Edit: Added new scenes and general polish of the chapter.



Chapter 1 - Welcome to U.A


A sigh escaped from a from a little girl named Mineta Minako.

She had light purple hair that was worn in a hime-cut and her eyes with light-blue. She was oddly short being only 3'7. Many will think she was just a Middle Schooler, but she was actually almost Highschool age.

She wore a navy sailor uniform with a skirt that reached her knees. And a parka jacket over her uniform since it still winter at the time, albeit at it's tail end. But, still cold without a jacket at least.

Was she nervous? Of course she was taking an Entrance Exams from one of the most prestigious hero school.

Was she seeking to be a hero for the money? No, her financial status was just fine. She didn't want to be rich. Did she seeks to help other? Maybe she really thinks that she's a really selfish person, but she did helps wherever she can.

Her reasons to become a hero was far more dubious and shameful...

She wants to sate her ever growing fetish for men in tight skin suits.

Minako Mineta was indeed joining the ranks of hero to just satisfying her need of artistic reference for her work.

She didn't want a harem of men. But, she wanted just one person to have a relationship.

She wasn't a slut that will sleep with every piece of man meat she can see. Like she can convince a boy to talk to her. This wasn't a galge where men will swoon over her this was real-life.

She wanted someone with a fit and great bod. Not horrifically muscular or bony and lanky.

Someone with a cute face. Not some chiseled man from some old 80's manga.

Someone with soft and fluffy hair that she can run her small fingers at and get lost in its fluff.

Not someone balding from having too much testosterone.

Someone who can smother her with his cuddle and peppered her with kisses.

Someone who was quirky and dorky enough that she can relate to. Not some douche that'll turn any relationship toxic and abusive.

Someone who accept her perverted side without looking at her with eyes of pure digusts.

Was she asking much? Pretty much, but it was still her decision to indulge in such fantasies.

Minako shuddered as remember some horrible memory of boys just ridiculing her because of her passion making Smuty Manga.

Minako shook off such negative thoughts.

'Those jerk aren't here anymore. I can start anew.' Minako reassured herself.

"GET OUT OF THE WAY OR I'LL KILL YOU, FUCKING DEKU!" Someone shouted angrily.

Minako was surprised someone could shout that loud was it his quirk?

"Yes!" Someone meekly said.

Minako looked for source of the commotion and saw a pair of teenage males roughly her age. A boy with fluffy green hair and a boy with spiky ash blonde hair.

They're a great deal taller than her. Well, it was not that hard to be taller than her, she was just 3'7 afterall. She wasn't suffering from some kind of dwarfism. She was proportional to her size. It was just a side-effect of her quirk, Sticky Hair.


Quirk: Sticky Hair

Type: Mutant

Her Quirk allows her to convert any nutrients that she takes orally or otherwise into her super-powered hair. Her scalp has a specialized thin organ that cover her entire head. This specialized organ pumps the nutrients that her body metabolized into her hair. She can retract and manipulated the shape through a series of a nerve like fillament in her hairs that can be moved at Minako's whims. The hairs could 'feel' what it touchs though it can't feel textures or temperature.

This Quirk organ can secrete a conditioner-like fluid that keeps the hair in top condition, though it exudes a variety of grape-based smells based on how Minako is feeling. The potency of the conditioner depends on her diet and emotional state.

Another feature is that she can detach her hair at will. The hair will lose its luster rapidly and become sticky.

It's fundamental weakness are the fact she can only use a limited amount of hair per day before growing back when she sleeps or takes a rest. And, if she force herself to regenerate her hair she'll burn any nutrients or calories she can get from her small body. Leaving her body extremely fatigued and strained. And, in terms of stamina she was very lacking.


Oh, the many kinky things she can do with her hair...

Minako breathed in and out.

She wasn't about to ruin her chances of a normal school life by having a restraining order on the first day.

But moving on she focused on the fluffy boy that like a confused puppy.

He was cute...

But, she noticed the boy fumbled with his feet and trip on his own feet.

Minako instinctively send out her tendril-like hair grab him before he could meet the cobble-stoned path to U.A.

The green haired boy was almost an inch to ground, but he was safe from any damage.

Minako was surprise. She was sure the boy was lanky based on his appearance. But, appearance can be deceiveing. He was stacked, she can feel his developing muscle through her hair.

'Oh my, he's really jacked and looks cute as well.'

"Hmmph!" He muffled as a large strand of Minako's hair was wrapped around his mouth and eyes.

"Oh, I am very sorry about that." Minako apologized as she set the boy upright.

She retracted her hair and to herself and styled it to a bob-cut.

"I am very sorry for inconvience you, miss. Huh?" the boy was searching for her.

"Ummm... Down here." Minako said awkwardly.

Minako was so short that she only reached up to his belly.

The two shared an awkward silence for both a minute. The boy had a tense expression on his face but he was smiling?

It was stiff but it was cute in its own adorkable way.

Minako was talking to a boy! It was a long time since she last spoke to a boy without them getting creeped out. What does she say? Do I looked weird? Should I change my hair style? Minako was panicking and she didn't know what to do.

"I am very sorry, Miss?" he politely asked

"Mineta Minako, but just me call Minako." She replied.

"Then, I am Midoriya Izuku. Mineta-san again I want to apologize for my clumsiness." Deku blurted out.

"Oh no no, I should be the one whose sorry since I rudely used my Quirk on you." Minako said.

"Well, thanks for that. And, your quirk is every interesting it's my first-time seeing a hair-based Quirk up close. It looks very strong." Izuku said as he seems to trying to analyze her Quirked hair.

"Really?!" Minako flushed slighly as it was a first-time someone praised her quirk.

Her hair subconciously increased in length up to her shoulders.

"Amazing..." Izuku's trained eyes observed the fast growing hair.

That statement almost left her stunned. Something within her clicked. It was pure bliss to be praise and look at her in amazement rather than scorn...

It felt good.

For as long as Minako remembered she was borned with her Quirk. She stopped growing when she reached Middle School. When her Quirk matured it focused on making itself strong rather than her own body. She was physically handicapped because of this.

The boys made fun of her short stature and kept calling her childish. The girls spited her, because they hated how perfect her hair was. Those bullies even tried to cut it, but they got stuck on them.

So they resorted to more subtle ways to spite her. Pouring water on her, filling her school shoes with thumbtacks, writing hurtful words on her desk and even putting false love-letters to exploiting her crave for affection.

Until, the girl found out her hobby of drawing her own smut. Everyone had a neutral or uncaring opinion towards of her. That was she was until she was exposed for she liked. The girls avoided, the boys kept asking her to make smut, if she didn't they began spreading rumors that she was sleeping around with older men. That was when she broke and fell to a depression to the point that her family move over to Musutafu to start fresh in a new city.

But, the emotional scars ran deep and it completely affected her psyche.

So, for the whole of her 2nd year at Middle School she isolated herself talking to no one. Not leaving a chances for herself to be vulnerable again. She drew her smut to relieve the stress of both her school life and her own lust.

It felt weird talking to this boy... A good kind of weird... Sure, he almost met the standards of her idea man. Was she willing to open up again afterall that trauma... She felt compelled because of this boy.

Midoriya... She didn't know what is was, but she felt something was drawing her to the fluffy boy.

Was it her hormones?

Was her craving for any form of friendship?

Or, was it something entirely different?

She dismissed that train of thought for now.

"Is your hair like Rubber Band's hair." Izuku asked.

Izuku out of nowhere busted out a notebook titled 'Heroic Analysis for the Future Vol. 14'

"Nope." Minoru proceeded to explain her quirk to Izuku. The boy practically absorbed the knowledge like a dryed out sponge in a small puddle. He furious wrote on his note as he mumble to himself and asked some clarification about some things about her quirk. He suggested moves that he came up with on the spot. Things she didn't considered.

Like a pseudo-slingshot with her hair and once in the air wrap her hair around her body to turn into an overglorified projectile. He concluded it was an effecient way to converse her hair since he accurately theorized that using the hair as an direct weapon as a melee attack deteriotes it faster. With this technique she can compress her hair and making her individual fibers more durable like a stack of sticks.

It was both amazing and terrifying that Izuku could breakdown someone's quirk and come up with counters and strategies around it in less than a minute. Was that his quirk perhaps?

"So, how about you Midoriya-san, what's your Quirk."

"Hehehe..." He chuckled as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"It's just Physical Amplification it just make me stronger. It's nothing too flashy unlike yours."

"Hey don't look down on yourself too much. I mean simple Quirks can be most of the time, be the most reliable ones. Like the retro heroes of old." Minako said.

"Thanks, I needed that."

"Sure no problem. Come on let's get going before we get late for orientation."

"Oh, of course I almost forgot about that." Izuku said as the pair begun their walk to the auditorium.


11 Months Ago

Izuku couldn't believe that just two days ago he was attacked by a sludge person, saved by All-Might, saw All-Might's true form, tried to save Kacchan, All-Might saying he can be a Hero and, All-Might asking him to inherit his power, One for All. It was like a dream.

After that All-Might ask him to come to Dagobah Municipal Beach.

He was surprised how vandalized and how much trash was on the beach. Why did All-Might ask him to be here?

All-Might explained to Izuku that trash was being accumulated from the sea to the coastline. And, he need more physical conditioning and body building to strengthen and prepare his body for One for All.

So, for months he was following, All-Might's strict exercise regime. He grew stronger and stronger each passing week. He had eventually cleared the beach on his own after 10 Months.

So, with U.A's Entrance Exam being still a month away. All-Might had time to pass down One for All. When he first used though it was a horrifying experience to be sure. He broke his arm, but a quick and emergency visit to Recovery Girl did the trick.

So, after a few days All-Might tried ask for his old mentor, Gran Torino. They easily contacted him since he moved in with Recovery Girl when they married many years ago to the shock of All-Might. Who didn't know since its been so long since they had contact with eachother.

So for the remaining weeks, Izuku was under the tutelage of a former legend, Gran Torino. He was a slavedriver to be sure but in a good way. He pushed him harder than All-Might could and even curb stomped Izuku so many times that he loss count. The only reason he was able to keep up with the diminutive old man was because of his granddaughter, Aya Sorahiko and her Quirk Jet Heal, unlike her grandmother's healing Quirk.

Her Quirk, Jet Heal has on each finger large pores that shoot out air from her body that has healing properties. Though it doesn't sap the recipients stamina, though it sapped hers instead. But, she can heal at a greater distance unlike her grandmothers. But, it doesn't have the recovery rate of her Grandmother's Quirk but it still healed.

The girl was younger than him by two years. Aya volunteered to watch her Granpa beat a boy and to practice her Quirk on a constantly beaten up boy. So a win-win scenario she gets a guinea pig and Izuku gets a human first-aid kit.

During training Gran Torino gave hints on how to use, One for All. He finally knew what he did wrong, he was focusing it one place. He got the idea after watching the Taiyaki being heated in the Microwave. He called the power of the cloak of One of All as Full-Cowl in reference to red aura he was exuding. When he first use it he actually accident rip most of his muscle on his body, Izuku for the whole afternoon was being healed periodically by Aya. Izuku was fully healed by noon.

The rest of month was spent on Izuku's battle conditioning by Gran Torino and continued exercise from All-Might.

Izuku bonded with Aya during the month he spent traing with her granpa. They formed a brother-sister , They both shared the common interest in Quirk watching or the observation and analysis of Quirks. Izuku was interested in the application of Quirks and Aya has a more scientific and medical interest in Quirk like how it affect the human body.

When Izuku finished training with Gran Torino, he gifted Izuku with his old body glove. After that Izuku said his thanks to the Sorahiko's and wish him luck for the Entrance Exam.



The presentation made by Present Mic was uneventful, basically destroy any robots number 1 to 4 and avoid the zero point.

That was simple enough.

Minako was confident enough that she can destroy the robots.

She was assigned to City Block J.

She wore basic dark purple jogging wear and she fashioned her hair into twintails for conviences of using her Quirk.

She was scanning the area and saw Izuku Midoriya doing some low impact excercise to limber up. What caught her eye was the fact he was wearing a form fitting light green body glove. It has basic lining around the contours of his body and it really showed off his body.

'Damn, this boy doesn't know what he is doing to me.'

Minako wanted to just be buried in those abs and pecs he has.

There was something wet leaking out.

Minako touch her nostrils and felt wet warm blood... She was having a nosebleed to someone she just met not just an hour ago. And, Izuku Midoriya noticed her and saw her nosebleed. He immediately rushed to her side with a handkerchief at hand.

"Oh my god, Mineta-san are you okay? Here take this." Izuku kneel down to her level and offered her his handkerchief.

"No, no I'm fine." Minako said as she was fighting her blush.

"No, I insist it would make me feel better if you had this." Izuku voice oozed with care and concern.

Anymore of this, Izuku will checkout her standards of an ideal boyfriend.

Minako thought.

Minako took the handkerchief began wiping off the blood on her nose.

"Thank yo-"

"Young lady, don't distract this fine gentleman's preparation for the exam. Or are you doing this on purpose to sabotage his chances." an authorative voice that she heard from the orientation earlier, Tenya Iida she remembered.

She began hearing some mumur among the crowd against the crowd.

"I-" Minako freezed as she didn't know to say.

Did she just selfishly took pleasure from being taken cared? Was she that starved for atention from some boy she just met?

"No it's fine. It seems she was nervous so I try to help her." Izuku simply said with a smile.

Minako's worries vanish just like that.

"It seems that I'm mistaken, I want to apologize for assuming worst out of you, young lady. I just want to expect good sportmanship for everyone." Iida said as he bowed.

"I said it was fin-" Minako was interupted a second time but this time it was Present Mic.




Present Mic's Quirk power shouted.

Without another beat all the student began rushing towards the city.

Minako was left dazed and confused and she was left behind.

Minako formed her hair into 4 tendrils and began moving to the city like a spider.

There were to two people leading the charge to the city. It was both Tenya Iida and Midoriya Izuku, though Iida was sightly ahead of him.


9 minutes had passed since the exam had pass. Minako had a accumulated 34 points. A 1 Point Robot was rushing at her.

She stabbed through it's torso and lifted the light robot and slam it down on the ground. And, now that was 35 points.

"One minute remaining." Announced by Present Mic.

The ground began to shake. And, Minako could see building falling like trees being cut from a distance.

A colossal robot emergence by going through a building completely destroying it.

Minako froze up.

This wasn't funny that giant deathtrap can kill people. And, it costed Zero Points to destroy?! The giant automaton swung it's arms and caused debris flying.

And, a sizeable chunk was heading towards Minako. She needed to move.

But, unfornately she was too late. Luckily enough her hair took the brunt of the impact, but hair her buckled and she got trap by a heavy pieces of rubble pinning her.

Her hair was now very short it was now just a pixie cut with her side still being at least shoulder length.

Many people rush past her and didn't batted an eye to her.

The Zero Pointer was closing in on her into being only 30 meters away from her.

"Help..." she weakly said.

But nobody heard her and people kept ignoring her like she didn't exist.

She closed her eyes and just accepted the inevitable. No one gonna save someone like her, she darkly thought.

But, she heard something past moved past her and moved towards the Zero Pointer.


The shouted aounded someone familiar. When she open her eyes she saw something awe-inspiring and breath-taking.

It was Midoriya punching the Zero Pointer on its head and sending it back. Its head was completely dented in by the that extremely powerful punch.

Midoriya was now freefall a good 100 meters. He wasn't moving...

Adrenaline pumped into her veins and she knew what to do. Forcing her Quirk into overdrive her hair sprung forth once more and began slicing apart the rubble atop her.

Two thick tendrils of elastic hair gripped tightly on the adjacent stop lights and made a slingshot.

She moved as far as she can. And she let go of the tension of her feet to ground. She was soaring toward a fast falling boy.

She crashed towards Midoriya, she began wrapping her hair around the both of them.

Now the purple ball of hair began bouncing across the street after the momentum was weak enough it sticked to the asphalt.

The ball of hair began to unravel as it revealed a Minako panting heavily and an Izuku groaning in pain. Being surrounded by bed of purple hair that smelled like grapes.

Izuku sat up despite his right arm and left leg being bruise and bloody.

Izuku had a disapointed and dejected look.

Minako noticed despite her fatigue she saw his sad expression. And badly injure he was. Did she caused those horrible injury? She wondered.

Minako wanted to say something

"IT'S OVER!" Present Mic anounced.

"Mineta-san, thank for you for , It would seem I won't make it to U.A." Izuku said with a sad smile.

"What?" Minako said weakly.

"It's not your fault, so don't blame yourself okay. I was keep being kill stolen by the others and I was busy saving some of them for almost getting hit by other robots."


"I only got 17 points..." Izuku looked away and sighed.

Minako racked brain around it. That was the lowest score she heard. U.A will only take 40% half of the participating examinees. She was around average scorers. But Midoriya had half her score and that set a terifying implication.

Before she could reassured Izuku that everything will be fine. They were intererupt by a old lady doctor themed attire that had the same height as her.

Her lips extended and kiss Izuku on the head.

His arm and leg began to heal.

"How about you young lady are you injured in any way?" the elderly woman asked.

"I'm just tired that's all." Minako simply relied.

"Here take some candy." the elderly woman toss a piece of hard candy to the weakly girl.

"Thanks..." Minako said.

"Thank you, Recovery Girl for healing me."

Recovery Girl sighed, "Young Midoriya, please don't do anything reckless like this in the future, okay. I don't want you to always returning to my clinic." Recovery Girl berated the young man.

Minako was carted away by medic drones with a strecher.

Minako couldn't say what she wanted to Izuku. Her eyelids felt heavy and she felt even more fatigued. She just accepted the rest needed by her tired body.
