, for the sake of the viewers. She knew this island home better than her own manor at times, it seemed.

"No," Scott said, exiting the infirmary. He shut the door and started up the stairs. "Up here, on the next two levels, are our bedrooms. Us boys are on this next floor, while Grandma and Kayo are on the one above." He glanced back at Penny and the camera. "I have permission from my brothers to show their rooms, but I don't have permission from Grandma or Kayo. Or Brains, for that matter, which is why we didn't tour his quarters."

The stepped out into the hall, a long space with staircases at both ends, one leading to the hall they had just come from and the other the lounge. The hall itself was painted a muted cream color, and a few paintings hung on the wall. A small console table against the wall, in the middle of the hall, held a lamp and a vase of fake flowers. Grandma's touch, probably.

"All the rooms on this level have the same basic blueprint, with a bathroom and small walk-in closet. They might be flipped in orientation from each other, but they're all the same size and basic layout. One of the walls of each room is glass, and they all open to the same balcony that we all share. It's triangular, like the one downstairs. The rooms upstairs don't have a balcony." Scott didn't mention the side balcony that cut into the rock and opened up into the Hanger. You could only get to that one through a secret door anyway.

He opened the first door they came across, smiling at the small painting of a rocket that adorned it. "This is Alan's room," he explained. They had remodeled recently, and Penny hadn't seen the end results yet. Alan had been wanting a more "grown-up" room, apparently.

"And where is Alan? And Gordon, for that matter?" Penny asked, as she stepped inside. She panned the camera around, taking in the room. It was modestly sized, which would probably come as a shock to most people. The room was painted in white, with one wall being firetruck red. The bed rested against that wall, pushed up against it, with an end table next to its head. Alan's comforter was a dark red, his sheets black, and it was neatly made. The large red rug beneath her feet was a thick shag, and extremely plush—a compromise for Alan's strange need to sleep on the floor.

"At base," Scott replied, picking up a book off the floor and placing it on the desk between the closet and bathroom doors. The desk was tidy but held a large conglomeration of books and papers. Schoolwork likely, along with a few other projects Alan was working on. There were posters of cars, planes and space above his desk and bed. And the ceiling was liberally covered in glow-in-the-dark stars. His yellow bean bag was sitting in the corner, covered by a purple and yellow throw blanket.

"Right," Penny said, in response to Scott's answer. Honestly, the two boys were downstairs in the Hanger, repairing one of the Pods, but they were trying to make it seem as though the Birds weren't actually kept on this island. How the brothers got to their Birds so quickly if they weren't actually here was going to be left up to the imaginations of the viewers. "Theoretical physics?" she asked, glancing at one of the books on the desk.

Scott shrugged. "He's working ahead." They exited the room and moved on to the next door, this one adorned with a music note. "Virgil's," he said as they entered.

Unlike Alan's room, this one was painted in dark grey, with accents of blues and greens. Virgil's bed was a large King sized monstrosity up against one wall, with a dark green comforter. It was a bit messy, as though Virgil had tried to sleep there but hadn't managed. Two end tables were on either side, with matching lamps. A desk was on the wall opposite, between the bathroom and closet, much like Alan's. However, this desk was clean of any papers or books, actually stark in its emptiness. There was a shelf above the desk that held an array of odds and ends, but not much else aside. There was an abstract painting above the bed, but not much else on the walls. A large green rug sat in front of the glass wall, with a rocking chair resting innocently on it. Penny didn't ask; she never had before.

"He likes to keep his work out of his room," Scott said, and Penny nodded. That explained the stark cleanliness in contrast to his messy and cluttered studio.

They moved on. This door had a cartoon fish, from that old movie Finding Nemo. "Gordon's," Penny stated. It was painted bright blue, with yellow trim. An odd combination that was so Gordon that she couldn't help but smile. There had been a time that she had expected him to live in a pigsty, mostly due to her having seen his Bird before seeing his room, but now she knew that he kept his room in a military order. His bed was sharp and clean, blues and greens for the comforter that he had told her reminded him of the ocean. His desk was orderly, with reports and paperwork and marine books all stacked nicely. Above his desk was the one point of chaos, as the wall was filled with pictures of anything that caught his fancy. Most were of his brothers. He didn't have a rug on his floor, but there was a set of black bean bags up against the wall near the door. His bed, a decent sized queen, was up against the glass wall.

"The glass actually has privacy activations," Scott explained. "So that it can become frosted on command."

"That's probably a good idea, considering all of you share a balcony," Penny responded.

"And Gordon sleeps naked," Scott said with a wicked grin. He was greatly amused by the blush that Penny sported from that piece of information. He moved forward, motioning to the fish tank in the corner, in which five goldfish placidly swam. "Johnny got him the fish," he said.

"Just goldfish?" Penny asked. All things considered, it was a good question. They could afford much more than just goldfish and Gordon was known to be a lover of all marine wildlife.

Scott shrugged. "Gordon just wanted goldfish. Nostalgia or something."

They moved on, Scott shutting the door behind him. This door had a star painted on it. "John's" he muttered, stepping inside a little sadly. Penny followed with a soft sigh. This room was stark in its sparseness. The room was painted a light gray, and the comforter and pillows matched. The rug was orange, but the desk was empty, and the shelves didn't hold much more than a few books. The only piece of originality was that the walls and ceiling were covered in glow-in-the-dark stars. "John's not home often," Scott said. "So, he didn't bother with putting much in here. Most of its up on Five." It being his personal belongings.

They didn't linger, shutting the door softly behind themselves as they moved to the last door in the corridor, right before the staircase that would take them either back down to the lounge or up to the next level. This door had a plane painted on it. "My room," Scott said, gesturing Penny inside.

The room reminded her of Thunderbird One, to be honest. Painted in silvers and greys, with accents of blue and red, she smiled at the military orderliness. Everything had a place, and everything was in said place. The layout was much the same as Virgil's, his King bed against one wall with his desk on the opposite, between the closet and bathroom doors. A painting of his family, done by Virgil, was hanging above the desk, upon which were papers and files, stacked into neat piles. His bed was made sharply, the gray comforter matching the rug on the floor. He also had a rocking chair near the glass wall, a book lying in its seat. Again, Penny didn't ask. She knew better, although the viewers would likely comment.

They left his room after a moment, moving up the stairs. "So up here is Grandma, Kayo, Dad's and the guest rooms. They're bigger than ours, but they don't have a balcony. I can show you the guest room, and the layout is the same for each of the others, aside from some variations of furniture placement." The hall was the same as the one below, a light cream with a console table and lamp. Instead of the flowers was a stature of an elephant, a Malaysian keepsake of the Kyranos.

Scott ushered into the guest room, which she knew well. In fact, her luggage, and Parker's, was on the floor, near the bedroom door. She panned the camera, showing the two queen beds with the end table between them. There was a small desk with a TV on the wall above. A closet and bathroom, and a small sitting area with a loveseat and two armchairs. The artwork in the room was impersonal, just painting of the ocean and flowers. It was very much like a lovely hotel room if a bit simple for a group of multi-billionaires. She loved it, personally, as it was a large change from her usual elegant and expensive home.

"So, is this the end of your castle?" Penny asked playfully.

Scott smiled. "This is it," he said with a slight shrug. "I'm not exactly sure what everyone was expecting. We are farm-boys at heart." He led her out of the room and down the stairs again. "Of course, there's still the library in the Round House, but we took down all the walls there except in the bathroom and only left a little kitchenette, so it's mostly just books and couches up there."

"Hmm, perhaps we'll see it later," Penny said in an aside. It would make a great location for some follow up videos, to keep the YouTube channel going and the world satisfied. "What about the Hanger and Silos? Where are they?" she asked, knowing he wouldn't be answering, of course.

He glanced back at her, raising an eyebrow. "Elsewhere," he said shortly, and she smiled.

"Of course."

"Are we done?" Scott asked, leading them off the stairs and back into the lounge.

"We're done," Penny agreed. "There are more questions, of course, but we can do some Q and A sessions later."

Scott sighed and then shrugged. "Fine. Bye or whatever," he said, his focus already diverted as he wandered over to check on the still slumbering Virgil.

Penny turned the camera on herself, smiling softly. "You wanted to know where your heroes were living. And now you know. Goodbye," she stated, and the screen went black.

The video blew up the internet. It had over a million views in less than an hour. And the comments…Penny decided then and there that the channel had to stay. The good press was even better than the rescues even seemed to garner, for whatever reason. Yes, they'd be doing more videos. It was time for the world to know exactly who the Tracys were and just what they were sacrificing to keep the world a little bit safer.

TheQween 12 hours ago
Oh my gosh, what I wouldn't give for these boys. Please, protect them.
View all 989 replies

GreatBallsofFIre 10 hours ago
That house is amazing. Not what I was imagining, like at all. But so cool. Who else thought they lived in a mansion though? I mean, this house is big, but it's no mansion.
View all 788 replies

KissMeKate 9 hours ago
But like, did you see Virgil's arms? Those biceps?! I swear, that boy could probably bench press all of his brothers. At the same time!
View all 222 replies

MaryMaryQuite 8 hours ago
They seem so modest. I mean, yeah they had like people who helped before, but now they do all their own chores and everything. Even my mom hires a maid once a week. And I don't know how to do laundry at all.
View all 118 replies

ZuchinniPie 6 hours ago
God, they look tired. How much downtime do they get?
View all 976 replies

TristanBlues 5 hours ago
Got rescued by them once. By the dude in the yellow sub. Gordon. Owe them my life.
View all 656 replies

The End

And that concludes the first chapter of the YouTube channel. Next up are some Q and A sessions with each other boys. Go ahead and comment on videos you'd like the boys to do.

Much loves,
